Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
Russia got involved when the territory under Assad's control began to shrink steadily and inevitably for the regime. The Assad regime was expected to last for weeks, not even months.

Nah, Russia was invited in, in 2013 after Obama red line mishap...

" The so-called “red line” episode in September 2013, when, in a last-minute decision, President Barack Obama called off U.S. air strikes in Syria,1 has continued to shape his legacy. Instead of striking the Syrian government in retaliation for a nerve gas attack near Damascus, Obama took Russian President Vladimir Putin up on an offer to peacefully dismantle the Syrian chemical weapons program and craft a United Nations resolution2 to make sure no gas attacks ever occurred in Syria again. "

" Within an hour, an hour and a half, I got a phone call from Sergei Lavrov of Russia suggesting that was a really good idea, why don’t we work on whether or not we could do that? And President Obama and President Putin had actually talked about it a few weeks earlier in St. Petersburg, and I’d already talked to Lavrov—I’d actually talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, who thought it was a good idea. And so all of a sudden, Lavrov and I were thrown together by our presidents in an effort to try to achieve that. And guess what? We did achieve it before Congress voted.20 " - John Kerry

Russian direct military involvement in Syria began in the second half of 2015.
I don't believe these rightwingers and Republicans who are currently pretending that they weren't for that blasted war. That COLOSSAL failure that Bush's GOP lied the country into.

Every GD Republican was for it. They canceled any and everyone who publicly stated otherwise. Just axe The Dixie Chicks.
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
Russia got involved when the territory under Assad's control began to shrink steadily and inevitably for the regime. The Assad regime was expected to last for weeks, not even months.

Nah, Russia was invited in, in 2013 after Obama red line mishap...

" The so-called “red line” episode in September 2013, when, in a last-minute decision, President Barack Obama called off U.S. air strikes in Syria,1 has continued to shape his legacy. Instead of striking the Syrian government in retaliation for a nerve gas attack near Damascus, Obama took Russian President Vladimir Putin up on an offer to peacefully dismantle the Syrian chemical weapons program and craft a United Nations resolution2 to make sure no gas attacks ever occurred in Syria again. "

" Within an hour, an hour and a half, I got a phone call from Sergei Lavrov of Russia suggesting that was a really good idea, why don’t we work on whether or not we could do that? And President Obama and President Putin had actually talked about it a few weeks earlier in St. Petersburg, and I’d already talked to Lavrov—I’d actually talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, who thought it was a good idea. And so all of a sudden, Lavrov and I were thrown together by our presidents in an effort to try to achieve that. And guess what? We did achieve it before Congress voted.20 " - John Kerry

Russian direct military involvement in Syria began in the second half of 2015.
Cool, but as I highlighted they were already involved in Syria years prior due to Obama's invite.
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
Russia got involved when the territory under Assad's control began to shrink steadily and inevitably for the regime. The Assad regime was expected to last for weeks, not even months.

Nah, Russia was invited in, in 2013 after Obama red line mishap...

" The so-called “red line” episode in September 2013, when, in a last-minute decision, President Barack Obama called off U.S. air strikes in Syria,1 has continued to shape his legacy. Instead of striking the Syrian government in retaliation for a nerve gas attack near Damascus, Obama took Russian President Vladimir Putin up on an offer to peacefully dismantle the Syrian chemical weapons program and craft a United Nations resolution2 to make sure no gas attacks ever occurred in Syria again. "

" Within an hour, an hour and a half, I got a phone call from Sergei Lavrov of Russia suggesting that was a really good idea, why don’t we work on whether or not we could do that? And President Obama and President Putin had actually talked about it a few weeks earlier in St. Petersburg, and I’d already talked to Lavrov—I’d actually talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, who thought it was a good idea. And so all of a sudden, Lavrov and I were thrown together by our presidents in an effort to try to achieve that. And guess what? We did achieve it before Congress voted.20 " - John Kerry

Russian direct military involvement in Syria began in the second half of 2015.
Cool, but as I highlighted they were already involved in Syria years prior due to Obama's invite.
Yes, it seems we are talking about a bit different things. You were talking about 'diplomatical' involvement, while I was about military.
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
Russia got involved when the territory under Assad's control began to shrink steadily and inevitably for the regime. The Assad regime was expected to last for weeks, not even months.

Nah, Russia was invited in, in 2013 after Obama red line mishap...

" The so-called “red line” episode in September 2013, when, in a last-minute decision, President Barack Obama called off U.S. air strikes in Syria,1 has continued to shape his legacy. Instead of striking the Syrian government in retaliation for a nerve gas attack near Damascus, Obama took Russian President Vladimir Putin up on an offer to peacefully dismantle the Syrian chemical weapons program and craft a United Nations resolution2 to make sure no gas attacks ever occurred in Syria again. "

" Within an hour, an hour and a half, I got a phone call from Sergei Lavrov of Russia suggesting that was a really good idea, why don’t we work on whether or not we could do that? And President Obama and President Putin had actually talked about it a few weeks earlier in St. Petersburg, and I’d already talked to Lavrov—I’d actually talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, who thought it was a good idea. And so all of a sudden, Lavrov and I were thrown together by our presidents in an effort to try to achieve that. And guess what? We did achieve it before Congress voted.20 " - John Kerry

Russian direct military involvement in Syria began in the second half of 2015.
Cool, but as I highlighted they were already involved in Syria years prior due to Obama's invite.
Yes, it seems we are talking about a bit different things. You were talking about 'diplomatical' involvement, while I was about military.
Yes, Assad asked for Putin to help him, after he was already working with Putin to "remove" those WMDs...after Obama's invite.

