Did Rush Say His Good-Byes Today?

meh. Trump would have to do some extreme shit to overturn the election. . .and from what we know of him? He loves the nation too much to do it
The states COULD. The stolen states could just choose their electors. It's a long shot, but it could happen. Michigan has a Republican legislature. Those states could and should

No, they CANNOT. Why can't they not? Because they already set into law how they would choose their Electors: by popular vote winner. And that already took place. You don't change the rules of the game after the clock runs out.

And there are no "stolen" states. Your orange idol FUCKING LOST. It's that simple.
I didnt get to here all 3 hours today. I meant to, and was able, but I got distracted. What I heard was sad though. Hes facing it, and is preparing his audience.

The dayā€™s gonna come, folks, where Iā€™m not gonna be able to do this. I donā€™t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it.

I want to, but the day will come where Iā€™m not going to be able to, and I want you to understand that even when the day comes, Iā€™d like to be here. ā€˜Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me. So I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great New Year, and I hope that the things that are in store for all of us in the coming year are certainly better than what we have endured in 2020.

I donā€™t know too many people whoā€™ve enjoyed 2020. There are probably some sickos out there who have. But 2021 has to be better. Weā€™re gonna try to make it that way here at the EIB Network. Again, folks, thank you so much. I wish there were a way to say it other than ā€œthank you.ā€ Youā€™re just the best. My family is just the best. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everybody, from all of us to all of you. Make it happen!

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I don't agree with him a lot of the time, but I admire people who are good at what they do and I wish him the best. Merry Christmas to Rush.

Being "good at what you do" is kind of a moot point when what you do is divide and sow hate. Or as Limblob himself described his job, "to make you mad". That's not bringing anything positive.
I tend not to judge IQ2 too harshly, cuz yannow, he's not white, and, well, you know.

I think he is white. But, I don't care.

Watching his posts for some time, he has said that his wife is black and at other times, that they have a mixed-race child. Frankly, I don't care who or what he is, he's a troll, nothing more, nothing less.
I didnt get to here all 3 hours today. I meant to, and was able, but I got distracted. What I heard was sad though. Hes facing it, and is preparing his audience.

The dayā€™s gonna come, folks, where Iā€™m not gonna be able to do this. I donā€™t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it.

I want to, but the day will come where Iā€™m not going to be able to, and I want you to understand that even when the day comes, Iā€™d like to be here. ā€˜Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me. So I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great New Year, and I hope that the things that are in store for all of us in the coming year are certainly better than what we have endured in 2020.

I donā€™t know too many people whoā€™ve enjoyed 2020. There are probably some sickos out there who have. But 2021 has to be better. Weā€™re gonna try to make it that way here at the EIB Network. Again, folks, thank you so much. I wish there were a way to say it other than ā€œthank you.ā€ Youā€™re just the best. My family is just the best. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everybody, from all of us to all of you. Make it happen!

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I don't agree with him a lot of the time, but I admire people who are good at what they do and I wish him the best. Merry Christmas to Rush.

Being "good at what you do" is kind of a moot point when what you do is divide and sow hate. Or as Limblob himself described his job, "to make you mad". That's not bringing anything positive.

You have 95% of the media market, how much more do you want 10%?
I tend not to judge IQ2 too harshly, cuz yannow, he's not white, and, well, you know.

I think he is white. But, I don't care.

Watching his posts for some time, he has said that his wife is black and at other times, that they have a mixed-race child. Frankly, I don't care who or what he is, he's a troll, nothing more, nothing less.
I've never said my wife was black. I am not white or a troll. I am a divorced black man 2 months shy of 60 and post facts you can't handle. I was married to a white lady. This is one way how you produce a mixed child. Now I know that whites like you live under the delusion that most blacks see the world as you do and live happily ignoring white racism. Well I'm here to tell you that ain't so. It's not even close to being so.

