Did Someone Say Witch Hunt?...

Are you follwing me?? I am in only three threads and you have trolled and followed me into all three. Oh well it wouldn't be the first time a desperately lame right winger has stalked me across a message board to try and "get me" after I owned him and i doubt it will be the last. LOL
duipshit, i was in this thread before you
fuck off and answer the question

Whatever troll, but since you are obviously nothing but an ignorant hack i will educate you,

GJ is short for Good Job.

Not that it was a valid question to begin with but I answered it. Now how about you stop running away as yopu try so desperately to change the subject and respond to the content within this thread or is that too much to ask of you??
now, was that so awful hard you couldn't have said that before?
no, you just HAD to be an asshole

btw, you more meet the term of "troll" than i do
duipshit, i was in this thread before you
fuck off and answer the question

Whatever troll, but since you are obviously nothing but an ignorant hack i will educate you,

GJ is short for Good Job.

Not that it was a valid question to begin with but I answered it. Now how about you stop running away as yopu try so desperately to change the subject and respond to the content within this thread or is that too much to ask of you??
now, was that so awful hard you couldn't have said that before?
no, you just HAD to be an asshole

btw, you more meet the term of "troll" than i do

The fact that I make valid arguments when all you do it call people names and tell them taht they are "projecting again" when they call you out for posting nothing but personal attacks shows that YOU meet the term of "troll" but thanks for "projecting again". LOL

Oh still waiting on you to address the content of my posts or are you still pretending that your baseless personal attacks count as a valid response?? LOL

P.S. you get what you give "asshole" if you don't like it when it comes back at you maybe you should try a different tactic than just attacking someone because they disagree with you. LOL
If it means getting rid of the Democrats then by all means,let the Witch Hunts begin. They called for firings & resignations every day of the week for eight straight years. It was all about undermining the Presidency for the Democrats. I still remember when they actually claimed we were in a "Depression" when Bush had 4% Unemployment. Talk about fear mongering and undermining? The Dems deserve everything coming back their way. Karma can be a real B*tch.
Whatever troll, but since you are obviously nothing but an ignorant hack i will educate you,

GJ is short for Good Job.

Not that it was a valid question to begin with but I answered it. Now how about you stop running away as yopu try so desperately to change the subject and respond to the content within this thread or is that too much to ask of you??
now, was that so awful hard you couldn't have said that before?
no, you just HAD to be an asshole

btw, you more meet the term of "troll" than i do

The fact that I make valid arguments when all you do it call people names and tell them taht they are "projecting again" when they call you out for posting nothing but personal attacks shows that YOU meet the term of "troll" but thanks for "projecting again". LOL

Oh still waiting on you to address the content of my posts or are you still pretending that your baseless personal attacks count as a valid response?? LOL

P.S. you get what you give "asshole" if you don't like it when it comes back at you maybe you should try a different tactic than just attacking someone because they disagree with you. LOL
you got what you gave, asshole
you seem to be the one doing the crying about it
why is that
Lib, your comments above reveal why the GOP is going to lose again in the fall. You just don't get it, do you?
I don't like making predictions. With the "Community Organizers" out there stealing Elections,i've learned that you just never know what's gonna happen. If the Republicans can just regain some power,that will be good enough for me. Obviously they can't win every Election. It is gonna be fun though. Make 2010 count people.
I don't like making predictions. With the "Community Organizers" out there stealing Elections,i've learned that you just never know what's gonna happen. If the Republicans can just regain some power,that will be good enough for me. Obviously they can't win every Election. It is gonna be fun though. Make 2010 count people.
me either
its looking like the GOP will make some gains, as to how much, that is still unknown
it would be nice if they could at least get a 1 seat majority in the house
but just taking back enough to make it more even will be acceptable
I don't like making predictions. With the "Community Organizers" out there stealing Elections,i've learned that you just never know what's gonna happen. If the Republicans can just regain some power,that will be good enough for me. Obviously they can't win every Election. It is gonna be fun though. Make 2010 count people.
me either
its looking like the GOP will make some gains, as to how much, that is still unknown
it would be nice if they could at least get a 1 seat majority in the house
but just taking back enough to make it more even will be acceptable

Yea if they can make some significant gains in both the House & Senate,they will end the Socialist/Progressive agenda. You don't need to take the House & Senate back. You just need to make them balanced again. With this balance,the Socialist/Progressive agenda is over. If the Republicans can achieve that,they will have done their job as far as i'm concerned.
now, was that so awful hard you couldn't have said that before?
no, you just HAD to be an asshole

btw, you more meet the term of "troll" than i do

The fact that I make valid arguments when all you do it call people names and tell them taht they are "projecting again" when they call you out for posting nothing but personal attacks shows that YOU meet the term of "troll" but thanks for "projecting again". LOL

