did david gregory break the law on meet the press holding up that magazine

"Subpoenaed"? Getting way ahead of yourself aren't you? Where do you see anything above a right-wing blogosphere entertaining the idea that this is a real case (as in a DA)?

Plus, if you remember from the video, LaPierre didn't handle the object. He would have to render an opinion on what he saw, without tactile observation. If it was a prop, he'd have no way to know. And who knows if he's familiar with that magazine anyway? And all of that is in the land where a DA decides he (OR SHE) has a case in an incident where everybody already went home and all you have is video.

Nooooo, I don't think justice works that way. I mean this has been a nice parlour game but where's the arrest? Where's the evidence?

I don't know what you're smoking, but I get my news from the WaPo, The Washington Examiner, a Reuters feed, and WTOP.

The cops are investigating. It's an easy win for a DA, so I'm comfortable moving ahead withan expectation that subpoenas being issued as well as search warrants.

Just because he's a white guy in a suit does not excuse him from the law. And, I'm pretty sure how the population of the District is looking at this.

I get mine from Google, which means everywhere. So what? There isn't much on this story, because it's not much of a story.

"The cops are investigating", yeah so that should take about eight minutes. But this is just the point -- it's not an easy win for a DA. I don't know where you get that idea. You have one witness who's visual-only, who may not have even been looking at the object since this question was not the question at the time, and you may have no object.

I guess what I'm saying is you're missing a ... smoking gun :lmao: Ha! I kill me.

And ...why do you keep harping on David Gregory's race? Nobody else brought that up -- did they?
It's a District law. The majority of the District is Black. The cops take it easy on this white guy in a suit, especially when there were millions of witnesses? The residents will not be pleased.
I don't know what you're smoking, but I get my news from the WaPo, The Washington Examiner, a Reuters feed, and WTOP.

The cops are investigating. It's an easy win for a DA, so I'm comfortable moving ahead withan expectation that subpoenas being issued as well as search warrants.

Just because he's a white guy in a suit does not excuse him from the law. And, I'm pretty sure how the population of the District is looking at this.

I get mine from Google, which means everywhere. So what? There isn't much on this story, because it's not much of a story.

"The cops are investigating", yeah so that should take about eight minutes. But this is just the point -- it's not an easy win for a DA. I don't know where you get that idea. You have one witness who's visual-only, who may not have even been looking at the object since this question was not the question at the time, and you may have no object.

I guess what I'm saying is you're missing a ... smoking gun :lmao: Ha! I kill me.

And ...why do you keep harping on David Gregory's race? Nobody else brought that up -- did they?
It's a District law. The majority of the District is Black. The cops take it easy on this white guy in a suit, especially when there were millions of witnesses? The residents will not be pleased.

There is one witness, unless you count the camera crew, and I don't think they're close enough to get a good look. Actually you could question the stagehand that brought it up too, but each of these cases depends on that witness being familiar enough with the magazine to definitively state that it is that and not a prop. Rotsa ruck there.

Your "millions" simply saw him pick up "something". If you or I were under oath asked to positively identify what we saw on TV -- we couldn't.

As for the District, while I'm amazed that you propose to speak for black people in DC, I suggest not burning the bridge on the day job, because we all know when there's no case, there's no case. You're projecting again.

This is basically a last-minute entry for silliest story of the year, aiming valiantly for honourable mention. Have some perspective.
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I would love to see that cocky, smart-ass David Gregory arrested, given the "perp-walk", and end up wearing an orange jumpsuit and sharing a cell with a "Green Mile" homosexual named Tyrone.

"How you want it tonight, boss?"

Ah, so you like to see people who are smarter than you put in prison and buggered.
Thanks for sharing, dude.
I love generalizations because it's so easy to show the person what an idiot they are for making them. This boad calls me a rabid rightwinger and I am anti-legislation of morality. Thus my distaste with Obama and Obamacare and his authoritarian bents....like summary executions of US citizens without any judicial review.

Basically this shows you don't have an understanding of what you are talking about.

Obamacare isn't legislating morality. It's about economics.

And Obama never engaged in "summary executions". That would happen after a capture.

Which did not occur.
He killed, with premeditation, three US citizens without any judicial review.

Now, he will be answering to the courts with the several suits against him based on his violations of US citizens' civil rights. I love the ACLU.

That claim is obviously false. Why should the ATF even be involved in the matter? It's a D.C. Law, not a federal regulation. It's up to the D.C. police to make such a decision, not the ATF.

They don't get it, why would it be under investigation if the police gave Gregory permission to break the law?

Its irrelevant.

The spirit of the law was not broken. His intent was to educate and report.

It is like a man getting a jaywalking ticket becuase he ran across the middle of the street to assist a woman being mugged.

Only wing nuts on both sides of the aisle are up in arms over this...the left adamantly defending him and the right looking to slander him.

His actions do not need defending nor do they warrant slander.

The spirit of the law was not broken so he gets a pass? You're an idiot. I guess we should let heroin users get by with possessing heroin if they're not taking it for recreational purposes but because they're in pain right? I mean that would not be breaking the "spirit" of the law seeing that heroin IS a pain killer right? By the way, you may want to look up the word "slander", you obviously know as much about vocabulary as you do about the law.

You'd have to be a dopey gun owner to even entertain this question.

With all the gunnies out there breaking the law, the wife beaters, drunk drivers, and restraining orders.... your days are numbered. If you possess a gun illegally, then we are going to round them and you up.

Better turn them in now.

I hope it's you, or some leftwing-nut scumbag like you that they send to my house to get mine. I'd hate to shoot a decent man just trying to earn a living. Maybe that's what obama could use his "civilian national security force", read his own freaking brownshirts, for. Anyone who would join this type of SS thinking outfit wouldn't be any great loss to society if something happened to them.

