Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?

Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?

Scriptures, as they often do, give both options as true.

The Bible does what it was created by the Jewish authors to do. Make us question and judge.

Without Midrash, the Bible is just another useless myth.

In one version, Jesus tells his fellow prisoner on the cross that they will both awaken in heaven.

Another version has Jesus awakening in hell, where he toils for 3 days.

One old adage might say, if one day is 1,000 years, Jesus is almost at his 2-year mark.

There is a confusion as to who received Jesus as a sacrifice, Satan, or the androgynous Yahweh.

If sacrificed to Satan, she rules the world.

If sacrificed to Yahweh, Jesus rules the world.

Into whose hands did Jesus ascend, Satan’s or Yahweh’s?

I cannot know where Jesus ended via the bible, but think there is a valuable moral lesson here, but do not quite have my finger on what it is. Help.

What is your best guess as to where Jesus is?


there is no heaven or hell no hell because how do you burn someone who has left the flesh in a grave and no heaven because why should you expect a reward for living right you woulnt reward your kid for making his bed cause thats his bed and his responsibility
I fail to see any point to any passage that you just presented that would disprove anything about the resurrection (both spiritually and physically) of Christ Jesus.

Jesus was in the Tomb.........3 days, before He was physically resurrected, during this time He, while in the Spirit preached to the dead that were in prison in Hades. (1 Peter 3:18-19) Hades, the place where the dead rest until the final judgment contains both the righteous and unrighteous that are separated depending upon the 1st judgement......either you are in a place referenced as PARADISE (...i.e., see thief on the cross) or a place of torment, not to be confused with the eternal lake of fire (Hell) reserved for the unrighteous, Satan and his demons, as referenced in Rev. and 1 Cor. 15. After death is defeated, and Hades gives up its dead.......both the righteous and unrighteous then the final judgment comes after which the Kingdom of God is returned to the Father (1 Cor. 15)

The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles were written by the same author, "Luke the physician...."

Would the same Author contradict himself, when he drafted Acts 1? Even though the Gospel of Luke does not mention the amount of time Jesus was seen after His resurrection from the tomb, Luke records in Act 1:1-3, "The former account (speaking of his gospel account) I made, O Theophilus (the same Theophilus Luke addressed in Luke 1:3), all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which He was taken up (ascended into heaven), after He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles He had chosen, to whom He also presented Himself alive after suffering by many infallible proofs, BEING SEEN BY THEM FORTY DAYS AND SPEAKING OF THE THINGS PERTAINING TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD."

FYI: Paul, an apostle of Christ personally hand picked by Jesus through the Holy Spirit (Jesus appeared to Paul on the Road to Damascus IN THE SPIRIT), as recorded in Act 9:3.........a light FROM HEAVEN which was Jesus communicating to Paul through the Spirit of God from Heaven.

Acts 19? Paul preformed miracles and received teachings from the Christ in the same manner as did all the hand picked apostles of Christ,, "....After He (Jesus through the HOLY SPIRIT had given commandments to the apostles He had chosen......." Acts 1: 1-3

Nothing you presented is contradictory in nature. Jesus communicated to ALL THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. And nothing presented demonstrates that Jesus ever physically left heaven after His ascension into heaven to sit on the throne of David at the Right Hand of the Father. Lastly, Jesus communicated through the Spirit to Saul, making him Paul an Apostle to the Gentiles as one born out of season. Simply because Jesus communicated to the 12 for forty days after His resurrection limits the Power of the Holy Spirit .............HOW? :dunno:
what a shitload of pointless dogma how can anyone believe in something so twisted and complex now i know why there is one bible and a thousand churches its a dogma shitstorm
there is no heaven or hell no hell because how do you burn someone who has left the flesh in a grave and no heaven because why should you expect a reward for living right you woulnt reward your kid for making his bed cause thats his bed and his responsibility
Ever think just how did Humans become so complex as a living organism through 'evolution'? It's a miracle, I tell you. :eusa_whistle:
Typo. Acts 1:9-11. Just a comment on the biological resurrection.

Jesus didn't remain in such a body. Even immediately after his resurrection in the tomb, nobody recognized him. By the time Paul encountered him, he was a haze of light. Eventually, his body had become the church.

