Did Trump admit on video he knew of hacking crimes?

so if asking for evidence on a damn messageboard works, why the hell didn'tmueller do that? just come on here and ask.....wtf did we pay for an investigation for?
One doesn't have to be Nostradamus to predict that foreign intelligence agencies are hacking and trying to hack innumerable American organizations 24/7/365. Anyone who doesn't know this must have just awakened from a 30-year coma.

@K8Buck cc: candycorn
Though this isn't the issue I'm requesting help to confirm,
I agree that in general, anyone anywhere can be involved in trying to influence media and campaigns before elections.

However, the issue I am disputing is a friend's claim there was already a video out
which confirms Trump saying he either knew, asked for or approved of Russian illegal hacking
IN ADVANCE. So the debate is whether he is complicit by being involved indirectly.

I said if he had KNOWLEDGE this criminal hacking was being attempted or done,
yes he has a duty to report this, not cover it up.

(It's an additional question whether or not he is equally guilty of colluding.
Since the definition of and argument(s) surrounding "collusion" bring up
more issues than can be resolved, I'm asking to stick to researching
and/or confirming there is a video where Trump admits he had
knowledge of the Russian plans to hack. Is that aiding and abeting a foreign enemy?
There is video of half a dozen folks from his campaign or *cabinet* saying he did but none from the tweeter in chief himself.
What's laughable is all of you from the left that point fingers at Trump for benefiting from Clinton and the DNC being exposed...like it's HIS fault that Hillary is corrupt and the DNC was fixing things so other candidate couldn't win! That's on Hillary and the DNC leadership, folks! The Russians were trying to hack both campaigns. It's obvious they found more dirt on one side than the other! Obvious unless you're wearing partisan blinders!
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?
Lewdog posted the video of Trump saying, Russia, if you are listening....find the 30,000 missing Clinton emails, you'll be rewarded for it.....

That night, for the very first time, the Russians attempted to hack Clinton's personal server....

Plus Roger Stone, knew ahead of the hacking on Podesta.... that Podesta was hacked....

AND Michael Cohen testified before Congress that he was in Candidate Trump's office when Roger Stone called him to tell him about the stolen emails that would be released.

The Trump campaign DID NOT ask for the original email hacks to be done by the Russian government... Mueller report states.

Plus it stated that the night Trump asked Russia to "find" the missing 30k emails, her server was attacked by the Russian government trying to hack it.

But, the Mueller report states that Candidate Trump's campaign, his son, Kushner, Flynn, Stone and a number of others on his team were all reaching out to Russian operatives with the emails to get a heads up on what was coming in email releases, BEFORE they were released to the public and to find other Clinton emails to steal and expose... like the 30k missing emails....

First of all...you have absolutely no idea when Hillary's personal servers were hacked! It's common knowledge at this point that they were hacked multiple times by multiple parties. The dumb bitch had classified materials on unsecured servers...something that endangered our national security...and she did so because she was running a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation!
I have no idea what you are babbling on about....

the FACTS SHOW that the night that Trump asked Russia to "find" the Clinton 30k personal emails that her lawyers deleted,

the Russian gvt agents, hacked Hillary Clinton's personal server. Her personal server had NEVER been hacked before, this was the first time the Russian operatives ever tried to hack her PERSONAL computer's server.

That IS IN the Mueller report, maybe you should actually try to read it, Oldstyle....

the rest of your post is bull crud, not worth discussing since you do NOT care about the actual FACTS.
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?
Lewdog posted the video of Trump saying, Russia, if you are listening....find the 30,000 missing Clinton emails, you'll be rewarded for it.....

That night, for the very first time, the Russians attempted to hack Clinton's personal server....

Plus Roger Stone, knew ahead of the hacking on Podesta.... that Podesta was hacked....

AND Michael Cohen testified before Congress that he was in Candidate Trump's office when Roger Stone called him to tell him about the stolen emails that would be released.

The Trump campaign DID NOT ask for the original email hacks to be done by the Russian government... Mueller report states.

Plus it stated that the night Trump asked Russia to "find" the missing 30k emails, her server was attacked by the Russian government trying to hack it.

