Did liberalism/leftism rob Americans of African ancestry justice & future?


VIP Member
Mar 18, 2012
Did the infusion of "it's cool to be ignorant and dependent upon government" leftists espouse rob African Americans of their chance to benefit from
The opportunities provided for in the United states?

Why or why not?
Blacks are evolutionarily about 50,000 years behind whites. They are genetically cast for life in the jungle: low-hanging fruit and constant balmy temperatures meant they never had develop larger brains, plan for the future or strategize. Today they have IQ's that are about 15 points lower, they've got "short time horizon" thinking (i.e., they value a smaller candy bar now while whites prefer a larger candy bar later), they have higher testosterone levels and are quick-tempered and quick to violence, they have stunted moral systems (disregard for others, lying comes easily to them), higher instances of retardation, mental illness, etc.

They're basically a race of children in grown-up bodies.

Against this background, the white man's policy -- liberal, conservative, etc. -- is probably not going to make much of a difference. I'm sure that on the margins, it does. Welfare encourages tons of black births that are never cared for - except by white taxpayers. Liberalism exacerbates the problem, yes.

The problem is that conservatives imagine that if only we had a strong dose of "personal responsibility", blacks would magically turn into whites. Nope. Won't happen.
William Joyce obviously describes himself intellectually as he projects his suppreseed inadequacy onto a victim group.
Blacks are evolutionarily about 50,000 years behind whites. They are genetically cast for life in the jungle: low-hanging fruit and constant balmy temperatures meant they never had develop larger brains, plan for the future or strategize. Today they have IQ's that are about 15 points lower, they've got "short time horizon" thinking (i.e., they value a smaller candy bar now while whites prefer a larger candy bar later), they have higher testosterone levels and are quick-tempered and quick to violence, they have stunted moral systems (disregard for others, lying comes easily to them), higher instances of retardation, mental illness, etc.

They're basically a race of children in grown-up bodies.

Against this background, the white man's policy -- liberal, conservative, etc. -- is probably not going to make much of a difference. I'm sure that on the margins, it does. Welfare encourages tons of black births that are never cared for - except by white taxpayers. Liberalism exacerbates the problem, yes.

The problem is that conservatives imagine that if only we had a strong dose of "personal responsibility", blacks would magically turn into whites. Nope. Won't happen.

How do you conclude that whites are 50,000 years ahead of anyone, when they only have 6,000-10,000 years of history in existence on this planet? If you weren't such a bigoted idiot you would know that the Human Genome Project proved that race is not a scientific reatlity. It is only a social construct created to separate humanity along lines that could be manipulated for the benefit of the few to the detriment of the many. Unless you are in the "1%" you do not benefit from racism. All you are is a tool used by those in control to divide and conquer. I'm black, and from what I've seen you post I'd run intellectual circles around you like Usain Bolt in a 100 meter dash. Do you even know what it means to be liberal? Do you know that you and your kind descend from blacks? Do you know that you and your kind are genetic recessive and that white skin is a regression and not an evolution? Do you know that everything in existence, except you, is melinated?!?! Even trees and dirt have melanin, yet you don't. Doesn't that seem unnatural to you? Wake up and learn who you really are, you are amongst the acccursed, and I can prove it!!!
Blacks are evolutionarily about 50,000 years behind whites. They are genetically cast for life in the jungle: low-hanging fruit and constant balmy temperatures meant they never had develop larger brains, plan for the future or strategize. Today they have IQ's that are about 15 points lower, they've got "short time horizon" thinking (i.e., they value a smaller candy bar now while whites prefer a larger candy bar later), they have higher testosterone levels and are quick-tempered and quick to violence, they have stunted moral systems (disregard for others, lying comes easily to them), higher instances of retardation, mental illness, etc.

They're basically a race of children in grown-up bodies.

Against this background, the white man's policy -- liberal, conservative, etc. -- is probably not going to make much of a difference. I'm sure that on the margins, it does. Welfare encourages tons of black births that are never cared for - except by white taxpayers. Liberalism exacerbates the problem, yes.