Jesus transformed. His ascension wasn't a literal taking up in the heavens. That's just nonsensical. The apostles in Acts 1 didn't actually see him elevated skyward. His ascension was not to the sky; it was to the Father.

Resurrection is spiritual.

Circular Logic......based upon a false premise. The scriptures declare that you are LYING. You have 2 apostles of Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God first telling you that during the 3 days in the tomb, Jesus through the Holy Spirit of God preached to the dead in prison (1 Peter 3:18-20), Then the Record of Luke who related both records of Peter and Paul in the book of Acts is totally dismissed because it does not fit your false doctrine.

First you offer Luke the Physicians record as proof that turns out to contradict your false doctrine (Luke 24, Acts).......then you ignore the same author when he recounts how Jesus demonstrated to His disciples how He was still flesh and bones and not a spirit "after His resurrection"? You have Peter declaring that the flesh of Jesus Christ did not see the corruption of the grave (Acts 2:31) Yet you say it was impossible for Jesus to have ascended into Heaven in His physical Body?

Nobody recognized Him? Really? "And their eyes were opened AND THEY KNEW HIM" -- Luke 24:31. After this He appeared again after the disciples returned to Jerusalem, "But they were terrified and affrightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. And He said unto them, "Why are ye troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts? BEHOLD MY HANDS AND MY FEET; THAT IT IS I MYSELF: HANDLE ME, AND SEE; FOR A SPIRIT HAS NOT FLESH AND BONES AS YOU SEE ME HAVE." -- Luke 24:36-39.

You have a Biblical Record of other people being raised from the dead while retaining their physical bodies on earth.....but you declare that the Christ (God incarnate) cannot replicate what others have accomplished?

Look at the Biblical Record of those who have returned from the dead. (1 King 17:22), After the widow's son Zarepath died, Elijah prayed to God and the spirit of the child came back to the Body.

A few years later the prophet Elisha raised the dead son of Shunammite (2 Kings 4:32-35)

Then we have Jesus raising the daughter of Jairus from the dead (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43), as well as widow of Nain's son (Luke 7:11-16).

And then we find the record of Lazarus who had been dead and buried 4 days (John 11: 1-45)

Then in Matthew it is recorded, after Jesus' death and resurrection, "...the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep (died) were raised, and coming out of their graves after His resurrection and they went into the holy city and appeared to many (Matt. 27:52-53)


Read again the record of Luke 24, Jesus had a meal with them and ate fish (Luke 24:42) And while still speaking to them in the flesh, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit of God to them after He ascended into heaven to remined them of the things He taught and to empower them with Power from God (v.49).......then He personally led them out as far as Bethany (v.50) and blessed them. Then, "......AND IT CAME TO PASS "WHILE HE BLESSED THEM", HE WAS PARTED FROM THEM AND WAS CARRIED UP INTO HEAVEN. (v.51) :disbelief: While He blessed them in the flesh, after He just proved to them He was flesh and bone, after He did eat of fish..........

The record demonstrates that Jesus kept His promise to the Apostles, on the day of Pentecost after the ascension of Jesus, God empowered the Apostles with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2. After the ascension of Jesus Acts 1.
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what a shitload of pointless dogma how can anyone believe in something so twisted and complex now i know why there is one bible and a thousand churches its a dogma shitstorm
:abgg2q.jpg: You got nothing........but offer DOGMA to declare DOGMA. Priceless. :stir: If its not dogma, simply use the laws of physics to prove how the Universe was created from nothing. Talk about dogma, a magic egg that created itself from nothing caused the Universe to explode into existence. Ok Albert, if you begin with -0- nothing, you must end with -0- nothing. Thus, you got nothing.
My issue is more of a question. I am not religious but was raised with Church on Sundays. My question is simple: if we accept that God is Omnipotent and All Knowing and All Caring, then why would He require ANY “sacrifice” of anyone or anything at all? If He chooses to grant forgiveness, He wouldn’t need to sacrifice a real lamb much less His own Son.

That never made any sense to me.
You actually answered your own question before asking a question that would be answered similarly, but I am not mind reader enough to know if you actually understand what you said about God being omnipotent, and then you countered the wisdom of your own words by speculating what he wouldn't do this or that. All that tells me is that you've no concept that if omnipotence is a given characteristic of the creator of heaven, earth, its land, its air stratas not to mention and waters with minerals and life forms of every kind.

