Did you "invest" in a Trump Superman NFT ?

Of COURSE you wouldn’t be stupid enough to waste your money on that kinda garbage

Wouldn't it be funny if a year from now, these cards were selling at 10X their original value! :auiqs.jpg:

People paying $99 for a picture of a moment in Trump's life, meanwhile we all know that Joe Biden can't even get people to show up to see him in person for free. :71:
If I had the opportunity, I would, just to piss Tommy off
If he was so awesome why did America sack him ?

Tommy, you really need to consider joining the forum for slow people.
  • Trump GAINED 11 million votes in office despite all of the scandals, investigations and faux impeachments.
  • He set a NEW RECORD for the most votes ever by any sitting president.
  • His loss in 2020 was a statistical and mathematical impossibility whose only explanation is the one admitted to in Time Magazine that they spent a year, half a billion dollars and around 50 secret shadow organizations setting up 2020 to ensure they defrauded the American people and picked the winner and outcome FOR us.
Last time I'm going to explain something so basic to you that has been told here already 50,000X.
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I believe you are lying, can you comprehend that? Boot lickers like you are the first one to run out and buy that bullshit and you of all folks should never try to label another black person as dumb.
no i have no need for new pieces of art in my house. I have one pic of a president and that’s GOP founder Lincoln…who freed my people…well accept for you…but that’s your own fault
no i have no need for new pieces of art in my house. I have one pic of a president and that’s GOP founder Lincoln…who freed my people…well accept for you…but that’s your own fault
Oh bullshit, you know you have a portrait of Trump in your house. Stop lying.

This is what Abraham Lincoln thought of black folks.

I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality ... I will add to this that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman, or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality, social and political, between negroes and white men.
Abraham Lincoln

They have sold out apparently. The article speculates that Trump purchased them in order to save face.

Are there any pix of the Superman cards ? I would love to see one. And is there one where he wears a cowboy outfit ?

Or even maybe a military outfit. Like he never did in real life.
Fools and their money....

Did you "invest" in a Trump Superman NFT ?​

I wish.

According to msn.com -
For $1,000, a person could have bought 10 of the Donald Trump NFTs.

That same $1,000 investment in Donald Trump NFTs would be worth $5,770.50 today based on a current floor price of 0.4899 ETH for the collection.

This represents a return of 477.1% in two days for anyone who invested in the Donald Trump NFTs.

Time will tell if the NFTs hold their value, but after two days, it's easy to see the strong demand for the NFTs of the former president.

Did you "invest" in a Trump Superman NFT ?​

I wish.

According to msn.com -
For $1,000, a person could have bought 10 of the Donald Trump NFTs.

That same $1,000 investment in Donald Trump NFTs would be worth $5,770.50 today based on a current floor price of 0.4899 ETH for the collection.

This represents a return of 477.1% in two days for anyone who invested in the Donald Trump NFTs.

Time will tell if the NFTs hold their value, but after two days, it's easy to see the strong demand for the NFTs of the former president.

And in about a month they’ll be worth

Speaking of investors....have the Demafascist returned all the money they helped launder from FTX to the investors that were robbed? Nope?

Their heroes sell uranium to Russians, currently threatening to launch nuclear missiles at the U.S. and Europe, and set their kids up in business with Red Chinese intelligence agencies. An honest enterprise is way beyond their ken. They don't understand it and it confuses them. They have nothing but contempt for honest businessmen, even the ones that had to bribe Democrat pols in order to do any kind of business in NYC. You can't even sell apples on the street there without paying graft to some Democrat appointee.

They have sold out apparently. The article speculates that Trump purchased them in order to save face.

Are there any pix of the Superman cards ? I would love to see one. And is there one where he wears a cowboy outfit ?

Or even maybe a military outfit. Like he never did in real life.
I have to admit that I indeed broke down and purchased one.


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