Did these Swedish cops school the NYPD?

Is there anywhere in the world where blacks are not such a problem?
God you cop haters get more retarded by the day.

NYPD cops restrain people the same way these Swedes did....thousands of times a year....without anyone getting hurt.
God you cop haters get more retarded by the day.

NYPD cops restrain people the same way these Swedes did....thousands of times a year....without anyone getting hurt.
Now that's NEWS ... real news ........ hey, you reckon all those stories and videos are fake, fabricated, and lies? ... Gee, if you're right, the public sure has been mislead and lied to, for a long time now. Thanks for setting the record straight for us..... Oh, could you pass this information along to the widow of the man shot and killed while returning home from grocery shopping, and climbing the stairs to his apartment? ... I'm sure that you wouldn't mind easing the minds of those that have lost loved ones, the families of those brutalized, raped, robbed, and stolen from. Thanks in advance from all of us.
God you cop haters get more retarded by the day.

NYPD cops restrain people the same way these Swedes did....thousands of times a year....without anyone getting hurt.
Now that's NEWS ... real news ........ hey, you reckon all those stories and videos are fake, fabricated, and lies? ... Gee, if you're right, the public sure has been mislead and lied to, for a long time now. Thanks for setting the record straight for us..... Oh, could you pass this information along to the widow of the man shot and killed while returning home from grocery shopping, and climbing the stairs to his apartment? ... I'm sure that you wouldn't mind easing the minds of those that have lost loved ones, the families of those brutalized, raped, robbed, and stolen from. Thanks in advance from all of us.

NYPD makes a million arrests per year. A few...like a handful...went bad.

I know math isnt a strong point for rednecks from rural Alabama like you. But a couple videos doesnt mean all those millions of arrests....which didnt go bad...never happened.
Oh wait...correction. You're a rural Georgia redneck....rooting for Alabama. ...typical bandwagon jumper...never even so much as applied to Bama yet you...well....we know your type.
God you cop haters get more retarded by the day.

NYPD cops restrain people the same way these Swedes did....thousands of times a year....without anyone getting hurt.
Now that's NEWS ... real news ........ hey, you reckon all those stories and videos are fake, fabricated, and lies? ... Gee, if you're right, the public sure has been mislead and lied to, for a long time now. Thanks for setting the record straight for us..... Oh, could you pass this information along to the widow of the man shot and killed while returning home from grocery shopping, and climbing the stairs to his apartment? ... I'm sure that you wouldn't mind easing the minds of those that have lost loved ones, the families of those brutalized, raped, robbed, and stolen from. Thanks in advance from all of us.

NYPD makes a million arrests per year. A few...like a handful...went bad.

I know math isnt a strong point for rednecks from rural Alabama like you. But a couple videos doesnt mean all those millions of arrests....which didnt go bad...never happened.
Very cute ... a good one .... nice.................. Well, I hate to disappoint you, and burst your bubble about Alabama folks, but math was my strongest course in school. You can't be poor in math and go through electronics school, and hold management positions in large companies that specialize in production and manufacturing.... Oh, I failed to mention my few years as a machinist ... darn.............. Anyway, it really matters not what percentage of cop activities end badly, it's the fact that it's almost approved of, and condoned by law enforcement all across this country. Believe it or not, it happens almost daily somewhere in this country. Police do NOT police their own profession, and the judicial system gives them a free pass 99% of the time.... So, defend them all you want with numbers and excuses, but facts speak for themselves, videos speak for themselves, and funerals are no laughing matter for the families and victims of police misconduct. ... By the way, just curious, do you happen to have the numbers ( since you're so good with math and all ) of the cops convicted and sentenced for their crimes? How many cops are serving time in the big house for the same crimes that you and I would be placed behind bars for? Any numbers for me math whiz? I take it since you're not from Alabama, those numbers should be easy for you, right?
Oh wait...correction. You're a rural Georgia redneck....rooting for Alabama. ...typical bandwagon jumper...never even so much as applied to Bama yet you...well....we know your type.
Ha Ha Ha Ha .......... oh so CUTE ... yes it is ......... and it sounds so intelligent and adult too ........ you really have a way with words ... I do believe that you missed your calling somewhere along the line .......... hey, I love the personal attacks and name calling ... they serve to verify the mentality and age of the person that I'm having a conversation with ...... seriously though, name calling and personal attacks are very silly, childish, and says more about you that it does about me. ... Think about it ..... Oh, and you're welcome to discuss this issue with me in an adult and civil manner .... that is if you know how.........
God you cop haters get more retarded by the day.

NYPD cops restrain people the same way these Swedes did....thousands of times a year....without anyone getting hurt.
Now that's NEWS ... real news ........ hey, you reckon all those stories and videos are fake, fabricated, and lies? ... Gee, if you're right, the public sure has been mislead and lied to, for a long time now. Thanks for setting the record straight for us..... Oh, could you pass this information along to the widow of the man shot and killed while returning home from grocery shopping, and climbing the stairs to his apartment? ... I'm sure that you wouldn't mind easing the minds of those that have lost loved ones, the families of those brutalized, raped, robbed, and stolen from. Thanks in advance from all of us.

NYPD makes a million arrests per year. A few...like a handful...went bad.