My third grade Sunday school teacher had us memorize Psalms 100, which among many things, reminds us who God is, and that he deserves to hear a joyful noise from his people who were likened to his flock of sheep. So before picking the mind of a true believer, do you expect me to trudge the murky waters of your actual disbelief to get a clear picture of anything in the Bible I know to be true in its training aspect of the beautiful kingdom of God? My waterproof boots aren't high enough to keep me dry through what skepticism trudging you are expecting. If you are fortunate enough to attend services regularly of a pastor who has a doctorate of theology, you'd be wiser asking him or her. IMy faith is too simple for you. I just love Jesus who is considered to be the Word, the Truth, and the Light. With such a low pay grade that I'm in, it is quite clear to me that you need to lay your doubts at the Lord's feet, and you'd be better off with a theologic giant. I taught Sunday School with curriculums written not only by fellow Presbyterians, but Lutherans, Methodists, and other participating Protestant denominations shared by those whose beliefs that are in accordance with the Apostles' Creed that says:

"I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. He descended into Hell and on the third day He arose again from the dead and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy catholic (unified) Church, the Communion of the Saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the life everlasting. Amen.

That's as simple an answer that I a mere layperson can tell you which is the truth as I know it.
You actually answered your own question before asking a question that would be answered similarly, but I am not mind reader enough to know if you actually understand what you said about God being omnipotent, and then you countered the wisdom of your own words by speculating what he wouldn't do this or that. All that tells me is that you've no concept that if omnipotence is a given characteristic of the creator of heaven, earth, its land, its air stratas not to mention and waters with minerals and life forms of every kind.

My third grade Sunday school teacher had us memorize Psalms 100, which among many things, reminds us who God is, and that he deserves to hear a joyful noise from his people who were likened to his flock of sheep. So before picking the mind of a true believer, do you expect me to trudge the murky waters of your actual disbelief to get a clear picture of anything in the Bible I know to be true in its training aspect of the beautiful kingdom of God? My waterproof boots aren't high enough to keep me dry through what skepticism trudging you are expecting. If you are fortunate enough to attend services regularly of a pastor who has a doctorate of theology, you'd be wiser asking him or her. IMy faith is too simple for you. I just love Jesus who is considered to be the Word, the Truth, and the Light. With such a low pay grade that I'm in, it is quite clear to me that you need to lay your doubts at the Lord's feet, and you'd be better off with a theologic giant. I taught Sunday School with curriculums written not only by fellow Presbyterians, but Lutherans, Methodists, and other participating Protestant denominations shared by those whose beliefs that are in accordance with the Apostles' Creed that says:

"I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. He descended into Hell and on the third day He arose again from the dead and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy catholic (unified) Church, the Communion of the Saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the life everlasting. Amen.

That's as simple an answer that I a mere layperson can tell you which is the truth as I know it.
I’m not going to engage in the debate. With no disrespect. I’m just saying that if even I can make a simple decision without requiring any sacrifice of anything in return, I decline to believe that God would be any less rational. He saw to it that His own Son could become incarnate as a human being and then require that His Son suffer an excruciating horrifying death before He would grant forgiveness to humanity. No sense it makes to me.
I’m not going to engage in the debate. With no disrespect. I’m just saying that if even I can make a simple decision without requiring any sacrifice of anything in return, I decline to believe that God would be any less rational. He saw to it that His own Son could become incarnate as a human being and then require that His Son suffer an excruciating horrifying death before He would grant forgiveness to humanity. No sense it makes to me.
Christ knew what he was in for according to the four gospels. Some of the quotes most frequently misunderstood by infrequent Bible readers were actually the initiation of quotes from existing scriptures, all old testament dialogues from psalms.

