Did Someone Say Witch Hunt?...

Could I sell you on .. for the good of the country?

Based on the fact that republcians had control of cognress back when this witch hunt allegedly started, his own party forced him out for the good of the party not the country but thanks for the spin.

How did the party benefit from this? When Dems do it they get support because Dems want powerful politiicians in their corner and figure the stink will blow over. They are right, from a political perspective.
The GOP wants to be moral and so sacrifices their best politicians for dubious gain.

But thought was never your strong point.

Aww look at the troll. how long before you cut and run from this thread hack?? LOL

In case you missed it in your zeal to chime in and attack me the point of this thread is to blame democrats for an alleged witch hunt that BEGAN when republicans had control of congress. Thererfore the premise of the OP and thread are BS.

BTW delay was indicted in texas, then stepped down as majority leader and then later decided not to run after he won the primary because according to him he only had "50-50 chance of winning".

Thanks for your spin and thanks for playing but you lose AGAIN. LOL
Based on the fact that republcians had control of cognress back when this witch hunt allegedly started, his own party forced him out for the good of the party not the country but thanks for the spin.

How did the party benefit from this? When Dems do it they get support because Dems want powerful politiicians in their corner and figure the stink will blow over. They are right, from a political perspective.
The GOP wants to be moral and so sacrifices their best politicians for dubious gain.

But thought was never your strong point.

Aww look at the troll. how long before you cut and run from this thread hack?? LOL

In case you missed it in your zeal to chime in and attack me the point of this thread is to blame democrats for an alleged witch hunt that BEGAN when republicans had control of congress. Thererfore the premise of the OP and thread are BS.

BTW delay was indicted in texas, then stepped down as majority leader and then later decided not to run after he won the primary because according to him he only had "50-50 chance of winning".

Thanks for your spin and thanks for playing but you lose AGAIN. LOL

Once again proving you cannot substantiate anything you write.
I asked you to support your statement that he resigned for the good of the party. I queried what good that was. You characteristically respond with something totally off topic and an ad hominem attack for good measure.
The Democrats demanded firings and resignations every day for eight straight years. They undermined everythng. It is payback time. So get your list ready. My list of miscreants in this Administration who need to be Witch Hunted out is ready to go. Time to start demanding those firings and resignations. It's coming around Democrats. :)
Could I sell you on .. for the good of the country?

Based on the fact that republcians had control of cognress back when this witch hunt allegedly started, his own party forced him out for the good of the party not the country but thanks for the spin.

How did the party benefit from this? When Dems do it they get support because Dems want powerful politiicians in their corner and figure the stink will blow over. They are right, from a political perspective.
The GOP wants to be moral and so sacrifices their best politicians for dubious gain.

But thought was never your strong point.

The GOP wants to be moral and sacrifices their best politicians?

Like they did Larry Craig, right?
How did the party benefit from this? When Dems do it they get support because Dems want powerful politiicians in their corner and figure the stink will blow over. They are right, from a political perspective.
The GOP wants to be moral and so sacrifices their best politicians for dubious gain.

But thought was never your strong point.

Aww look at the troll. how long before you cut and run from this thread hack?? LOL

In case you missed it in your zeal to chime in and attack me the point of this thread is to blame democrats for an alleged witch hunt that BEGAN when republicans had control of congress. Thererfore the premise of the OP and thread are BS.

BTW delay was indicted in texas, then stepped down as majority leader and then later decided not to run after he won the primary because according to him he only had "50-50 chance of winning".

Thanks for your spin and thanks for playing but you lose AGAIN. LOL

Once again proving you cannot substantiate anything you write.
I asked you to support your statement that he resigned for the good of the party. I queried what good that was. You characteristically respond with something totally off topic and an ad hominem attack for good measure.

This from Mr. Troll and Mr. Ad Hom himself, the punkass wannabee libertarian. The charge has been subtantiated but the Troll of Unsubstantiated Charges wets himself.

Go hike, Mr. Troll Rabbi.
How did the party benefit from this? When Dems do it they get support because Dems want powerful politiicians in their corner and figure the stink will blow over. They are right, from a political perspective.
The GOP wants to be moral and so sacrifices their best politicians for dubious gain.

But thought was never your strong point.

Aww look at the troll. how long before you cut and run from this thread hack?? LOL

In case you missed it in your zeal to chime in and attack me the point of this thread is to blame democrats for an alleged witch hunt that BEGAN when republicans had control of congress. Thererfore the premise of the OP and thread are BS.

BTW delay was indicted in texas, then stepped down as majority leader and then later decided not to run after he won the primary because according to him he only had "50-50 chance of winning".

Thanks for your spin and thanks for playing but you lose AGAIN. LOL

Once again proving you cannot substantiate anything you write.
I asked you to support your statement that he resigned for the good of the party. I queried what good that was. You characteristically respond with something totally off topic and an ad hominem attack for good measure.

Some of his own party pressured him to get out for the good of the party.

