Did Someone Say Witch Hunt?...

like they did Chris Dodd when he did basically the exact same thing

so you believe the republicans were correct in them eating their own, with trent lott, for the comment he made, and correct in their move to push him out of their leadership for it???
i think what Lott said was stupid
maybe it was stupid for him to say what he did, knowing how others could take it, but in no way do i believe there was intentional malice of any sort in his comment...he was being nice to Thurmond on his 100th birthday, reminding him of yesteryear, and not meant as some took it....sure it was a gaff if one twists it the right way, but nothing more.

The republicans didn't want him as leader anymore because he was not what they needed in the senate, this was the opportunity for them to put in Frist, a Bush lackey, and they took it, in my opinion.
so you believe the republicans were correct in them eating their own, with trent lott, for the comment he made, and correct in their move to push him out of their leadership for it???
i think what Lott said was stupid
maybe it was stupid for him to say what he did, knowing how others could take it, but in no way do i believe there was intentional malice of any sort in his comment...he was being nice to Thurmond on his 100th birthday, reminding him of yesteryear, and not meant as some took it....sure it was a gaff if one twists it the right way, but nothing more.

The republicans didn't want him as leader anymore because he was not what they needed in the senate, this was the opportunity for them to put in Frist, a Bush lackey, and they took it, in my opinion.
exactly, hanlons razor
i think what Lott said was stupid
maybe it was stupid for him to say what he did, knowing how others could take it, but in no way do i believe there was intentional malice of any sort in his comment...he was being nice to Thurmond on his 100th birthday, reminding him of yesteryear, and not meant as some took it....sure it was a gaff if one twists it the right way, but nothing more.

The republicans didn't want him as leader anymore because he was not what they needed in the senate, this was the opportunity for them to put in Frist, a Bush lackey, and they took it, in my opinion.
exactly, hanlons razor


I never said Libby was not convicted of perjury. I pointed out he was never convicted of any crime that occurred prior to the investigation. IOW, Libby did nothing wrong.

and yet.

Scooter Libby (not convicted of any actual wrong-doing)

And yet the fact is that libby was convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statement under oath and you are trying to claim that isn't "any actual wrong-doing" LOL. Then your attempts to try and change your argument in an attempt to CYA for your dishonesty is hilarious.

So how did you not LIE rabbi??
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PERJURY?? That's all you Democrats got? Yea i really am looking forward to some payback. It's time to Witch Hunt some Democrat A*sholes right out tha door. It's gonna be fun. :)
Yes, Libby was convicted of a process crime....Just like Martha Stewart.

Funny but I don't remember the right taking these crimes so lightly when they tried to use them to go after clinton and said that they were "high crimes" do you??

I never said Libby was not convicted of perjury. I pointed out he was never convicted of any crime that occurred prior to the investigation. IOW, Libby did nothing wrong.

and yet.

Scooter Libby (not convicted of any actual wrong-doing)

And yet the fact is that libby was convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statement under oath and you are trying to claim that isn't "any actual wrong-doing" LOL. Then your attempts to try and change your argument in an attempt to CYA for your dishonesty is hilarious.

So how did you not LIE rabbi??

The point is much like with Clinton he committed no crimes other than misstating the facts under oath. The investigation that lead him to being under oath in the first place, Was a bust.
PERJURY?? That's all you Democrats got? Yea i really am looking forward to some payback. It's time to Witch Hunt some Democrat A*sholes right out tha door. It's gonna be fun. :)

LOL See what I mean, what used to be a high crime when it concerned a democrat and republicans wanted to use the false charge of perjury to remove a president from office is now considered "that's all you got" where a righty is concerned. Thanks for the hypocrisy libo. I have come to expect no less from you.

OH and ignoring the fact that your whole argument is still based on bs since the republicans were the party in charge of congress back when your alleged witch hunt of tom delay began won't change that FACT. LOL
Both Libby and Stewart did jail time.

What happened to Bubba, besides the little contempt of court slap on the wrist?

Really?? Maybe that was because libby and stewart were found guilty of perjury and libby alone was found guilty of FOUR counts of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements under oath.

So do you think that the severity of the crime might have had something to do with the severity of the punishment?? Or does that logic escape you in your zealous efforts to make lame excuses?? LOL

Correction, it was four
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PERJURY?? That's all you Democrats got? Yea i really am looking forward to some payback. It's time to Witch Hunt some Democrat A*sholes right out tha door. It's gonna be fun. :)

LOL See what I mean, what used to be a high crime when it concerned a democrat and republicans wanted to use the false charge of perjury to remove a president from office is now considered "that's all you got" where a righty is concerned. Thanks for the hypocrisy libo. I have come to expect no less from you.

OH and ignoring the fact that your whole argument is still based on bs since the republicans were the party in charge of congress back when your alleged witch hunt of tom delay began won't change that FACT. LOL

Oh such sour grapes. Don't know why though. Yer boy got away with everything while Libby and his family were completely destroyed. The Democrats got a lot of Witch Hunts coming to them. No one deserves it more. Go get em Republicans.

I never said Libby was not convicted of perjury. I pointed out he was never convicted of any crime that occurred prior to the investigation. IOW, Libby did nothing wrong.

and yet.

