Did Trump really try to ‘overthrow the government’ / ‘overturn the election’ or was he simply hoping to postpone the results pending an investigation?

Even better

Not what the indictment is about, but.
You should read the indictment.
I did. You're whining about a politically based indictment. Except this isn't it. Which is how I know both you and Derp haven't read it.

You don't need to respond to this post. You're beyond help.
He didn’t exactly give “overthrow” orders to a bunch of old, slow, fat dudes in Carhartt gear did he?
Is is your belief that pushing whiny conspiracy theories on a message board will save DearLeader?

Good luck with that. Other Jan 6 defendents have tried the tactic. It got laughed out of court.
Not remotely true.
Well, that is what he has been charged with. He will have ample opportunity to defend himself in court.

Fucking hack.
His intent seems obvious to me, but it's not up to me. Jack Smith will make his case to the court.
Well, that is what he has been charged with. He will have ample opportunity to defend himself in court.

His intent seems obvious to me, but it's not up to me. Jack Smith will make his case to the court.

Read the indictment.
Well, that is what he has been charged with. He will have ample opportunity to defend himself in court.

His intent seems obvious to me, but it's not up to me. Jack Smith will make his case to the court.
Don't GAF...If assclowns like you didn't have double standards, you'd have no standards at all.
He wanted to interrupt the process and cause confusion with fake electors so the process would stop and either the Supreme Court would decide or the Senators would decide. Ether way, he felt like he would win those scenarios.

Bush and his team did the same thing in Florida in 2000. Republican national operatives were sent to the Florida recount to disturb the process. They got angry and stared a riot. Google Brooks Brother Riot. That riot stopped the Florida recount and sent the decision to the US Federal Supreme Court, which we know is corrupt and leans right.

Look at the comments the Supreme Court righties made in Gore v Bush. Their justifications for giving it to Bush were ridiculous.

And Diebold Voting Machines in FLorida 2000. Google Diebold Voting Machines. Now their machines were hacked and helped Bush win. The owner of Diebold was a huge part of rigging Ohio in 2004.

Trump was simply doing what Republicans do when they lose. Only it wasn't close enough to steal. Trump just looked stupid. All but 3 of his closest insiders now say he is guilty of trying to steal the election. Barr was going along until he realized history would just him for it. Pence is our best witness. And he don't lie. Even Trump said, "you're too honest". So don't say Pence is lying.

Yep. That’s why they went after the Dominion machines. They know exactly how the rigging works, and that is what they were told to look for.
Don't GAF...If assclowns like you didn't have double standards, you'd have no standards at all.
Odd, but I'm not sure how you could possibly know what my stndards are. I'm also not clear on why you think your opinion might matter.
He didn’t exactly give “overthrow” orders to a bunch of old, slow, fat dudes in Carhartt gear did he?
He didn’t suggest that protesters fly in their Apache and Blackhawk choppers did he? He never suggested they storm the Capitol armed with bazookas, AR-15’s or those deadly flags and fire extinguishers did he?

Given the bizarre nature of the election, are we sure he wasn’t just hoping for Pence to delay certification while an investigation could prove there was no voter fraud?

He didn’t exactly give “overthrow” orders to a bunch of old, slow, fat dudes in Carhartt gear did he?
He didn’t suggest that protesters fly in their Apache and Blackhawk choppers did he? He never suggested they storm the Capitol armed with bazookas, AR-15’s or those deadly flags and fire extinguishers did he?

Given the bizarre nature of the election, are we sure he wasn’t just hoping for Pence to delay certification while an investigation could prove there was no voter fraud?

Insurrection | Definition, Laws, Examples, & Facts​

https://www.britannica.com › insurrection-politics

Insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority
Yep. That’s why they went after the Dominion machines. They know exactly how the rigging works, and that is what they were told to look for.

I believe Sidney Powell is one of Trump's secret co conspirators. In fact I'm sure she is.

State authorities have opened criminal investigations into alleged improper breaches of equipment in Michigan, a case that involves several people who appear in the new records. In Mesa County, Colo., a local elections official, Republican Tina Peters, was indicted on felony charges including conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation and attempting to influence a public servant.
In two counties, SullivanStrickler’s examinations were permitted by courts, though many details surrounding those efforts have not been public. The records show how Powell’s group discussed, exchanged and paid for elections-system data. The plaintiffs intend to bring them to the attention of the judge in the case and provide them to the FBI as well as state and local elections authorities in Georgia, Cross told The Post.
Emails reviewed by The Post show that Powell told SullivanStrickler to share data obtained by the firm with other pro-Trump operatives, some of whom continue to openly push conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

A Republican county official in Georgia escorted two operatives working with an attorney for former President Donald Trump into the county’s election offices on the same day a voting system there was breached, newly obtained video shows.