As for Limbaugh, he's a fat slimy racist piece of shit. I hope that if the lord heals him that he sees that as a sign that he must repent. And if not, may he repent on his way out so God will have mercy on his soul.
May God have mercy on his soul for all the hate and evil he has sown.

Initially, when I saw your posts I thought you were being facetious.

Since then I have learned that you really are this filled with hate and ignorance.
No junior that's not the case. Calling out this history and continuance of white racism is neither hate or ignorance. Limbaugh has sown hate and evil. That's just the hard cold truth.
Call me an optimist, but I expect 2021 to be MUCH WORSE. Biden as president, the House and Senate in the hands of these lunatics, and Rush not available to be a thorn in their side.

Itā€™s not that Rush was ever reslly good at what he does. Itā€™s that his huge collective of loyal listeners are real bad at knowing what good is.
I didnt get to here all 3 hours today. I meant to, and was able, but I got distracted. What I heard was sad though. Hes facing it, and is preparing his audience.

The dayā€™s gonna come, folks, where Iā€™m not gonna be able to do this. I donā€™t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it.

I want to, but the day will come where Iā€™m not going to be able to, and I want you to understand that even when the day comes, Iā€™d like to be here. ā€˜Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me. So I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great New Year, and I hope that the things that are in store for all of us in the coming year are certainly better than what we have endured in 2020.

I donā€™t know too many people whoā€™ve enjoyed 2020. There are probably some sickos out there who have. But 2021 has to be better. Weā€™re gonna try to make it that way here at the EIB Network. Again, folks, thank you so much. I wish there were a way to say it other than ā€œthank you.ā€ Youā€™re just the best. My family is just the best. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everybody, from all of us to all of you. Make it happen!

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I don't agree with him a lot of the time, but I admire people who are good at what they do and I wish him the best. Merry Christmas to Rush.

Limbaugh was among the best fearmongers and demagogues ā€“ he never deviated from the conservative credo: ā€œrepeat a lie often enough in the hope itā€™s perceived to be ā€˜true.ā€™ā€

Limbaugh was also among the first architects of the rightwing echo chamber and the conservative doctrine of willful ignorance ā€“ truth and facts were irrelevant; defenders of the truth and facts were the enemy and vilified.

And Limbaughā€™s army of mindless dittoheads was the epitome of conservative authoritarianism, blind devotion to rightwing dogma, and conservativesā€™ disdain for critical thinking skills.

He will be missed.
meh. Trump would have to do some extreme shit to overturn the election. . .and from what we know of him? He loves the nation too much to do it
The states COULD. The stolen states could just choose their electors. It's a long shot, but it could happen. Michigan has a Republican legislature. Those states could and should

Conservatives canā€™t even stay on topic of their own threads about Limbaugh ā€“ they canā€™t help but start lying about the election.

Too funny.
I didnt get to here all 3 hours today. I meant to, and was able, but I got distracted. What I heard was sad though. Hes facing it, and is preparing his audience.

The dayā€™s gonna come, folks, where Iā€™m not gonna be able to do this. I donā€™t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it.

I want to, but the day will come where Iā€™m not going to be able to, and I want you to understand that even when the day comes, Iā€™d like to be here. ā€˜Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me. So I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great New Year, and I hope that the things that are in store for all of us in the coming year are certainly better than what we have endured in 2020.

I donā€™t know too many people whoā€™ve enjoyed 2020. There are probably some sickos out there who have. But 2021 has to be better. Weā€™re gonna try to make it that way here at the EIB Network. Again, folks, thank you so much. I wish there were a way to say it other than ā€œthank you.ā€ Youā€™re just the best. My family is just the best. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everybody, from all of us to all of you. Make it happen!

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I have never listened to Mr. L.

I have no interest.

But while watching "Fox & Friends" for a few minutes this morning, I heard that Mr. L. had reminded his listeners that we all have a date of expiration.

That is something that we should always remember.

