Did Obama Order Cops To "Stand Down"?

Folks the math is NOT working. Orlando a major city in Florida takes 3 hours to put together a SWAT team? You can drive across that city in less time. Cities have SWAT teams pre trained and pre assigned.

Did the feds order the locals to stand down? A LONE active shooter in a bar. Obama IS a muslim and muslims hate faggots. Did Obama use them as fodder for islam?

Like the hostages he left in Iran during the nuke deal?
Or the two naval ships right before that release of money?
Like the Christians in Monsul?
Or the four left hanging in Libya?

Bars are not complicated buildings folks. I have leased old bars for auctions. One small office and a small storage and with two bathrooms. Tons of open floor space. Most things in bars are mid chest high or lower. And they tend to have a lot of glass.

The math don't add folks, it just does not add.

Fuck you.

Timeline: Four hours of terror
DarkFury is part of the problem not the solution. Noted.
And he sees no irony in calling them faggots.

DorkFurball is an idiot.
DarkFury is one of the haters. Noted.
And just who am I hating jakeoff?
Noted. Don't try taking tough, softboy, you only make real men chuckle quietly.
This was a hostage situation so there wasn't much the cops could do other than contain it and wait for developing information. To just bust in would certainly jeopardize the hostages. So in this example, unless further information develops I must say it looks like the cops did nothing wrong.
I'm sure it will come out in time. If it doesn't then I'll gladly admit I was wrong. I'd much rather we not put anymore hate onto our fine officers anyway so it would actually suit my personal agenda far better if I were wrong :(
Read my link. I'll look for your admission of being wrong.


I wish that resolved anything, unfortunately it's actually made it worse imo. (emphasis added) See the officers knew damn well they should have stormed the place the second they got wind of there were still hostages stuck inside, but they didn't, instead they hung out for almost 2 hours... The guy told them he was ISIS, that right there says the fucks not going to negotiate, he wants to die because that's his damn duty to his god or w/e bullshit. They should have hit the place the second the asshole said he was ISIS, end of negotiations.

We do /not/ negotiate with terrorists, period...


2:17 a.m.

By this point, police believe Mateen killed most of his victims.


For the next few hours, the timeline is unclear.

The SWAT team soon arrived and took up positions inside the club. Mateen “barricaded” himself in the bathroom, the chief said.

Officers took victims to hospitals in police vehicles. Those trapped inside used 911 and social media to ask for help.

More than 100 Orlando police officers and Orange County sheriff’s deputies rushed to the scene.

The shooter then started speaking to police during the standoff, said FBI Director James Comey.

Mateen called 911 about 30 minutes after the attack but hung up.

He called a second time, spoke briefly to a dispatcher, then hung up again. The dispatcher called back. Crisis negotiators also spoke to Mateen.

This is when authorities said Mateen declared his allegiance to the Islamic State.

“During the calls, he said he was doing this for the leader of ISIL, who he named and pledged loyalty to,” Comey said.

Mateen also mentioned the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and Moner Mohammad Abusalha, the Fort Pierce man who in 2014 became the first American to conduct a suicide attack in Syria.

During the 911 calls, Mateen made no demands. Negotiators did most of the talking. Meanwhile, police said they heard no more gunshots inside the club.

“He really wasn’t asking for a whole lot,” the chief said, “and we were doing most of the asking.”

Mateen indicated to police that he may have explosives, such as a bomb vest. And there was this:

“He was cool and calm,” Mina said.

3:58 a.m.

Just before 5 a.m.

Police feared Mateen was about to add to his body count. Commanders decided to storm the club. “We all knew that was the right thing to do,” Mina said.

It's unfortunate, but yeah it's going to happen. I hope the officers have a valid excuse, or at least something the majority will buy anyway.
Any time something doesn't make sense to a conservative, it's Obama's fault. Apparently they think he is an omnipresent creature, like in their mythology.
I wish that resolved anything, unfortunately it's actually made it worse imo. (emphasis added) See the officers knew damn well they should have stormed the place the second they got wind of there were still hostages stuck inside, but they didn't, instead they hung out for almost 2 hours... The guy told them he was ISIS, that right there says the fucks not going to negotiate, he wants to die because that's his damn duty to his god or w/e bullshit. They should have hit the place the second the asshole said he was ISIS, end of negotiations.
My thoughts where hostage situations are concerned are formed around what happened at Waco, where busting in caused the deaths of a lot of people, including 21 innocent kids, some as young as two. I still get angry thinking about that.

So I don't understand your reasoning. The cops didn't know much more than at least one well-armed individual already had killed several people and was holding several more hostage -- and to just bust in would assuredly cause the death of more innocents. If there is something I'm not considering please educate me.

We do /not/ negotiate with terrorists, period...
That's okay under some circumstances but certainly not all. Why not negotiate if a reasonable agreement can be reached? Imagine yourself or someone close to you as being among the hostages. Would you still be as eager to bring about another Waco tragedy?
I wish that resolved anything, unfortunately it's actually made it worse imo. (emphasis added) See the officers knew damn well they should have stormed the place the second they got wind of there were still hostages stuck inside, but they didn't, instead they hung out for almost 2 hours... The guy told them he was ISIS, that right there says the fucks not going to negotiate, he wants to die because that's his damn duty to his god or w/e bullshit. They should have hit the place the second the asshole said he was ISIS, end of negotiations.
My thoughts where hostage situations are concerned are formed around what happened at Waco, where busting in caused the deaths of a lot of people, including 21 innocent kids, some as young as two. I still get angry thinking about that.

So I don't understand your reasoning. The cops didn't know much more than at least one well-armed individual already had killed several people and was holding several more hostage -- and to just bust in would assuredly cause the death of more innocents. If there is something I'm not considering please educate me.

We do /not/ negotiate with terrorists, period...
That's okay under some circumstances but certainly not all. Why not negotiate if a reasonable agreement can be reached? Imagine yourself or someone close to you as being among the hostages. Would you still be as eager to bring about another Waco tragedy?

Well they'd tried controlled detonations, but it didn't get through - not surprising, looks to be cinder stone bricks, they have the holes in the center and that would dissipate the blast in the open cavities. That's why they had to pull out the battering ram. As for why they didn't send the SWAT in the front door with them bullet proof riot shields I'm not sure, I mean maybe they couldn't get through the bathroom door? Sounds a little silly to me, but idk we have to see what they say about it...

No, it is never okay to negotiate with terrorists. Look these people are not normal, you can't treat them like normal people. They are off their rockers and just looking for max casualties in an effort to intimidate and frighten. We cannot afford to let them think they are dominate. They need to be put in their damn places, quick, decisive, unmerciful, action without regret, without hesitation, without fear. We cannot let these fuckers push us around like that, they respond only to bullies, to violence, to domination. It doesn't matter how you want to treat /normal/ people, these terrorist fucks are not normal, stop pretending that they are.

Waco... that was a mess I agree and ya know, if the damned D's hadn't started a campaign of disarmament then it would have never happened...
ooops and I forgot. They had nearly 2 hours, are you saying at the time they were unaware what the terrorist was doing in there? That they didn't get wind of the social media posts from what hundreds(?) of terrified young adults in there saying goodbye to their fucking parents and friends? No, they knew, they knew shit was hitting the fan, they knew there were hostages, and the second that bastard said ISIS they knew that shooting the bastard was the only way it was ending...

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