But, the Mueller report states that Candidate Trump's campaign, his son, Kushner, Flynn, Stone and a number of others on his team were all reaching out to Russian operatives with the emails to get a heads up on what was coming in email releases, BEFORE they were released to the public and to find other Clinton emails to steal and expose... like the 30k missing emails....

First of all...you have absolutely no idea when Hillary's personal servers were hacked! It's common knowledge at this point that they were hacked multiple times by multiple parties. The dumb bitch had classified materials on unsecured servers...something that endangered our national security...and she did so because she was running a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation!
I have no idea what you are babbling on about....

the FACTS SHOW that the night that Trump asked Russia to "find" the Clinton 30k personal emails that her lawyers deleted,

the Russian gvt agents, hacked Hillary Clinton's personal server. Her personal server had NEVER been hacked before, this was the first time the Russian operatives ever tried to hack her PERSONAL computer's server.

That IS IN the Mueller report, maybe you should actually try to read it, Oldstyle....

the rest of your post is bull crud, not worth discussing since you do NOT care about the actual FACTS.

Care to explain how it is that you know when Clinton's SERVERS were hacked?

Show me where in the Mueller Report they claim to know when Hillary's servers were hacked for the first time and by whom!
And it wasn't Hillary's "lawyers" who deleted those emails! She paid to have them professionally scrubbed! You think her "lawyers" did that? You don't have a clue...do you!

Let me guess...you think if you claim it was done by "lawyers" that somehow makes it less corrupt? The destruction of evidence that a Congressional committee had been asking for, for months?
Last edited:
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?

Stone knew about it. Its a pretty sure bet that Trump knew.
But apparently having someone working for you who works with felons is not a crime on Barr's watch.
when people go out of their way to pin bad things on the left, you mock them (and usually rightfully so) because of how willing they are to chase fantasies.

yet, here we are chasing ones that are important to you because you *want* them to be true. but for them to be true, you have to go through the same "hoops" you mock the other side for going through.

i'll never understand why one side mocks the other for believing in a reach and then turns around and does it themselves, but they're right, the other side so very wrong.

it all just seems so convenient to the point someone is trying to make but pretty void of reality. if we had such a video, do you really think the left would ignore it while russia blew up in their face? for this to happen:

1) trump had to know russia was helping (if they were) him.
2) mueller couldn't find that link in 2 years. is the video the ONLY elusive link? hardly.
3) someone had to video it
4) that someone would have to support trump and work to keep it from public eye
5) if kept from public eye, how does the public know about it?
6) given they know about it, then it must not be locked away in a secret sky-drive
7) pelosi, mueller, and the entire left trying to get rid of trump for 2+ years would have to now go "well that's the bullet we need but no, let's not ever bring it up.

how much of that is actually likely vs. a pipe dream for those who hate trump?
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?
Lewdog posted the video of Trump saying, Russia, if you are listening....find the 30,000 missing Clinton emails, you'll be rewarded for it.....

That night, for the very first time, the Russians attempted to hack Clinton's personal server....

Plus Roger Stone, knew ahead of the hacking on Podesta.... that Podesta was hacked....

AND Michael Cohen testified before Congress that he was in Candidate Trump's office when Roger Stone called him to tell him about the stolen emails that would be released.

The Trump campaign DID NOT ask for the original email hacks to be done by the Russian government... Mueller report states.

Plus it stated that the night Trump asked Russia to "find" the missing 30k emails, her server was attacked by the Russian government trying to hack it.

But, the Mueller report states that Candidate Trump's campaign, his son, Kushner, Flynn, Stone and a number of others on his team were all reaching out to Russian operatives with the emails to get a heads up on what was coming in email releases, BEFORE they were released to the public and to find other Clinton emails to steal and expose... like the 30k missing emails....

First of all...you have absolutely no idea when Hillary's personal servers were hacked! It's common knowledge at this point that they were hacked multiple times by multiple parties. The dumb bitch had classified materials on unsecured servers...something that endangered our national security...and she did so because she was running a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation!
I have no idea what you are babbling on about....

the FACTS SHOW that the night that Trump asked Russia to "find" the Clinton 30k personal emails that her lawyers deleted,

the Russian gvt agents, hacked Hillary Clinton's personal server. Her personal server had NEVER been hacked before, this was the first time the Russian operatives ever tried to hack her PERSONAL computer's server.

