Did The White Man Invent The Ebola Virus ?

We're working on a device to install in Obamaphones which will make Blacks sterile.
Cleaning bathrooms for a living doesnt give you the skill to invent electronic devices. Who do you think you are kidding janitor?.

I can see one of your job applications the NAACP might fill out for you. Experience: Mugging elderly couples and robbing them. Looting convenience stores, dealing cheap drugs on street corners, etc.

I saw one of your job applications the KKK attempted to fill out for you.

Pharmacist/Addict/Building demolition
Manufacturing of meth and crack while under the influence of both. Responsible for bringing down several buildings using the exploding meth lab demolition technique.

School shooter.
Responsible for flipping out and killing kids because my window of white privilege is going away.

Mass murderer.
Responsible for killing humans and doing my best to reducing the world population. Other duties including eating the remains in order reduce my carbon footprint.

Animal abuser and executioner.
Responsible for torturing/killing animals because....well they deserved it.

Made it halfway through 8th grade.

Who's that little insignificant group of would-be thugs you belong to that hasn't done a thing for the Black race but make false threats? The New Black Buzzards, or something like that? You never hear of them.

The only group I belong to is the Black race. Personally I dont make false or idle threats. I leave that to the melanin deprived chimps like you and the ones in the KKK.

Then I do wish you would address me in the manner I am accustomed to being addressed by Blacks.

You should respond to me by saying, "Yas Massir , Suh.
Cleaning bathrooms for a living doesnt give you the skill to invent electronic devices. Who do you think you are kidding janitor?.

I can see one of your job applications the NAACP might fill out for you. Experience: Mugging elderly couples and robbing them. Looting convenience stores, dealing cheap drugs on street corners, etc.

I saw one of your job applications the KKK attempted to fill out for you.

Pharmacist/Addict/Building demolition
Manufacturing of meth and crack while under the influence of both. Responsible for bringing down several buildings using the exploding meth lab demolition technique.

School shooter.
Responsible for flipping out and killing kids because my window of white privilege is going away.

Mass murderer.
Responsible for killing humans and doing my best to reducing the world population. Other duties including eating the remains in order reduce my carbon footprint.

Animal abuser and executioner.
Responsible for torturing/killing animals because....well they deserved it.

Made it halfway through 8th grade.

Who's that little insignificant group of would-be thugs you belong to that hasn't done a thing for the Black race but make false threats? The New Black Buzzards, or something like that? You never hear of them.

The only group I belong to is the Black race. Personally I dont make false or idle threats. I leave that to the melanin deprived chimps like you and the ones in the KKK.

Then I do wish you would address me in the manner I am accustomed to being addressed by Blacks.

You should respond to me by saying, "Yas Massir , Suh.

Sure thing. No problem but please allow me to do so my own language.

Go get deloused cave chimp.

Is that ok?
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Cleaning bathrooms for a living doesnt give you the skill to invent electronic devices. Who do you think you are kidding janitor?.

I can see one of your job applications the NAACP might fill out for you. Experience: Mugging elderly couples and robbing them. Looting convenience stores, dealing cheap drugs on street corners, etc.

I saw one of your job applications the KKK attempted to fill out for you.

Pharmacist/Addict/Building demolition
Manufacturing of meth and crack while under the influence of both. Responsible for bringing down several buildings using the exploding meth lab demolition technique.

School shooter.
Responsible for flipping out and killing kids because my window of white privilege is going away.

Mass murderer.
Responsible for killing humans and doing my best to reducing the world population. Other duties including eating the remains in order reduce my carbon footprint.

Animal abuser and executioner.
Responsible for torturing/killing animals because....well they deserved it.

Made it halfway through 8th grade.

Who's that little insignificant group of would-be thugs you belong to that hasn't done a thing for the Black race but make false threats? The New Black Buzzards, or something like that? You never hear of them.

The only group I belong to is the Black race. Personally I dont make false or idle threats. I leave that to the melanin deprived chimps like you and the ones in the KKK.

