The Untold Story of Trump's 'Booming' Economy

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
According to a recent paper by University of California-Berkeley professor Gabriel Zucman, the top 1% in the country own 40% of the country's wealth. And with income inequality skyrocketing over the past 30 years, even the people that have benefited most from the system are calling out its flaws.

According to Business Insider, JPMorgan Chase CEO and billionaire Jamie Dimon has sounded the alarm on the threat that rising levels of inequality will pose for the country.

And while President Donald Trump rode the support of people struggling to make ends meet to the White House, experts say his policies have only been exacerbated the divide between the haves and the have-nots. Major corporations like Dimon's didn't use the savings they have gotten from the tax bill to pay workers' higher salaries or create new branches. Rather, they used it to buy back stock, boost their share prices, and help the minority of the American population that is invested in the stock market.

Americans are not happy*, and for good reason: They continue to suffer financial stress caused by decades of flat income. And every time they make the slightest peep of complaint about a system rigged against them, the rich and powerful tell them to shut up because it is all their fault.

One percenters instruct them to work harder, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop bellyaching. Just get a second college degree, a second skill, a second job. Just send the spouse to work, downsize, take a staycation instead of a real vacation. Or don’t take one at all, just work harder and longer and better.

The barrage of blaming has resulted in workers believing they deserve censure. And that’s a big part of the reason they’re unhappy. If only, they think, they could work harder and longer and better, they would get ahead. They bear the shame. They don’t blame the system: the Supreme Court, the Congress, the president. And yet, it is the system, the American system, that has conspired to crush them.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, unemployment is low and the stock market is high. But skyrocketing stocks benefit only the top 10% of wealthy Americans who own 84 percent of stocks. And while more people are employed now than during the Great Recession, the vast majority of Americans haven’t had a real raise since 1979.

*From the article;
Americans labor 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more than Brits, and 499 more than the French, according to the International Labor Organization.

And the longer hours aren’t because American workers are laggards on the job. They’re very productive. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates that the average American worker’s productivity has increased 400 percent since 1950.
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According to a recent paper by University of California-Berkeley professor Gabriel Zucman, the top 1% in the country own 40% of the country's wealth. And with income inequality skyrocketing over the past 30 years, even the people that have benefited most from the system are calling out its flaws.

According to Business Insider, JPMorgan Chase CEO and billionaire Jamie Dimon has sounded the alarm on the threat that rising levels of inequality will pose for the country.

And while President Donald Trump rode the support of people struggling to make ends meet to the White House, experts say his policies have only been exacerbated the divide between the haves and the have-nots. Major corporations like Dimon's didn't use the savings they have gotten from the tax bill to pay workers' higher salaries or create new branches. Rather, they used it to buy back stock, boost their share prices, and help the minority of the American population that is invested in the stock market.

Americans are not happy*, and for good reason: They continue to suffer financial stress caused by decades of flat income. And every time they make the slightest peep of complaint about a system rigged against them, the rich and powerful tell them to shut up because it is all their fault.

One percenters instruct them to work harder, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop bellyaching. Just get a second college degree, a second skill, a second job. Just send the spouse to work, downsize, take a staycation instead of a real vacation. Or don’t take one at all, just work harder and longer and better.

The barrage of blaming has resulted in workers believing they deserve censure. And that’s a big part of the reason they’re unhappy. If only, they think, they could work harder and longer and better, they would get ahead. They bear the shame. They don’t blame the system: the Supreme Court, the Congress, the president. And yet, it is the system, the American system, that has conspired to crush them.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, unemployment is low and the stock market is high. But skyrocketing stocks benefit only the top 10% of wealthy Americans who own 84 percent of stocks. And while more people are employed now than during the Great Recession, the vast majority of Americans haven’t had a real raise since 1979.

*From the article;
Americans labor 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more than Brits, and 499 more than the French, according to the International Labor Organization.

And the longer hours aren’t because American workers are laggards on the job. They’re very productive. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates that the average American worker’s productivity has increased 400 percent since 1950.

What a shock, a liberal keeping the money to fatten his own wallet.
So you leftwingers bitch about “income inequality”, yet your only solution is crap like universal income which would only skyrocket inflation and cause more hardship for the lower income brackets.

The “top one percent” that the left obsesses about, are the ones that often create new businesses and invest in businesses, creating jobs. Or at the very least they spend their money on luxurious items, which in turn provides business and jobs for whatever it is they are spending their money on.

Let go of your hate, and enjoy the economic opportunities that President Trump has brought the country.
So you leftwingers bitch about “income inequality”, yet your only solution is crap like universal income which would only skyrocket inflation and cause more hardship for the lower income brackets.

The “top one percent” that the left obsesses about, are the ones that often create new businesses and invest in businesses, creating jobs. Or at the very least they spend their money on luxurious items, which in turn provides business and jobs for whatever it is they are spending their money on.

Let go of your hate, and enjoy the economic opportunities that President Trump has brought the country.
It's not hate, stating facts, Huckleberry.
According to a recent paper by University of California-Berkeley professor Gabriel Zucman, the top 1% in the country own 40% of the country's wealth. And with income inequality skyrocketing over the past 30 years, even the people that have benefited most from the system are calling out its flaws.

