Did Millennials Not Learn About Socialism?

I live in a social democracy. You describe communism and it differs like night and day, I work, make money, spend that money on stuff i might,or might not need. I can get rich, or be poor. The difference is in my country, (Belgium) most all ppl have a roof over their head, food in there mouth, their kids can go to school as far as their intellect can take them. When we get sick we get treated no matter our financiel position. We do this by paying taxes wich would make an American crinch; But as someone who has an American wife and as such a REAL way of comparing I can say that the cost far outweigh it benifits.
There is really not that much difference. Again, Socialism is the precursor to Communism.

In Belgium, if you make over $41,500 (US equiv.) you pay 50% income tax.
The average pay after tax is around $2k per month.
The average 3br apartment is around $1,500 mo.
You can't own property.

Now... In OUR country, you CAN own property... as much as you like. You can make as much money as you please. You have a roof over your head if you want one. You have schools available to your kids. You have roads and bridges to drive on... .and you can drive any kind of vehicle you want. I go through town every day and I have yet to see anyone dying in the streets due to lack of health care or starvation.
I pay 550 rent month for a 3 bedroom house. My brother just bought hsi first house. My aunt has just payed of hers last year. Srry to tell you boss info is wrong.
http://www.immoweb.be/en/ for if you dont believe me

Cost of Living in Belgium
Looks about right.But it also kinda proves that you can still be a capitalist w
I live in a social democracy. You describe communism and it differs like night and day, I work, make money, spend that money on stuff i might,or might not need. I can get rich, or be poor. The difference is in my country, (Belgium) most all ppl have a roof over their head, food in there mouth, their kids can go to school as far as their intellect can take them. When we get sick we get treated no matter our financiel position. We do this by paying taxes wich would make an American crinch; But as someone who has an American wife and as such a REAL way of comparing I can say that the cost far outweigh it benifits.
There is really not that much difference. Again, Socialism is the precursor to Communism.

In Belgium, if you make over $41,500 (US equiv.) you pay 50% income tax.
The average pay after tax is around $2k per month.
The average 3br apartment is around $1,500 mo.
You can't own property.

Now... In OUR country, you CAN own property... as much as you like. You can make as much money as you please. You have a roof over your head if you want one. You have schools available to your kids. You have roads and bridges to drive on... .and you can drive any kind of vehicle you want. I go through town every day and I have yet to see anyone dying in the streets due to lack of health care or starvation.
In the 1890's Bismarck felt communism was beginning to sound attractive to the German people, his answer was to bring socialized health care to Germany.
It's not just health care. I will be able to send my kid to college for a fraction of the cost that it would be in the US.If I get fired tomorrow ill still make enough to live normal not luxurious. It gives me time to look for a new job without to much stress. If I have troubles finding a job I can do a free reschooling while i still will receive my unemployment comp. My wife when she came over got cheap language and cultural classes. Etc
I live in a social democracy. You describe communism and it differs like night and day, I work, make money, spend that money on stuff i might,or might not need. I can get rich, or be poor. The difference is in my country, (Belgium) most all ppl have a roof over their head, food in there mouth, their kids can go to school as far as their intellect can take them. When we get sick we get treated no matter our financiel position. We do this by paying taxes wich would make an American crinch; But as someone who has an American wife and as such a REAL way of comparing I can say that the cost far outweigh it benifits.
There is really not that much difference. Again, Socialism is the precursor to Communism.

In Belgium, if you make over $41,500 (US equiv.) you pay 50% income tax.
The average pay after tax is around $2k per month.
The average 3br apartment is around $1,500 mo.
You can't own property.