It might help us to put everything into perspective.

Happy Holidays
I tend not to judge IQ2 too harshly, cuz yannow, he's not white, and, well, you know.

I think he is white. But, I don't care.

Watching his posts for some time, he has said that his wife is black and at other times, that they have a mixed-race child. Frankly, I don't care who or what he is, he's a troll, nothing more, nothing less.

Yeah, he is likely another smelly, white, SJW nutjob pretending to be a homie cuz, that's supposed make his One Note Samba posts more interesting - or something
I've been an on and off listener since his second week on the radio in NYC. My family - siblings and my Mom, are huge fans. We got tickets to see him in person when he had I think a TV show and have autographed copies of all his books. My brother is friends with James Golden (aka. Bo Snerdley)

I'm going to miss Rush, there's nobody who is even a close second
I didnt get to here all 3 hours today. I meant to, and was able, but I got distracted. What I heard was sad though. Hes facing it, and is preparing his audience.

The dayā€™s gonna come, folks, where Iā€™m not gonna be able to do this. I donā€™t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it.

I want to, but the day will come where Iā€™m not going to be able to, and I want you to understand that even when the day comes, Iā€™d like to be here. ā€˜Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me. So I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great New Year, and I hope that the things that are in store for all of us in the coming year are certainly better than what we have endured in 2020.

I donā€™t know too many people whoā€™ve enjoyed 2020. There are probably some sickos out there who have. But 2021 has to be better. Weā€™re gonna try to make it that way here at the EIB Network. Again, folks, thank you so much. I wish there were a way to say it other than ā€œthank you.ā€ Youā€™re just the best. My family is just the best. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everybody, from all of us to all of you. Make it happen!

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I don't agree with him a lot of the time, but I admire people who are good at what they do and I wish him the best. Merry Christmas to Rush.

Being "good at what you do" is kind of a moot point when what you do is divide and sow hate. Or as Limblob himself described his job, "to make you mad". That's not bringing anything positive.

You have 95% of the media market, how much more do you want 10%?

Actually I have pretty close to 0% of the media market. Same as you.
No idea what that's got to do with anything but there it is, innit.
I didnt get to here all 3 hours today. I meant to, and was able, but I got distracted. What I heard was sad though. Hes facing it, and is preparing his audience.

The dayā€™s gonna come, folks, where Iā€™m not gonna be able to do this. I donā€™t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it.

I want to, but the day will come where Iā€™m not going to be able to, and I want you to understand that even when the day comes, Iā€™d like to be here. ā€˜Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me. So I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great New Year, and I hope that the things that are in store for all of us in the coming year are certainly better than what we have endured in 2020.

I donā€™t know too many people whoā€™ve enjoyed 2020. There are probably some sickos out there who have. But 2021 has to be better. Weā€™re gonna try to make it that way here at the EIB Network. Again, folks, thank you so much. I wish there were a way to say it other than ā€œthank you.ā€ Youā€™re just the best. My family is just the best. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everybody, from all of us to all of you. Make it happen!

View attachment 432863

God is fixing a mistake
I didnt get to here all 3 hours today. I meant to, and was able, but I got distracted. What I heard was sad though. Hes facing it, and is preparing his audience.

The dayā€™s gonna come, folks, where Iā€™m not gonna be able to do this. I donā€™t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it.

I want to, but the day will come where Iā€™m not going to be able to, and I want you to understand that even when the day comes, Iā€™d like to be here. ā€˜Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me. So I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great New Year, and I hope that the things that are in store for all of us in the coming year are certainly better than what we have endured in 2020.

I donā€™t know too many people whoā€™ve enjoyed 2020. There are probably some sickos out there who have. But 2021 has to be better. Weā€™re gonna try to make it that way here at the EIB Network. Again, folks, thank you so much. I wish there were a way to say it other than ā€œthank you.ā€ Youā€™re just the best. My family is just the best. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everybody, from all of us to all of you. Make it happen!