The problem is that conservatives imagine that if only we had a strong dose of "personal responsibility", blacks would magically turn into whites. Nope. Won't happen.

Say hello to mainstream teapartier
Did the infusion of "it's cool to be ignorant and dependent upon government" leftists espouse rob African Americans of their chance to benefit from
The opportunities provided for in the United states?

Why or why not?

There is substantial evidence (and I mean actual, real academic evidence) to support such a view. I don't doubt that Liberals thought what they were doing was 'right'... sadly, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
No, but the far right and Tea Partyism will.

Jokey, when Black_Loser is 'thanking' your posts... you have a serious credibility issue, honey.

Your unabated hyperbolic hysteria about the 'far right' (by which you mean everyone conservative who dares to disagree with you)... and, more especially, the TEA Party is becoming painful to watch.
California Girl, an immature board dork, sends out messages but blocks them.


Did the infusion of "it's cool to be ignorant and dependent upon government" leftists espouse rob African Americans of their chance to benefit from
The opportunities provided for in the United states?

Why or why not?

There is substantial evidence (and I mean actual, real academic evidence) to support such a view. I don't doubt that Liberals thought what they were doing was 'right'... sadly, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Did the infusion of "it's cool to be ignorant and dependent upon government" leftists espouse rob African Americans of their chance to benefit from
The opportunities provided for in the United states?

Why or why not?

There is substantial evidence (and I mean actual, real academic evidence) to support such a view. I don't doubt that Liberals thought what they were doing was 'right'... sadly, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

stupid is unattractive, i bet you pay extra for a nice handbag, blouse? why skimp out on your education ??
Did the infusion of "it's cool to be ignorant and dependent upon government" leftists espouse rob African Americans of their chance to benefit from
The opportunities provided for in the United states?

Why or why not?

No. History shows its racists that rob blacks of their opportunity. The right wing opposes just about every law that attempts to right that.
How do you conclude that whites are 50,000 years ahead of anyone, when they only have 6,000-10,000 years of history in existence on this planet?

OK, from the first sentence, I think you're done.

That's only because you are incapable of considering what followed. The first line blows any possible response from you out of the water and the rest would only make you look more like a dead duck in a frozen pond. All you can do is spew ignorance, but the minute you are challenged by an intelligent black man, whom you claim to be 50,000 years ahead of, you tuck tail and run. You are a cro-magnon at best, you belong in a museum.
Did the infusion of "it's cool to be ignorant and dependent upon government" leftists espouse rob African Americans of their chance to benefit from
The opportunities provided for in the United states?

Why or why not?

Where in the hell does Liberalism encourage ignorance and dependence on government? Do you even know the true meaning of Liberalism? Secondly why are you seemingly solely focusing on "the Blacks"? There are plenty of whites on welfare and people of other ethnic groups on welfare. Finally, there are PLENTY of Black people who are doing well in this country, in fact I will state that the MAJORITY of Black people are doing well in this country. Would you like me to focus on the worst people of your ethnic group and try to represent that small minority of assholes as your total ethnic group?
How do you conclude that whites are 50,000 years ahead of anyone, when they only have 6,000-10,000 years of history in existence on this planet?

OK, from the first sentence, I think you're done.

That's only because you are incapable of considering what followed. The first line blows any possible response from you out of the water and the rest would only make you look more like a dead duck in a frozen pond. All you can do is spew ignorance, but the minute you are challenged by an intelligent black man, whom you claim to be 50,000 years ahead of, you tuck tail and run. You are a cro-magnon at best, you belong in a museum.

Damn, Joyce just got schooled.
nah, baggers arent racists :lol:

I'm sure there is another thread where you can go chant your partisan mantra endlessly. This one already has enough idiots.

I just call out racist scum when I see em...sorry if that bothers you

No, you just have to screech 'Tea Party!' 10,000 times a day whether it has anything AT ALL to do with whatever thread you are spamming, because you are fucking obsessed and have the self-control of a two year-old.

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