Now... In OUR country, you CAN own property... as much as you like. You can make as much money as you please. You have a roof over your head if you want one. You have schools available to your kids. You have roads and bridges to drive on... .and you can drive any kind of vehicle you want. I go through town every day and I have yet to see anyone dying in the streets due to lack of health care or starvation.
I pay 550 rent month for a 3 bedroom house. My brother just bought hsi first house. My aunt has just payed of hers last year. Srry to tell you boss info is wrong.
http://www.immoweb.be/en/ for if you dont believe me

Cost of Living in Belgium
Looks about right.But it also kinda proves that you can still be a capitalist w
I live in a social democracy. You describe communism and it differs like night and day, I work, make money, spend that money on stuff i might,or might not need. I can get rich, or be poor. The difference is in my country, (Belgium) most all ppl have a roof over their head, food in there mouth, their kids can go to school as far as their intellect can take them. When we get sick we get treated no matter our financiel position. We do this by paying taxes wich would make an American crinch; But as someone who has an American wife and as such a REAL way of comparing I can say that the cost far outweigh it benifits.
There is really not that much difference. Again, Socialism is the precursor to Communism.

In Belgium, if you make over $41,500 (US equiv.) you pay 50% income tax.
The average pay after tax is around $2k per month.
The average 3br apartment is around $1,500 mo.
You can't own property.

Now... In OUR country, you CAN own property... as much as you like. You can make as much money as you please. You have a roof over your head if you want one. You have schools available to your kids. You have roads and bridges to drive on... .and you can drive any kind of vehicle you want. I go through town every day and I have yet to see anyone dying in the streets due to lack of health care or starvation.
In the 1890's Bismarck felt communism was beginning to sound attractive to the German people, his answer was to bring socialized health care to Germany.
It's not just health care. I will be able to send my kid to college for a fraction of the cost that it would be in the US.If I get fired tomorrow ill still make enough to live normal not luxurious. It gives me time to look for a new job without to much stress. If I have troubles finding a job I can do a free reschooling while i still will receive my unemployment comp. My wife when she came over got cheap language and cultural classes. Etc

Enjoy it while you can:

There are major decisions that have to be taken,” said Yves Desmet, political editor of the Flemish newspaper De Morgen. “We have a pension crisis that is threatening to overwhelm us, for which we don’t have the means, we haven’t put aside any money, and nobody has decided how to pay all those pensions. And you have a gigantic public debt of almost 100 per cent of GDP and growing. And those decisions can’t be taken without a government with full power.”
There is really not that much difference. Again, Socialism is the precursor to Communism.

In Belgium, if you make over $41,500 (US equiv.) you pay 50% income tax.
The average pay after tax is around $2k per month.
The average 3br apartment is around $1,500 mo.
You can't own property.

Now... In OUR country, you CAN own property... as much as you like. You can make as much money as you please. You have a roof over your head if you want one. You have schools available to your kids. You have roads and bridges to drive on... .and you can drive any kind of vehicle you want. I go through town every day and I have yet to see anyone dying in the streets due to lack of health care or starvation.
I pay 550 rent month for a 3 bedroom house. My brother just bought hsi first house. My aunt has just payed of hers last year. Srry to tell you boss info is wrong.
http://www.immoweb.be/en/ for if you dont believe me

Cost of Living in Belgium
Looks about right.But it also kinda proves that you can still be a capitalist w
I live in a social democracy. You describe communism and it differs like night and day, I work, make money, spend that money on stuff i might,or might not need. I can get rich, or be poor. The difference is in my country, (Belgium) most all ppl have a roof over their head, food in there mouth, their kids can go to school as far as their intellect can take them. When we get sick we get treated no matter our financiel position. We do this by paying taxes wich would make an American crinch; But as someone who has an American wife and as such a REAL way of comparing I can say that the cost far outweigh it benifits.
There is really not that much difference. Again, Socialism is the precursor to Communism.

In Belgium, if you make over $41,500 (US equiv.) you pay 50% income tax.
The average pay after tax is around $2k per month.
The average 3br apartment is around $1,500 mo.
You can't own property.

