Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?

I think you should grapple with that.
just an observation

really - what's there for me to grapple with ...

We are all sinners, that's why Christ died on the cross, it was for us.

are they all the same.

so what is the destination for those that triumph over evil as prescribed while alive, necessary requirement for judgement than wherever a christian is going. as having not died for us, either where will the itinerant be for us.
really - what's there for me to grapple with ...

Perhaps, your own stup .........shortcomings?

My observation through this thread and other topical threads on the subject is
that Christians tend to really piss athiests off for just being a Christian. I could
really care less what you believe, or if you believe anything at all. But, you seem
to have your buttons pushed with believers. Dude, you're nothing
Was that what the prophesy said he was to do?

Leave us all wondering as to who is saved or not?

Or are you saying we are all saved?

Is Armageddon still a possibility?

None of you are saved a Jew cannot die for the sins of others just a like Catholic or Protestant cannot die for the sins of others...
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My observation through this thread and other topical threads on the subject is
that Christians tend to really piss athiests off
for just being a Christian. I could
really care less what you believe, or if you believe anything at all.
But, you seem
to have your buttons pushed with believers. Dude, you're nothing
We are all sinners, that's why Christ died on the cross, it was for us.
so what is the destination for those that triumph over evil as prescribed while alive, necessary requirement for judgement than wherever a christian is going. as having not died for us, either where will the itinerant be for us.

- your just looking for one ...

keep your comments to yourself when you are unwilling to defend them, whatever you are.
- your just looking for one ...

keep your comments to yourself when you are unwilling to defend them, whatever you are.
I'll will comment what I want, and where I want, as long as it's within the guidelines of the board.
Got it comrade? I hope so......
I know, I know, you're a hater and hater's gotta hate. My Lord is my Savior, and don't forget that.
I'll will comment what I want, and where I want, as long as it's within the guidelines of the board.
Got it comrade? I hope so......
I know, I know, you're a hater and hater's gotta hate. My Lord is my Savior, and don't forget that.

We are all sinners, that's why Christ died on the cross, it was for us.
so what is the destination for those that triumph over evil as prescribed while alive, necessary requirement for judgement than wherever a christian is going.

keep your comments to yourself when you are unwilling to defend them, whatever you are.

you know that i am a hater - no, that's your 4th century choir in this thread ...

you made an allegation, not my issue you are unwilling to defend it.
you know that i am a hater - no, that's your 4th century choir in this thread ...

you made an allegation, not my issue you are unwilling to defend it.
"you made an allegation, not my issue you are unwilling to defend it"..........TO YOU.

I hope that clears it up for you, hater.
I love to push atheist buttons. They start out very passive, but when they don't get
the responses they're looking for....their true hatred appears. Thanks for playing.
"you made an allegation, not my issue you are unwilling to defend it"..........TO YOU.

I hope that clears it up for you, hater.
I love to push atheist buttons. They start out very passive, but when they don't get
the responses they're looking for....their true hatred appears. Thanks for playing.
so what is the destination for those that triumph over evil as prescribed while alive, necessary requirement for judgement than wherever a christian is going. as having not died for us, either where will the itinerant be for us.

clears what up, christian.

you've performed circles not to respond - try turning on the lamp ... so much for your choir as well.
We are all sinners, that's why Christ died on the cross, it was for us.
so what is the destination for those that triumph over evil as prescribed while alive, necessary requirement for judgement than wherever a christian is going. as having not died for us, either where will the itinerant be for us.

... is there no hope for those who would be sinless, than for sinners. the religion of antiquity.

Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?​

- in spite of the misleading thread title ...

more a question ... being forsaken would leave their destination a bit ambiguous. thought you might clear that up.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

should the itinerant have done more to prevent their crucifixion - to have had history correctly record the reason for their passing.

was it in their power to do so.
Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?

That Jesus was resurrected and ascended into heaven implies that he first descended into hell just like everyone who rises from the dead.

There are two resurrections just like there are two deaths. One spiritual, the other physical. . The first resurrection is from the tomb of false religion or the grave of worldly pursuits. The second resurrection is from the death of the body.

The first death is spiritual, the second death, death of the body, cannot harm anyone who takes part in the first resurrection.
Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?

Scriptures, as they often do, give both options as true.

The Bible does what it was created by the Jewish authors to do. Make us question and judge.

Without Midrash, the Bible is just another useless myth.

In one version, Jesus tells his fellow prisoner on the cross that they will both awaken in heaven.

Another version has Jesus awakening in hell, where he toils for 3 days.

One old adage might say, if one day is 1,000 years, Jesus is almost at his 2-year mark.

There is a confusion as to who received Jesus as a sacrifice, Satan, or the androgynous Yahweh.

If sacrificed to Satan, she rules the world.

If sacrificed to Yahweh, Jesus rules the world.

Into whose hands did Jesus ascend, Satan’s or Yahweh’s?

I cannot know where Jesus ended via the bible, but think there is a valuable moral lesson here, but do not quite have my finger on what it is. Help.

What is your best guess as to where Jesus is?


What is the basis for your confusion as to whether Jesus ascended into Heaven? Wtf are you babbling about?
A Medieval scholar penned a atrange verse in a Christian canticle about Jesus. It said "The gates of Hell he will surprise."

Just sayin.'
Just what did Jesus mean by the "Gates of Hell?"

Matthew 16:18 (ESV): 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Speaking of a literal Hell or symbolical Hell? Or could he be talking about the evil that existed during his (supposed) time on Earth?
You know: if the Son of God was sent on a mission to hell to try to save the souls of long lost sinners, that isn’t inconsistent with His then ascending into heaven.

