Did the Trump team think that no one would notice?



This bot gets it!
It would be pretty hard to find a businessman at the international level that never has business dealings with Russia or Russians.

Russia also has a significant presence in this country. There are Russian immigrants, Russian businesses all over the place.

Russia, Russia, Russia really doesn't mean anything to most people.
It would be pretty hard to find a businessman at the international level that never has business dealings with Russia or Russians.

really?? even with our sanctions on them?

btw, trump is not investing in Russia, the Russians are investing in him...
It would be pretty hard to find a businessman at the international level that never has business dealings with Russia or Russians.

Russia also has a significant presence in this country. There are Russian immigrants, Russian businesses all over the place.

Russia, Russia, Russia really doesn't mean anything to most people.

Your loyaly to the Orange International Terrorist is well-noted. Congrats!

Hey, it's no biggie!! Take two Geritols and go piss and shit your bed again, like you do every night. Don't worry, the sheets are made of rubber, just like the walls. Nighty, night grampa.

PS- try not to break a hip, old man.

After writing the above, this right wing idiot "thinks" that I am the one unhinged???...................(what an asshole.....LOL)
Bottom line is this:

Trump, who promised us that he would be surrounded by the "brightest and the best" talent on the planet........winds up with TWO out of FIVE of his stellar foreign adviser team either pleading guilty or soon to be indicted morons.........

Wise up, Trump ass kissers.......the orange, inept buffoon is a big-time loser.
Did they sell uranium to Russia?????

While your feeble attempt to "divert"......Tell us if even ONE fucking ounce of U.S. uranium ever made it to Russia.......
Go on, tell us....LOL

Obviously it did because the Hildebeast got her palms greased with 140 plus million dollars and Bill "drop trou" got a half a million for giving a speech........so you tell me???

Just the fact that you think this is what happened shows you’re dumber than a bag of rocks. Hillary didn’t approve this deal. 9 agencies did.

Uranium One is the new litmus test of abject stupidity. It used to be birtherism. Now it’s Uranium One.
Uranium One is the new litmus test of abject stupidity. It used to be birtherism. Now it’s Uranium One.

When they're drowning in their own stupidity, right wingers "think" that even a twig may be a "life-saver."
Did they sell uranium to Russia?????

While your feeble attempt to "divert"......Tell us if even ONE fucking ounce of U.S. uranium ever made it to Russia.......
Go on, tell us....LOL

Obviously it did because the Hildebeast got her palms greased with 140 plus million dollars and Bill "drop trou" got a half a million for giving a speech........so you tell me???

Just the fact that you think this is what happened shows you’re dumber than a bag of rocks. Hillary didn’t approve this deal. 9 agencies did.

Uranium One is the new litmus test of abject stupidity. It used to be birtherism. Now it’s Uranium One.

HIllary and eight other bureaucrats who thought Hillary would be the next president approved it.
Any Trump acolytes want to openly state here that Carter Page and Papadopoulos are among the VERY BEST foreign advisers ever chosen by an incoming administration?

I mean, Trump promised us that he'd pick "only the best and brightest."

Any Trump acolytes want to openly state here that Carter Page and Papadopoulos are among the VERY BEST foreign advisers ever chosen by an incoming administration?

I mean, Trump promised us that he'd pick "only the best and brightest."


They aren't in his administration, dumbass.
No they weren't, you fucking dumbass. What positions were they appointed to?

No, no, you're right MiddleFingerbaby..........Page and Papadapolous actually worked for Obama.......
My "mistake," you fucking moron....LOL
No they weren't, you fucking dumbass. What positions were they appointed to?

No, no, you're right MiddleFingerbaby..........Page and Papadapolous actually worked for Obama.......
My "mistake," you fucking moron....LOL

You're weaseling all over the place. Do you actually believe you're fooling anyone? You made a stupid claim, and now you're trying to avoid admitting it.

Now tell us, what positions were Page and Papawhathisname appointed to?
Did they sell uranium to Russia?????

While your feeble attempt to "divert"......Tell us if even ONE fucking ounce of U.S. uranium ever made it to Russia.......
Go on, tell us....LOL

Obviously it did because the Hildebeast got her palms greased with 140 plus million dollars and Bill "drop trou" got a half a million for giving a speech........so you tell me???

Just the fact that you think this is what happened shows you’re dumber than a bag of rocks. Hillary didn’t approve this deal. 9 agencies did.

Uranium One is the new litmus test of abject stupidity. It used to be birtherism. Now it’s Uranium One.

The Hildebeast had to sign off on it or it would not have been a "done deal". What cracks me up about leftards is that they
believe all that money that ended up in the coffers of the slush fund (disguised as a charitable foundation) was donated by foreign governments just out of generosity. They are either stupid, naive or a bit of both.

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