Did Lincoln own slaves?

No,but he married into a kentucky family, the Todds, that had a lot of slaves. Many of his Union generals were slave owners during the civil war. His second VP, andrew johnson, was a slave owner during the cw.

Still think lincoln started the war to end slavery?

Wow you keep on trying to prove something no one is claiming.

Lincoln didn't start the war.
The South started the war to preserve their slave owning 'property rights'.

Once again the far left rewrites history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The South started the war- by firing on Federal troops at Fort Sumter.

Despite the attempts of slavery defenders to say otherwise.

Once again the far left rewrites history and ignores questions..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The First Shot of the Civil War 1861

The First Shot of the Civil War

The Surrender of Fort Sumter, 1861

Once again the trolling far left drones want to rewrite history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?
So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

So you agree that the South should have been allowed to continue to own slaves to preserve their cities?

And the far left drones refuse to answer the question!

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

So you agree that the South should have been left to own slaves?

See the trolling far left drones can not answer the question..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

You still believe slavery is a property right- correct?

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?
I'm sure the assholes who lost the Civil War and WWII have much in common with respect to whining over the whirlwind they reaped.

The south didn't start the CW. They just left the union and the north started the war to force them back.

Yes- the North was actually the side firing on Fort Sumter........
Is that a fact, Jack? Ft Sumter was a Union Army fort.

Look at my other posts- I was being sarcastic.
Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Pardon moi.
I'm sure the assholes who lost the Civil War and WWII have much in common with respect to whining over the whirlwind they reaped.

The south didn't start the CW. They just left the union and the north started the war to force them back.

Yes- the North was actually the side firing on Fort Sumter........
Is that a fact, Jack? Ft Sumter was a Union Army fort.

Look at my other posts- I was being sarcastic.
Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Pardon moi.

No problem.

The revisionists want us to move the start of the war from the South firing on Federal troops to some later date when they can accuse the North of firing on the Rebels.

Pretty stupid.
hm creates a false OP: no one has said Lincoln started the CW to end slavery.

The correct OP is that the South mistakenly started it to keep the states rights mandate to own and sell human flesh.

Another correct OP is that slavery caused the CW.
Wow you keep on trying to prove something no one is claiming.

Lincoln didn't start the war.
The South started the war to preserve their slave owning 'property rights'.

Once again the far left rewrites history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The South started the war- by firing on Federal troops at Fort Sumter.

Despite the attempts of slavery defenders to say otherwise.

Once again the far left rewrites history and ignores questions..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The First Shot of the Civil War 1861

The First Shot of the Civil War

The Surrender of Fort Sumter, 1861

Once again the trolling far left drones want to rewrite history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?
Once again the far left rewrites history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The South started the war- by firing on Federal troops at Fort Sumter.

Despite the attempts of slavery defenders to say otherwise.

Once again the far left rewrites history and ignores questions..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The First Shot of the Civil War 1861

The First Shot of the Civil War

The Surrender of Fort Sumter, 1861

Once again the trolling far left drones want to rewrite history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

England and France desired that cotton and if the North hadn't won at Gettysburg they may very well have thrown in with the Confederacy. The war may have ended up with different results
The south didn't start the CW. They just left the union and the north started the war to force them back.

Yes- the North was actually the side firing on Fort Sumter........
Is that a fact, Jack? Ft Sumter was a Union Army fort.

Look at my other posts- I was being sarcastic.
Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Pardon moi.

No problem.

The revisionists want us to move the start of the war from the South firing on Federal troops to some later date when they can accuse the North of firing on the Rebels.

Pretty stupid.

Another far left drone post not based in reality..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?
Once again the far left rewrites history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The South started the war- by firing on Federal troops at Fort Sumter.

Despite the attempts of slavery defenders to say otherwise.

Once again the far left rewrites history and ignores questions..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The First Shot of the Civil War 1861

The First Shot of the Civil War

The Surrender of Fort Sumter, 1861

Once again the trolling far left drones want to rewrite history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

Yes but you are not a far left drone..
The South started the war- by firing on Federal troops at Fort Sumter.

Despite the attempts of slavery defenders to say otherwise.

Once again the far left rewrites history and ignores questions..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The First Shot of the Civil War 1861

The First Shot of the Civil War

The Surrender of Fort Sumter, 1861

Once again the trolling far left drones want to rewrite history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

England and France desired that cotton and if the North hadn't won at Gettysburg they may very well have thrown in with the Confederacy. The war may have ended up with different results

To claim it was slavery is disingenuous, even though it was used as a rally cry.

Cotton was the number export for the US, loosing that revenue would hurt the US overall. It was about states rights and the rally cry used was slavery. Even though the issues go far deeper than one claim..
Yes- the North was actually the side firing on Fort Sumter........
Is that a fact, Jack? Ft Sumter was a Union Army fort.

Look at my other posts- I was being sarcastic.
Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Pardon moi.

No problem.

The revisionists want us to move the start of the war from the South firing on Federal troops to some later date when they can accuse the North of firing on the Rebels.

Pretty stupid.

Another far left drone post not based in reality..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

You believe in legal slavery- right?
hm creates a false OP: no one has said Lincoln started the CW to end slavery.

The correct OP is that the South mistakenly started it to keep the states rights mandate to own and sell human flesh.

Another correct OP is that slavery caused the CW.

It's a ShitSpitters OP actually. And his quest to demonize Abraham Lincoln rests on the premise that, by marrying a woman you somehow transmogrify into that woman's whole family.

