Did Obama lie about health care for illegals?

too funny ... are you saying not one illegal has govt healthcare now .... obama can make all the promisies he wants ..... illegals will end up with health care .... social security ..... a job ..... free education ... a house ..... nothing will change ......

should people that broke the law to enter this country be arrested and deported.....i mean if we are going to copy the french, english, sweedish and canadian health care systems shouldn't we copy their imigration policy and offical language policies as well.....

No, I'm saying if they DO then they are breaking the law, and committing fraud.

And thus, Mr Obama is not lying, which is the point of this thread.

But there would be that anyway, no matter what they did...

unless Republicans are suggesting a National ID system, with bio-identification methods, like fingerprints?

That would be interesting.

I'm sure the Libertarians in the Republican party would have something to say about that...
Because without a national identification system, that included illegal immigrants, then there would be no way to implement "verification" of illegals.

Such identification would have to include some sort of "proof", like fingerprints, etc, or be suscepible to fraud.

In addition, isn't this what Republicans were attacking Democrats for last year with the whole "giving illegals Driver's licenses" thing? LOL.
Obama didn't create illegals. The Republicans have long been in the business of encouraging more illegals to come here to support big business. But doctors don't generally discriminate, and should not and do not have police power, so handling the illegal problem by asking doctors to do it is not a genuine request. The Republicans can scream all they want but the illegal problem is a separate one to be addressed in different legislation. Why don't you get busy on that?

Oh please -neither Republicans nor Democrats have done a thing about securing our border and never will. It has nothing to do with Republicans encouraging illegals for "big business" moron. Which "big business" do you think is in the pocket of just the Republican Party anyway? And exactly HOW do Republicans ENCOURAGE illegals to come into this country in a way that is somehow different from Democrats? LOL Seems to me there is no greater encouragement than offering illegals amnesty and going to the head of the line for citizenship and thereby bumping those waiting to legally enter this country, is there? You mean Republicans topped that one?

Neither party wants to piss off American Hispanics who represent a significant percentage of voters. Republicans have made headway in gaining a higher percentage of the Hispanic vote. And since Hispanics represent an even larger percentage in southwestern states than nationwide and Republicans have no intention of never running for office in southwestern states ever again, of course they have no desire to alienate Hispanics. I find the notion that people actually believe American Hispanics not only APPROVE of illegal aliens but that they do not desire to secure our borders as a national security issue -to be incredibly offensive to Hispanics. Never once heard an American Hispanic say they WANTED illegals sneaking into this country. Have you? They want answers to the problem but that answer is not to just open the floodgates to those who want to sneak in illegally and we'll just pretend no bad people are taking advantage of that as well. Democrats' "solution" of periodically giving illegals amnesty, ignoring the despicable role of the Mexican government in all this and refusing to pressure it to make meaningful reform is not the right answer. Even American Hispanics agree that is not the right one but neither is simply deporting them back over and over again without creating any meaningful way of helping these people who are truly victims in their own country -and also without applying pressure the corrupt Mexican government to reform.

Do you even know why and WHO the Mexicans are that do enter illegally? They are native Indian Mexicans. A minority population in a country run by Spanish-heritage Mexicans who run an intense campaign of discrimination against the native Mexicans. They are the last hired and first fired and can't get elected to federal government office and rarely even employed in any level of government except the lowest, least influential level possible. The unemployment rate among Spanish-heritage Mexicans is around 5%. But among native Indian Mexicans it is nearly 25%. This is a population with a seething rage about their condition with ever more advocating violent overthrow of the government as the best solution. Their own government, which is run by and for Spanish-heritage Mexicans (which is why the Mexican President never looks like the Mexicans who come in here illegally) -openly ENCOURAGES native Indian Mexicans to get out and come here -and hopes they never come back. They are an undesirable population in Mexico. Their government publishes brochures on how and where to sneak into this country and how to send money back. The corrupt Mexican government wants their money to flow back to them -but they don't want these citizens of theirs to ever come back.

These are truly the dispossessed and Americans, in particular the "touchy-feely" liberals are actively aiding in that dispossession -in the belief they are being "humane". What is humane about insisting the US simply close its eyes to the racist and totally corrupt Mexican government's horrendous treatment of THEIR OWN CITIZENS and just allow it? What is humane about encouraging them to drop their own Mexican citizenship and become US ones -and thereby make their dispossession complete? The corrupt Mexican government truly has found the best of both worlds here -they unload their "undesirables" on the US, thereby dispossessing these people of their own country -all while US liberals take an active role in making sure the flow of dispossessed doesn't end, the discrimination continues and even intensifies as Mexico sees it will not suffer for their mistreatment of their own citizens -but REWARDED for it instead by the US where politicians from all parties refuse and fear even trying to address the real roots of this problem. And the real roots of this problem are in MEXICO. Not in the US where we are merely after-the-fact accomplices and even willing DUPES of the corrupt Mexican government. It is truly an inhumane and shameful partnership.

