Did you "invest" in a Trump Superman NFT ?

When you look back through history there is one thing that seems to be common among all the "great" presidents. They have overcome some tragedy, some challenge. For Biden, it is not the stuttering, although he did suffer from it and overcame, mostly through athletics. Remember, he was a hell of a flankerback. But for him it was the loss of his wife and daughter in a car accident.

Lincoln lost not one, not even two, but three of his four sons. Two while he was in office. And while it might be a stretch to say he overcame those tragedies, he was deeply depressed throughout his presidency, he still faced them. FDR and his disabilities, note--that is a plural, polio and hearing loss, but he also endured the tragic loss of a loved one. Clinton grew up fatherless, his father dying before he was born in a car accident.

So, you tell me, what has Trump ever overcome? He exemplifies Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth", the argument that you should never leave your fortune to your kids. It is a responsibility that they can't possibly understand. Trump has proven that in spades. Had he simply invested his inheritance in an index fund his net worth would be higher today than it actually is. If he even has a net worth. I mean there is something that Trump could have overcome, his tiny hands and his tiny pecker. But instead of accepting that reality he has drastically, and tragically, worked diligently to compensate for it.

Here is the deal. Trump is a mentally deranged psychopath. His story is not going to end well, no matter how hard you want that not to be true. But I can empathize with him. I have a huge inheritance in my future, and quite honestly, unlike my siblings, I am working hard to get it gone before that day comes. Mom is absolutely living the dream. But unlike my younger siblings, I was taught how to handle this shit. Trump was not. And therein lies the problem. The fortune that his father built has done little but bring pain to countless individuals, and when he does finally fade away, probably at his own hand, his offspring will only continue to perpetuate that pain because they have not been taught how to handle that responsibility. Besides, they are all dumber than a box of damn rocks.
funny how xiden was such a great athletic young man but needed medical deferments to avoid the draft

sure trump could of simply invested and lived off stocks….but that’s not what people that like to work do…it’s a very dembot thing to do…but folks like trump and people that vote for him are hard workers and like challenges.
funny how xiden was such a great athletic young man but needed medical deferments to avoid the draft

sure trump could of simply invested and lived off stocks….but that’s not what people that like to work do…it’s a very dembot thing to do…but folks like trump and people that vote for him are hard workers and like challenges.
This man can do anything.
Trump derangement syndrome is real and makes people meltdown over anything he does.

His supporters have a similar syndrome where they aren't able to admit anything wrong he does

To admit something, there must be some evidence of existence.

Can you provide examples of things Trump did wrong?
Desantis needs to make cards. He is the one person I can vote for. Anyone else is not worthy of my vote.

They have sold out apparently. The article speculates that Trump purchased them in order to save face.

Are there any pix of the Superman cards ? I would love to see one. And is there one where he wears a cowboy outfit ?

Or even maybe a military outfit. Like he never did in real life.

They sold out!!
Like you already stated, :290968001256257790-final:.
Speaking of investors....have the Demafascist returned all the money they helped launder from FTX to the investors that were robbed? Nope?
If conservatives aren’t going to abandon Trump after Trump’s treasonous and violent attack on America’s democracy, after Trump’s failed attempt to overturn a lawful election, and after Trump’s call to destroy the Constitution, they’re not going to abandon him the consequence of Trump’s latest corrupt grifter scheme.

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