Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi?

Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
We should always blame the dead victim.
Republican's have been perfectly fine with that for years now.
More lies I see....You should medicate yourself for that.
Right on cue, a Clinton apologist appears to deflect attention away from Hillary's damage to national security.

The only mystery is who is paying PMH: James Carville or Lanny Davis.

Most of you clowns excused Edward Snowden as a hero for disclosing an unimaginable amount of information to our enemies, but you are convinced that Hillary using a personal server led to the Benhghazi attack. SMH

Snowden was Secretary of State? Who knew?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.
Nonsensical jibberish
Yes I agree; the GOP has done nothing but engage in nonsensical jibberish for the last 6 years.
Perhaps if you took two lessons....

1. Language. Preferably English as yours don't seem to good.
2. Honesty. The phone rang at 3 am and guess who didn't answer..
Yeah mine "don't seem too good."

Go fuck yourself.
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
We should always blame the dead victim.
Republican's have been perfectly fine with that for years now.
More lies I see....You should medicate yourself for that.
Everytime there has been a police shooting, republicans have blamed the dead victim. Or do you just block that out...
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.
Nonsensical jibberish
Yes I agree; the GOP has done nothing but engage in nonsensical jibberish for the last 6 years.
Perhaps if you took two lessons....

1. Language. Preferably English as yours don't seem to good.
2. Honesty. The phone rang at 3 am and guess who didn't answer..
Yeah mine "don't seem too good."

Go fuck yourself.
You first moron.....or do you just have turrets?
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
We should always blame the dead victim.
Republican's have been perfectly fine with that for years now.
More lies I see....You should medicate yourself for that.
Everytime there has been a police shooting, republicans have blamed the dead victim. Or do you just block that out...
Wow.....you are fucking stupid...

Attack a cop while committing a crime is blaming the victim...

Being killed by terrorists as a legitimate ambassador to a nation are the same thing......

God, you need to be placed in a ward or something.
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.
Nonsensical jibberish
Yes I agree; the GOP has done nothing but engage in nonsensical jibberish for the last 6 years.
Perhaps if you took two lessons....

1. Language. Preferably English as yours don't seem to good.
2. Honesty. The phone rang at 3 am and guess who didn't answer..
Yeah mine "don't seem too good."

Go fuck yourself.
You first moron.....or do you just have turrets?
Oh it went over your head. Shocker.

And "turrets?" No wonder you lean right.

Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
We should always blame the dead victim.
Republican's have been perfectly fine with that for years now.
More lies I see....You should medicate yourself for that.
Everytime there has been a police shooting, republicans have blamed the dead victim. Or do you just block that out...
Wow.....you are fucking stupid...

Attack a cop while committing a crime is blaming the victim...

Being killed by terrorists as a legitimate ambassador to a nation are the same thing......

God, you need to be placed in a ward or something.

The leftwing loons are thoroughly marinated in Hillary Flop Sweat at this point.

They are DROWNING in it.
Nonsensical jibberish
Yes I agree; the GOP has done nothing but engage in nonsensical jibberish for the last 6 years.
Perhaps if you took two lessons....

1. Language. Preferably English as yours don't seem to good.
2. Honesty. The phone rang at 3 am and guess who didn't answer..
Yeah mine "don't seem too good."

Go fuck yourself.
You first moron.....or do you just have turrets?
Oh it went over your head. Shocker.

And "turrets?" No wonder you lean right.

I write down to the audience. If you were smart, you'd know that.
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
We should always blame the dead victim.
Republican's have been perfectly fine with that for years now.
More lies I see....You should medicate yourself for that.
Everytime there has been a police shooting, republicans have blamed the dead victim. Or do you just block that out...
Wow.....you are fucking stupid...

Attack a cop while committing a crime is blaming the victim...

Being killed by terrorists as a legitimate ambassador to a nation are the same thing......