Odd, how they continued to use WMDs after that invite
The Iraq War was a success...Bush left Obama with a free and stable Iraq..

Except for all those combat troops President Bush still had deployed when he left office!

.Obama and Xiden's foreign policy blunder was unable to extend our SOFA, and then announced when we'd be leaving

The withdrawal date was set by President Bush not President Obama. But fact of the matter is no president would leave out troops subject to the laws of Iraq.

It was a blunder, and not only launched a Civil War in Iraq, but also sparked a regional conflict that is realigning the balance of power in the region.
Of course they were there to make sure the Govt had a chance to take hold and grow...Obama and Xiden had a great opportunity and blew it, which created more chaos in the ME...and death.

The SOFA agreement date had an end...such..like every other one in the world we have...Obama and Xiden failed to extend it.

I agree with you about the consequences of the Obama/Xiden blunder....

Why was it that President Bush was unable to secure a long term agreement with the Iraqis? His team had over a year to get it done. Wasn't there a sticking point that the Iraqis wouldn't budge on?

The blunder was the invasion itself not removing our troops on Bushes time frame.
The same reason every other President hasn't with every other nation we have a military force. No country wants us there in perpetuity. They want dates to review the agreement.

Geez....get a clue. Obama failed to get it renewed...gave ISIS and other terrorist are move out date...and chaos unfolded...and Obama had to send our troops right back, in a much more deadly enviroment. Xiden of course, didn't learn from this and is about to do the same in Afgan.

So instead of getting a Review of the agreement date in the SOFA, President Bush opted for a Withdrawal date instead?

But in reality both Presidents faced the same opposition from the Iraqis on our troops and no president would have agreed to their terms.
the date was to withdraw, or renew...depending on the circumstances. Don't play dumb. Deflecting failure is the liberal way I get it, but the ball was dropped by Obama and Xiden...which had major consequences because it lead to the complete botch of the Arab Spring....the Syrian Civil War, ISIS, and a empowered Iran (the largest state sponsor of terror), and the Yemen crisis.

Thanks to the horrible blunders of Obama and Xiden

The Arab Spring in Syria began in 2005.. What are YOU talking about?

" The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي‎) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s "

From 2005 to 2011 when Assad arrested the schoolboys Syria had severe drought, abandoned farms, inflation, unemployment, civil strife and the collapse of agriculture and their tiny oil sector... plus overpopulation.

Neither Russia nor Iran lifted a finger to help them. The Alawites are above the law.. Drug smuggling and kidnapping for ransom were the norm.. Since 1950 Syria has been the country of assassinations .
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
The funniest thing about your kind is you reach and stretch to find something to use against Obama, crying like a bitch over small mistakes.
You completyely ignore the clusterfuck of failure known as the GOP. Bush and the GOP are the reason we went into Iraq, it was their stupid plan, and their idea.
Bush and the GOP fucked up the war. Smart people could have won that war, not Bush... Not Republicans...
Then your boy crashed the economy and turned a balanced budget and projected surplus into economic ruin through numerous policy mistakes.
Then your boy Trump fucked up covid something fierce and incited an insurrection based on lies...

So you pathetic failures have nothing to cry about. The GOP has been a complete and total failure for the entire 21st century.
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
Russia got involved when the territory under Assad's control began to shrink steadily and inevitably for the regime. The Assad regime was expected to last for weeks, not even months.

Nah, Russia was invited in, in 2013 after Obama red line mishap...

" The so-called “red line” episode in September 2013, when, in a last-minute decision, President Barack Obama called off U.S. air strikes in Syria,1 has continued to shape his legacy. Instead of striking the Syrian government in retaliation for a nerve gas attack near Damascus, Obama took Russian President Vladimir Putin up on an offer to peacefully dismantle the Syrian chemical weapons program and craft a United Nations resolution2 to make sure no gas attacks ever occurred in Syria again. "

" Within an hour, an hour and a half, I got a phone call from Sergei Lavrov of Russia suggesting that was a really good idea, why don’t we work on whether or not we could do that? And President Obama and President Putin had actually talked about it a few weeks earlier in St. Petersburg, and I’d already talked to Lavrov—I’d actually talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, who thought it was a good idea. And so all of a sudden, Lavrov and I were thrown together by our presidents in an effort to try to achieve that. And guess what? We did achieve it before Congress voted.20 " - John Kerry

Russian direct military involvement in Syria began in the second half of 2015.
Cool, but as I highlighted they were already involved in Syria years prior due to Obama's invite.
Yes, it seems we are talking about a bit different things. You were talking about 'diplomatical' involvement, while I was about military.
Yes, Assad asked for Putin to help him, after he was already working with Putin to "remove" those WMDs...after Obama's invite.

