Did Nancy fold and omit Taiwan for her trip?? It looks like it.

Even Pat Buchanan knows you’re full of it. Do you work for the CIA or Raytheon?

I used to work of Raytheon

CMMC became bigger and more lucrative for me.

Since President Richard Nixon’s trip to China, and President Jimmy Carter’s abrogation of the mutual defense treaty with the Republic of China on Taiwan in 1979, the U.S. is not obligated to come to the defense of Taiwan against China, which claims that island the size of Maryland as “part of China.”

Our military posture has been one of “strategic ambiguity.” We will not commit to go to war to defend Taiwan, nor will we take the war option off the table if Taiwan is attacked.

Is Taiwan’s Independence Worth War?

That what you ChiComs have to ask yourselves.

You want to invade and conquer Taiwan because of the Semiconductor industry.

You really don't think we'll defend our interests?

Think again. Pelosi went to Taiwan to accept bribes in person from the heads of ASUS, ABIT and others for the taxpayer money she just threw them, You think she, or the rest of the government are going to let you take that?
I used to work of Raytheon

CMMC became bigger and more lucrative for me.

That what you ChiComs have to ask yourselves.

You want to invade and conquer Taiwan because of the Semiconductor industry.

You really don't think we'll defend our interests?

Think again. Pelosi went to Taiwan to accept bribes in person from the heads of ASUS, ABIT and others for the taxpayer money she just threw them, You think she, or the rest of the government are going to let you take that?
This is the fool you support in her effort to instigate war with China.

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