Did you ever asked a girl formally for a dance like in movies?


Gold Member
I did but only once, on my first party, i was 15 was my first party, first cigarette smoked

I said "can i ask for a dance" and she said "no i do not want to dance thank you"

you think why im asking that, or what the point is, but i think it is very formal and most people nowadays dont ask that, or in such a formal way, only in movies... so i ask if you ever did that or even regulary do that
I( asked my girlfriend who was my wife to be to her high school prom in 1970. She said yes. That was the first time for me.

Much earlier in 1962 when I was in the eighth grade a girl who was quite smart and friendly passed a note to me during history class. We were both in the band, and the note asked me to be her date for the band dance. I was overwhelmed. I didn't want to go to the dance because I couldn't dance. This was a life long problem. One of my nieces once told me I danced like Jed Clampett's mule. I wrote her a return note that stated I was very flattered that she had asked me, but that I didn't intend to go to the dance. The girl, Teresa, read my note and then promptly began crying, obviously loudly crying. Everyone in the class knew it was me who sent a note to Teresa that was so awful it made her cry. I felt like such an asshole. I couldn't wait for the class to be over so I could go somewhere and hide.
Yes, and they liked it even those that said no. I took a class at my church as a young fellow on how to be a gentleman and I tell the young fellows today the old-fashioned stuff works.
As a kid in the late 70's, around 6th grade, that's when we put records on and slow danced. That's when we were all showing interest in the opposite sex and trying to make our plays, but safely, under the pretense of a "slow dance".

Who the hell knows how its done today.
I was used to asking girls to dance and hearing "yes". However, once I was turned down by a really hot girl from a different school. It bothered me because she was so hot and I want her in my arms at least for few moments. To my surprise she approached me a few minutes later and asked me to dance. I thought I died and went to heaven. After our dance was over I asked her for her name hoping to date her. She brushed me off and I never saw her again. I'm guessing she got hit on a lot and wasn't interested in dating at that time. Oh well.
I have asked women to dance numerous times. They seemed to like the formal request, even the ones who said 'No'.
Yes to this!

I work with junior high young men just starting to get interested in girls. I tell them, "flowers and poems, and that old fashioned stuff work, even if the poem is stupid and the flowers are cheap. Girls want to see you make the effort." These boys today rely on asking friends to ask friends if so-and-so likes them also. Girls are not impressed by that. If they accept it, it is only for having no real young men available anymore.

Our school has two or three after school dances each year. The kids just go out on the floor and dance, on their own or in groups. Which is fine for junior high. Hopefully, they will learn to do the formal ask, and the other social graces in high school.
I was used to asking girls to dance and hearing "yes". However, once I was turned down by a really hot girl from a different school. It bothered me because she was so hot and I want her in my arms at least for few moments. To my surprise she approached me a few minutes later and asked me to dance. I thought I died and went to heaven. After our dance was over I asked her for her name hoping to date her. She brushed me off and I never saw her again. I'm guessing she got hit on a lot and wasn't interested in dating at that time. Oh well.
She must have been lezbo. That happened to me a lot.
She must have been lezbo. That happened to me a lot.
I'll never know, but she sure didn't look like one. Also, feminine lesbians usually hang with large women with short hair, wearing men's shirts and wrist watches. She was with two other girls that were quite girly looking.
In eighth grade a girl that knew I liked her asked me to a big semi-formal dance. We danced together once then she abandoned me for another guy and danced with him exclusively. She only asked me in order to get into the dance without going alone. I got pissed and went home. That really hurt.
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We were not allowed to touch at our school dances. So it was difficult to get an emotional connection.
We got really close. One girl that I danced with was so physically 'mature' that I walked away quite 'erect'. :omg:
Depends whom you mix with Morticia .
I would not dream of giving my time and attention to somebody who did not have basic good manners and ask nicely , rather tham presuming or assuming .
In your world I suspect you have no inkling what I am referring to .

Anyhow an aspiring German Nazi Officer should always stop in front of the lady ( not immature skinny adolescent) click your highly polished leather shoes , greet her poetically and then pose the question .
It would transform your life if you had one to transform .
We had informal dances in the gym over the lunch hour. Many attended but few actually danced. Most were 'wallflowers' observing or yucking it up on the sidelines. Many girls were either too shy to dance or just didn't want to dance with the boys who asked them. Anyway, after a while no one asked them to dance. Also, most of the 'couples' on the dance floor were girls dancing with other girls when fast music played, likely because us guys couldn't fast dance all that well.
We got really close. One girl that I danced with was so physically 'mature' that I walked away quite 'erect'. :omg:
Have to add, the only thing that saved me from embarrassment was my long-tailed shirt that I wore untucked.

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