According to Business Insider, JPMorgan Chase CEO and billionaire Jamie Dimon has sounded the alarm on the threat that rising levels of inequality will pose for the country.

And while President Donald Trump rode the support of people struggling to make ends meet to the White House, experts say his policies have only been exacerbated the divide between the haves and the have-nots. Major corporations like Dimon's didn't use the savings they have gotten from the tax bill to pay workers' higher salaries or create new branches. Rather, they used it to buy back stock, boost their share prices, and help the minority of the American population that is invested in the stock market.

Americans are not happy*, and for good reason: They continue to suffer financial stress caused by decades of flat income. And every time they make the slightest peep of complaint about a system rigged against them, the rich and powerful tell them to shut up because it is all their fault.

One percenters instruct them to work harder, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop bellyaching. Just get a second college degree, a second skill, a second job. Just send the spouse to work, downsize, take a staycation instead of a real vacation. Or don’t take one at all, just work harder and longer and better.

The barrage of blaming has resulted in workers believing they deserve censure. And that’s a big part of the reason they’re unhappy. If only, they think, they could work harder and longer and better, they would get ahead. They bear the shame. They don’t blame the system: the Supreme Court, the Congress, the president. And yet, it is the system, the American system, that has conspired to crush them.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, unemployment is low and the stock market is high. But skyrocketing stocks benefit only the top 10% of wealthy Americans who own 84 percent of stocks. And while more people are employed now than during the Great Recession, the vast majority of Americans haven’t had a real raise since 1979.

*From the article;
Americans labor 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more than Brits, and 499 more than the French, according to the International Labor Organization.

And the longer hours aren’t because American workers are laggards on the job. They’re very productive. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates that the average American worker’s productivity has increased 400 percent since 1950.

since 2007 and the top 40% of Americans are richer...they scored on real estate and stocks and other investments .
if you didn't buy ford for a $1.50 and others after the crash you're a moron PLAIN AND SIMPLE go look in the mirror and say FUCK what am i an idiot !
if you didnt buy a sweet DJI index fund or a similar one
I have one thats Thats shot to mars since trump took office ...its insane
IN 07 ON FORD ALONE its no ones fault but your own when you could of turned 2500 in 20000 in a short period of time ....BA derp derp

the QE the leftards love so much cause derrrp Puppet obama save the world :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:take the credit heaped on him
is what did it ... QE their was just SO MUCH FUCKIN MONEY AROUND it was obscene

ask anyone who actually works at Morgan Stanley or Soc Gen or anyone of the banksters institutional dens of thievery

..... Americans work really, really hard. A third of Americans work a side hustle, driving an Uber or selling crafts on Etsy. American workers take fewer vacation days. They get 14 but typically take only 10. The highest number of workers in five years report they don’t expect to take a vacation at all this year. And Americans work longer hours than their counterparts in other countries.

Americans labor 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more than Brits, and 499 more than the French, according to the International Labor Organization.

And the longer hours aren’t because American workers are laggards on the job. They’re very productive. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates that the average American worker’s productivity has increased 400 percent since 1950.

If pay had kept pace with productivity, as it did in the three decades after the end of World War II, American workers would be making 400 percent more. But they’re not. Their wages have flatlined for four decades, adjusting for inflation.

That means stress. Forty percent of workers say they don’t have $400 for an unexpected expense. Twenty percent can’t pay all of their monthly bills. More than a quarter of adults skipped needed medical care last year because they couldn’t afford it. A quarter of adults have no retirement savings.

If only Americans would work harder. And longer. And better.

Despite right-wing attempts to pound that into Americans’ heads, it’s not the solution. Americans clearly are working harder and longer and better. The solution is to change the system, which is stacked against workers.
According to a recent paper by University of California-Berkeley professor Gabriel Zucman, the top 1% in the country own 40% of the country's wealth. And with income inequality skyrocketing over the past 30 years, even the people that have benefited most from the system are calling out its flaws.

According to Business Insider, JPMorgan Chase CEO and billionaire Jamie Dimon has sounded the alarm on the threat that rising levels of inequality will pose for the country.

And while President Donald Trump rode the support of people struggling to make ends meet to the White House, experts say his policies have only been exacerbated the divide between the haves and the have-nots. Major corporations like Dimon's didn't use the savings they have gotten from the tax bill to pay workers' higher salaries or create new branches. Rather, they used it to buy back stock, boost their share prices, and help the minority of the American population that is invested in the stock market.

Americans are not happy*, and for good reason: They continue to suffer financial stress caused by decades of flat income. And every time they make the slightest peep of complaint about a system rigged against them, the rich and powerful tell them to shut up because it is all their fault.

One percenters instruct them to work harder, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop bellyaching. Just get a second college degree, a second skill, a second job. Just send the spouse to work, downsize, take a staycation instead of a real vacation. Or don’t take one at all, just work harder and longer and better.