View attachment 432863

I don't agree with him a lot of the time, but I admire people who are good at what they do and I wish him the best. Merry Christmas to Rush.

Being "good at what you do" is kind of a moot point when what you do is divide and sow hate. Or as Limblob himself described his job, "to make you mad". That's not bringing anything positive.
He is decidedly right wing. Heard him for many years, almost daily. He was a different take on news, whatever president in office at the time, and sometimes world events. Often way off base, but sometimes absolutely correct and always presented and conducted with Rush style. Taken with a grain of salt, over all a good voice to listen for hearing what many on the right were saying, and occasionally also interesting points expressed by listeners. Some of them were very interesting in their own right, the ones that were not pure ditto dudes wanting to shamelessly suck up for 2 minutes before clumsily giving a 7 sec. agreement with him, that got past Bo Snerdly or whoever was call screening and Rush handled them all smoothly, executing his duties behind the EIB microphone. I give him far more credit for actually believing what he said than Hannity, who I have always found unlistenable for a variety of reasons.
Is wishing death on someone for expressing a differing opinion a prerequisite for joining the Socialist democrats?
I didnt get to here all 3 hours today. I meant to, and was able, but I got distracted. What I heard was sad though. Hes facing it, and is preparing his audience.

The dayā€™s gonna come, folks, where Iā€™m not gonna be able to do this. I donā€™t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it.

I want to, but the day will come where Iā€™m not going to be able to, and I want you to understand that even when the day comes, Iā€™d like to be here. ā€˜Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me. So I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great New Year, and I hope that the things that are in store for all of us in the coming year are certainly better than what we have endured in 2020.

I donā€™t know too many people whoā€™ve enjoyed 2020. There are probably some sickos out there who have. But 2021 has to be better. Weā€™re gonna try to make it that way here at the EIB Network. Again, folks, thank you so much. I wish there were a way to say it other than ā€œthank you.ā€ Youā€™re just the best. My family is just the best. Thank you. Merry Christmas, everybody, from all of us to all of you. Make it happen!

View attachment 432863

I don't agree with him a lot of the time, but I admire people who are good at what they do and I wish him the best. Merry Christmas to Rush.

Being "good at what you do" is kind of a moot point when what you do is divide and sow hate. Or as Limblob himself described his job, "to make you mad". That's not bringing anything positive.
He is decidedly right wing. Heard him for many years, almost daily. He was a different take on news, whatever president in office at the time, and sometimes world events. Often way off base, but sometimes absolutely correct and always presented and conducted with Rush style. Taken with a grain of salt, over all a good voice to listen for hearing what many on the right were saying, and occasionally also interesting points expressed by listeners. Some of them were very interesting in their own right, the ones that were not pure ditto dudes wanting to shamelessly suck up for 2 minutes before clumsily giving a 7 sec. agreement with him, that got past Bo Snerdly or whoever was call screening and Rush handled them all smoothly, executing his duties behind the EIB microphone. I give him far more credit for actually believing what he said than Hannity, who I have always found unlistenable for a variety of reasons.

I don't believe Lush Rimjob has ever believed a damn thing he says. I believe he's simply stirring the shit for ratings and always has. He's admitted as much. For one shining example attacking a college student with his "SLUT SLUT SLUT" rant, as if a fat blob caught coming back from the DR with Viagra has some moral standing. He's a blatant self-serving hypocrite who exploits the gullibility of his followers --- a telling term in itself. As such I have zero respect, I don't care how many ratings poitns he builds through mendacity... actually it's if anything an inverse relationship. That he thinks he's God just increases the contempt.

Let's face it, he's a troll, a waste of human protoplasm, a manipulation model that Rump obviously studied and emulated, and no good ever came of that. I don't for a second think that either one of them believes an iota of the bile they spew. They use it as tools to manipulate the masses for their own personal gain, and that is beyond contemptible.

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