Now... In OUR country, you CAN own property... as much as you like. You can make as much money as you please. You have a roof over your head if you want one. You have schools available to your kids. You have roads and bridges to drive on... .and you can drive any kind of vehicle you want. I go through town every day and I have yet to see anyone dying in the streets due to lack of health care or starvation.
In the 1890's Bismarck felt communism was beginning to sound attractive to the German people, his answer was to bring socialized health care to Germany.
It's not just health care. I will be able to send my kid to college for a fraction of the cost that it would be in the US.If I get fired tomorrow ill still make enough to live normal not luxurious. It gives me time to look for a new job without to much stress. If I have troubles finding a job I can do a free reschooling while i still will receive my unemployment comp. My wife when she came over got cheap language and cultural classes. Etc

Enjoy it while you can:

There are major decisions that have to be taken,” said Yves Desmet, political editor of the Flemish newspaper De Morgen. “We have a pension crisis that is threatening to overwhelm us, for which we don’t have the means, we haven’t put aside any money, and nobody has decided how to pay all those pensions. And you have a gigantic public debt of almost 100 per cent of GDP and growing. And those decisions can’t be taken without a government with full power.”
Couple of things. Of course theres a pension crisis we have babyboomers just like in the US. Our retirement age is going up. Belgium historicaly has a very high debt. It was down to about 80 percent but then you guys screwed us on the mortgage crisis and he governement bailed out the banks. But also Belgians in general have alot of savings and a large degree of homeownership al of wich will hopefully prevent te worst. My assertion is simply when left between a choice of every man for itself and lets lvl the playingfield as much as we can. It's not wrong to TRY to acomplish the second and someting wich for some reason seems to be hard to understand for Americans it doesn't mean I'll end up in breadlines
Looks about right.But it also kinda proves that you can still be a capitalist w

But Belgium is a constitutional, parliamentary bicameral monarchy and not a true Socialist nation. They have embarked on the latest trendy version of Socialism to sweep across Europe and it's going to fail just as it has failed in Greece, Portugal and Spain.

You're also talking about a country with a total population that is LESS than our current number of illegal aliens. We have metro areas in the US that dwarf the size of your country. Again.... for the third time in this thread... Socialism has proven to work in SMALL ISOLATED COUNTRIES! Belgium is one of those exceptions. And hey, it's GREAT when it's working! The problem is always whenever the system begins to fail and fail it will. Inevitably.

This is history, people. If you take some time and look over it, you will see that history doesn't lie... it is FULL of examples where the latest, greatest Socialist plans failed. It started with Marx and Engels... failed... Lenin "refined" it... failed... Stalin "refined" it... failed.... Mao "refined" it... failed... Pol Pot "refined" it... failed.... they are still refining it and it's still failing.

MEANWHILE... A Constitutional Republic with free enterprise and a capitalist free market has proven not only to be successful, but wildly so. It brought a group of fledgling colonies who could barely survive to the greatest superpower the world has ever known in less than 200 years. It is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man. It put men on the moon and won two World Wars. It gave the world the Industrial Revolution and virtually all the modernization in science and medicine. It has done so without having to be refined or reworked into a better form. It even has it's own built-in system to improve itself through Constitutional amendments and it has successfully done that as well.

But here we have the mush-brain Millennials who have been indoctrinated by the romantic notions of Eurotrash Socialism and they think it would be cool to toss away everything we have in order to be like Holland.
Looks about right.But it also kinda proves that you can still be a capitalist w

But Belgium is a constitutional, parliamentary bicameral monarchy and not a true Socialist nation. They have embarked on the latest trendy version of Socialism to sweep across Europe and it's going to fail just as it has failed in Greece, Portugal and Spain.

You're also talking about a country with a total population that is LESS than our current number of illegal aliens. We have metro areas in the US that dwarf the size of your country. Again.... for the third time in this thread... Socialism has proven to work in SMALL ISOLATED COUNTRIES! Belgium is one of those exceptions. And hey, it's GREAT when it's working! The problem is always whenever the system begins to fail and fail it will. Inevitably.

This is history, people. If you take some time and look over it, you will see that history doesn't lie... it is FULL of examples where the latest, greatest Socialist plans failed. It started with Marx and Engels... failed... Lenin "refined" it... failed... Stalin "refined" it... failed.... Mao "refined" it... failed... Pol Pot "refined" it... failed.... they are still refining it and it's still failing.

MEANWHILE... A Constitutional Republic with free enterprise and a capitalist free market has proven not only to be successful, but wildly so. It brought a group of fledgling colonies who could barely survive to the greatest superpower the world has ever known in less than 200 years. It is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man. It put men on the moon and won two World Wars. It gave the world the Industrial Revolution and virtually all the modernization in science and medicine. It has done so without having to be refined or reworked into a better form. It even has it's own built-in system to improve itself through Constitutional amendments and it has successfully done that as well.