Then I do wish you would address me in the manner I am accustomed to being addressed by Blacks.

You should respond to me by saying, "Yas Massir , Suh.
Cleaning bathrooms for a living doesnt give you the skill to invent electronic devices. Who do you think you are kidding janitor?.

I can see one of your job applications the NAACP might fill out for you. Experience: Mugging elderly couples and robbing them. Looting convenience stores, dealing cheap drugs on street corners, etc.

I saw one of your job applications the KKK attempted to fill out for you.

Pharmacist/Addict/Building demolition
Manufacturing of meth and crack while under the influence of both. Responsible for bringing down several buildings using the exploding meth lab demolition technique.

School shooter.
Responsible for flipping out and killing kids because my window of white privilege is going away.

Mass murderer.
Responsible for killing humans and doing my best to reducing the world population. Other duties including eating the remains in order reduce my carbon footprint.

Animal abuser and executioner.
Responsible for torturing/killing animals because....well they deserved it.

Made it halfway through 8th grade.

Who's that little insignificant group of would-be thugs you belong to that hasn't done a thing for the Black race but make false threats? The New Black Buzzards, or something like that? You never hear of them.

The only group I belong to is the Black race. Personally I dont make false or idle threats. I leave that to the melanin deprived chimps like you and the ones in the KKK.

Then I do wish you would address me in the manner I am accustomed to being addressed by Blacks.

You should respond to me by saying, "Yas Massir , Suh.
I can see one of your job applications the NAACP might fill out for you. Experience: Mugging elderly couples and robbing them. Looting convenience stores, dealing cheap drugs on street corners, etc.

I saw one of your job applications the KKK attempted to fill out for you.

Pharmacist/Addict/Building demolition
Manufacturing of meth and crack while under the influence of both. Responsible for bringing down several buildings using the exploding meth lab demolition technique.

School shooter.
Responsible for flipping out and killing kids because my window of white privilege is going away.

Mass murderer.
Responsible for killing humans and doing my best to reducing the world population. Other duties including eating the remains in order reduce my carbon footprint.

Animal abuser and executioner.
Responsible for torturing/killing animals because....well they deserved it.

Made it halfway through 8th grade.

Like I said, if something is depraved, ugly, in poor taste, without class, deranged, disgusting, or degenerate, color it Black.

Who's that little insignificant group of would-be thugs you belong to that hasn't done a thing for the Black race but make false threats? The New Black Buzzards, or something like that? You never hear of them.

The only group I belong to is the Black race. Personally I dont make false or idle threats. I leave that to the melanin deprived chimps like you and the ones in the KKK.

Then I do wish you would address me in the manner I am accustomed to being addressed by Blacks.

You should respond to me by saying, "Yas Massir , Suh.
I can see one of your job applications the NAACP might fill out for you. Experience: Mugging elderly couples and robbing them. Looting convenience stores, dealing cheap drugs on street corners, etc.

I saw one of your job applications the KKK attempted to fill out for you.

Pharmacist/Addict/Building demolition
Manufacturing of meth and crack while under the influence of both. Responsible for bringing down several buildings using the exploding meth lab demolition technique.

School shooter.
Responsible for flipping out and killing kids because my window of white privilege is going away.

Mass murderer.
Responsible for killing humans and doing my best to reducing the world population. Other duties including eating the remains in order reduce my carbon footprint.

Animal abuser and executioner.
Responsible for torturing/killing animals because....well they deserved it.

Made it halfway through 8th grade.

Who's that little insignificant group of would-be thugs you belong to that hasn't done a thing for the Black race but make false threats? The New Black Buzzards, or something like that? You never hear of them.

The only group I belong to is the Black race. Personally I dont make false or idle threats. I leave that to the melanin deprived chimps like you and the ones in the KKK.

Then I do wish you would address me in the manner I am accustomed to being addressed by Blacks.

You should respond to me by saying, "Yas Massir , Suh.
Human is gone, must have been lock down time..

