Did Democrat media covers this? Music festival chrarging white people double

What is equally as troubling is the savages calling a soul less, ghetto talking to a digital beat rap-fest, a music festival.
Thank you. Where's the music?
I knew it wouldn’t take long for you numbnuts to prove my point.. thank you!
I knew it wouldn't take long for you to hit number three. Thank you.
That was 4 dumbshit... unless you decided the one with all the fun pictures didn’t count as stupid... actually that kinda makes sense

Does the 10 dollar surcharge go into a fund
for White reparations for Black slavery?

One friend came up with an idea to make this fair:
By setting up a White Privilege fund, where all White
people get their White Privilege checks, then the
Black Reparations can be taken out of that fund.

Would that work?
No. Because the government is responsible for what happened.
Gouging white people is a favorite pastime of the "get even with whitey" culture. It's been going on for a long time.

How long have white gouged people of color or have cheated people of color out of money?

And don't try that line of that was in the past, because it's not.

We pay taxes and our neighborhoods are dimly lit, streets may not be wide enough to accommodate traffic, sidewalks may not exist, but we have white people here talking like they are the only ones paying taxes.

Once every few years we see a story like this and whites like you howl and whine while we face this everyday.

Done by whites.

Since 1641.

Why would a get even with whitey culture exist? And why are whites continuing to be racists and dare think we don't have the right to get revenge? Is whitey seeking revenge against arabs for 9-11? Is whitey seeking revenge on people coming here from south America? So who in the fuck does whitey think he or she is?

You bitches stole this land so shut up whining about people wanting revenge on whitey. Maybe if whitey had acted right, whitey wouldn't have everybody else pissed off at whitey.
Gouging white people is a favorite pastime of the "get even with whitey" culture. It's been going on for a long time.

How long have white gouged people of color or have cheated people of color out of money?

And don't try that line of that was in the past, because it's not.

We pay taxes and our neighborhoods are dimly lit, streets may not be wide enough to accommodate traffic, sidewalks may not exist, but we have white people here talking like they are the only ones paying taxes.

Once every few years we see a story like this and whites like you howl and whine while we face this everyday.

Done by whites.

Since 1641.

Why would a get even with whitey culture exist? And why are whites continuing to be racists and dare think we don't have the right to get revenge? Is whitey seeking revenge against arabs for 9-11? Is whitey seeking revenge on people coming here from south America? So who in the fuck does whitey think he or she is?

You bitches stole this land so shut up whining about people wanting revenge on whitey. Maybe if whitey had acted right, whitey wouldn't have everybody else pissed off at whitey.
You illustrate perfectly why black people never get anywhere in life. If you spent half the energy doing instead of whining, you might accomplish something. But no, you're just determined to make somebody else hand it to you because you're a victim.
You remind me of a guy I gave a job to once. He wanted to start his own business so I referred him to a customer of mine. I could have done the job myself but I was busy, plus I wanted to help him get his business going so I tossed it to him. I had other work lined up for him as well.
Instead of taking advantage of the opportunity handed to him, he got a deposit of $150 from the customer and never went back. He would have made 3 times that much if he had just done the job (which would have taken about 4 hours), not to mention the thousands he would have made from all the other work I had for him but he opted for stealing the $150 instead. I ended up doing the job and making the money myself, even after crediting the customer back the $150.
That's why I don't bother trying to help people like you anymore, you'd rather steal $150 than MAKE $500 by working a few hours. I guess you get more satisfaction from thinking you're somehow getting even with whitey for whatever. It's why you'll always be a failure no matter how many crumbs the Democrats throw at you to keep you voting for them. What a waste of life.
What is equally as troubling is the savages calling a soul less, ghetto talking to a digital beat rap-fest, a music festival.
Thank you. Where's the music?
I knew it wouldn’t take long for you numbnuts to prove my point.. thank you!
I knew it wouldn't take long for you to hit number three. Thank you.
That was 4 dumbshit... unless you decided the one with all the fun pictures didn’t count as stupid... actually that kinda makes sense
I stand corrected. You're too stupid to know when you're being stupid and when you're not. Amazing.
Gouging white people is a favorite pastime of the "get even with whitey" culture. It's been going on for a long time.
Well it certainly doesn’t help things when “whitey” is a complete prick now does it?
What a stupid statement.
Why’s that? You don’t hear white people talking like insensitive pricks about racial issues? I see it on a daily basis on this board