In spite of the nonstop liberal bs about Republicans being in bed with big business, it is a FACT that Democrats rely far more heavily on contributions from big business and major corporations far more than Republicans. Or have you EVER bothered to read the required campaign donor disclosure lists? In fact what Democrats will outright lie about and insist it is the exact opposite - in Congressional and Presidential races, Democrats get a higher percentage of their donations from big businesses and Republicans get a higher percentage of their donations from INDIVIDUALS.

In addition, big business nearly always contributes to both Democrats and Republicans, they lobby whoever is wielding power in Congress just as intensely regardless of their party. The claim that big business is in bed with the Republican Party is one of the biggest lies around. The Democrat Party is snuggled up just as tight with big business as the Republican Party.

Or do you think the fact that the CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt, stands to make BILLIONS from the Obama administration in exchange for promoting the Obama agenda regarding green jobs and renewable energy? No problem with you that GE is the parent company of NBC which will ignore any story that is unfavorable to Obama as well as parent company of MSNBC which operates NOT as a news organization but as an Obama cheerleading team and couldn't make it any more obvious they are in the pocket of government under Obama? You really think Immelt miraculously getting himself appointed as chairman to the Federal Reserve on top of that -is just sheer coincidence? LOL How about the bailouts of AIG? Is it REALLY a surprise to you that after AIG received bailouts to the tune of around $182 BILLION, it reported a huge profit margin of more than 333%? And paid millions in bonuses to their employees? Think it was just a coincidence that Obama was the second largest recipient of AIG campaign cash and the only other person to receive even more was DEMOCRAT Chris Dodd -you know, the guy who somehow overlooked allowing AIG to pay out $165 million in bonuses to its employees after needing those billions in bailouts? Think it is just coincidence that Obama decided AIG needed to be bailed out -over and over and over to the tune of billions. While also deciding to allow AIG's top competitors to go belly up? LOL Do you REALLY think its pure coincidence that former AIG chairmen are in the Obama administration right now as ADVISORS? The very people who helped create the crisis? Do you really think our government has demanded that banks stop making loans to people who can't afford them? ROFLMAO! Oh no, our government is pressuring them to DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.

Do you REALLY know who is responsible for laying the foundation for the financial crisis in the first place? And please, try not to be a partisan patsy by spewing out the usual party line that everything is always the fault of Republicans. Get real, get educated and stop being their useful idiot. BOTH PARTIES are responsible, it could not have happened without both parties and the differences between the two parties are far less then you seem to be aware of -and in fact at times are totally indistinguishable. Clinton's Treasury Secretary from 1999-2001, Larry Summers was THE man most responsible -who worked furiously to have the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 repealed -an act that was created to prevent the very kind of banking abuses taxpayers are footing the bill for right now! Individual politicians did their part -Republican Phil Gramm, Democrats Barney Franks and Chris Dodd all had indispensable roles.

But Summers wasn't finished with his own role. In 2000 Summers backed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and urged Clinton to sign it -which he did. It was a mindboggling piece of crap that allowed financial institutions to trade financial derivatives, including energy -between themselves and WITHOUT government oversight or regulation. Credit default swaps could never have occurred without Summers. You'd think that being so instrumental and critically involved in laying the foundation for this crisis would destroy a person's career, right? WRONG. Guess where Summers works now? He is NOW the White House Economic Council chairman, who along with former AIG CEO and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner -are charged with helping to find a solution to the problems Summers was INSTRUMENTAL in creating in the first place.

And don't get me wrong -Republicans played their own role in this mess. This crisis was created by OUR GOVERNMENT and our government is the same continuous one regardless of which party sits in the White House, where 99% of government policies are not changed from President to President anyway. So what a staggering piece of BULLSHIT when Obama avoided discussing the real origins of this crisis in the first place -but insisted that the answer to it was MORE AND EVEN BIGGER GOVERNMENT. What government -any government, including this one -touches, it screws up and the exceptions to that can be counted on two fingers. ( Which is why the people would be smart and benefit far more by insisting that government stick to doing just those two things.) This government created crisis is just one more in a long list of examples proving it to be absolutely true. So naturally liberals think its the perfect entity to takeover our entire healthcare system. Pack of senseless loons.

You want to talk about big business being in bed with someone? Obama couldn't get any closer in bed with big business without falling out the other side of the bed.
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stop the crying and whining and help with a suggestion.All I hear is insults and crying.
Is it a coincidence fora white congressman from the south to scream an insult to the first black President? Disrespectful and uncalled for.

why dont you take your own advice....and quit making a non-racial incident racial.......

The bill specifically states that federally funds are not to be used to subsidize or fund illegal aliens.

That is what Mr Obama stated in his speech.

The question presented was whether Mr Obama "lied". Clearly he did not.

There would be no way for illegals to receive said federal funding, as they would have to apply for it. The government would not be able to grant the funding unless they were citizens.