I mean no disrespect too, but I think you would gain a lot more from a Jesus-believing man with a university doctorate than me. It is deep in my heart joy that God's word brings me whether Old or new Testament reviews. Over the years I've found and collected dozens of Bible stories on DVDs and spent most of yesterday watching 4 one of which goes back to the 50s about the spiritual life of my favorite hymn writer, Martin Luther. Wow. I just totally enjoyed it. I viewed two on Jesus last days and another on Jacob's son, Joseph whose 10 jealous brothers sold him to Egyptians because they hated the favoritism Jacob lavished on him when his mother Rachel died young.
Christ knew what he was in for according to the four gospels. Some of the quotes most frequently misunderstood by infrequent Bible readers were actually the initiation of quotes from existing scriptures, all old testament dialogues from psalms.

I mean no disrespect too, but I think you would gain a lot more from a Jesus-believing man with a university doctorate than me. It is deep in my heart joy that God's word brings me whether Old or new Testament reviews. Over the years I've found and collected dozens of Bible stories on DVDs and spent most of yesterday watching 4 one of which goes back to the 50s about the spiritual life of my favorite hymn writer, Martin Luther. Wow. I just totally enjoyed it. I viewed two on Jesus last days and another on Jacob's son, Joseph whose 10 jealous brothers sold him to Egyptians because they hated the favoritism Jacob lavished on him when his mother Rachel died young.
I would assume that Jesus did know what He was in for. But that still begs the question. Why in the name of sanity and all that’s Holy would God require, want or need a sacrifice to do that which He could do anyway?
There is no doubt that satan is very proud of you, BW.
Read the New Testament at least 3 times next year and it will bless your understanding

no different than those below, meister -


you are obsessed with something that only exists in a 4th century book of forgeries and fallacies ... your history is uninterrupted from that time to the present day. instead, just try a new book for a change.
I would assume that Jesus did know what He was in for. But that still begs the question. Why in the name of sanity and all that’s Holy would God require, want or need a sacrifice to do that which He could do anyway?
As you know, wars are fought to make changes, and the claim that the action is insane statement is frequented by the one feeling cheated. Figure out why you are feeling cheated and the answer is right there in your lap. And I'm adding "maybe" to that. Nighty night. Good luck as you wrestle your way through it all. A very important Bible story of Jacob was his match with God's angel and he won. Wrestling through stuff frequently gets a tip of the hat from above. I love that bible!
I would assume that Jesus did know what He was in for. But that still begs the question. Why in the name of sanity and all that’s Holy would God require, want or need a sacrifice to do that which He could do anyway?
He did not....A Jew cannot die for the sins of others..Its a ridiculous story.
no different than those below, meister -

View attachment 580129

you are obsessed with something that only exists in a 4th century book of forgeries and fallacies ... your history is uninterrupted from that time to the present day. instead, just try a new book for a change.
Prove that you are six thousand years old and have a perfect memory of billions of people who intervened in trending knowledge and you can prove it due to your know it all attitude that in and of itself doesn't measure up to your standards for other people, plz & thx.. :rolleyes-41:
Did Jesus resurrect in Heaven or in Hell?

Scriptures, as they often do, give both options as true.

The Bible does what it was created by the Jewish authors to do. Make us question and judge.

Without Midrash, the Bible is just another useless myth.

In one version, Jesus tells his fellow prisoner on the cross that they will both awaken in heaven.

Another version has Jesus awakening in hell, where he toils for 3 days.

One old adage might say, if one day is 1,000 years, Jesus is almost at his 2-year mark.

There is a confusion as to who received Jesus as a sacrifice, Satan, or the androgynous Yahweh.

If sacrificed to Satan, she rules the world.

If sacrificed to Yahweh, Jesus rules the world.

Into whose hands did Jesus ascend, Satan’s or Yahweh’s?

I cannot know where Jesus ended via the bible, but think there is a valuable moral lesson here, but do not quite have my finger on what it is. Help.

What is your best guess as to where Jesus is?



Firstly, there was a thousand dickheads those days called Jesus.
He was not the son of any God and if he was, he was not born of a virgin.
He was buried and never placed in a tomb.
He did not resurrect because levitation is impossible. He would gave been riddled with maggots yet you think people will believe he rose from the dead and went to heaven.
Don't insult people's intelligence.
No such thing happened. Grow up.
Circular Logic......based upon a false premise. The scriptures declare that you are LYING. You have 2 apostles of Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God first telling you that during the 3 days in the tomb, Jesus through the Holy Spirit of God preached to the dead in prison (1 Peter 3:18-20), Then the Record of Luke who related both records of Peter and Paul in the book of Acts is totally dismissed because it does not fit your false doctrine.

