Did Nancy fold and omit Taiwan for her trip?? It looks like it.

If Taiwan is not sovereign it is Chinese. Period. This is not 1979. An agree thrust on the then 3rd world Chinese does not stand the test of time. It's time to either recognize a sovereign Taiwan or walk away. That is what this about.
Biden simply will not be willing to go to war with China to protect Taiwan....china knows this....the Chinese know biden better than we do.........not even to mention China has nuclear believability ---we do not aka.....biden may threaten nuclear war but no one would believe him.

On the other hand if China does so most would believe it ....recognizing how ruthless they are.

Nuclear weapons are of no use if no one believes you will use them.

Thus the reality is this.....either China is allowed to do to Taiwan what the U.K. allowed China to do to Hong Kong....or the Chinese will move on Taiwan militarily..... most likely before the mid term elections.
If Taiwan is not sovereign it is Chinese.

Taiwan IS sovereign - and recognized so by the USA.

Period. This is not 1979. An agree thrust on the then 3rd world Chinese does not stand the test of time. It's time to either recognize a sovereign Taiwan or walk away. That is what this about.

It's time to kick the shit out of the Communists. Unfortunately, we Quid Pro as Resident, and he is compromised.
Tricky Dick by opening diplomatic ties with China is responsible for all this.....with all the cruelty and ruthlessness of Mao Tse Tung.....we should have isolated them until the communists were kicked out.....Mao killed many millions more of innocent people than Hitler did....would any modern American leader establish diplomatic ties with Hitler....of course not.

Tricky Dick thought he was putting one over on Russia by playing the China Card.

Russia tried to to get America to go with them and bomb China's nuclear sites....Tricky Dick was none too clever....he refused.

It was Jimmy Carter who betrayed Taiwan, not Nixon.

In 1979, Jimmy Carter sought to establish formal relations with the CCP. The CCP presented a condition under which formal relations could occur. The CCP demanded that the United States must reject Taiwan’s existence. Carter agreed and even closed the U.S. Embassy in Taipei. Carter’s agreement is known as the “One China” Policy.

But things did not end there. The Taiwan Relations Act was passed in the United States Congress in 1979. In brief, the act states that its purpose is:

“to help maintain peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific and to promote the foreign policy of the United States by authorizing the continuation of commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan, and for other purposes.”
The act ensures that the United States would support Taiwan and help it defend itself. The United States also maintains an unofficial presence in Taiwan through the American Institute.}

Carter later gave nuclear weapons to North Korea - fucking traitor - that one.
Biden simply will not be willing to go to war with China to protect Taiwan....china knows this....the Chinese know biden better than we do.........not even to mention China has nuclear believability ---we do not aka.....biden may threaten nuclear war but no one would believe him.

On the other hand if China does so most would believe it ....recognizing how ruthless they are.

Nuclear weapons are of no use if no one believes you will use them.

Thus the reality is this.....either China is allowed to do to Taiwan what the U.K. allowed China to do to Hong Kong....or the Chinese will move on Taiwan militarily..... most likely before the mid term elections.

Biden has no option.

The Taiwan Protection Act of 1979 is an automatic trigger. If the Communists attack, we are bound by law to respond.

Xi owns Biden, but that isn't enough to stop the legal response should he invade.
1.3rd of black males are convicted felons.

Biden has no option.

The Taiwan Protection Act of 1979 is an automatic trigger. If the Communists attack, we are bound by law to respond.

Xi owns Biden, but that isn't enough to stop the legal response should he invade.
I do not think that they will invade Taiwan at this point....I do expect them to take some sort of military action on a limited basis as already mentioned.

However the Chinese Communist Military is a powerful force....unlike America....in China the military has much power over the government and they are very aggressive.

They may be able to prevail over any moderation or desire to avoid war that may exist at the top levels....if so just about anything is possible.

I do not think the biden regime is prepared for whatever the Chinese Military may do.
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I do not think that they will invade Taiwan at this point....I do expect them to take some sort of military action on a limited basis as already mentioned.

However the Chinese Communist Military is a powerful force....unlike America....in China the military has much power over the government and they are very aggressive.

They may be able to prevail over any moderation or desire to avoid war that may exist at the top levels....if so just about anything is possible.

I do not think the biden regime is prepared for whatever the Chinese Military may do.
We can only hope that our Military retains enough of the Trump years to deal with China.

