Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi?

Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.
A witchhunt is searching for guilt when there is none.

A cover up is an attempt to hide guilt.

This is a cover up.
Obama dropped a big tell yesterday with the hint of support for Biden.

Just sayin'.
big tell for what? wouldn't you think it was weird if a sitting president didn't support his vice?

Hillary was his SOS, and has been the virtually unchallenged Dem candidate for months, having lined up the Big Money and a national organization. Her email FRACAS is threatening Obama's legacy, hence he is prepping a replacement.
I suspect this is the real reason why the Islamic Video Maker excuse was developed: Hillary's server was hacked and exposed the location and security arrangements for Ambassador Stevens.

Epic thread fail. The government's computers & emails were hacked exposing Hillary's emails. This is how hackers figured out Hillary's email address & how to hack her.

There is also no evidence that ISIS hacked her, saw any of her top secret communications or derived from her any info on location and security arrangements for Ambassador Stevens.

Just more lies posted by political tools!
I suspect this is the real reason why the Islamic Video Maker excuse was developed: Hillary's server was hacked and exposed the location and security arrangements for Ambassador Stevens.

Epic thread fail. The government's computers & emails were hacked exposing Hillary's emails. This is how hackers figured out Hillary's email address & how to hack her.

There is also no evidence that ISIS hacked her, saw any of her top secret communications or derived from her any info on location and security arrangements for Ambassador Stevens.

Just more lies posted by political tools!

^^^ Epic Post Fail and Epic Reading Comprehension Fail ^^^

Two Two Two Fails in One!

Aha, you lose!
I'm sure that in Conservative conspiracy land that it not only caused Benghazi but Ebola, gay marriage and Obamacare

Poor leftists, it just isn't fair. The DNC controlled press told you Hillary was anointed, that we don't even need any elections.

Epic thread fail. The government's computers & emails were hacked exposing Hillary's emails. This is how hackers figured out Hillary's email address & how to hack her.

There is also no evidence that ISIS hacked her, saw any of her top secret communications or derived from her any info on location and security arrangements for Ambassador Stevens.

Just more lies posted by political tools!

Yes, because Hillary's private, homebrew server is a "government computer.: :eusa_whistle:

Even for a leftist, you are astoundingly stupid. :thup:
Guccifer (Marcel Lazăr Lehel) hacked account of Dorothy Bush Koch, sister of former president George W. Bush & exposed family photos of former president George H. W. Bush in the shower. Guccifer then hacked Colin Powell's website and accessed correspondence included personal financial information as well as e-mails to George Tenet, Richard Armitage, and John Negroponte.

Guccifer then accessed U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a senior UN Official, members of the Rockefeller family, former FBI and Secret Service agents, as well as the brother of Barbara Bush, CBS sportscaster Jim Nantz, and former Miss Maine Patricia Legere.

After the attack on Benghazi, Guccifer hacked the e-mail account of former aide to president Bill Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal. There He acquired private memos he sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton containing Benghazi info.
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Guccifer (Marcel Lazăr Lehel) hacked account of Dorothy Bush Koch, sister of former president George W. Bush & exposed family photos of former president George H. W. Bush in the shower. Guccifer then hacked Colin Powell's website and accessed correspondence included personal financial information as well as e-mails to George Tenet, Richard Armitage, and John Negroponte.

Guccifer then accessed U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a senior UN Official, members of the Rockefeller family, former FBI and Secret Service agents, as well as the brother of Barbara Bush, CBS sportscaster Jim Nantz, and former Miss Maine Patricia Legere.

Then Guccifer had successfully hacked the e-mail account of former aide to president Bill Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal. There He acquired private memos sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton containing Benghazi info.


Have another bottle of MD 20/20....

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