And I’m not even religious.
You know: if the Son of God was sent on a mission to hell to try to save the souls of long lost sinners, that isn’t inconsistent with His then ascending into heaven.

And I’m not even religious.
Back Again, if your church occasionally recites in union the Apostles' Creed, it might help you reorder your uncertainty of Christ the lamb of God. IOW, his role as God's son is the sacrifice given for forgiveness of sins of believers and are recipients of his grace and will be rejoicing in him when their earthly life ends. Belief in Jesus has tremendous benefits and they are free. Read the New Testament at least 3 times next year and it will bless your understanding.

Good night, everyone. Hope Christ's birthday was a time of joy for you. ♡
Back Again, if your church occasionally recites in union the Apostles' Creed, it might help you reorder your uncertainty of Christ the lamb of God. IOW, his role as God's son is the sacrifice given for forgiveness of sins of believers and are recipients of his grace and will be rejoicing in him when their earthly life ends. Belief in Jesus has tremendous benefits and they are free. Read the New Testament at least 3 times next year and it will bless your understanding.

Good night, everyone. Hope Christ's birthday was a time of joy for you. ♡
My issue is more of a question. I am not religious but was raised with Church on Sundays. My question is simple: if we accept that God is Omnipotent and All Knowing and All Caring, then why would He require ANY “sacrifice” of anyone or anything at all? If He chooses to grant forgiveness, He wouldn’t need to sacrifice a real lamb much less His own Son.

That never made any sense to me.
My issue is more of a question. I am not religious but was raised with Church on Sundays. My question is simple: if we accept that God is Omnipotent and All Knowing and All Caring, then why would He require ANY “sacrifice” of anyone or anything at all? If He chooses to grant forgiveness, He wouldn’t need to sacrifice a real lamb much less His own Son.

That never made any sense to me.
Read the New Testament at least 3 times next year and it will bless your understanding.

or what of those that forget to read their book ... they all burn in hell.
In his gospel, Luke said that Jesus was carried up into heaven (Lk 24:51). Unless he contradicted himself with what he said in Acts 19-11 regarding his exaltation to the Father, this cannot be a literal carrying away. This carrying up, or the Greek anakathizō, can refer to those literally raised from the dead, but Christ’s literal resurrection occurred in the tomb, not while he was talking to his disciples in Bethany. This “carrying away” was his ascension, or his exaltation to the Father.

After his resurrection, he remained on the earth. “I am with you always,” he assured his friends before his ascension (Mt 28:20).
I fail to see any point to any passage that you just presented that would disprove anything about the resurrection (both spiritually and physically) of Christ Jesus.

Jesus was in the Tomb.........3 days, before He was physically resurrected, during this time He, while in the Spirit preached to the dead that were in prison in Hades. (1 Peter 3:18-19) Hades, the place where the dead rest until the final judgment contains both the righteous and unrighteous that are separated depending upon the 1st judgement......either you are in a place referenced as PARADISE (...i.e., see thief on the cross) or a place of torment, not to be confused with the eternal lake of fire (Hell) reserved for the unrighteous, Satan and his demons, as referenced in Rev. and 1 Cor. 15. After death is defeated, and Hades gives up its dead.......both the righteous and unrighteous then the final judgment comes after which the Kingdom of God is returned to the Father (1 Cor. 15)

The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles were written by the same author, "Luke the physician...."

Would the same Author contradict himself, when he drafted Acts 1? Even though the Gospel of Luke does not mention the amount of time Jesus was seen after His resurrection from the tomb, Luke records in Act 1:1-3, "The former account (speaking of his gospel account) I made, O Theophilus (the same Theophilus Luke addressed in Luke 1:3), all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which He was taken up (ascended into heaven), after He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles He had chosen, to whom He also presented Himself alive after suffering by many infallible proofs, BEING SEEN BY THEM FORTY DAYS AND SPEAKING OF THE THINGS PERTAINING TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD."

FYI: Paul, an apostle of Christ personally hand picked by Jesus through the Holy Spirit (Jesus appeared to Paul on the Road to Damascus IN THE SPIRIT), as recorded in Act 9:3.........a light FROM HEAVEN which was Jesus communicating to Paul through the Spirit of God from Heaven.

Acts 19? Paul preformed miracles and received teachings from the Christ in the same manner as did all the hand picked apostles of Christ,, "....After He (Jesus through the HOLY SPIRIT had given commandments to the apostles He had chosen......." Acts 1: 1-3

Nothing you presented is contradictory in nature. Jesus communicated to ALL THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. And nothing presented demonstrates that Jesus ever physically left heaven after His ascension into heaven to sit on the throne of David at the Right Hand of the Father. Lastly, Jesus communicated through the Spirit to Saul, making him Paul an Apostle to the Gentiles as one born out of season. Simply because Jesus communicated to the 12 for forty days after His resurrection limits the Power of the Holy Spirit .............HOW? :dunno:
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Typo. Acts 1:9-11. Just a comment on the biological resurrection.

Jesus didn't remain in such a body. Even immediately after his resurrection in the tomb, nobody recognized him. By the time Paul encountered him, he was a haze of light. Eventually, his body had become the church.

Jesus transformed. His ascension wasn't a literal taking up in the heavens. That's just nonsensical. The apostles in Acts 1 didn't actually see him elevated skyward. His ascension was not to the sky; it was to the Father.

Resurrection is spiritual.

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