Did Someone Mention Gorsuch? 'Senate Dems “paralyzed” over Gorsuch confirmation'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
" Senate Democrats have not been able to figure out how they should respond in the six weeks following the pick, and are “paralyzed” by Gorsuch’s stellar record on the appellate bench...

President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee has breezed through more than 70 meetings with senators. Opponents who’ve scoured his record have found little to latch onto. And some Democrats are privately beginning to believe that Gorsuch — barring a blunder at his Senate confirmation hearings next week — will clinch the 60 votes he needs to be approved without a filibuster.

The problem for Democrats is as obvious as Gorsuch’s qualifications, and it’s that Gorsuch’s qualifications are so obvious. That hasn’t stopped Democrats from hammering Republican nominees to the Supreme Court in the past, such as John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Robert Bork. Gorsuch’s record gives them no real hook for those kinds of attacks on substance, and his personality makes it difficult to find a way to attack him personally, too. The charm offensive on Capitol Hill has been a rousing success."

Politico: Senate Dems “paralyzed” over Gorsuch confirmation - Hot Air
I think Snowflakes are still in shock that Trump actually picked such an extremely qualified, Non-controversial pick.
Yet another example of why Dumbocrats should never be elected. Here they are caught flat out lying and contradicting their own positions.
  • Democrat Sens. Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Patty Murray, Patrick Leahy, Ron Wyden, Jack Reed, Tom Carper, Bill Nelson, Debbie Stabenow, Maria Cantwell, and Bob Menendez all previously supported Gorsuch’s 2006 nomination to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • The American Bar Association unanimously gave Gorsuch its highest recommendation of “well qualified,” which Leahy and Schumer previously referred to as the “gold standard,” removing any doubt as to his qualifications to serve.
  • Schumer decided to attempt to block any Trump Supreme Court nominee before Gorsuch was even named or testified. Here are two key quotes. On MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” (Jan. 3):
Schumer: “It’s hard for me to imagine a nominee that Donald Trump would choose that would get Republican support that we could support.”

Maddow: “So you will do your best to hold the seat open.”

Schumer: “Absolutely.”

And on CNN’s “State of the Union” (Jan. 22):

Schumer: “ … we absolutely would keep the seat open. … We will fight it tooth-and-nail, as long as we have to.”

7 Facts Democrats Should Consider Before Opposing Gorsuch
...39 Democrats threatening to hijack / oppose what the majority of Americans and majority of what their own fellow Democrats support. Nice...
Chuck Schumer is the new Harry Reid. Someone who will lie about even his lies because he's committed to a radical anti-American agenda.

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