Did McCain Return To D.C. To Serve The GOP, Or To Help Americans?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Did McCain leave his sickbed to serve the Republican Party’s need to repeal Obamacare, or to protect his constituents’ access to affordable health insurance?

Was he there to further transfer wealth from lower and middle income families into the pockets of the 0.1 percent, or to help all average Americans?

When the Senate’s voting record on this issue is made public, all America will know if McCain is a true hero, or a typical Republican pr!ck.

McCain to return to Senate on Tuesday ahead of crucial health care vote



History has proven Republicans are, indeed, self-serving. And that's putting it politely.

There are many possibilities.

The OP only offers two of those many choices.

The most obvious alternative would be... McCain returned to Washington to both serve the GOP and help the American People.

Or, at least. to do what he perceives as helpful to the American People.

Given that he and his party have been disconnected from the Common Man for a very long time, I'm not very confident that he knows what is helpful to the American People.

However, he has done good and honorable service in his own way, for decades, and I won't condemn him for voting his tired old out-of-touch conscience.

And, I must confess, I admire anyone who is sufficiently committed to his-or-her duty that they would return to the Capital to vote, a week or two after a brain surgery.

I also applaud him for at least acknowledging that the existing Senate bill is unacceptable and that it must be hammered out as a compromise.

In that context, perhaps he's one of the last Sane Men left in Washington, D.C., even if you don't like his politics.
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Did McCain leave his sickbed to serve the Republican Party’s need to repeal Obamacare, or to protect his constituents’ access to affordable health insurance?

Was he there to further transfer wealth from lower and middle income families into the pockets of the 0.1 percent, or to help all average Americans?

When the Senate’s voting record on this issue is made public, all America will know if McCain is a true hero, or a typical Republican pr!ck.

McCain to return to Senate on Tuesday ahead of crucial health care vote


View attachment 140567 View attachment 140568

History has proven Republicans are, indeed, self-serving. And that's putting it politely.

He'll serve who he's always served.
Did McCain leave his sickbed to serve the Republican Party’s need to repeal Obamacare, or to protect his constituents’ access to affordable health insurance?


He came back to get rid of the most oppressive government program since the institution of slavery, and to REALLY give people the FREEDOM to have what they want for a price they can really afford. Something the dimshitscum NEVER had in mind. All the dimshitscum communist party wanted was to be able to CONTROL who has real healthcare at a price they can afford. Just ask a couple of parents in the UK about it.
...give people the FREEDOM to have what they want for a price they can really afford...
And, for those millions who need government-subsidized healthcare, and will lose it when ObamaCare dies, and be unable to afford anything else?

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