So, the point of the Republican verification system is either to deny illegals access to health insurance at all, or it is a completely poiontless argument.

too funny ... are you saying not one illegal has govt healthcare now .... obama can make all the promisies he wants ..... illegals will end up with health care .... social security ..... a job ..... free education ... a house ..... nothing will change ......

should people that broke the law to enter this country be arrested and deported.....i mean if we are going to copy the french, english, sweedish and canadian health care systems shouldn't we copy their imigration policy and offical language policies as well.....

not too mention Mexican laws regarding illegals. OMG!
Because without a national identification system, that included illegal immigrants, then there would be no way to implement "verification" of illegals.

Such identification would have to include some sort of "proof", like fingerprints, etc, or be suscepible to fraud.

In addition, isn't this what Republicans were attacking Democrats for last year with the whole "giving illegals Driver's licenses" thing? LOL.

The proof is in the pudding, read it and weep.

Healthcare for illegals part of Dems' plan (OneNewsNow.com)
President Obama did not lie about illegal and health care.

Annie was the person who lied about it.
President Obama did not lie about illegal and health care.

Annie was the person who lied about it.

Wrong. The Democrats removed the specifics of checking legalities of those requesting healthcare. Those specifics were deleted. Asshat.
President Obama did not lie about illegal and health care.

Annie was the person who lied about it.

Wrong. The Democrats removed the specifics of checking legalities of those requesting healthcare. Those specifics were deleted. Asshat.

C'mon, li'l Annie: patient verification can only work with a national ID. And you can't single out any group of inhabitants. How do we determine so and so is illegal without an ID?

This is a GOP confabulation, not a Democratic problem. Agree to a national ID card, Annie, and I won't vote for you when you run for Congress.

So: quit lying.
President Obama did not lie about illegal and health care.

Annie was the person who lied about it.

Wrong. The Democrats removed the specifics of checking legalities of those requesting healthcare. Those specifics were deleted. Asshat.

C'mon, li'l Annie: patient verification can only work with a national ID. And you can't single out any group of inhabitants. How do we determine so and so is illegal without an ID?

This is a GOP confabulation, not a Democratic problem. Agree to a national ID card, Annie, and I won't vote for you when you run for Congress.

So: quit lying.

AHEM, you are the liar and asshat. No apology will suffice for you.
Annie got caught out in a lie and can't handle the exposure.

So let's do it the easy way. Annie, do you believe in a national ID?
I am not surprised at all that you started crying.

Liars who get trapped often do that here.
Using the age-old custom under law that a refusal to answer is an affirmative answer of silence, we can assure ourselves that Annie wants a national ID card, thus we will be able to find the illegal immigrants. Annie, please write your congresspersons of your support for such a program.

You are such a maroon: so easy to dispose of.
Using the age-old custom under law that a refusal to answer is an affirmative answer of silence, we can assure ourselves that Annie wants a national ID card, thus we will be able to find the illegal immigrants. Annie, please write your congresspersons of your support for such a program.

You are such a maroon: so easy to dispose of.

Funny, why is it you seem to be obsessed with me? Is it my posts? My pic? Damn.
1) President Obama is not being truthful because the Republicans attempted to insert an amendment in the bill such that the proposed plan would not cover illegal immigrants and they were voted down in a straight party line vote by the democrats.

2) Given the bills in the House and Senate are over 1,000 pages each and are written in pure legalese it will be up to the beaurocrats to imlement the bill once it has been passed, and without specific guidance to omit the coverage of illegal immigrants they will be covered. If this were not the wish of the Democrats why would they vote down the amendment (mentioned above)???

No, just another one of the countless lies from the GOP machine. It's been in the bill we have from the beginning...


Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

Is this too "legalese" for you? I can get the comic book version if you need it.

Simple question for you: do you support NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS?
Fact is Republicans would never be on board with an immigration bill,never.They had 8 years to pass something so where is it?There will never be an immigration bill,stop hating brown people or pick your own!
Because without a national identification system, that included illegal immigrants, then there would be no way to implement "verification" of illegals.

Such identification would have to include some sort of "proof", like fingerprints, etc, or be suscepible to fraud.

In addition, isn't this what Republicans were attacking Democrats for last year with the whole "giving illegals Driver's licenses" thing? LOL.

The proof is in the pudding, read it and weep.

Healthcare for illegals part of Dems' plan (OneNewsNow.com)

Well shucks, I guess if Senator Baucus (this one) says so, then it must be true. And ESPECIALLY if it appears in a religious website.
President Obama did not lie about illegal and health care.

Annie was the person who lied about it.

Wrong. The Democrats removed the specifics of checking legalities of those requesting healthcare. Those specifics were deleted. Asshat.

C'mon, li'l Annie: patient verification can only work with a national ID. And you can't single out any group of inhabitants. How do we determine so and so is illegal without an ID?

This is a GOP confabulation, not a Democratic problem. Agree to a national ID card, Annie, and I won't vote for you when you run for Congress.

So: quit lying.

I thought I posted it in this thread, but maybe not. All they need to do to verify legality is to use the E-Verify system already in place for checking potential employee status. It's quick and easy and free.

Ironically, the US Chamber of Commerce thinks it's too intrusive. Hello?

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