Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?

- your commentary is as phony as the desert 10 commandments.

you haven't a clue clyde, your embellishments aside the written document, u s constitution is as secular as any document written during its time including an amendment strictly prohibiting religious involvement in gov't affairs.
:laughing0301: Actually, the Amendment was for strictly keeping the government out of religion. The FF's had problems with the King of England doing just
that. But, you go ahead, Tiger, spin your yarn. Our Amendments was to protect the People from the government, not the other way around
:laughing0301: Actually, the Amendment was for strictly keeping the government out of religion. The FF's had problems with the King of England doing just
that. But, you go ahead, Tiger, spin your yarn. Our Amendments was to protect the People from the government, not the other way around

no, again it's not what your journals claim, it's what was written.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

the rebuttal is primary to the acquisition.
- your commentary is as phony as the desert 10 commandments.

you haven't a clue clyde, your embellishments aside the written document, u s constitution is as secular as any document written during its time including an amendment strictly prohibiting religious involvement in gov't affiars

As I have stated previously......... I am here on this board for the entertainment value alone. The spinning and personal attacks are priceless. My spouse laughs herself breathless when she reads some of the responses. Of course the US Constitution does not end by declaring the date in history as, "the Seventeenth Day of September in THE YEAR OF OUR "LORD" 1787. In God we Trusts does not exist on Federal Currency, no one places their hand on a Bible when they are sworn in in court or political office, there is no Chaplin Corp in the Federal US Military. Why because YOU SAID SO........the gob'ment is not allowed to reference religion in any form. :aargh:

The United States of America preexisted the Constitution by more than 10 years, the opening Prayer by the 1st continental congress, Reverend Jacob Duche' -- "Look down in mercy we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection.........." who do you suppose they were praying to? :dunno:

Then of course the very 1st legal document declared, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed BY THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable rights (non transferable).........." Declaration of Independence. Who is this CREATOR mentioned in this first legal document of the United States of America? :eusa_think:

FYI: Correct me if I am wrong...........the Constitution came before the Bill of Rights while the Constitution ends with, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD..........."

Yeah......history is phony but your opinion based upon nothing but subjective BS is infallible. LMAO Again.......how old are you 14,15? You never provide any evidence of anything you argue about....why? Because you do not have the evidence required to refute the history actual that was provided proving that once again........you are wrong.

You declare there was no such person as Blackstone, No protestant reformation in Europe following the advent of the printing press by "Johannes Gutenburg", that lead to the development of the King James Translation of the Holy Bible which until then was the private property of the Roman Catholic Church........no Christian Settlement at Plymouth, no Mayflower Compact, and no referencing of Blackstone in relation to the legal system created in the United States of America.

And you offer as proof, Naw, Naw! And proceed to launch some personal ad hominem attack. Once again....really.....how old are you 14, 15 at most? You lack the education and wisdom to have developed any further along the mental evolutionary scale. How do we know? Ever read your own attempt to formulate any well thought out retort? :dunno:

None exists. Its all bigoted ramblings form someone with the mentality of a child. The Quint Essential Leftist.
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passing judgment on others get you sent straight to hell
People who hang around American religious threads at a political discussion board are there for several reasons.
(1) To share their joy in the kindness of the good God in heaven through his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, our savior through his teachings of the Kingdom of God through quoting and explaining Hebraic scriptures from scrolls written by prophets of God such as Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Micah, Ezekiel, and others; and were handed down through the ages to create peace, brotherhood, when necessary corrections against those who hated our Almighty God so much they paid soldiers to eliminate those obedient to our creator who told Moses that his name was "I am who I am." When God's enemies enslaved His prophets and believers, everyday men of belief in God counted their dead, disfigured, and damaged, and fought the evildoers and through the strength in God, won their freedom from tyrants, liars, and haters.

(2) The defeated who continue in hatred to beat up, humiliate with false witness, and annihilate believers of great faith in God's love. Frequently, God intervened by opening doors for his people who were descended from Jacob whom God renamed as Israel, and his twelve sons who formed ultimately as nations of Israel.

(2) To belittle believers in the God of Israel and Jesus who was descended from God and his beloved King David whose son Solomon who built God's house in Jerusalem that recently became the diplomatic home of America's President Donald Trump who was falsely framed and put on trial based on false witness euphemised as a "narrative" that was based on lies to cripple Donald Trump's Executive office. That flies in the face of the Constitution with such disorderly conduct as false impeachment, and treasonous claims based on the lies of his political rival Hillary Clinton through a document dubbed "Steele Dossier."

(3) Enemies of Judeo/Christianity who call for rioting, killing and maiming law enforcers and first respondèrs, and stalking rival associates and presidential staffers in public places.

(4) Enemies of freedom and Constitutional amendments intended to give freedom and equality to ordinary people.
Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?
This myth has a prototype in the myth of Ishtar. The original apocryphal myths say that he descended into hell, and then rose from there, as Ishtar did before. Therefore, there is a congratulation "Happy Ester"
In the East Orthodox icon painting, there is no plot about the resurrection at all, it is the apocrypha of the descent into Hell that is painted there.

Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?

Scriptures, as they often do, give both options as true.

The Bible does what it was created by the Jewish authors to do. Make us question and judge.

