Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi?

BLOGGER: The terrorists coulda hacked Hillary's email.

RUBE: Sounds to me like that actually happened!
started this thread with some very credible sources, didn't you?

Another apologist. You can't attack the facts, so you have to attack the sources.
Facts? Facts!?!

It was all supposition, dumbass. But of course you bleeved it to be factual.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

The content in the emails that have been made public is FACT, you blithering moron.
"We know for a fact Clinton held classified information on her private Home Brew server. We know that that Home Brew server wasn’t equipped with the proper security protocols to process or store that classified information.

I can also tell you that an organization which submitted a FOIA request specifically for Clinton’s private emails during the time frame surrounding the Benghazi attack, just received their first reply. As you might have guessed, everything they passed over was redacted and marked as classified. All of it.

Again, this isn’t a big surprise. The Secretary of State talks about classified stuff all the time, comes with the job.

What is absolutely stunning, and what makes me question whether Clinton has been so foolish as to stray into treason, is that Clinton made absolutely no attempts to secure her communications and treat them with the level of seriousness their classifications require

Go to the link and read about the author's background -- he is knowledgeable on the subjects of classification, classified document storage, and classified networks.

Now go to the link and read about how/why layered defense is created to ensure no breach of classified materials occurs.

Also note that it is not just about emails, it is about the communications network. Again, go to the link and read.

"Phone communications is one of the easier targets to penetrate. This is crucially important because Clinton no doubt took many phone calls in her capacity as Secretary of State which discussed classified information, including calls from places such as Benghazi, Libya.

How did she take those calls?

I can tell you that the standard procedure for this is something called a STU or STE. This is a secure phone that encrypts the call on both ends using disposable encryption, also on both ends, that is changed on a schedule in order to avoid decryption attempts.

That’s standard procedure, but again we are dealing with Hillary Clinton. From the scuttlebutt I have heard, Clinton was using an off the shelf BlackBerry – side note: ain’t that a metaphor.

Again this was all by Clinton’s own choosing, which of course was meant to protect her from legal scrutiny, to hide her actions from not only those in Congress from both parties, but the American people themselves

I have a friend whose husband is recently retired Army General (he was a surgeon). I shared this link on my F/B, this was her response: "Geez, STU phones were a way of life for B (her husband) and those around him. She didn't use one for Benghazi calls???????? Friggin scary."

"The attack on Benghazi, once played off as a spontaneous reaction to an offensive YouTube video, could have very well be planned from information captured from the extremely vulnerable Clinton Classified Information Cloud.

It wouldn’t take an genius to connect the dots between the cyber warfare actions of China, the cozy relations between the Ministry of State Security, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency, and every jihadist militant between Turkey, the Mediterranean, and the Persian Gulf

I'm a Former U.S. Government IT Professional. Hillary Clinton's Email Actions Flirt With Treason.
started this thread with some very credible sources, didn't you?

Another apologist. You can't attack the facts, so you have to attack the sources.
Facts? Facts!?!

It was all supposition, dumbass. But of course you bleeved it to be factual.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

The content in the emails that have been made public is FACT, you blithering moron.
The content is rather irrelevant to the OP's original charge though. You need both content AND an actual attack to say that a security leak allowed the attack to happen.

Where is the evidence that the information was intercepted and made available to the terrorists? I doubt it exists.

There is also the reality that the info required to plan and execute the attack would have been FAR easier to gather on the ground through traditional means then trying to sift through Clinton's computer and piece something useful together. Layout, guard strength, location - all things that are needed and all things that are best observed directly from a safe distance.
"Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy, and further illustrates how reprehensible most conservatives have become.
"Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy, and further illustrates how reprehensible most conservatives have become.

^^^ Yet more proof of the blind Clinton devotion and brain damage embodied by our resident Moonbats ^^^
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.
Blogger: Cumming over hillary's emails and throwing out benghazi horse shit
OP: *fapfapfap*
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.

Yes, this is political, but not in the way you meant.

If anyone else had pulled this stunt, he or she would be under criminal investigation or in jail. What Hillary did is far worse than Petraeus or Deutch.

Maybe Obama will pardon Hillary as one of his last acts as President.
Blogger: Cumming over hillary's emails and throwing out benghazi horse shit
OP: *fapfapfap*

You are a moron and your autorantic moonbat is on the fritz.
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
We should always blame the dead victim.
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.
Nonsensical jibberish
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.

Yes, this is political, but not in the way you meant.

If anyone else had pulled this stunt, he or she would be under criminal investigation or in jail. What Hillary did is far worse than Petraeus or Deutch.

Maybe Obama will pardon Hillary as one of his last acts as President.
Well that's an embarrassing amount of speculation that I've learned to accept as typical from dumb as fuck republican posters on this site.
The right doesn't care about the gunmen murderers. They are, in fact, grateful to the killers for letting them carry their Hillary witchhunt towards its 25th anniversary.

Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.
Nonsensical jibberish
Yes I agree; the GOP has done nothing but engage in nonsensical jibberish for the last 6 years.
Right on cue, a Clinton apologist appears to deflect attention away from Hillary's damage to national security.

The only mystery is who is paying PMH: James Carville or Lanny Davis.

Most of you clowns excused Edward Snowden as a hero for disclosing an unimaginable amount of information to our enemies, but you are convinced that Hillary using a personal server led to the Benhghazi attack. SMH
Could you possibly be more stupid and hateful?
Yes. If I became a conservative and started spouting off that Hillary killed the people in Benghazi.
I saw no such accusation in the op. I saw a question with a possible link that MAY have led to their deaths.
WHY would you be so low as to put party affiliation before an investigation that could resolve a possible national security disaster?

At the very least this mess will lead to tighter controls over the disbursement of classified information.

Pull your head out of your partisan ass
This entire thing is a politically motivated partisan farce. If it had been anyone else other than Hillary this would never have been an issue. And my problem with it is not the investigation, it's the witch hunt. It's the declaration by conservative media that this is a criminal act, and unfounded nonsense like this directly led to the Benghazi attack.

Maybe if you clowns hadn't spent 6 years peddling complete bullshit to your base; birtherism, ebola apocalypse, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, etc. then MAYBE I wouldn't laugh this off as just more CRAP from the embarassment that is your modern republican party.
Nonsensical jibberish
Yes I agree; the GOP has done nothing but engage in nonsensical jibberish for the last 6 years.
Perhaps if you took two lessons....

1. Language. Preferably English as yours don't seem to good.
2. Honesty. The phone rang at 3 am and guess who didn't answer..
Did Hillary's Homebrew Server Cause Deaths of Americans in Benghazi

No, that was poor planning, by many, but mostly by Stevens. Remember, no one got so much as a scratch at the real embassy, 400 miles away that night.

And who caused the actual deaths, the guys with the guns that you seem to forget about...
We should always blame the dead victim.
Republican's have been perfectly fine with that for years now.

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