That IS IN the Mueller report, maybe you should actually try to read it, Oldstyle....

the rest of your post is bull crud, not worth discussing since you do NOT care about the actual FACTS.
the fact is the actual server was never given to the fbi nor was the fbi allowed to look it over.

you can't escape that fact so you run to "a copy was provided" OF WHICH you'd never allow as proof if it were working against you.

people need to stop this 1 sided bullshit in order to appease their own fears and hate.
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?

No link = close the thread. Thanks
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?

Stone knew about it. Its a pretty sure bet that Trump knew.
But apparently having someone working for you who works with felons is not a crime on Barr's watch.
stone knew what?
I love how the clowns from the left throw something out and then can never substantiate the pooh they threw. shameful. Hey, man up and post the info you boast you have!!! Where's Timmy, he's been going on and on in here, I asked him for his info, and got crickets. now candycorn. it seems obvious the left in here cannot back their own claims. sad they feel the need to lie.
I love how the clowns from the left throw something out and then can never substantiate the pooh they threw. shameful. Hey, man up and post the info you boast you have!!! Where's Timmy, he's been going on and on in here, I asked him for his info, and got crickets. now candycorn. it seems obvious the left in here cannot back their own claims. sad they feel the need to lie.

Half of these Knob Slobbers are either working for The DNC, are paid trolls, or are Foreigners who just don't like America.

Any American Citizen how is constantly ripping on America and our President is just a vile and Evil Human being not worthy of even debating.

That's why my Ignore list is as long as it is, because such people contribute nothing to discussions, and have no original ideas.

Take The Democrat Party's Latest Initiatives to Bankrupt America.

Social Security has about 18 years of funding left. Yet the Democrat Party insists on giving millions of illegasls a year access to Social Security and other Social Services tax payer funded programs.

Medicare has about 8 years of funding left before it goes belly up, yet The Democrat Party wants "Medicare For All" and by ALL they mean People who don't pay in to the system, like Illegals, and Welfare Queens, and people with FAKE BACK INJURIES.

We have Trillions of dollars in unfunded mandates, yet The Democrat Party INSISTS we continue to provide more and more services and so called Free Shit for people.

This is nothing but a wealth transference Con Job. Things like Medicare for All will cost $93 Trillion. We just cannot afford that. It would impoverish the entire country. We already spent $22 Trillion on "The War on Poverty" and it has done nothing but depress wage growth and job creation.

Rest assured, any pie in the sky program a Democrat is offering you, THEY WILL ENSURE they are not subject to such a system.

The Green New Deal: Another Fanatical and Radical Attack on Capitalism and Democracy. It would shut down American overnight, turning it in to a 3rd World Nation, and completely deflate wealth creation, upward mobility, and free enterprise. It's another scam and attempt at imposing Wealth Redistribution, Globalist Socialism and Globalist Governance.

Somewhere, people are going to have to push back against continuing to push us towards Socialism. We are going to have to cut back on Social Programs if we continue to give our tax dollars to illegals and their offspring, and do not require people to work more.

The Democrats don't want The Golden Egg. They are consumed by Greed so much that they want the whole Golden Goose, and if they are allowed to get their hands on it, there will be no more Golden Eggs, and No America.
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?

Stone knew about it. Its a pretty sure bet that Trump knew.
But apparently having someone working for you who works with felons is not a crime on Barr's watch.
when people go out of their way to pin bad things on the left, you mock them (and usually rightfully so) because of how willing they are to chase fantasies.

yet, here we are chasing ones that are important to you because you *want* them to be true. but for them to be true, you have to go through the same "hoops" you mock the other side for going through.

i'll never understand why one side mocks the other for believing in a reach and then turns around and does it themselves, but they're right, the other side so very wrong.

it all just seems so convenient to the point someone is trying to make but pretty void of reality. if we had such a video, do you really think the left would ignore it while russia blew up in their face? for this to happen:

1) trump had to know russia was helping (if they were) him.
2) mueller couldn't find that link in 2 years. is the video the ONLY elusive link? hardly.
3) someone had to video it
4) that someone would have to support trump and work to keep it from public eye
5) if kept from public eye, how does the public know about it?
6) given they know about it, then it must not be locked away in a secret sky-drive
7) pelosi, mueller, and the entire left trying to get rid of trump for 2+ years would have to now go "well that's the bullet we need but no, let's not ever bring it up.

how much of that is actually likely vs. a pipe dream for those who hate trump?