First you offer Luke the Physicians record as proof that turns out to contradict your false doctrine (Luke 24, Acts).......then you ignore the same author when he recounts how Jesus demonstrated to His disciples how He was still flesh and bones and not a spirit "after His resurrection"? You have Peter declaring that the flesh of Jesus Christ did not see the corruption of the grave (Acts 2:31) Yet you say it was impossible for Jesus to have ascended into Heaven in His physical Body?

Nobody recognized Him? Really? "And their eyes were opened AND THEY KNEW HIM" -- Luke 24:31. After this He appeared again after the disciples returned to Jerusalem, "But they were terrified and affrightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. And He said unto them, "Why are ye troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts? BEHOLD MY HANDS AND MY FEET; THAT IT IS I MYSELF: HANDLE ME, AND SEE; FOR A SPIRIT HAS NOT FLESH AND BONES AS YOU SEE ME HAVE." -- Luke 24:36-39.

You have a Biblical Record of other people being raised from the dead while retaining their physical bodies on earth.....but you declare that the Christ (God incarnate) cannot replicate what others have accomplished?

Look at the Biblical Record of those who have returned from the dead. (1 King 17:22), After the widow's son Zarepath died, Elijah prayed to God and the spirit of the child came back to the Body.

A few years later the prophet Elisha raised the dead son of Shunammite (2 Kings 4:32-35)

Then we have Jesus raising the daughter of Jairus from the dead (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43), as well as widow of Nain's son (Luke 7:11-16).

And then we find the record of Lazarus who had been dead and buried 4 days (John 11: 1-45)

Then in Matthew it is recorded, after Jesus' death and resurrection, "...the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep (died) were raised, and coming out of their graves after His resurrection and they went into the holy city and appeared to many (Matt. 27:52-53)


Read again the record of Luke 24, Jesus had a meal with them and ate fish (Luke 24:42) And while still speaking to them in the flesh, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit of God to them after He ascended into heaven to remined them of the things He taught and to empower them with Power from God (v.49).......then He personally led them out as far as Bethany (v.50) and blessed them. Then, "......AND IT CAME TO PASS "WHILE HE BLESSED THEM", HE WAS PARTED FROM THEM AND WAS CARRIED UP INTO HEAVEN. (v.51) :disbelief: While He blessed them in the flesh, after He just proved to them He was flesh and bone, after He did eat of fish..........

The record demonstrates that Jesus kept His promise to the Apostles, on the day of Pentecost after the ascension of Jesus, God empowered the Apostles with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2. After the ascension of Jesus Acts 1.
Why discount those who carry Jesus inside, where he lives in the heart, mind, and soul of his believers who never got the privilege of living in his time and getting to shake his kindly hands? :dunno:
Firstly, there was a thousand dickheads those days called Jesus.
He was not the son of any God and if he was, he was not born of a virgin.
He was buried and never placed in a tomb.
He did not resurrect because levitation is impossible. He would gave been riddled with maggots yet you think people will believe he rose from the dead and went to heaven.
Don't insult people's intelligence.
No such thing happened. Grow up.
You are misinformed by the serpent, doll.
Prove that you are six thousand years old and have a perfect memory of billions of people who intervened in trending knowledge and you can prove it due to your know it all attitude that in and of itself doesn't measure up to your standards for other people, plz & thx.. :rolleyes-41:

are you referring to recorded history ... 4000 of the initial years only 1 desert religion existed and they claimed unto themselves to be chosen and by and large marauded everything in their sight - that became three desert religions that continued the maleficent behavior to this day.

since the 4th century, beautress - what historical event for the betterment of humanity do you point to as a christian accomplishment ... other than the inquisitions repeating themselves, relentlessly throughout history as their fundamental daily accomplishment. and accusing people about satan - anything new.
Jesus Christ did in truth die for the sins of believers. You don't seem to be one of them, which is your free choice given to all by the good Lord and creator of all mankind.
What did I say? "A JEW CANNOT DIE FOR THE SINS OF OTHERS!" He basically died for nothing that is if he even existed?

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