The barrage of blaming has resulted in workers believing they deserve censure. And that’s a big part of the reason they’re unhappy. If only, they think, they could work harder and longer and better, they would get ahead. They bear the shame. They don’t blame the system: the Supreme Court, the Congress, the president. And yet, it is the system, the American system, that has conspired to crush them.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, unemployment is low and the stock market is high. But skyrocketing stocks benefit only the top 10% of wealthy Americans who own 84 percent of stocks. And while more people are employed now than during the Great Recession, the vast majority of Americans haven’t had a real raise since 1979.

*From the article;
Americans labor 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more than Brits, and 499 more than the French, according to the International Labor Organization.

And the longer hours aren’t because American workers are laggards on the job. They’re very productive. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates that the average American worker’s productivity has increased 400 percent since 1950.

The Fed is primarily responsible for the most recent surge in income inequality.
What's really causing income inequality: Federal Reserve policies
The basic idea Sender presents is that Fed policies have created a situation where people and businesses have had more incentive to invest in assets and not in the production of goods and services, especially in physical capital to grow companies.

I have written about this from at least early 2013 in a piece titled "Bernanke is Underwriting the Wealthy." One of the basic ideas here is that former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke was driving a monetary policy specifically aimed at raising stock prices.
I see the Little Trumpsters have no problems being easily manipulated by supporting themselves getting fucked over by trickle down economics that have never worked,,ever.
Have any of you people ever picked a book on historical economics and studied what has worked and whar hasn't worked? I guess not.
According to a recent paper by University of California-Berkeley professor Gabriel Zucman, the top 1% in the country own 40% of the country's wealth. And with income inequality skyrocketing over the past 30 years, even the people that have benefited most from the system are calling out its flaws.

According to Business Insider, JPMorgan Chase CEO and billionaire Jamie Dimon has sounded the alarm on the threat that rising levels of inequality will pose for the country.

And while President Donald Trump rode the support of people struggling to make ends meet to the White House, experts say his policies have only been exacerbated the divide between the haves and the have-nots. Major corporations like Dimon's didn't use the savings they have gotten from the tax bill to pay workers' higher salaries or create new branches. Rather, they used it to buy back stock, boost their share prices, and help the minority of the American population that is invested in the stock market.

Americans are not happy*, and for good reason: They continue to suffer financial stress caused by decades of flat income. And every time they make the slightest peep of complaint about a system rigged against them, the rich and powerful tell them to shut up because it is all their fault.

One percenters instruct them to work harder, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop bellyaching. Just get a second college degree, a second skill, a second job. Just send the spouse to work, downsize, take a staycation instead of a real vacation. Or don’t take one at all, just work harder and longer and better.

The barrage of blaming has resulted in workers believing they deserve censure. And that’s a big part of the reason they’re unhappy. If only, they think, they could work harder and longer and better, they would get ahead. They bear the shame. They don’t blame the system: the Supreme Court, the Congress, the president. And yet, it is the system, the American system, that has conspired to crush them.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, unemployment is low and the stock market is high. But skyrocketing stocks benefit only the top 10% of wealthy Americans who own 84 percent of stocks. And while more people are employed now than during the Great Recession, the vast majority of Americans haven’t had a real raise since 1979.

*From the article;
Americans labor 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more than Brits, and 499 more than the French, according to the International Labor Organization.

And the longer hours aren’t because American workers are laggards on the job. They’re very productive. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates that the average American worker’s productivity has increased 400 percent since 1950.

There is also the fact that the last drop in the U3 was caused by a corresponding drop in the labor participation rate.
..... Americans work really, really hard. A third of Americans work a side hustle, driving an Uber or selling crafts on Etsy. American workers take fewer vacation days. They get 14 but typically take only 10. The highest number of workers in five years report they don’t expect to take a vacation at all this year. And Americans work longer hours than their counterparts in other countries.

Americans labor 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more than Brits, and 499 more than the French, according to the International Labor Organization.

And the longer hours aren’t because American workers are laggards on the job. They’re very productive. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates that the average American worker’s productivity has increased 400 percent since 1950.

If pay had kept pace with productivity, as it did in the three decades after the end of World War II, American workers would be making 400 percent more. But they’re not. Their wages have flatlined for four decades, adjusting for inflation.

That means stress. Forty percent of workers say they don’t have $400 for an unexpected expense. Twenty percent can’t pay all of their monthly bills. More than a quarter of adults skipped needed medical care last year because they couldn’t afford it. A quarter of adults have no retirement savings.

If only Americans would work harder. And longer. And better.

Despite right-wing attempts to pound that into Americans’ heads, it’s not the solution. Americans clearly are working harder and longer and better. The solution is to change the system, which is stacked against workers.

join the club lazy twats ....MY typical work day really started after 10 am but could go on WELL INTO the night ...uh boy
when i got older wiser and a little more well off i figured out i didnt have to get up at the crack of dawn...Franklin was right sometimes shit gets done and problems get worked on around a dinner table at 11 pm ........ with bitches and booze WORD

being a natural night owl i knew when i came down here for certain things i would have to adjust to more normie hours........its a small sacrifice though ....

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