Did Trump really try to ‘overthrow the government’ / ‘overturn the election’ or was he simply hoping to postpone the results pending an investigation?

He promoted insurrection
No, Gore tried to overturn the election with law fare. I believe that is why the courts refused to accept any of Trump’s various court cases. None of them were allowed to even go to the discovery phase, let alone trial.
If you remember
Florida was recounting and there was a danger the bush would ose the recount.
The SCOTUS stepped in to stop the count.

"Stop the count"

Does that GOP tactic sound familiar?
No, SCOTUS didn’t “stop the count”. It ordered that if a recount was done, to conform with Florida state law, select counties couldn’t be recounted, the entire state had to be recounted. That would have destroyed Gore’s chances so he folded his tent and stole off onto the night.
No, SCOTUS didn’t “stop the count”. It ordered that if a recount was done, to conform with Florida state law, select counties couldn’t be recounted, the entire state had to be recounted. That would have destroyed Gore’s chances so he folded his tent and stole off onto the night.

December 12
-The Florida Supreme Court rejects the two lawsuits that sought to disqualify thousands of absentee ballots in Seminole and Martin Counties. (Jacobs v. Seminole Cty. Canv. Bd.; Taylor v. Martin Cty. Canv. Bd.)

-The U.S. Supreme Court reverses the ruling of the Florida Supreme Court in Gore v. Harris. The recounts are over.

Justice Stevens in his dissent wrote: “Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nation’s confidence in the judges as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.” (Bush v. Gore)"

Insurrection | Definition, Laws, Examples, & Facts

https://www.britannica.com › insurrection-politics

Insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority

LefTard Logic:

Insurrectionists -


Not Insurrectionists-


Every time you psycho loons use the word “insurrection“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.
LefTard Logic:
Insurrectionists -
Not Insurrectionists
Every time you psycho loons use the word “insurrection“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.
Smith didn't charge Trump with insurrection or sedition. That says it all. Partisan bullshit is all the dems have.
J6 was an insurrection, undoubtedly. Any who deny it should be investigated stringently for support before, during, and or after the event.
J6 was an insurrection, undoubtedly. Any who deny it should be investigated stringently for support before, during, and or after the event.
You type shit with no proof. We call those "partisan lies". When the LAW doesn't support those claims they are lies.
Can you show where the FBI or DOJ filed insurrection charges against anyone, even Trump? Waiting......tired of waiting.

Here is the answer. No one was charged with insurrection:
You type shit with no proof. We call those "partisan lies". When the LAW doesn't support those claims they are lies.
Can you show where the FBI or DOJ filed insurrection charges against anyone, even Trump? Waiting......tired of waiting.

Here is the answer. No one was charged with insurrection:
You deny it without any evidence. You are a patsy. The law supports the indictments, the convictions, the sentences.

It was an insurgency, and you are an after the fact insurgent by accessory.
You deny it without any evidence. You are a patsy. The law supports the indictments, the convictions, the sentences.
It was an insurgency, and you are an after the fact insurgent by accessory.
There you go typing lies again.
My evidence were the legal outcomes of the various charges made by the DOJ.
It was not an insurgency dumbass, or they would have charged it.
Prove it was an insurgency with more than your typing. Waiting....
kyzr says his allegations are evidence. That thinking got 60 of 61 pro-Trump court cases thrown out of the case. The last died a squealer's death.
kyzr says his allegations are evidence. That thinking got 60 of 61 pro-Trump court cases thrown out of the case. The last died a squealer's death.
1. What shit-hole country are you from. Do NOT say the US.
2. If you read the link in post-69 you would see the various legal outcomes, not "allegations".
3. Thanks for not proving that J6 was an insurgency. Told you so dumbass.

December 12
-The Florida Supreme Court rejects the two lawsuits that sought to disqualify thousands of absentee ballots in Seminole and Martin Counties. (Jacobs v. Seminole Cty. Canv. Bd.; Taylor v. Martin Cty. Canv. Bd.)

-The U.S. Supreme Court reverses the ruling of the Florida Supreme Court in Gore v. Harris. The recounts are over.

Justice Stevens in his dissent wrote: “Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nation’s confidence in the judges as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.” (Bush v. Gore)"
Sorry, you are using two different cases. The case that became BushvGore was the Florida Supreme Court mandating extra time for a manual recount of votes in specific counties that violated Florida law that required an electronic recount of ALL counties. SCOTUS had ruled that the extension and the manual recount violated Florida law and overruled that decision.
Sorry, you are using two different cases. The case that became BushvGore was the Florida Supreme Court mandating extra time for a manual recount of votes in specific counties that violated Florida law that required an electronic recount of ALL counties. SCOTUS had ruled that the extension and the manual recount violated Florida law and overruled that decision.
He didn’t exactly give “overthrow” orders to a bunch of old, slow, fat dudes in Carhartt gear did he?
He didn’t suggest that protesters fly in their Apache and Blackhawk choppers did he? He never suggested they storm the Capitol armed with bazookas, AR-15’s or those deadly flags and fire extinguishers did he?

Given the bizarre nature of the election, are we sure he wasn’t just hoping for Pence to delay certification while an investigation could prove there was no voter fraud?
Lame even for you.

The only thing bizarre was your blob's behavior. On the day your blob lost, about 8,000 other candidates for city, county, state, and federal elected office lost too; on the same ballot that mara lard ass was on. Most of them were democrats by the way.

The only one who bitched about voter fraud was Trump.
Actually it was a bunch of different cases most of which went against Gore. One judge actually reversed HIMSELF when the light of publicity was shone on the decision.
Claim was that SCOTUS didn't stop the recount.
Fact is the SCOTUS did stop the count.

And stopping the count has been a GOP goal since 2000
He didn’t exactly give “overthrow” orders to a bunch of old, slow, fat dudes in Carhartt gear did he?
He didn’t suggest that protesters fly in their Apache and Blackhawk choppers did he? He never suggested they storm the Capitol armed with bazookas, AR-15’s or those deadly flags and fire extinguishers did he?

Given the bizarre nature of the election, are we sure he wasn’t just hoping for Pence to delay certification while an investigation could prove there was no voter fraud?

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