Did you know Brennan spoke at CFR about China?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
CFR protecting it's corrupt pay to play politicians
(Foreign relations is where the big money is at) is always connected to the players of the Coup.
Whether you see the logo in the background of Adam Schiff, or other known corrupt politicians, the game is the same, self preservation at all costs.
One such "nothing to lose" to stay out of jail coup player is of course Bitter John Brennan.
Well go back to a liberal news article in 2013 about his ties to China.
Source: In John Brennan's Private Sector Stint, a Chinese Connection
and tell me that doesn't make you go Hmmmm?
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What I find interesting about his speech is his reference to bioterrorism, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, he references biotech and life sciences research working to extend human life expectancy. I’ve done some research in this area, and some scientists in this sector believe major advances in life expectancy will be attained very soon. Some think humans could live for hundreds of years, which the scumbag Gates considers a threat. My guess is the CIA would prevent such life extension technologies from reaching the public, but the elites will get it.
What I find interesting about his speech is his reference to bioterrorism, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, he references biotech and life sciences research working to extend human life expectancy. I’ve done some research in this area, and some scientists in this sector believe major advances in life expectancy will be attained very soon. Some think humans could live for hundreds of years, which the scumbag Gates considers a threat. My guess is the CIA would prevent such life extension technologies from reaching the public, but the elites will get it.
There's many directions one can take this post.
If you believe Brennan was compromised or in self preservation mode then you might think the worst.
But those who are a MSM parrot might not believe he could sell out his country, would still have to ask themselves: if he knew and believed about these dangers and spoke out in 2016 then why did he not do so in the time needed? This proves they are not devoted to country or it's people as they are to their global affiliation of crooks who steal from their nations people. In other words hate for the law catching you in corruption more so then you devote towards your nation and position you were hired. Our corruption is so bad that it's exposure is making third world country corruption look like amateurs. Our allowance of abuses of power to protect this corruption has got to stop. We can't let the corrupt ones police themselves, it's absurd and the reason why it's gone on this long.
CFR protecting it's corrupt pay to play politicians
(Foreign relations is where the big money is at) is always connected to the players of the Coup.
Whether you see the logo in the background of Adam Schiff, or other known corrupt politicians, the game is the same, self preservation at all costs.
One such "nothing to lose" to stay out of jail coup player is of course Bitter John Brennan.
Well go back to a liberal new article in 2013 about his ties to China
Source: In John Brennan's Private Sector Stint, a Chinese Connection
and tell me that doesn't make you go Hmmmm?
Not that they should believe a word the lying asswipe tells them
What I find interesting about his speech is his reference to bioterrorism, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, he references biotech and life sciences research working to extend human life expectancy. I’ve done some research in this area, and some scientists in this sector believe major advances in life expectancy will be attained very soon. Some think humans could live for hundreds of years, which the scumbag Gates considers a threat. My guess is the CIA would prevent such life extension technologies from reaching the public, but the elites will get it.

Who are you calling an elitist?
What I find interesting about his speech is his reference to bioterrorism, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, he references biotech and life sciences research working to extend human life expectancy. I’ve done some research in this area, and some scientists in this sector believe major advances in life expectancy will be attained very soon. Some think humans could live for hundreds of years, which the scumbag Gates considers a threat. My guess is the CIA would prevent such life extension technologies from reaching the public, but the elites will get it.
There's many directions one can take this post.
If you believe Brennan was compromised or in self preservation mode then you might think the worst.
But those who are a MSM parrot might not believe he could sell out his country, would still have to ask themselves: if he knew and believed about these dangers and spoke out in 2016 then why did he not do so in the time needed? This proves they are not devoted to country or it's people as they are to their global affiliation of crooks who steal from their nations people. In other words hate for the law catching you in corruption more so then you devote towards your nation and position you were hired. Our corruption is so bad that it's exposure is making third world country corruption look like amateurs. Our allowance of abuses of power to protect this corruption has got to stop. We can't let the corrupt ones police themselves, it's absurd and the reason why it's gone on this long.
Well...there is no doubt our government is terribly corrupt. Brennan is part of the corrupt elite but he is very dangerous, due to his CIA background.

The USA is a banana republic, but who will tell the people?

There are those on the right who still believe Trump and his minions will expose and prosecute the coup perpetrators, are dreaming IMHO. Trump is not going to expose them. He wants to do exactly the same thing against his political opponents. Plus he fears once he leaves office, he could be prosecuted. It’s all a big game and we are the pawns.
Sure is strange also that all of these globalist elites knew about this virus 4-5 years ago......but not really.
There sure is a great deal of conflicting information being reported about the virus. Makes one think we aren’t being told the truth by the powers-that-be. Of course, they are known for lying regularly and often.

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