We know what Biden is, China knows what Biden is, but one traitor at the top doesn't define our military apparatus.
We can only hope that our Military retains enough of the Trump years to deal with China.

We know what Biden is, China knows what Biden is, but one traitor at the top doesn't define our military apparatus.
Under the biden regime our military has been degraded.....their ability to recruit critical personnel has been severely damaged and thus our military has been tragically weakened not even to mention the forcing of the wokeness doctrine on our military further weakening the U.S. plus we have the worst leadership in our history occupying very high level positions aka Gen Milley and the moronic secretary of Defense.....General Austin an affirmative action guy who rose to the top with no combat experience and a low i.q.

We are in big trouble folks if China decides to take advantage of the big opportunity presented to them.
Under the biden regime our military has been degraded.....their ability to recruit critical personnel has been severely damaged and thus our military has been tragically weakened not even to mention the forcing of the wokeness doctrine on our military further weakening the U.S. plus we have the worst leadership in our history occupying very high level positions aka Gen Milley and the moronic secretary of Defense.....General Austin an affirmative action guy who rose to the top with no combat experience and a low i.q.

We are in big trouble folks if China decides to take advantage of the big opportunity presented to them.

All true, but even degraded our military remains the finest in the world.
All true, but even degraded our military remains the finest in the world.
That is unproven.....we have not fought the Chinese in a long while......and we would be fighting in their neighborhood....not even to mention they have nuclear credibility and we do not.

Bottom Line we have a certified fool as Commander-in-Chief....a huge disadvantage when your adversary is much,much smarter.
That is unproven.....we have not fought the Chinese in a long while......and we would be fighting in their neighborhood....not even to mention they have nuclear credibility and we do not.

Bottom Line we have a certified fool as Commander-in-Chief....a huge disadvantage when your adversary is much,much smarter.
The Chinese are weaker than the Russians.

Plus everything they have, they stole from us - meaning we know how to defeat it.
No it isn't. You really need educate yourself on the 'One China' policy.
I tried to educate you, but you're too busy cheerleading for the CCP to listen.

We are legally obligated to defend Taiwan. Japan and South Korea have already said an attack on Taiwan will bring a response from them. China historically does poorly in wars against Japan.
I tried to educate you, but you're too busy cheerleading for the CCP to listen.

We are legally obligated to defend Taiwan. Japan and South Korea have already said an attack on Taiwan will bring a response from them. China historically does poorly in wars against Japan.
Parading around your ignorance is hardly educational. The US DOES NOT recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation. End of story.

Whatever obligations we have to Japan South Korea, and others does not alter our agreement with China.
All I pray for is there are enough few real young men to win wars.
I have very little faith in this Gen Z girly boys... perpetually outraged, have no experience with stresses in life - protected from birth by parents and schools.
This young man fighting in a war?????????

1 in 6 Gen Z's think they are trans or bi...

It was Jimmy Carter who betrayed Taiwan, not Nixon.

In 1979, Jimmy Carter sought to establish formal relations with the CCP. The CCP presented a condition under which formal relations could occur. The CCP demanded that the United States must reject Taiwan’s existence. Carter agreed and even closed the U.S. Embassy in Taipei. Carter’s agreement is known as the “One China” Policy.

But things did not end there. The Taiwan Relations Act was passed in the United States Congress in 1979. In brief, the act states that its purpose is:

The act ensures that the United States would support Taiwan and help it defend itself. The United States also maintains an unofficial presence in Taiwan through the American Institute.}

Carter later gave nuclear weapons to North Korea - fucking traitor - that one.
Even Pat Buchanan knows you’re full of it. Do you work for the CIA or Raytheon?

Since President Richard Nixon’s trip to China, and President Jimmy Carter’s abrogation of the mutual defense treaty with the Republic of China on Taiwan in 1979, the U.S. is not obligated to come to the defense of Taiwan against China, which claims that island the size of Maryland as “part of China.”

Our military posture has been one of “strategic ambiguity.” We will not commit to go to war to defend Taiwan, nor will we take the war option off the table if Taiwan is attacked.

Is Taiwan’s Independence Worth War?
All I pray for is there are enough few real young men to win wars.
I have very little faith in this Gen Z girly boys... perpetually outraged, have no experience with stresses in life - protected from birth by parents and schools.
This young man fighting in a war?????????

1 in 6 Gen Z's think they are trans or bi...

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Your failure of a thread only makes you look the fool, don't you get tired of always being wrong?

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