did david gregory break the law on meet the press holding up that magazine

Typical of rw's that they are in favor of letting criminals, illegals and terrorists buy any guns they want but go all to pieces over a journalist holding an empty gun magazine.

Where has anyone on the right advocated "letting criminals, illegals and terrorists buy any guns they want"?

The bills the left propose don't even address criminals, illegals and terrorists. They seek to limit weapons and magazine capacities in weapons legally purchased.
It is already against the law for criminals, illegals and terrorists to own firearms. Another law only restricts the rights of citizens while doing nothing to address the problem other than to make the libs feel good about themselves and getting one step closer to total disarmament.

Wrong. Go shopping on line or at a gun show. Since the gun nuts don't want any controls put on internet or gun show sales they are indeed in favor of arming criminals, illegals and terrorists.

Why is it that the gun nuts don't even know the laws they're supporting? Because, armed or not, idiots like Beck, fox, lushbo are telling them what to think. Start educating yourself and thinking for yourself.

Note to Rottweiler, I wasn't trying to address your post. I don't even know what you have said.
Typical of rw's that they are in favor of letting criminals, illegals and terrorists buy any guns they want but go all to pieces over a journalist holding an empty gun magazine.

Where has anyone on the right advocated "letting criminals, illegals and terrorists buy any guns they want"?

The bills the left propose don't even address criminals, illegals and terrorists. They seek to limit weapons and magazine capacities in weapons legally purchased.
It is already against the law for criminals, illegals and terrorists to own firearms. Another law only restricts the rights of citizens while doing nothing to address the problem other than to make the libs feel good about themselves and getting one step closer to total disarmament.

Wrong. Go shopping on line or at a gun show. Since the gun nuts don't want any controls put on internet or gun show sales they are indeed in favor of arming criminals, illegals and terrorists.

Why is it that the gun nuts don't even know the laws they're supporting? Because, armed or not, idiots like Beck, fox, lushbo are telling them what to think. Start educating yourself and thinking for yourself.

Note to Rottweiler, I wasn't trying to address your post. I don't even know what you have said.

Internet gun sales? Do you know anything about internet firearms sales, or are you repeating another talking point without doing your homework?
In examining the facts surrounding both guns and elections it has been proven that individual voters dont cheat in elections .

People who have a gun are more likely to die.

these are facts folks
That point I was trying to get you to see by using the speeding incident as an example, was to show that sometimes an officer will allow you to break a law and there is no harm in him escorting you over the speed limit to the hospital...

Did you see the NRA President came out and said this whole thing is silly and Gregory should not be charged? BTW - The story also states we STILL don't know whether NBC was granted permission...

David Gregory Should Not Be Prosecuted: NRA President David Keene

You can pound your fist on the table that cops aren't allowed to grant special permission to speeders who are in labor, but that is the point I was trying to get you to see, in that the incident was indeed harmless. The aim of the gun law in question IS personal safety and David Gregory holding up a gun mag as a prop on a news show did not threaten anyone's personal safety.

Those of you who can't see past your partisan noses who assume I came to this thread to stand up for a network or a person are just dumb hacks. I never even knew who this guy was, I was merely responding to a story which I immediately thought was ridiculous on it's face..I laughed and stated my opinion, and all this thread has done is further prove the silliness of those who insist he should be harshly prosecuted.
IF the cops granted NBC and Gregory "permission" to break the law - when no life was in imminent danger, either - then I wonder why Metro PD is currently investigating?


Because some rabid ninnies from the blogosphere complained and forced them to...
Oooooo, don't I feel powerful. :rolleyes:

But good to know you don't want gun control laws applied to white guys in suits and ties. :thup:
What would you be saying if this had been Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck that had displayed a 30 round magazine?

And, if this is violation of the DC law is ignored, as it should be, what happens when it becomes a federal law?

How about all of the assault weapons used in movies? Will they continue to be exempt from the law?

So many questions, so few answers.
Why should this law be ignored?

If it is, every young black man and woman who have already been convicted of this should get an appeal, at a minimum, and sue for discrimination. I doubt the Court is going to want that sort of shit happening.

I don't know why you want to bring race and discrimination into this? Each circumstance is different and as I said yesterday, this law has a range of punishments for a reason. I read an article someone posted at the very beginning of this thread which cited the punishments for breaking this particular law can range from a fine up to the most severe, depending on the circumstances...
Because race clearly is an issue here. If the police and the courts deal with this white guy differently than they have dealt with others in the District (majority Black and Hispanic) it is not too much of a leap to know that the courts are going to be filled with appeals AND discrimination suits.
Typical of rw's that they are in favor of letting criminals, illegals and terrorists buy any guns they want but go all to pieces over a journalist holding an empty gun magazine.
I don't know any "rw" who is in favor of doing that. And, I am positive I know more "rw" than you do because my personal relationships aren't driven by politics like many lefties' are.
IF the cops granted NBC and Gregory "permission" to break the law - when no life was in imminent danger, either - then I wonder why Metro PD is currently investigating?


Because some rabid ninnies from the blogosphere complained and forced them to...
Oooooo, don't I feel powerful. :rolleyes:

But good to know you don't want gun control laws applied to white guys in suits and ties. :thup:

:lol: Why must you lie like that???

As for your supposed "power" any nincompoop can push a complaint... :eusa_silenced:
Typical of rw's that they are in favor of letting criminals, illegals and terrorists buy any guns they want but go all to pieces over a journalist holding an empty gun magazine.

Fuck off, Dudley.

Nobody is "in favor of letting criminals, illegals and terrorists buy any guns they want", and for you to keep repeating that lie only illustrates the depths of your own hyper-partisanship.

As for David Gregory, the FACT is he broke the law by possessing that magazine, regardless of the fact that the law criminalizing such possession is rock stupid.

But leave it to you feel good liberals, those are the kinds of fucked up laws you morons pass.
I don't know why you want to bring race and discrimination into this? Each circumstance is different and as I said yesterday, this law has a range of punishments for a reason. I read an article someone posted at the very beginning of this thread which cited the punishments for breaking this particular law can range from a fine up to the most severe, depending on the circumstances...

The punishment isn't the issue. The fact that someone who broke the law needs to be arrested is the issue.
IF the cops granted NBC and Gregory "permission" to break the law - when no life was in imminent danger, either - then I wonder why Metro PD is currently investigating?


Because some rabid ninnies from the blogosphere complained and forced them to...

The police normally arrest people because someone files a complaint.
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Because some rabid ninnies from the blogosphere complained and forced them to...
Oooooo, don't I feel powerful. :rolleyes:

But good to know you don't want gun control laws applied to white guys in suits and ties. :thup:

:lol: Why must you lie like that???

As for your supposed "power" any nincompoop can push a complaint... :eusa_silenced:
So you DO want Gregory arrested for his violation of the District's gun control laws?
In examining the facts surrounding both guns and elections it has been proven that individual voters dont cheat in elections .

People who have a gun are more likely to die.

these are facts folks

People with puppies in their avatar are dumber than a box of hammers.

These are facts, folks.
:lol: Why must you lie like that???

As for your supposed "power" any nincompoop can push a complaint... :eusa_silenced:
So you DO want Gregory arrested for his violation of the District's gun control laws?

No, but your desperation is amusing...
Because he is white and couldn't possibly mean to harm anyone...cuz he's white and on TV, ya know.


It's the LAW in the District that no one can be in possession of that magazine, yet you don't want that law to be applied to him.....others, yes, for public saftely as you earlier posted....but not to the white guy in a suit and tie and on TV.

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