Had to go straighten out my landscape contractor. I'll be glad when Obama grants amnesty to all the Hispanics after the November elections and we whites can finally get someone with a work ethic and a little intelligence to do our landscaping and other medial jobs. These Black are just too inferior and want to talk back too much.
the premise of this thread is not weather whites invented ebola or where it or any other disease originated .the premise of this thread is about blacks blaming every misfortune that befalls them on whites . case in point the nephew of the ebola victim that died in Texas is claiming that the deceased died because he didn't get proper medical care because he was black .
I can see one of your job applications the NAACP might fill out for you. Experience: Mugging elderly couples and robbing them. Looting convenience stores, dealing cheap drugs on street corners, etc.

I saw one of your job applications the KKK attempted to fill out for you.

Pharmacist/Addict/Building demolition
Manufacturing of meth and crack while under the influence of both. Responsible for bringing down several buildings using the exploding meth lab demolition technique.

School shooter.
Responsible for flipping out and killing kids because my window of white privilege is going away.

Mass murderer.
Responsible for killing humans and doing my best to reducing the world population. Other duties including eating the remains in order reduce my carbon footprint.

Animal abuser and executioner.
Responsible for torturing/killing animals because....well they deserved it.

Made it halfway through 8th grade.

Who's that little insignificant group of would-be thugs you belong to that hasn't done a thing for the Black race but make false threats? The New Black Buzzards, or something like that? You never hear of them.

The only group I belong to is the Black race. Personally I dont make false or idle threats. I leave that to the melanin deprived chimps like you and the ones in the KKK.

Then I do wish you would address me in the manner I am accustomed to being addressed by Blacks.

You should respond to me by saying, "Yas Massir , Suh.

Sure thing. No problem but please allow me to do so my own language.

Go get deloused cave chimp.

Is that ok?
I can see one of your job applications the NAACP might fill out for you. Experience: Mugging elderly couples and robbing them. Looting convenience stores, dealing cheap drugs on street corners, etc.

I saw one of your job applications the KKK attempted to fill out for you.

Pharmacist/Addict/Building demolition
Manufacturing of meth and crack while under the influence of both. Responsible for bringing down several buildings using the exploding meth lab demolition technique.

School shooter.
Responsible for flipping out and killing kids because my window of white privilege is going away.

Mass murderer.
Responsible for killing humans and doing my best to reducing the world population. Other duties including eating the remains in order reduce my carbon footprint.

Animal abuser and executioner.
Responsible for torturing/killing animals because....well they deserved it.

Made it halfway through 8th grade.

Who's that little insignificant group of would-be thugs you belong to that hasn't done a thing for the Black race but make false threats? The New Black Buzzards, or something like that? You never hear of them.

The only group I belong to is the Black race. Personally I dont make false or idle threats. I leave that to the melanin deprived chimps like you and the ones in the KKK.

Then I do wish you would address me in the manner I am accustomed to being addressed by Blacks.

You should respond to me by saying, "Yas Massir , Suh.

Sure thing. No problem but please allow me to do so my own language.

Go get deloused cave chimp.

Is that ok?
since a lot of blacks claim that AIDS was invented by whites are they going to start claiming that we invented Ebola in a lab also ? never mind the fact that most diseases like the black plague ,aids, and ebola originated on the African continent due to filthy living conditions will blacks blame evil whitey for this disease too ? never mind the fact that's whites are the ones who are finding new ways to fight and treat these diseases started in black countries they still find a way to blame whites for all the ills that they bring upon themselves.

AIDS wasn't invented by anyone. HIV on the other hand...Well let's just say that it showing up first in the gay community during the Reagan Administration while the Christian Reich was at the heigh of its power and influence when germ and bio warfare research was going on is a bit suspect.

Dunno about the origin of ebola. Would think so, as a weapon it isn't very effective as it only spreads through physical contact. Wanna infects people and wipe them out make it sexually transmittable.

History says your theory is crapola.