But here we have the mush-brain Millennials who have been indoctrinated by the romantic notions of Eurotrash Socialism and they think it would be cool to toss away everything we have in order to be like Holland.
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system. It's about location. While Europe until the last 70 years or so blew itself up every 20 years or so. The US has sat safely between 2 oceans. You had all recourses you could need to develop and could profit economically from Europes stupidy in both world wars.
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system. It's about location. While Europe until the last 70 years or so blew itself up every 20 years or so. The US has sat safely between 2 oceans. You had all recourses you could need to develop and could profit economically from Europes stupidy in both world wars.

And BOTH world wars were the result of failed Socialism in some form. You're right... about once every generation or so, we have to come over there and save you from yourselves. If you would stop trying to be like Russia and try having individual freedom and liberty with a free market capitalist system like ours, maybe that wouldn't keep happening? :dunno:
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system. It's about location. While Europe until the last 70 years or so blew itself up every 20 years or so. The US has sat safely between 2 oceans. You had all recourses you could need to develop and could profit economically from Europes stupidy in both world wars.

And BOTH world wars were the result of failed Socialism in some form. You're right... about once every generation or so, we have to come over there and save you from yourselves. If you would stop trying to be like Russia and try having individual freedom and liberty with a free market capitalist system like ours, maybe that wouldn't keep happening? :dunno:


Again, we DO not have Capitalism or Free Enterprise.

Since 1913 we have had a fascistic economy soon to graduate to a berner socialist banana republic.

Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system. It's about location. While Europe until the last 70 years or so blew itself up every 20 years or so. The US has sat safely between 2 oceans. You had all recourses you could need to develop and could profit economically from Europes stupidy in both world wars.

And BOTH world wars were the result of failed Socialism in some form. You're right... about once every generation or so, we have to come over there and save you from yourselves. If you would stop trying to be like Russia and try having individual freedom and liberty with a free market capitalist system like ours, maybe that wouldn't keep happening? :dunno:
That statement is wrong on so many lvl's. World war 1 was very simplified a result of colonial competition. I wont go into it at lenght but it was a combination of ppl having no idea what industrialised war meant and an arms race that got out of hand. WW 2 was a result of shortsightedness of the victors of WW1 and an economic crisis started at the wrong time by UNBRIDLED capitalism. If it wouldn't have been Hitler somebody else would have made Germany go to war. Nothing even remotely to do with socialism.
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Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system.

It has EVERYTHING to do with our system.

You see... In a free market capitalist system, there is no limit to success. There is literally no such thing as "you can't do this!" Whatever we dream, whatever our ambition, we can achieve it through our entrepreneurial endeavors, our skills, talents and creative minds. Our poorest and most destitute citizens can become uber-wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. People flee Communist shitholes to sail in boats made of trash to come to our shores and live the American Dream... you know of any Socialist country with a "Dream?" (Aside from the Utopian Dream they never realize, that is.)
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system. It's about location. While Europe until the last 70 years or so blew itself up every 20 years or so. The US has sat safely between 2 oceans. You had all recourses you could need to develop and could profit economically from Europes stupidy in both world wars.

And BOTH world wars were the result of failed Socialism in some form. You're right... about once every generation or so, we have to come over there and save you from yourselves. If you would stop trying to be like Russia and try having individual freedom and liberty with a free market capitalist system like ours, maybe that wouldn't keep happening? :dunno:


Again, we DO not have Capitalism or Free Enterprise.

Since 1913 we have had a fascistic economy soon to graduate to a berner socialist banana republic.


No... In 1913, really in 1911, we started letting "progressives" introduce socialist policies into our system, largely through misinterpretation of the Constitution. Fortunately, our system is so bullet-proof and resilient, it can withstand a lot of crap being heaped on it and still manages to thrive and prosper.
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system.

It has EVERYTHING to do with our system.