Without Midrash, the Bible is just another useless myth.

In one version, Jesus tells his fellow prisoner on the cross that they will both awaken in heaven.

Another version has Jesus awakening in hell, where he toils for 3 days.

One old adage might say, if one day is 1,000 years, Jesus is almost at his 2-year mark.

There is a confusion as to who received Jesus as a sacrifice, Satan, or the androgynous Yahweh.

If sacrificed to Satan, she rules the world.

If sacrificed to Yahweh, Jesus rules the world.

Into whose hands did Jesus ascend, Satan’s or Yahweh’s?

I cannot know where Jesus ended via the bible, but think there is a valuable moral lesson here, but do not quite have my finger on what it is. Help.

What is your best guess as to where Jesus is?


He remained on earth when he rose the 3rd day.
As I have stated previously......... I am here on this board for the entertainment value alone. The spinning and personal attacks are priceless. My spouse laughs herself breathless when she reads some of the responses. Of course the US Constitution does not end by declaring the date in history as, "the Seventeenth Day of September in THE YEAR OF OUR "LORD" 1787. In God we Trusts does not exist on Federal Currency, no one places their hand on a Bible when they are sworn in in court or political office, there is no Chaplin Corp in the Federal US Military. Why because YOU SAID SO........the gob'ment is not allowed to reference religion in any form. :aargh:

The United States of America preexisted the Constitution by more than 10 years, the opening Prayer by the 1st continental congress, Reverend Jacob Duche' -- "Look down in mercy we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection.........." who do you suppose they were praying to? :dunno:

Then of course the very 1st legal document declared, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed BY THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable rights (non transferable).........." Declaration of Independence. Who is this CREATOR mentioned in this first legal document of the United States of America? :eusa_think:

FYI: Correct me if I am wrong...........the Constitution came before the Bill of Rights while the Constitution ends with, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD..........."

Yeah......history is phony but your opinion based upon nothing but subjective BS is infallible. LMAO Again.......how old are you 14,15? You never provide any evidence of anything you argue about....why? Because you do not have the evidence required to refute the history actual that was provided proving that once again........you are wrong.

You declare there was no such person as Blackstone, No protestant reformation in Europe following the advent of the printing press by "Johannes Gutenburg", that lead to the development of the King James Translation of the Holy Bible which until then was the private property of the Roman Catholic Church........no Christian Settlement at Plymouth, no Mayflower Compact, and no referencing of Blackstone in relation to the legal system created in the United States of America.

And you offer as proof, Naw, Naw! And proceed to launch some personal ad hominem attack. Once again....really.....how old are you 14, 15 at most? You lack the education and wisdom to have developed any further along the mental evolutionary scale. How do we know? Ever read your own attempt to formulate any well thought out retort? :dunno:

None exists. Its all bigoted ramblings form someone with the mentality of a child. The Quint Essential Leftist.

sure clyde ...

Yeah......history is phony but your opinion based upon nothing but subjective BS is infallible.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ...

the first sentence of the first amendment - the reason why the immigrants chose to leave europe to settle, free of religious persecution, in their new country.

(2) The defeated who continue in hatred to beat up, humiliate with false witness, and annihilate believers of great faith in God's love.


when since the 4th century has christianity, the desert religions not been at the vangard of persecuition and victimization of the innocent - never - beautress, the purposeful deceiver.

religion is not the problem, the problem are those that use religion to restrict the lives of those they disagree with. falsely and who alter the events of the 1st century to conform to their limited understandings the actual events were meant to alleviate - the desert religions.
no, again it's not what your journals claim, it's what was written.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

the rebuttal is primary to the acquisition.
Not what you said the first time, it's not that confusing. :rolleyes-41:
I would assume that Jesus did know what He was in for. But that still begs the question. Why in the name of sanity and all that’s Holy would God require, want or need a sacrifice to do that which He could do anyway?
People put God on trial every day. Seems apropos to me.
I’m not going to engage in the debate. With no disrespect. I’m just saying that if even I can make a simple decision without requiring any sacrifice of anything in return, I decline to believe that God would be any less rational. He saw to it that His own Son could become incarnate as a human being and then require that His Son suffer an excruciating horrifying death before He would grant forgiveness to humanity. No sense it makes to me.
"...the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength..."
It would. But that pesky “lack of jurisdiction” thing gets in the way — forever.
I believe God has a wicked sense of humor. He would have to to put up with us. I believe most people could answer their own questions if they started from the position that God is infinite in everything and worked from there. In other words, they would look for the error in their understanding instead of thinking they were smarter than infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge and infinite intelligence.
I believe God has a wicked sense of humor. He would have to to put up with us. I believe most people could answer their own questions if they started from the position that God is infinite in everything and worked from there. In other words, they would look for the error in their understanding instead of thinking they were smarter than infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge and infinite intelligence.
Good reasons not to think one can put God on trial.
Good reasons not to think one can put God on trial.
It should be self evident that the ways of the creator of existence are unsearchable and inscrutable. In other words, beyond human imagination.

Just because there are no reasons you can understand, doesn't mean there are no reasons the creator of existence doesn't understand. From my personal experiences, nothing is the way it seems. Whatever you see your "fellow" man doing, you should consider long and hard doing the opposite.

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