Did the Catholic church ask Nancy Pelosi to leave?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Snopes.com says that the Catholic church NEVER asked Nancy Pelosi to leave. This is an absolute right wing lie.

No, the Catholic church is perfectly happy about keeping someone like Nancy Pelosi in the church, and not publically chastising her in any way. After all, just because she publically professes abortion should be the law of the land and be taxpayer funded, something the Catholic church officially has declared mass genocide, they would no more chastise Nancy for her role in mass genocide than they would have chastised Hitler for his mass genocide. I mean if they did not openly condemn Hitler then why Nancy? That would seem misogynistic if you ask me.


Snopes.com says that the Catholic church NEVER asked Nancy Pelosi to leave. This is an absolute right wing lie.

No, the Catholic church is perfectly happy about keeping someone like Nancy Pelosi in the church, and not publically chastising her in any way. After all, just because she publically professes abortion should be the law of the land and be taxpayer funded, something the Catholic church officially has declared mass genocide, they would no more chastise Nancy for her role in mass genocide than they would have chastised Hitler for his mass genocide. I mean if they did not openly condemn Hitler then why Nancy? That would seem misogynistic if you ask me.

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Vatican Chief Justice: Nancy Pelosi Must Be Denied Communion | CNSNews
Vatican declares Nancy Pelosi may no longer receive Communion (bizpacreview.com)
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at church in S.C. for abortion views (usatoday.com)
Pope Francis is cool with abortion and homosexuality, and so is Speaker Nancy.

Why would he excomm her? They agree.
Makes you wonder if they both have gay orgies while sacrificing babies to George Soros.
Pope Francis is cool with abortion and homosexuality, and so is Speaker Nancy.

Why would he excomm her? They agree.

I'm not Catholic, but it seems to me any pope who doesn't vehemently oppose abortion should not be regarded as a legitimate leader of the church.
But.....but..........but..............Trump builds walls? That is evil according to the Pope. I mean, just because Nehemiah was commanded by God to build a wall around Jerusalem to protect it in no way means it is OK to do. I mean, just look at all the abortions Jesus performed.
Abortion has been the law of the land for 50 years

Nancy Pelosi has nothing to do with it
Pope Francis is cool with abortion and homosexuality, and so is Speaker Nancy.

Why would he excomm her? They agree.

I'm not Catholic, but it seems to me any pope who doesn't vehemently oppose abortion should not be regarded as a legitimate leader of the church.
Religion is a business before anything else. When societies views change you have to move with the change or you'll be Hostess.

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