Oh still waiting on you to address the content of my posts or are you still pretending that your baseless personal attacks count as a valid response?? LOL

P.S. you get what you give "asshole" if you don't like it when it comes back at you maybe you should try a different tactic than just attacking someone because they disagree with you. LOL
you got what you gave, asshole
you seem to be the one doing the crying about it
why is that

WOW! LOL You can't even come up with anything original and can only parrot what I said almost words for word. LOL Well you parroted most of it, the content you ignored again wasn't parroted but since you are running away from it and pretending that it's not there I can see why you wouldn't parrot that part of my post. LOL

The difference between you and I is that I am asking you to focus on the content and calling you out when you run away from it as I quote your posts to show how you are trolling. Where as your posts are avoiding the content and full of nothing but baseless personal attacks. Do you see the difference?? LOL
The fact that I make valid arguments when all you do it call people names and tell them taht they are "projecting again" when they call you out for posting nothing but personal attacks shows that YOU meet the term of "troll" but thanks for "projecting again". LOL

Oh still waiting on you to address the content of my posts or are you still pretending that your baseless personal attacks count as a valid response?? LOL

P.S. you get what you give "asshole" if you don't like it when it comes back at you maybe you should try a different tactic than just attacking someone because they disagree with you. LOL
you got what you gave, asshole
you seem to be the one doing the crying about it
why is that

WOW! LOL You can't even come up with anything original and can only parrot what I said almost words for word. LOL Well you parroted most of it, the content you ignored again wasn't parroted but since you are running away from it and pretending that it's not there I can see why you wouldn't parrot that part of my post. LOL

The difference between you and I is that I am asking you to focus on the content and calling you out when you run away from it as I quote your posts to show how you are trolling. Where as your posts are avoiding the content and full of nothing but baseless personal attacks. Do you see the difference?? LOL
and i told you that it is a waste of time to discuss content with a fucking moron like you
i tried that, you proved to me it was a waste of time
fuck off pissant
you got what you gave, asshole
you seem to be the one doing the crying about it
why is that

WOW! LOL You can't even come up with anything original and can only parrot what I said almost words for word. LOL Well you parroted most of it, the content you ignored again wasn't parroted but since you are running away from it and pretending that it's not there I can see why you wouldn't parrot that part of my post. LOL

The difference between you and I is that I am asking you to focus on the content and calling you out when you run away from it as I quote your posts to show how you are trolling. Where as your posts are avoiding the content and full of nothing but baseless personal attacks. Do you see the difference?? LOL
and i told you that it is a waste of time to discuss content with a fucking moron like you
i tried that, you proved to me it was a waste of time
fuck off pissant

That is ntohing more than a cowardly excuse of a hack who wishes to avoid a real debate because he knows he will lose. You tried nothing of the sort and could only attack me personally just like you do anyone else who dares to disagree with your dishonest spin.

and once again you run away from the content. how typical.
WOW! LOL You can't even come up with anything original and can only parrot what I said almost words for word. LOL Well you parroted most of it, the content you ignored again wasn't parroted but since you are running away from it and pretending that it's not there I can see why you wouldn't parrot that part of my post. LOL

The difference between you and I is that I am asking you to focus on the content and calling you out when you run away from it as I quote your posts to show how you are trolling. Where as your posts are avoiding the content and full of nothing but baseless personal attacks. Do you see the difference?? LOL
and i told you that it is a waste of time to discuss content with a fucking moron like you
i tried that, you proved to me it was a waste of time
fuck off pissant

That is ntohing more than a cowardly excuse of a hack who wishes to avoid a real debate because he knows he will lose. You tried nothing of the sort and could only attack me personally just like you do anyone else who dares to disagree with your dishonest spin.

and once again you run away from the content. how typical.
and i told you that it is a waste of time to discuss content with a fucking moron like you
i tried that, you proved to me it was a waste of time
fuck off pissant

That is ntohing more than a cowardly excuse of a hack who wishes to avoid a real debate because he knows he will lose. You tried nothing of the sort and could only attack me personally just like you do anyone else who dares to disagree with your dishonest spin.

and once again you run away from the content. how typical.

Thanks for proving that you are troll who can only engage in lame personal attacks. LOL
That is ntohing more than a cowardly excuse of a hack who wishes to avoid a real debate because he knows he will lose. You tried nothing of the sort and could only attack me personally just like you do anyone else who dares to disagree with your dishonest spin.

and once again you run away from the content. how typical.

Thanks for proving that you are troll who can only engage in lame personal attacks. LOL
RabidRabbit is a "dead on arrival".

Please offer something intelligent, Rab.

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