Did Someone Say Witch Hunt?...

Are you actually trying to change the subject by whining about and for tripp who was bought and paid for by the right?? Christ they even tried to give her a radio talk show for doing what she did. LOL
if that isnt claiming she was a PLANT
what the FUCK is it????

god damn you just lie all the fucking time'

You'll never get an honest debate out of DrSmith. He just isn't capable of it. He'll accuse you of what he is doing and then distort what you wrote to make some other point.
Some people just aren't worth it and belong on permanent iggy.

Says the hack who lied, then cut and ran and the proof is right here.

I never said Libby was not convicted of perjury. I pointed out he was never convicted of any crime that occurred prior to the investigation. IOW, Libby did nothing wrong.

and yet.

Scooter Libby (not convicted of any actual wrong-doing)

And yet the fact is that libby was convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statement under oath and you are trying to claim that isn't "any actual wrong-doing" LOL. Then your attempts to try and change your argument in an attempt to CYA for your dishonesty is hilarious.

So how did I distort what YOU wrote and how did you not LIE rabbi??

Face it you got owned and the best you can do is troll and attack me personally as you run away from your own lies because you lack the integrity to admit when you are WRONG.
All that GOP conniving to destroy Clinton and he came out of it smelling like a rose.

"Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II.[14]"
Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harry Truman had one of the lowest approval ratings when he left office. SO what?
Clinton was a liar and scam artist from the word go. He remains the only president in the 20th century impeached. His administration reads like a mafia story, with witnesses disappearing, fleeing the country, or suddenly unable to remember their names, much less anything else. People lied to their private diaries under Clinton.
The only thing that makes Clinton well remembered are GOP initiatives that he passed under a GOP Congress, which took office in part because of gross mis-steps by him and his party.

LOL See how they cling to an impeachment based on partisan smears and a witch hunt as ignore the acquittal.

OMG, clinton was impeached by the hyperpartisan house, which is similar to being indicted, all so the right could try to gain politically only to have it backfire on them as he remained popular inspite of their witch hunt. LOL
So out of desperation they cling to impeachment as if it means anything. It's like an indictment with no conviction and really not that important when you consider it was done out of political desire rather than based on the facts.
Clinton kicked the unholy crap out of the right wing of the party, and nothing RabidRabbit says can change that.

So says Jake, King of the Unsubstantiated Statement.

Your village called. They want their idiot back.

LOL do you remember making this statement??

He'll accuse you of what he is doing and then distort what you wrote to make some other point.

I have to ask because that is exactly what you just did. YOU are the "King of the Unsubstantiated Statement" and I have called you out for it everytime I see you do it. I ask you for proof and because you have none you cut and run from the topic just as you did in this thread. You present opinion as fact and then when called out for it you attack the poster as your last and only line of defense.

Furthermore, I have shown where you lied and yet all you can do is make the unsubstantiated accusation. It's just further proof that YOU are the "King of the Unsubstantiated Statement" lol
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RabidRabbit wants to make statements without evidence then demand you refute it with evidence. I have always refused to play that game and have made him and his pals look stupid every time. No reactionary can hold his or her own with or without evidence. That is simply an impossibility.

So, yes, RR will do that: accuse others of doing that of which he is a master.
The Justice Department dropped charges against former House Republican Leader Tom DeLay

Democrats and the liberal media rejoice. Another innocent Republican got screwed. Oh yes, expect apologies from MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and the other liberal rags..... hold your breath until it happens..


On Saturday’s Fox News Watch on FNC, substitute host Eric Shawn picked up on a NewsBusters item which recounted that, after the Justice Department dropped charges against former House Republican Leader Tom DeLay, the New York Times buried the news on page A-18 while the Washington Post, by contrast, made room for the story on its front page. Shawn: "The Justice Department has dropped its corruption investigation of the former Congressman after six years

FNC Cites NB Item Noting NYT Buried Story of Tom DeLay Charges Being Dropped | NewsBusters.org

Merging this thread in to the existing thread on this...>Care
If he wasn't guilty, why did he resign?

Could I sell you on .. for the good of the country?


If you believe the country is better off without Tom Delay in office then what are you on about? :confused:

I didn't say the country was better off without him, at all, but with these charges hanging over him he was rendered less effective and therefore for the good of the country he moved on.

Perhaps, you're more of a smart ass than confused. How many Democrats have left office that were under investigation or under investigation now that would leave office for the good of the country.. unheard of.. I'm guessing.
Tom DeLay is about as innocent as Charlie Rangel.

If you're interested in a good film about DeLay and his close friend Jack, check out "Casino Jack and the United States of Money".
He still has charges against him including money laundering. He's not out of the woods quite yet Lumpy.
The Justice Department dropped charges against former House Republican Leader Tom DeLay

Democrats and the liberal media rejoice. Another innocent Republican got screwed. Oh yes, expect apologies from MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and the other liberal rags..... hold your breath until it happens..


On Saturday’s Fox News Watch on FNC, substitute host Eric Shawn picked up on a NewsBusters item which recounted that, after the Justice Department dropped charges against former House Republican Leader Tom DeLay, the New York Times buried the news on page A-18 while the Washington Post, by contrast, made room for the story on its front page. Shawn: "The Justice Department has dropped its corruption investigation of the former Congressman after six years

FNC Cites NB Item Noting NYT Buried Story of Tom DeLay Charges Being Dropped | NewsBusters.org

6 years investigated by the Justice Department? Now whose Justice Department would 4 1/2 of those years have been?
If he wasn't guilty, why did he resign?

Could I sell you on .. for the good of the country?

they guy who ran for congress so he could spread poison?

good one! :lol:

You say poison , I say headaches for the Democratic Party. You say you didn't like it , I say oh well, sorry, I did.

Made you laugh.. that's well worth getting kicked on the shorts...

On the slightly serious side.. how often do you think Nancy Pelosi steps back from the cauldron?
Pelosi, amazingly, is a much better person than Tom. Ask him what he made his girlfriend do back in the seventies.
If he wasn't guilty, why did he resign?

Could I sell you on .. for the good of the country?

Based on the fact that republcians had control of cognress back when this witch hunt allegedly started, his own party forced him out for the good of the party not the country but thanks for the spin.

How did the party benefit from this? When Dems do it they get support because Dems want powerful politiicians in their corner and figure the stink will blow over. They are right, from a political perspective.
The GOP wants to be moral and so sacrifices their best politicians for dubious gain.

But thought was never your strong point.

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