"An international team of scientists has analyzed the genetic evolution of the AIDS virus, HIV, and concluded that the human pandemic began sometime in the 1920s in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
As reported in today’s Science magazine, the researchers said HIV attempted to jump from infecting primates such as chimpanzees to infecting humans more than a dozen times, thanks to gene mutations, but only one such shift took hold in people. Kinshasa (then still a Belgian colony and called Leopoldville, named after the brutal King Leopold) was then a booming trade center which gave the newly human infectious virus an opportunity to spread."

The HIV pandemic began in 1920s Kinshasa Congo
since a lot of blacks claim that AIDS was invented by whites are they going to start claiming that we invented Ebola in a lab also ? never mind the fact that most diseases like the black plague ,aids, and ebola originated on the African continent due to filthy living conditions will blacks blame evil whitey for this disease too ? never mind the fact that's whites are the ones who are finding new ways to fight and treat these diseases started in black countries they still find a way to blame whites for all the ills that they bring upon themselves.

AIDS wasn't invented by anyone. HIV on the other hand...Well let's just say that it showing up first in the gay community during the Reagan Administration while the Christian Reich was at the heigh of its power and influence when germ and bio warfare research was going on is a bit suspect.

Dunno about the origin of ebola. Would think so, as a weapon it isn't very effective as it only spreads through physical contact. Wanna infects people and wipe them out make it sexually transmittable.

History says your theory is crapola.

"An international team of scientists has analyzed the genetic evolution of the AIDS virus, HIV, and concluded that the human pandemic began sometime in the 1920s in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
As reported in today’s Science magazine, the researchers said HIV attempted to jump from infecting primates such as chimpanzees to infecting humans more than a dozen times, thanks to gene mutations, but only one such shift took hold in people. Kinshasa (then still a Belgian colony and called Leopoldville, named after the brutal King Leopold) was then a booming trade center which gave the newly human infectious virus an opportunity to spread."

The HIV pandemic began in 1920s Kinshasa Congo

Every germ military researchers have ever turned into a weapon comes from nature. They aren't inventing them in a lab somewhere.
since a lot of blacks claim that AIDS was invented by whites are they going to start claiming that we invented Ebola in a lab also ? never mind the fact that most diseases like the black plague ,aids, and ebola originated on the African continent due to filthy living conditions will blacks blame evil whitey for this disease too ? never mind the fact that's whites are the ones who are finding new ways to fight and treat these diseases started in black countries they still find a way to blame whites for all the ills that they bring upon themselves.

AIDS wasn't invented by anyone. HIV on the other hand...Well let's just say that it showing up first in the gay community during the Reagan Administration while the Christian Reich was at the heigh of its power and influence when germ and bio warfare research was going on is a bit suspect.

Dunno about the origin of ebola. Would think so, as a weapon it isn't very effective as it only spreads through physical contact. Wanna infects people and wipe them out make it sexually transmittable.

History says your theory is crapola.

"An international team of scientists has analyzed the genetic evolution of the AIDS virus, HIV, and concluded that the human pandemic began sometime in the 1920s in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
As reported in today’s Science magazine, the researchers said HIV attempted to jump from infecting primates such as chimpanzees to infecting humans more than a dozen times, thanks to gene mutations, but only one such shift took hold in people. Kinshasa (then still a Belgian colony and called Leopoldville, named after the brutal King Leopold) was then a booming trade center which gave the newly human infectious virus an opportunity to spread."

The HIV pandemic began in 1920s Kinshasa Congo

Every germ military researchers have ever turned into a weapon comes from nature. They aren't inventing them in a lab somewhere.
As long as Africans insist on eating bushmeat, especially primates, no research is needed. West Africa itself is essentially a huge lab without researchers.
since a lot of blacks claim that AIDS was invented by whites are they going to start claiming that we invented Ebola in a lab also ? never mind the fact that most diseases like the black plague ,aids, and ebola originated on the African continent due to filthy living conditions will blacks blame evil whitey for this disease too ? never mind the fact that's whites are the ones who are finding new ways to fight and treat these diseases started in black countries they still find a way to blame whites for all the ills that they bring upon themselves.
of course we invented it

but once again, we forgot that it would kill white people

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