You'd have to be a dopey gun owner to even entertain this question.

With all the gunnies out there breaking the law, the wife beaters, drunk drivers, and restraining orders.... your days are numbered. If you possess a gun illegally, then we are going to round them and you up.

Better turn them in now.

I hope it's you, or some leftwing-nut scumbag like you that they send to my house to get mine. I'd hate to shoot a decent man just trying to earn a living. Maybe that's what obama could use his "civilian national security force", read his own freaking brownshirts, for. Anyone who would join this type of SS thinking outfit wouldn't be any great loss to society if something happened to them.

Wow, that's some strong talk. I imagine you were pressing really hard on the keys on your keyboard because you really really mean it.
You'd have to be a dopey gun owner to even entertain this question.

With all the gunnies out there breaking the law, the wife beaters, drunk drivers, and restraining orders.... your days are numbered. If you possess a gun illegally, then we are going to round them and you up.

Better turn them in now.

I hope it's you, or some leftwing-nut scumbag like you that they send to my house to get mine. I'd hate to shoot a decent man just trying to earn a living. Maybe that's what obama could use his "civilian national security force", read his own freaking brownshirts, for. Anyone who would join this type of SS thinking outfit wouldn't be any great loss to society if something happened to them.

Wow, that's some strong talk. I imagine you were pressing really hard on the keys on your keyboard because you really really mean it.

See that's the problem with sheeple, pussies and cowards. They think everyone thinks like they do.
I hope it's you, or some leftwing-nut scumbag like you that they send to my house to get mine. I'd hate to shoot a decent man just trying to earn a living. Maybe that's what obama could use his "civilian national security force", read his own freaking brownshirts, for. Anyone who would join this type of SS thinking outfit wouldn't be any great loss to society if something happened to them.

Wow, that's some strong talk. I imagine you were pressing really hard on the keys on your keyboard because you really really mean it.

See that's the problem with sheeple, pussies and cowards. They think everyone thinks like they do.

I don't even know how that relates to anything I just said. I'm just taking note of what a tough guy you're trying to be. I bet keyboards are terrified of you.
Wow, that's some strong talk. I imagine you were pressing really hard on the keys on your keyboard because you really really mean it.

See that's the problem with sheeple, pussies and cowards. They think everyone thinks like they do.

I don't even know how that relates to anything I just said. I'm just taking note of what a tough guy you're trying to be. I bet keyboards are terrified of you.

No problem, the list of things you don't know would fill volumes.
See that's the problem with sheeple, pussies and cowards. They think everyone thinks like they do.

I don't even know how that relates to anything I just said. I'm just taking note of what a tough guy you're trying to be. I bet keyboards are terrified of you.

No problem, the list of things you don't know would fill volumes.

Again, no idea how any of that relates to anything I just said but yeah probably. One of the things I know is that you're a latent homosexual who extremely overcompensates trying to be a man. I imagine this is because your childhood was completely fucked up. I can't talk about your family or your father but PM me, I can explain why you have such confusing feelings that make you so angry.
See that's the problem with sheeple, pussies and cowards. They think everyone thinks like they do.

I don't even know how that relates to anything I just said. I'm just taking note of what a tough guy you're trying to be. I bet keyboards are terrified of you.

No problem, the list of things you don't know would fill volumes.

Dude just place the lying shit stain on ignore, you'll feel better.
I don't even know how that relates to anything I just said. I'm just taking note of what a tough guy you're trying to be. I bet keyboards are terrified of you.

No problem, the list of things you don't know would fill volumes.

Dude just place the lying shit stain on ignore, you'll feel better.

Running away from facts and reality never solved anything, you useless racist compulsive lying failure.
I don't even know how that relates to anything I just said. I'm just taking note of what a tough guy you're trying to be. I bet keyboards are terrified of you.

No problem, the list of things you don't know would fill volumes.

Again, no idea how any of that relates to anything I just said but yeah probably. One of the things I know is that you're a latent homosexual who extremely overcompensates trying to be a man. I imagine this is because your childhood was completely fucked up. I can't talk about your family or your father but PM me, I can explain why you have such confusing feelings that make you so angry.

What's obvious is that you wish I was a homosexual. Got a crush on me? Sorry, dont' swing your way nancy.
No problem, the list of things you don't know would fill volumes.

Again, no idea how any of that relates to anything I just said but yeah probably. One of the things I know is that you're a latent homosexual who extremely overcompensates trying to be a man. I imagine this is because your childhood was completely fucked up. I can't talk about your family or your father but PM me, I can explain why you have such confusing feelings that make you so angry.

What's obvious is that you wish I was a homosexual. Got a crush on me? Sorry, dont' swing your way nancy.

:lol: I'm not gay but even if I was I wouldn't date someone who's mentally handicapped and heavily armed. I think it's interesting you're projecting on me and then asking if I find you attractive though. That's very 7th grade. It's good that you're starting to explore your feelings.
Again, no idea how any of that relates to anything I just said but yeah probably. One of the things I know is that you're a latent homosexual who extremely overcompensates trying to be a man. I imagine this is because your childhood was completely fucked up. I can't talk about your family or your father but PM me, I can explain why you have such confusing feelings that make you so angry.

What's obvious is that you wish I was a homosexual. Got a crush on me? Sorry, dont' swing your way nancy.

:lol: I'm not gay but even if I was I wouldn't date someone who's mentally handicapped and heavily armed. I think it's interesting you're projecting on me and then asking if I find you attractive though. That's very 7th grade. It's good that you're starting to explore your feelings.

Oh you're not gay? So you act like a pussy why?

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