Did the lead Democrat in Congress encourage Israelis to commit an insurrection?

That racist scumbag only came to America to divide and sew hatred....

You're not fooling anyone Aryan.
Who are you calling Aryan??
Has Schumer gone bat shit crazy? First of all he organized a mob to threaten the homes of Supreme Court Justices because he disagreed with a decision and while you are at it you could make a case that his conduct might have encouraged the attempted assassination of Justice Kav. Now he is on record of trying to overthrow the government of our only ally in the mid east while they are engaged in a war. When are investigative reporters going to investigate this nut case?
The problem is that there are no investigative journalists anymore; 95% are leftists who omit covering stories that cast Dems in a bad light.
Israeli's are already calling for a change in government. Only difference????....the people in power in Israel don't give a shit about what their people want.
You mean like Joe Biden with a 38% approval rating?

Yea, most governments don't give a damn.

Funny that.
No, but you are a joke if you can't keep up with who stalled aid to Israel.
Don’t tell me you’re talking about that border bill designed to allow 5,000 illegals in a day. That was a blackmail attempt by the Dems that failed.
In his speech, Schumer called for the citizens of an allied nation - Israel - to throw Netanyahu out of office and choose a new Prime Minister. What business does he have encouraging Israelis to commit an Insurrection against the Israeli leader whose goal it is to wipe out HAMAS?!

Joe Lieberman says he’s never heard anything like it!

(A far-left liberal Jew blaming Israel. With friends like him, who needs enemies?)

Yes.....he did.
Israeli's are already calling for a change in government. Only difference????....the people in power in Israel don't give a shit about what their people want.
They've been calling for a change in government for the past 5 years not because of the war.
Don’t tell me you’re talking about that border bill designed to allow 5,000 illegals in a day. That was a blackmail attempt by the Dems that failed.
Stand alone. Ever hear of it? Now go study up and quit the BS.
Has Schumer gone bat shit crazy? First of all he organized a mob to threaten the homes of Supreme Court Justices because he disagreed with a decision and while you are at it you could make a case that his conduct might have encouraged the attempted assassination of Justice Kav. Now he is on record of trying to overthrow the government of our only ally in the mid east while they are engaged in a war. When are investigative reporters going to investigate this nut case?
Now elections are the cause of government being overthrown, hmmm.

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