Scooter Libby (not convicted of any actual wrong-doing)

And yet the fact is that libby was convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statement under oath and you are trying to claim that isn't "any actual wrong-doing" LOL. Then your attempts to try and change your argument in an attempt to CYA for your dishonesty is hilarious.

So how did you not LIE rabbi??

The point is much like with Clinton he committed no crimes other than misstating the facts under oath. The investigation that lead him to being under oath in the first place, Was a bust.
The crime he should've been forced from office for was coercing Linda Tripp.

Bubba and Moonica want to lie about their affair, fine...Using his position to bully Tripp into lying for them goes beyond the pale.
Both Libby and Stewart did jail time.

What happened to Bubba, besides the little contempt of court slap on the wrist?

Really?? Maybe that was because libby and stewart were found guilty of perjury and libby alone was found guilty of FIVE counts of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements under oath.

So do you think that the severity of the crime might have had something to do with the severity of the punishment?? Or does that logic escape you in your zealous efforts to make lame excuses?? LOL
How many other people did either of them try to bully into doing their lying for them?

BTW, how is it Richard Armitage got off Scot free?

I never said Libby was not convicted of perjury. I pointed out he was never convicted of any crime that occurred prior to the investigation. IOW, Libby did nothing wrong.

and yet.

Scooter Libby (not convicted of any actual wrong-doing)

And yet the fact is that libby was convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statement under oath and you are trying to claim that isn't "any actual wrong-doing" LOL. Then your attempts to try and change your argument in an attempt to CYA for your dishonesty is hilarious.

So how did you not LIE rabbi??

The point is much like with Clinton he committed no crimes other than misstating the facts under oath. The investigation that lead him to being under oath in the first place, Was a bust.

The point is that unlike clinton the right argued that libby's puishment was too harsh even though they tried to use false allegations of perjury to remove clinton from office. If even teh false allegation was sever enough to try and remove a president from office then several counts should be more than enough to put libby behind bars for the time he got but never served.

blago was only found guilty of lying to the FBI so how do you think he ought to be treated since he was not found guilty on all other charges??

Clinton's lie about his relationship with lewinsky under oath had no bearing on whether he harassed jones or not therefore it wasn't even perjury yet many on the right continue to argue that clinton committed perjury.
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PERJURY?? That's all you Democrats got? Yea i really am looking forward to some payback. It's time to Witch Hunt some Democrat A*sholes right out tha door. It's gonna be fun. :)

LOL See what I mean, what used to be a high crime when it concerned a democrat and republicans wanted to use the false charge of perjury to remove a president from office is now considered "that's all you got" where a righty is concerned. Thanks for the hypocrisy libo. I have come to expect no less from you.

OH and ignoring the fact that your whole argument is still based on bs since the republicans were the party in charge of congress back when your alleged witch hunt of tom delay began won't change that FACT. LOL

Oh such sour grapes. Don't know why though. Yer boy got away with everything while Libby and his family were completely destroyed. The Democrats got a lot of Witch Hunts coming to them. No one deserves it more. Go get em Republicans.

You like most rightwingers on this board make a lot of noice as you whine and cry about how poorly you believe the right has been treated even as you ignore how poorly the right has treated the left but in the end you rarely say anything of value. How about you address the fact that your OP is baseless whining?

OH and ignoring the fact that your whole argument is still based on bs since the republicans were the party in charge of congress back when your alleged witch hunt of tom delay began won't change that FACT. LOL

and yet.

And yet the fact is that libby was convicted of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statement under oath and you are trying to claim that isn't "any actual wrong-doing" LOL. Then your attempts to try and change your argument in an attempt to CYA for your dishonesty is hilarious.

So how did you not LIE rabbi??

The point is much like with Clinton he committed no crimes other than misstating the facts under oath. The investigation that lead him to being under oath in the first place, Was a bust.
The crime he should've been forced from office for was coercing Linda Tripp.

Bubba and Moonica want to lie about their affair, fine...Using his position to bully Tripp into lying for them goes beyond the pale.

Are you actually trying to change the subject by whining about and for tripp who was bought and paid for by the right?? Christ they even tried to give her a radio talk show for doing what she did. LOL
Delay,Lott,Gonzales,Libby,and others were victims of ruthless & relentless Democrat Witch Hunts. So I demand a pound of flesh. This can't happen without many Republican victories though. So we'll see after November if the Republicans have regained enough power to begin conducting Witch Hunts. In my opinion the Democrats have to pay. So let the Witch Hunts begin! :)
Both Libby and Stewart did jail time.

What happened to Bubba, besides the little contempt of court slap on the wrist?

Really?? Maybe that was because libby and stewart were found guilty of perjury and libby alone was found guilty of FIVE counts of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements under oath.

So do you think that the severity of the crime might have had something to do with the severity of the punishment?? Or does that logic escape you in your zealous efforts to make lame excuses?? LOL
How many other people did either of them try to bully into doing their lying for them?

BTW, how is it Richard Armitage got off Scot free?

So in other words when you are losing an argument you try to change the subject? Got it. LOL
Are you actually trying to change the subject by whining about and for tripp who was bought and paid for by the right?? Christ they even tried to give her a radio talk show for doing what she did. LOL
I'm changing no subject.

Subornation of perjury was one count in the impeachment, notwithstanding your kook conspiracy theory about Tripp being a republican plant.

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