Weird...you mean Whitey is fed the fuck up?
You mean Whitey finally got tired of being told to allow themselves to be fucked over by darkies?
You mean Whitey is fed up with watching celebrations over fewer Whites?
You mean Whitey is fed up with with feeling foreign in their own country?
FUCK, I’m sure anyone half sane saw this coming...Weird that you didn’t see this in the pipeline years ago.
Gouging white people is a favorite pastime of the "get even with whitey" culture. It's been going on for a long time.
Well it certainly doesn’t help things when “whitey” is a complete prick now does it?
What a stupid statement.
Why’s that? You don’t hear white people talking like insensitive pricks about racial issues? I see it on a daily basis on this board

Weird...you mean Whitey is fed the fuck up?
You mean Whitey finally got tired of being told to allow themselves to be fucked over by darkies?
You mean Whitey is fed up with watching celebrations over fewer Whites?
You mean Whitey is fed up with with feeling foreign in their own country?
FUCK, I’m sure anyone half sane saw this coming...Weird that you didn’t see this in the pipeline years ago.
Ohh there you are... what did you think of my CNN link to your OP? You gonna give them kudos now?
Gouging white people is a favorite pastime of the "get even with whitey" culture. It's been going on for a long time.
Well it certainly doesn’t help things when “whitey” is a complete prick now does it?
What a stupid statement.
Why’s that? You don’t hear white people talking like insensitive pricks about racial issues? I see it on a daily basis on this board

Weird...you mean Whitey is fed the fuck up?
You mean Whitey finally got tired of being told to allow themselves to be fucked over by darkies?
You mean Whitey is fed up with watching celebrations over fewer Whites?
You mean Whitey is fed up with with feeling foreign in their own country?
FUCK, I’m sure anyone half sane saw this coming...Weird that you didn’t see this in the pipeline years ago.
I don’t play the white bs black vs brown game. That’s not in my control nor do I think it’s my place to even try and control that kind of stuff. People are people. I’ll take each one as the come, skin color doesn’t matter. Assholes come in all shades
Gouging white people is a favorite pastime of the "get even with whitey" culture. It's been going on for a long time.
Well it certainly doesn’t help things when “whitey” is a complete prick now does it?
What a stupid statement.
Why’s that? You don’t hear white people talking like insensitive pricks about racial issues? I see it on a daily basis on this board

Weird...you mean Whitey is fed the fuck up?
You mean Whitey finally got tired of being told to allow themselves to be fucked over by darkies?
You mean Whitey is fed up with watching celebrations over fewer Whites?
You mean Whitey is fed up with with feeling foreign in their own country?
FUCK, I’m sure anyone half sane saw this coming...Weird that you didn’t see this in the pipeline years ago.
I don’t play the white bs black vs brown game. That’s not in my control nor do I think it’s my place to even try and control that kind of stuff. People are people. I’ll take each one as the come, skin color doesn’t matter. Assholes come in all shades

Oh trust me, I know you don’t. You firmly believe illegal aliens are equivalent to your fellow countrymen.
Well it certainly doesn’t help things when “whitey” is a complete prick now does it?
What a stupid statement.
Why’s that? You don’t hear white people talking like insensitive pricks about racial issues? I see it on a daily basis on this board

Weird...you mean Whitey is fed the fuck up?
You mean Whitey finally got tired of being told to allow themselves to be fucked over by darkies?
You mean Whitey is fed up with watching celebrations over fewer Whites?
You mean Whitey is fed up with with feeling foreign in their own country?
FUCK, I’m sure anyone half sane saw this coming...Weird that you didn’t see this in the pipeline years ago.
I don’t play the white bs black vs brown game. That’s not in my control nor do I think it’s my place to even try and control that kind of stuff. People are people. I’ll take each one as the come, skin color doesn’t matter. Assholes come in all shades

Oh trust me, I know you don’t. You firmly believe illegal aliens are equivalent to your fellow countrymen.
Yes I believe everybody is equal. In regards to illegal immigrants they broke the law and should be held accountable

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