The breach is now under investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and is of interest to the Fulton County District Attorney, who is conducting a wider criminal probe of interference in the 2020 election.

The video sheds more light on how an effort spearheaded by lawyers and others around Trump to seek evidence of voter fraud was executed on the ground from Georgia to Michigan to Colorado, often with the assistance of sympathetic local officials.

Given the bizarre nature of the election, are we sure he wasn’t just hoping for Pence to delay certification while an investigation could prove there was no voter fraud?
Yes, we're sure. Because while COVID made the election unusual, it wasn't bizarre. It was as fraud free as other elections. Don knew that. He was told that by trusted advisors and admitted it himself.
After all legal attempts to delay had been exhausted, because they were without merit, he relied on the mob to force a delay. And prior to 1/6 engaged in various conspiracies to defraud the US.
Yes, we're sure. Because while COVID made the election unusual, it wasn't bizarre. It was as fraud free as other elections. Don knew that. He was told that by trusted advisors and admitted it himself.
After all legal attempts to delay had been exhausted, because they were without merit, he relied on the mob to force a delay. And prior to 1/6 engaged in various conspiracies to defraud the US.
Postpone the results pending an investigation?

How long did Trump expect to postpone the results?
Jan 6 is two weeks away from the inauguration
Trumps term ends Jan 20, there is no way for him to continue while the results are “investigated”

What investigation was going to be completed in two weeks while all investigation up to that point showed Biden won by a large margin ?
He didn’t exactly give “overthrow” orders to a bunch of old, slow, fat dudes in Carhartt gear did he?
He didn’t suggest that protesters fly in their Apache and Blackhawk choppers did he? He never suggested they storm the Capitol armed with bazookas, AR-15’s or those deadly flags and fire extinguishers did he?

Given the bizarre nature of the election, are we sure he wasn’t just hoping for Pence to delay certification while an investigation could prove there was no voter fraud?
That you would even ask this question is absurd.

Trump did nothing wrong, and is the target of an endless Democrat witch hunt.

The End
Most secure election in History!

In 2005, former President Jimmy Carter and former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker, III, co-chaired the Commission on Federal Election Reform, which produced a report on the U.S. electoral process and recommendations on maximizing ballot access and election integrity.

Sixteen years later, many of the recommendations remain relevant. While the COVID-19 pandemic and record number of voters who cast absentee or mail-in ballots raised concerns about the security of the 2020 absentee process, the Carter-Baker report warned: “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”
And if they had done that, Gore would have won.

Don't rewrite history so inepty, little commie. Thousands of votes in Florida were never counted even once. The machines spit them out without counting them, and there they sat, uncounted. If they had been counted, Gore would have won handily, since "overvotes with clear voter intent" were legal votes under every version of Florida law.

The chads never meant crap. The chads were just an excuse Republicans used to stop the counting of legal votes.

You cheated. You won. Get over it already, and stop lying about it.
Except the media ran their own recount after the legal cases were over and Gore still lost despite the media using the methods most favorable to Gore. Gore wanted to violate Florida law by only recounting the heavily democratic strongholds and even then he wanted to use methods favorable to him. SCOTUS overruled him and said the entire state had to be recounted or no votes could be recounted. Gore folded his tent and conceded the election.
I did. You're whining about a politically based indictment. Except this isn't it. Which is how I know both you and Derp haven't read it.

You don't need to respond to this post. You're beyond help.

In what way do you believe me to be beyond help?
Except the media ran their own recount after the legal cases were over and Gore still lost despite the media using the methods most favorable to Gore. Gore wanted to violate Florida law by only recounting the heavily democratic strongholds and even then he wanted to use methods favorable to him. SCOTUS overruled him and said the entire state had to be recounted or no votes could be recounted. Gore folded his tent and conceded the election.
He promoted insurrection
Except the media ran their own recount after the legal cases were over and Gore still lost despite the media using the methods most favorable to Gore. Gore wanted to violate Florida law by only recounting the heavily democratic strongholds and even then he wanted to use methods favorable to him. SCOTUS overruled him and said the entire state had to be recounted or no votes could be recounted. Gore folded his tent and conceded the election.

Of Course.

You will make no headway with that poster.
Alternate reality doesn't even really start to describe it.

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