I know math isnt a strong point for rednecks from rural Alabama like you. But a couple videos doesnt mean all those millions of arrests....which didnt go bad...never happened.
Very cute ... a good one .... nice.................. Well, I hate to disappoint you, and burst your bubble about Alabama folks, but math was my strongest course in school. You can't be poor in math and go through electronics school, and hold management positions in large companies that specialize in production and manufacturing.... Oh, I failed to mention my few years as a machinist ... darn.............. Anyway, it really matters not what percentage of cop activities end badly, it's the fact that it's almost approved of, and condoned by law enforcement all across this country. Believe it or not, it happens almost daily somewhere in this country. Police do NOT police their own profession, and the judicial system gives them a free pass 99% of the time.... So, defend them all you want with numbers and excuses, but facts speak for themselves, videos speak for themselves, and funerals are no laughing matter for the families and victims of police misconduct. ... By the way, just curious, do you happen to have the numbers ( since you're so good with math and all ) of the cops convicted and sentenced for their crimes? How many cops are serving time in the big house for the same crimes that you and I would be placed behind bars for? Any numbers for me math whiz? I take it since you're not from Alabama, those numbers should be easy for you, right?

Its simple math. 0.1% of cops will kill someone on duty. Pure math...I already provided threads on this. Look it up. Of those 0.1%....most are clearly justified. Simple minds like yours will say 1 video represents the actions of an entire group...just like saying one black guy caught on tape doing a crime means all blacks do it. Or...like saying a few military officers committing crimes means ALL of them are doing it. Right?

I see I hit a nerve. Haha good. Let me guess...you became a Bammer fan around....2009.
Good thing they weren't armed or we'd be hearing about the Swedish tourists who got gunned down on the train.

Good thing they werent suicide bombers or...

Good thing they werent the Joker from Batman or..

Yeah....because we all know that never happens right?
Those douche bags wouldnt last a week in some of Americas nastier ghettos.
Good thing they weren't armed or we'd be hearing about the Swedish tourists who got gunned down on the train.

Good thing they werent suicide bombers or...

Good thing they werent the Joker from Batman or..

Yeah....because we all know that never happens right?
Those douche bags wouldnt last a week in some of Americas nastier ghettos.

Yep. Its well known that foreign cops do tend to get more training in hand to hand stuff. Why? Because they have time to do it. The low crime rate doesnt mandate all.boots on the ground. They can take entire shifts to train...because so little crime actually happens.

People have no clue what it takes to police rough neighborhoods.
God you cop haters get more retarded by the day.

NYPD cops restrain people the same way these Swedes did....thousands of times a year....without anyone getting hurt.
Now that's NEWS ... real news ........ hey, you reckon all those stories and videos are fake, fabricated, and lies? ... Gee, if you're right, the public sure has been mislead and lied to, for a long time now. Thanks for setting the record straight for us..... Oh, could you pass this information along to the widow of the man shot and killed while returning home from grocery shopping, and climbing the stairs to his apartment? ... I'm sure that you wouldn't mind easing the minds of those that have lost loved ones, the families of those brutalized, raped, robbed, and stolen from. Thanks in advance from all of us.

NYPD makes a million arrests per year. A few...like a handful...went bad.

I know math isnt a strong point for rednecks from rural Alabama like you. But a couple videos doesnt mean all those millions of arrests....which didnt go bad...never happened.
Very cute ... a good one .... nice.................. Well, I hate to disappoint you, and burst your bubble about Alabama folks, but math was my strongest course in school. You can't be poor in math and go through electronics school, and hold management positions in large companies that specialize in production and manufacturing.... Oh, I failed to mention my few years as a machinist ... darn.............. Anyway, it really matters not what percentage of cop activities end badly, it's the fact that it's almost approved of, and condoned by law enforcement all across this country. Believe it or not, it happens almost daily somewhere in this country. Police do NOT police their own profession, and the judicial system gives them a free pass 99% of the time.... So, defend them all you want with numbers and excuses, but facts speak for themselves, videos speak for themselves, and funerals are no laughing matter for the families and victims of police misconduct. ... By the way, just curious, do you happen to have the numbers ( since you're so good with math and all ) of the cops convicted and sentenced for their crimes? How many cops are serving time in the big house for the same crimes that you and I would be placed behind bars for? Any numbers for me math whiz? I take it since you're not from Alabama, those numbers should be easy for you, right?

Its simple math. 0.1% of cops will kill someone on duty. Pure math...I already provided threads on this. Look it up. Of those 0.1%....most are clearly justified. Simple minds like yours will say 1 video represents the actions of an entire group...just like saying one black guy caught on tape doing a crime means all blacks do it. Or...like saying a few military officers committing crimes means ALL of them are doing it. Right?

I see I hit a nerve. Haha good. Let me guess...you became a Bammer fan around....2009.
I think that you missed the questions. Please go back and read the questions that I have asked you, if you don't mind. I'm not interested in the percentage that commit crimes, I asked how many are serving time in prison for the exact same crimes that you and I would be behind bars for? How many are actually convicted and sentenced for their misconduct? How many get a free pass in the judicial system? Also, I did NOT mention " 1 " video, I have said that videos come out daily, and it can be proven on several web sites and in the news media. I have never ever said that one of anything is representative of a group, never. Please do NOT say that I have said things that I have NOT said. Please quote me correctly if you're going to quote me at all.

No, you have NOT hit a nerve, not in the least. It takes more than a simple conversation on a forum to hit one of my nerves, seriously. In addition, you guess wrong. I was born and raised in Alabama, been an Alabama fan all of my life, and will be until the day that I die. But, that has absolutely nothing to do with our conversation, nothing. Trying to turn this conversation on me is a waste of your time. I don't play those silly childish games on here. You'll have to find someone else to play your immature silly personal attack games with. Please, address the points of this conversation in and civil manner, if you know how. Thanks.

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