REP. TOM TIAHRT (R), Kansas: By Tom DeLay removing himself from the political process, one of the targets of the Democrat Party is simply not on the table, not available. So, in that sense, it's better for the Republican Party.
Online NewsHour: Former House Speaker Tom DeLay Announces Resignation -- April 4, 2006

and then in response to being question about his seat delay said

And there's no guarantee that I can win. I think I could win; it would be a very close race; it would be very expensive. But if I step aside, whoever replaces me on the ballot will be guaranteed a seat in Congress. And it's too important for me and I've worked too hard to have a Republican majority give this seat up to a Democrat.

It was done for the party and supported by the party

So now that I have backed up my statements how about someone on the right back up the claim that my post was in response to and show how delay quit for the good of the country???

Got anything REAL?? Or is this where you cut and run as you call me names?? LOL
How did the party benefit from this? When Dems do it they get support because Dems want powerful politiicians in their corner and figure the stink will blow over. They are right, from a political perspective.
The GOP wants to be moral and so sacrifices their best politicians for dubious gain.

But thought was never your strong point.

Aww look at the troll. how long before you cut and run from this thread hack?? LOL

In case you missed it in your zeal to chime in and attack me the point of this thread is to blame democrats for an alleged witch hunt that BEGAN when republicans had control of congress. Thererfore the premise of the OP and thread are BS.

BTW delay was indicted in texas, then stepped down as majority leader and then later decided not to run after he won the primary because according to him he only had "50-50 chance of winning".

Thanks for your spin and thanks for playing but you lose AGAIN. LOL

Once again proving you cannot substantiate anything you write.
I asked you to support your statement that he resigned for the good of the party. I queried what good that was. You characteristically respond with something totally off topic and an ad hominem attack for good measure.

In his own words he resigned for the good of the party:

Because I care so deeply about this district and the people in it, I refuse to allow liberal Democrats an opportunity to steal this seat with a negative, personal campaign.

Obviously saying he resigned to give the GOP a better chance of holding the seat, which is inarguably resigning for the good of the party.

Text of Tom DeLay's Resignation Statement : NPR
The Democrats demanded firings and resignations every day for eight straight years. They undermined everythng. It is payback time. So get your list ready. My list of miscreants in this Administration who need to be Witch Hunted out is ready to go. Time to start demanding those firings and resignations. It's coming around Democrats. :)

aw look at the parrot. libo want a cracker?? Let me know when you ahve anything new to add to the debate since the premise of your origianl argument has been shot down by the FACT that republicans were in charge when delay was admonished by the house etthics committee THREE times back when this so-called "witch hunt" began. LOL
Hopey Changey's entire economic team is at the top of my list. They need to be Witch Hunted out of there as soon as possible. My list is long but those tools are at the top.
Aww look at the troll. how long before you cut and run from this thread hack?? LOL

In case you missed it in your zeal to chime in and attack me the point of this thread is to blame democrats for an alleged witch hunt that BEGAN when republicans had control of congress. Thererfore the premise of the OP and thread are BS.

BTW delay was indicted in texas, then stepped down as majority leader and then later decided not to run after he won the primary because according to him he only had "50-50 chance of winning".

Thanks for your spin and thanks for playing but you lose AGAIN. LOL

Once again proving you cannot substantiate anything you write.
I asked you to support your statement that he resigned for the good of the party. I queried what good that was. You characteristically respond with something totally off topic and an ad hominem attack for good measure.

Some of his own party pressured him to get out for the good of the party.

REP. TOM TIAHRT (R), Kansas: By Tom DeLay removing himself from the political process, one of the targets of the Democrat Party is simply not on the table, not available. So, in that sense, it's better for the Republican Party.
Online NewsHour: Former House Speaker Tom DeLay Announces Resignation -- April 4, 2006

and then in response to being question about his seat delay said

And there's no guarantee that I can win. I think I could win; it would be a very close race; it would be very expensive. But if I step aside, whoever replaces me on the ballot will be guaranteed a seat in Congress. And it's too important for me and I've worked too hard to have a Republican majority give this seat up to a Democrat.

It was done for the party and supported by the party

So now that I have backed up my statements how about someone on the right back up the claim that my post was in response to and show how delay quit for the good of the country???

Got anything REAL?? Or is this where you cut and run as you call me names?? LOL

Hopey Changey's entire economic team is at the top of my list. They need to be Witch Hunted out of there as soon as possible. My list is long but those tools are at the top.

Right.......you're gonna take th word of someone who has done nothing this year except block and obstruct and play over 100 rounds of golf THIS YEAR!
Once again proving you cannot substantiate anything you write.
I asked you to support your statement that he resigned for the good of the party. I queried what good that was. You characteristically respond with something totally off topic and an ad hominem attack for good measure.