Doesn't seem to have occurred to him that by that logic Mary Todd's whole family issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
Once again the far left rewrites history and ignores questions..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

The First Shot of the Civil War 1861

The First Shot of the Civil War

The Surrender of Fort Sumter, 1861

Once again the trolling far left drones want to rewrite history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

England and France desired that cotton and if the North hadn't won at Gettysburg they may very well have thrown in with the Confederacy. The war may have ended up with different results

To claim it was slavery is disingenuous, even though it was used as a rally cry.

Cotton was the number export for the US, loosing that revenue would hurt the US overall. It was about states rights and the rally cry used was slavery. Even though the issues go far deeper than one claim..

There were various issues at play- but the primary reason that the South seceded was the election of Abraham Lincoln- and their fear that his policies would lead ultimately to the end of slavery- and the loss of their largest form of wealth.
Is that a fact, Jack? Ft Sumter was a Union Army fort.

Look at my other posts- I was being sarcastic.
Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Pardon moi.

No problem.

The revisionists want us to move the start of the war from the South firing on Federal troops to some later date when they can accuse the North of firing on the Rebels.

Pretty stupid.

Another far left drone post not based in reality..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

You believe in legal slavery- right?

Sorry I am not a far left drone like you and supports legal political slavery like you drones do. That is what you do every time you vote far left. Nor do I see anyone claiming that on this thread, except for the trolling far left drones..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?
hm creates a false OP: no one has said Lincoln started the CW to end slavery.

The correct OP is that the South mistakenly started it to keep the states rights mandate to own and sell human flesh.

Another correct OP is that slavery caused the CW.

It's a ShitSpitters OP actually. And his quest to demonize Abraham Lincoln rests on the premise that, by marrying a woman you somehow transmogrify into that woman's whole family.

Doesn't seem to have occurred to him that by that logic Mary Todd's whole family issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

The irony of two far left drones and their comments!

Yes even these two are projecting what they do as they support political slavery.
The First Shot of the Civil War 1861

The First Shot of the Civil War

The Surrender of Fort Sumter, 1861

Once again the trolling far left drones want to rewrite history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

England and France desired that cotton and if the North hadn't won at Gettysburg they may very well have thrown in with the Confederacy. The war may have ended up with different results

To claim it was slavery is disingenuous, even though it was used as a rally cry.

Cotton was the number export for the US, loosing that revenue would hurt the US overall. It was about states rights and the rally cry used was slavery. Even though the issues go far deeper than one claim..

There were various issues at play- but the primary reason that the South seceded was the election of Abraham Lincoln- and their fear that his policies would lead ultimately to the end of slavery- and the loss of their largest form of wealth.

More far left revisionist history..

But then again leave it to the far left to deny real history over far left religious dogma..

Cotton and revenue was the main causes, but you can not rally people such a cause, so slavery was much easier to rally people behind..

Silly far left drones..
Look at my other posts- I was being sarcastic.
Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Pardon moi.

No problem.

The revisionists want us to move the start of the war from the South firing on Federal troops to some later date when they can accuse the North of firing on the Rebels.

Pretty stupid.

Another far left drone post not based in reality..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

You believe in legal slavery- right?

Sorry I am not a far left drone like you and supports legal political slavery like you drones do. That is what you do every time you vote far left. Nor do I see anyone claiming that on this thread, except for the trolling far left drones..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

What in the fuck is your pointless aimless obsession with burning down cities? Nobody burned any cities to end slavery. That was done by Constitutional Amendment. Chrissake, you're as retarded as the OP. And that's not easy to do.
Once again the trolling far left drones want to rewrite history..

Number one export for the US at this time was what? Can you guess far left drone?

England and France desired that cotton and if the North hadn't won at Gettysburg they may very well have thrown in with the Confederacy. The war may have ended up with different results

To claim it was slavery is disingenuous, even though it was used as a rally cry.

Cotton was the number export for the US, loosing that revenue would hurt the US overall. It was about states rights and the rally cry used was slavery. Even though the issues go far deeper than one claim..

There were various issues at play- but the primary reason that the South seceded was the election of Abraham Lincoln- and their fear that his policies would lead ultimately to the end of slavery- and the loss of their largest form of wealth.

More far left revisionist history..

But then again leave it to the far left to deny real history over far left religious dogma..

Cotton and revenue was the main causes, but you can not rally people such a cause, so slavery was much easier to rally people behind..

Silly far left drones..

Feel free to back up your revisionist history claims.

The South threatened to secede if the perceived anti-slavery Lincoln was elected- and they did.
Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Pardon moi.

No problem.

The revisionists want us to move the start of the war from the South firing on Federal troops to some later date when they can accuse the North of firing on the Rebels.

Pretty stupid.

Another far left drone post not based in reality..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

You believe in legal slavery- right?

Sorry I am not a far left drone like you and supports legal political slavery like you drones do. That is what you do every time you vote far left. Nor do I see anyone claiming that on this thread, except for the trolling far left drones..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

What in the fuck is your pointless aimless obsession with burning down cities? Nobody burned any cities to end slavery. That was done by Constitutional Amendment. Chrissake, you're as retarded as the OP. And that's not easy to do.

Once again the far left shows they do not understand real history.

Sherman s March to the Sea - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So if the war was about slavery and the way to end the war was to burn cities to the ground, then it follows that to end slavery one must burn cities to ground.

That is if the civil war was truly about slavery..
No,but he married into a kentucky family, the Todds, that had a lot of slaves. Many of his Union generals were slave owners during the civil war. His second VP, andrew johnson, was a slave owner during the cw.

Still think lincoln started the war to end slavery?
Your history is all fucked up, the Confederacy started the Civil War.

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