God, you need to be placed in a ward or something.
Don't act like you give a shit about the terrorists who killed these people. This is your chance to go after Hillary after all!

We should always blame the dead victim.
Republican's have been perfectly fine with that for years now.
More lies I see....You should medicate yourself for that.
Everytime there has been a police shooting, republicans have blamed the dead victim. Or do you just block that out...
Wow.....you are fucking stupid...

Attack a cop while committing a crime is blaming the victim...

Being killed by terrorists as a legitimate ambassador to a nation are the same thing......

God, you need to be placed in a ward or something.
Don't act like you give a shit about the terrorists who killed these people. This is your chance to go after Hillary after all!

I care more about terrorists killing Americans than you do about the poor......Because I know you progressives don't care about anything but party....

Not much on original insults, are you?
Yes I agree; the GOP has done nothing but engage in nonsensical jibberish for the last 6 years.
Perhaps if you took two lessons....

1. Language. Preferably English as yours don't seem to good.
2. Honesty. The phone rang at 3 am and guess who didn't answer..
Yeah mine "don't seem too good."

Go fuck yourself.
You first moron.....or do you just have turrets?
Oh it went over your head. Shocker.

And "turrets?" No wonder you lean right.

I write down to the audience. If you were smart, you'd know that.
No I'm pretty sure you're just a moron.
Perhaps if you took two lessons....

1. Language. Preferably English as yours don't seem to good.
2. Honesty. The phone rang at 3 am and guess who didn't answer..
Yeah mine "don't seem too good."

Go fuck yourself.
You first moron.....or do you just have turrets?
Oh it went over your head. Shocker.

And "turrets?" No wonder you lean right.

I write down to the audience. If you were smart, you'd know that.
No I'm pretty sure you're just a moron.
You're not even sure you are human, let alone how far below My intelligence you rate..
I suspect this is the real reason why the Islamic Video Maker excuse was developed: Hillary's server was hacked and exposed the location and security arrangements for Ambassador Stevens.

US intelligence officials so far have determined that at least four — and as many as 305 — of the more than 30,000 e-mails Clinton and her aides have printed out and turned over to investigators were classified at the time they were written.

They include a 2011 message from Clinton’s top aides that contains military intelligence from United States Africa Command gleaned from satellite images of troop movements in Libya, along with the travel and protection plans for Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was later killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. Another staff e-mail sent to Clinton in 2012 contained investigative data about Benghazi terrorist suspects wanted by the FBI.

Blog: Did a hacked Hillary email set up the ambush of Ambassador Christopher Stevens?

Hillary's email defense is 'total BS': former State Dept. officials

Hillary's server should be charged with murder.
Right on cue, a Clinton apologist appears to deflect attention away from Hillary's damage to national security.

The only mystery is who is paying PMH: James Carville or Lanny Davis.
There's little need to apologize when one has done no wrong. Your Benghazi dirty sock, when thrown fairly, won't stick to the wall...
Bringing all the scandals under one umbrella shows admirable efficiency.
Yeah mine "don't seem too good."

Go fuck yourself.
You first moron.....or do you just have turrets?
Oh it went over your head. Shocker.

And "turrets?" No wonder you lean right.

I write down to the audience. If you were smart, you'd know that.
No I'm pretty sure you're just a moron.
You're not even sure you are human, let alone how far below My intelligence you rate..
People who constantly talk up how smart they are tend to be overcompensating for the opposite.
You first moron.....or do you just have turrets?
Oh it went over your head. Shocker.

And "turrets?" No wonder you lean right.

I write down to the audience. If you were smart, you'd know that.
No I'm pretty sure you're just a moron.
You're not even sure you are human, let alone how far below My intelligence you rate..
People who constantly talk up how smart they are tend to be overcompensating for the opposite.
Yeah, except that isn't what I did. Comprehension is key...
Obama dropped a big tell yesterday with the hint of support for Biden.

Just sayin'.

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