Some of his own party pressured him to get out for the good of the party.

and then in response to being question about his seat delay said

And there's no guarantee that I can win. I think I could win; it would be a very close race; it would be very expensive. But if I step aside, whoever replaces me on the ballot will be guaranteed a seat in Congress. And it's too important for me and I've worked too hard to have a Republican majority give this seat up to a Democrat.

It was done for the party and supported by the party

So now that I have backed up my statements how about someone on the right back up the claim that my post was in response to and show how delay quit for the good of the country???

Got anything REAL?? Or is this where you cut and run as you call me names?? LOL


So I did what you have failed to do at every opportunity when i backed up my arguments and after all of your baseless personal attacks and trolling, "thanks" is the best you have to offer?? LOL

GJ troll.
Some of his own party pressured him to get out for the good of the party.

and then in response to being question about his seat delay said

It was done for the party and supported by the party

So now that I have backed up my statements how about someone on the right back up the claim that my post was in response to and show how delay quit for the good of the country???

Got anything REAL?? Or is this where you cut and run as you call me names?? LOL


So I did what you have failed to do at every opportunity when i backed up my arguments and after all of your baseless personal attacks and trolling, "thanks" is the best you have to offer?? LOL

GJ troll.
whats that stand for?

So I did what you have failed to do at every opportunity when i backed up my arguments and after all of your baseless personal attacks and trolling, "thanks" is the best you have to offer?? LOL

GJ troll.
whats that stand for?

Are you follwing me?? I am in only three threads and you have trolled and followed me into all three. Oh well it wouldn't be the first time a desperately lame right winger has stalked me across a message board to try and "get me" after I owned him and i doubt it will be the last. LOL
So I did what you have failed to do at every opportunity when i backed up my arguments and after all of your baseless personal attacks and trolling, "thanks" is the best you have to offer?? LOL

GJ troll.
whats that stand for?

Are you follwing me?? I am in only three threads and you have trolled and followed me into all three. Oh well it wouldn't be the first time a desperately lame right winger has stalked me across a message board to try and "get me" after I owned him and i doubt it will be the last. LOL
duipshit, i was in this thread before you
fuck off and answer the question
whats that stand for?

Are you follwing me?? I am in only three threads and you have trolled and followed me into all three. Oh well it wouldn't be the first time a desperately lame right winger has stalked me across a message board to try and "get me" after I owned him and i doubt it will be the last. LOL
duipshit, i was in this thread before you
fuck off and answer the question

He has a very hard time answering questions. He didn't really answer the question I put to him. But arguing was pointless. That's why the asshole is on iggy. Not worth the time.
RabidRabbit, as usual, has conflated issues and become confused. Again. Rabbi, shut up. You can't offer evidence, you can't prove points, you are a pretend wannabee libertarian (do you even know what that it is?), and you are the King Fool of Unsubstantiated Nonsense.

You, sir, a a poor example of a clown. :lol:
whats that stand for?

Are you follwing me?? I am in only three threads and you have trolled and followed me into all three. Oh well it wouldn't be the first time a desperately lame right winger has stalked me across a message board to try and "get me" after I owned him and i doubt it will be the last. LOL
duipshit, i was in this thread before you
fuck off and answer the question

Whatever troll, but since you are obviously nothing but an ignorant hack i will educate you,

GJ is short for Good Job.

Not that it was a valid question to begin with but I answered it. Now how about you stop running away as yopu try so desperately to change the subject and respond to the content within this thread or is that too much to ask of you??
Are you follwing me?? I am in only three threads and you have trolled and followed me into all three. Oh well it wouldn't be the first time a desperately lame right winger has stalked me across a message board to try and "get me" after I owned him and i doubt it will be the last. LOL
duipshit, i was in this thread before you
fuck off and answer the question

He has a very hard time answering questions. He didn't really answer the question I put to him. But arguing was pointless. That's why the asshole is on iggy. Not worth the time.

I answered your question hack and I am still waiting on you to go back to all of those threads that you cut and ran from after I pointed out your dishonesty. However, just as in this when I substantiate my claims the best you can do is say "thanks" IF you just don't disappear. Then you come back calling me names and try to claim that I didn't answer your question which is nothing but another in a long line of lies from you as you desperately try to smear and attack the messenger who has exposed you as nothing but a dishonest hack and a troll.

here are your own words troll.

I asked you to support your statement that he resigned for the good of the party.

and here is the proof that you thanked me for and then tried to claim i didn't answer your question.

REP. TOM TIAHRT (R), Kansas: By Tom DeLay removing himself from the political process, one of the targets of the Democrat Party is simply not on the table, not available. So, in that sense, it's better for the Republican Party.
Online NewsHour: Former House Speaker Tom DeLay Announces Resignation -- April 4, 2006


And there's no guarantee that I can win. I think I could win; it would be a very close race; it would be very expensive. But if I step aside, whoever replaces me on the ballot will be guaranteed a seat in Congress. And it's too important for me and I've worked too hard to have a Republican majority give this seat up to a Democrat.

so are you going to respond to the content or are you just going to pretend that it never happened and run away as you usually do??

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