You see... In a free market capitalist system, there is no limit to success. There is literally no such thing as "you can't do this!" Whatever we dream, whatever our ambition, we can achieve it through our entrepreneurial endeavors, our skills, talents and creative minds. Our poorest and most destitute citizens can become uber-wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. People flee Communist shitholes to sail in boats made of trash to come to our shores and live the American Dream... you know of any Socialist country with a "Dream?" (Aside from the Utopian Dream they never realize, that is.)
For the umptied time Communism and socialism are NOT interchangble words. We have millionairs and billionairs here to they live in huge houses and have 50 cars just like in your country. Just because we dont automaticly assume that someone who's receiving benifits is a freeloader and deserves everything he gets, doesn't mean you can't get insanely rich here. And before you say it they can do the same thing in France, Germany and the Uk to. So its not just in the little countries a socialised social system works.
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system. It's about location. While Europe until the last 70 years or so blew itself up every 20 years or so. The US has sat safely between 2 oceans. You had all recourses you could need to develop and could profit economically from Europes stupidy in both world wars.

And BOTH world wars were the result of failed Socialism in some form. You're right... about once every generation or so, we have to come over there and save you from yourselves. If you would stop trying to be like Russia and try having individual freedom and liberty with a free market capitalist system like ours, maybe that wouldn't keep happening? :dunno:
That statement is wrong on so many lvl's. World war 1 was very simplified a result of colonial competition. I wont go into it at lenght but it was a combination of ppl having no idea what industrialised war meant and an arms race that got out of hand. WW 2 was a result of shortsightedness of the victors of WW1 and an economic crisis started at the wrong time by UNBRIDLED capitalism. If it wouldn't have been Hitler somebody else would have made Germany go to war. Nothing even remotely to do with socialism.

There are two immutable truths... Socialists ALWAYS have a convenient excuse for why their latest version of Socialism failed and it generally always has something to do with blaming Capitalism. I don't need or want you to get into a long debate on WWI and WWII because it's pointless to debate with a Socialist on that. I've heard all the propaganda before, I don't need a refresher course. You're never going to convince me that I don't know what I know. But yes... National Socialism was Hitler's "latest greatest" version of Socialism and it failed just all versions of Socialism have ultimately failed and will continue to fail.
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system.

It has EVERYTHING to do with our system.

You see... In a free market capitalist system, there is no limit to success. There is literally no such thing as "you can't do this!" Whatever we dream, whatever our ambition, we can achieve it through our entrepreneurial endeavors, our skills, talents and creative minds. Our poorest and most destitute citizens can become uber-wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. People flee Communist shitholes to sail in boats made of trash to come to our shores and live the American Dream... you know of any Socialist country with a "Dream?" (Aside from the Utopian Dream they never realize, that is.)
For the umptied time Communism and socialism are NOT interchangble words. We have millionairs and billionairs here to they live in huge houses and have 50 cars just like in your country. Just because we dont automaticly assume that someone who's receiving benifits is a freeloader and deserves everything he gets, doesn't mean you can't get insanely rich here. And before you say it they can do the same thing in France, Germany and the Uk to. So its not just in the little countries a socialised social system works.

Now do you see what we have to deal with here, fork?
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system. It's about location. While Europe until the last 70 years or so blew itself up every 20 years or so. The US has sat safely between 2 oceans. You had all recourses you could need to develop and could profit economically from Europes stupidy in both world wars.

And BOTH world wars were the result of failed Socialism in some form. You're right... about once every generation or so, we have to come over there and save you from yourselves. If you would stop trying to be like Russia and try having individual freedom and liberty with a free market capitalist system like ours, maybe that wouldn't keep happening? :dunno:
That statement is wrong on so many lvl's. World war 1 was very simplified a result of colonial competition. I wont go into it at lenght but it was a combination of ppl having no idea what industrialised war meant and an arms race that got out of hand. WW 2 was a result of shortsightedness of the victors of WW1 and an economic crisis started at the wrong time by UNBRIDLED capitalism. If it wouldn't have been Hitler somebody else would have made Germany go to war. Nothing even remotely to do with socialism.