Its certainly not a reach. Stone tweeted that Podesta would have “his turn in the barrel” right after the DNC e-mails were released. What do you think Stone was talking about…a carnival ride?

As for this video, this post was the first I heard about it. I doubt there is a video. This sort of thing would not happen in person unless the conspirators were especially stupid.

Trump’s advisor knew about the felonies being committed. Unless you want to posit that Stone was acting on his own…and why would he…you’d have to assume he was in contact with these felons on the Trump Campaign’s behalf.
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?

Stone knew about it. Its a pretty sure bet that Trump knew.
But apparently having someone working for you who works with felons is not a crime on Barr's watch.
stone knew what?
Podesta was going to be hacked.
Candidate Trump had no power to order "hacking crimes". That was the agenda of the dying Obama administration and the rogue FBI leadership.
Since Barry and his intelligence and cyber people knew about the hack and did nothing perhaps the better question is why they did nothing.

Trump wasn't POTUS. Barry was.
Trump is doing nothing now to stop the interference coming in 2020. Soooooo Dorothy, why dontcha ask why? Or dontcha care?
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?

The video is right next to the evidence that Donald is secretly holding the Ark of the Covenant in Trump Tower.
A friend claims there is a video showing Trump had knowledge of hacking crimes.
That he either knew or instructed Russians to go after the Democrats and that this was illegal.
And he either encouraged it or wanted it. And didn't report or stop it.

Is this true?

Why isn't the video anywhere when I search for it?

Does ANYONE have the source or link that meets this description.
If it was THAT obvious he had knowledge, wouldn't the opposition have USED it?

My friend says the information is out there, and people "don't care."
But the people who DO CARE about impeaching Trump would make
sure this footage got on the national news and everyone had access, right?

Stone knew about it. Its a pretty sure bet that Trump knew.
But apparently having someone working for you who works with felons is not a crime on Barr's watch.
when people go out of their way to pin bad things on the left, you mock them (and usually rightfully so) because of how willing they are to chase fantasies.

yet, here we are chasing ones that are important to you because you *want* them to be true. but for them to be true, you have to go through the same "hoops" you mock the other side for going through.

i'll never understand why one side mocks the other for believing in a reach and then turns around and does it themselves, but they're right, the other side so very wrong.

it all just seems so convenient to the point someone is trying to make but pretty void of reality. if we had such a video, do you really think the left would ignore it while russia blew up in their face? for this to happen:

1) trump had to know russia was helping (if they were) him.
2) mueller couldn't find that link in 2 years. is the video the ONLY elusive link? hardly.
3) someone had to video it
4) that someone would have to support trump and work to keep it from public eye
5) if kept from public eye, how does the public know about it?
6) given they know about it, then it must not be locked away in a secret sky-drive
7) pelosi, mueller, and the entire left trying to get rid of trump for 2+ years would have to now go "well that's the bullet we need but no, let's not ever bring it up.

how much of that is actually likely vs. a pipe dream for those who hate trump?

Its certainly not a reach. Stone tweeted that Podesta would have “his turn in the barrel” right after the DNC e-mails were released. What do you think Stone was talking about…a carnival ride?

As for this video, this post was the first I heard about it. I doubt there is a video. This sort of thing would not happen in person unless the conspirators were especially stupid.

Trump’s advisor knew about the felonies being committed. Unless you want to posit that Stone was acting on his own…and why would he…you’d have to assume he was in contact with these felons on the Trump Campaign’s behalf.

You "assume" a lot, Candy and you know what they say about those that assume...

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