There are two immutable truths... Socialists ALWAYS have a convenient excuse for why their latest version of Socialism failed and it generally always has something to do with blaming Capitalism. I don't need or want you to get into a long debate on WWI and WWII because it's pointless to debate with a Socialist on that. I've heard all the propaganda before, I don't need a refresher course. You're never going to convince me that I don't know what I know. But yes... National Socialism was Hitler's "latest greatest" version of Socialism and it failed just all versions of Socialism have ultimately failed and will continue to fail.
K, guess You can't Argue with the "I know what I know" point. I Especially enjoyed when you told me the I can't own property bit. But you do know i guess. Goodnight Boss stay on point, this was frustrating but enjoyable. I mean that.
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system.

It has EVERYTHING to do with our system.

You see... In a free market capitalist system, there is no limit to success. There is literally no such thing as "you can't do this!" Whatever we dream, whatever our ambition, we can achieve it through our entrepreneurial endeavors, our skills, talents and creative minds. Our poorest and most destitute citizens can become uber-wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. People flee Communist shitholes to sail in boats made of trash to come to our shores and live the American Dream... you know of any Socialist country with a "Dream?" (Aside from the Utopian Dream they never realize, that is.)
For the umptied time Communism and socialism are NOT interchangble words. We have millionairs and billionairs here to they live in huge houses and have 50 cars just like in your country. Just because we dont automaticly assume that someone who's receiving benifits is a freeloader and deserves everything he gets, doesn't mean you can't get insanely rich here. And before you say it they can do the same thing in France, Germany and the Uk to. So its not just in the little countries a socialised social system works.

Now do you see what we have to deal with here, fork?
If I minded arguing with ppl who don't want to move their position no matter what I wouldn't be here lol
Ok the reason you are the greatest superpower has very little to do with your political system.

It has EVERYTHING to do with our system.

You see... In a free market capitalist system, there is no limit to success. There is literally no such thing as "you can't do this!" Whatever we dream, whatever our ambition, we can achieve it through our entrepreneurial endeavors, our skills, talents and creative minds. Our poorest and most destitute citizens can become uber-wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. People flee Communist shitholes to sail in boats made of trash to come to our shores and live the American Dream... you know of any Socialist country with a "Dream?" (Aside from the Utopian Dream they never realize, that is.)
For the umptied time Communism and socialism are NOT interchangble words. We have millionairs and billionairs here to they live in huge houses and have 50 cars just like in your country. Just because we dont automaticly assume that someone who's receiving benifits is a freeloader and deserves everything he gets, doesn't mean you can't get insanely rich here. And before you say it they can do the same thing in France, Germany and the Uk to. So its not just in the little countries a socialised social system works.

Communism is simply the manifest destiny of Socialism. I'm sorry you don't get that. Your country (Belgium) is NOT a Socialist country, it is a Constitutional, parliamentary, bicameral monarchy.

No one that I am aware of thinks everyone who gets government benefits is a freeloader... we do have a lot of freeloaders but that's one of the pitfalls of having 350 million people as opposed to 11 million. And we do have a socialized social system, it's called Social Security... it's about to go tits up because our government has spent the surpluses. Someone did a study about it and if we had adopted a private Social Security system where people invested in the market instead... they would be millionaires at retirement age today. As it stands, they've poured their money into this failed system their whole life and if they die, they won't even get enough to pay for the coffin. Socialism FAILS... every time!
It has EVERYTHING to do with our system.

All this according to republicans.
The system that delivered 50% of the population that are leeches, living off the government in some form or other. 45% who are simply holding their own in terms of prosperity and a fucking 5% that are doing extremely well.

Hell of a system.
It has EVERYTHING to do with our system.

All this according to republicans.
The system that delivered 50% of the population that are leeches, living off the government in some form or other. 45% who are simply holding their own in terms of prosperity and a fucking 5% that are doing extremely well.

Hell of a system.

And THIS is what Socialists DO!

They become entrenched in State politics and completely fuck up everything, then when the "Republican" comes in and attempts to fix things... they point to what a shithole the place is!

If you would only embrace free market capitalist solutions instead of trying to plant Socialist Utopia everywhere you go, things might not be so bad!

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