Odd, how they continued to use WMDs after that invite

Oh BS... Assad dropped 4-5,000 barrel bombs on civilians... or rather his brother Mehr did. He controls the military, the police and Bashar. Why do you think six million Syrians fled the country.
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
Russia got involved when the territory under Assad's control began to shrink steadily and inevitably for the regime. The Assad regime was expected to last for weeks, not even months.

Nah, Russia was invited in, in 2013 after Obama red line mishap...

" The so-called “red line” episode in September 2013, when, in a last-minute decision, President Barack Obama called off U.S. air strikes in Syria,1 has continued to shape his legacy. Instead of striking the Syrian government in retaliation for a nerve gas attack near Damascus, Obama took Russian President Vladimir Putin up on an offer to peacefully dismantle the Syrian chemical weapons program and craft a United Nations resolution2 to make sure no gas attacks ever occurred in Syria again. "

" Within an hour, an hour and a half, I got a phone call from Sergei Lavrov of Russia suggesting that was a really good idea, why don’t we work on whether or not we could do that? And President Obama and President Putin had actually talked about it a few weeks earlier in St. Petersburg, and I’d already talked to Lavrov—I’d actually talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, who thought it was a good idea. And so all of a sudden, Lavrov and I were thrown together by our presidents in an effort to try to achieve that. And guess what? We did achieve it before Congress voted.20 " - John Kerry

Russian direct military involvement in Syria began in the second half of 2015.
Cool, but as I highlighted they were already involved in Syria years prior due to Obama's invite.
Yes, it seems we are talking about a bit different things. You were talking about 'diplomatical' involvement, while I was about military.
Yes, Assad asked for Putin to help him, after he was already working with Putin to "remove" those WMDs...after Obama's invite.

Odd, how they continued to use WMDs after that invite

Oh BS... Assad dropped 4-5,000 barrel bombs on civilians... or rather his brother Mehr did. He controls the military, the police and Bashar. Why do you think six million Syrians fled the country.
What's BS? Oh his brother acted unilaterally without the Dictator's permission? Really?

Wow...defending a murderous Dictator that gassed his own people...
The Iraq War was a success...Bush left Obama with a free and stable Iraq..

Except for all those combat troops President Bush still had deployed when he left office!

.Obama and Xiden's foreign policy blunder was unable to extend our SOFA, and then announced when we'd be leaving

The withdrawal date was set by President Bush not President Obama. But fact of the matter is no president would leave out troops subject to the laws of Iraq.

It was a blunder, and not only launched a Civil War in Iraq, but also sparked a regional conflict that is realigning the balance of power in the region.
Of course they were there to make sure the Govt had a chance to take hold and grow...Obama and Xiden had a great opportunity and blew it, which created more chaos in the ME...and death.

The SOFA agreement date had an end...such..like every other one in the world we have...Obama and Xiden failed to extend it.

I agree with you about the consequences of the Obama/Xiden blunder....

Why was it that President Bush was unable to secure a long term agreement with the Iraqis? His team had over a year to get it done. Wasn't there a sticking point that the Iraqis wouldn't budge on?

The blunder was the invasion itself not removing our troops on Bushes time frame.
The same reason every other President hasn't with every other nation we have a military force. No country wants us there in perpetuity. They want dates to review the agreement.

Geez....get a clue. Obama failed to get it renewed...gave ISIS and other terrorist are move out date...and chaos unfolded...and Obama had to send our troops right back, in a much more deadly enviroment. Xiden of course, didn't learn from this and is about to do the same in Afgan.

So instead of getting a Review of the agreement date in the SOFA, President Bush opted for a Withdrawal date instead?

But in reality both Presidents faced the same opposition from the Iraqis on our troops and no president would have agreed to their terms.
the date was to withdraw, or renew...depending on the circumstances. Don't play dumb. Deflecting failure is the liberal way I get it, but the ball was dropped by Obama and Xiden...which had major consequences because it lead to the complete botch of the Arab Spring....the Syrian Civil War, ISIS, and a empowered Iran (the largest state sponsor of terror), and the Yemen crisis.

Thanks to the horrible blunders of Obama and Xiden

The Arab Spring in Syria began in 2005.. What are YOU talking about?

" The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي‎) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s "

From 2005 to 2011 when Assad arrested the schoolboys Syria had severe drought, abandoned farms, inflation, unemployment, civil strife and the collapse of agriculture and their tiny oil sector... plus overpopulation.

Neither Russia nor Iran lifted a finger to help them. The Alawites are above the law.. Drug smuggling and kidnapping for ransom were the norm.. Since 1950 Syria has been the country of assassinations .
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
The funniest thing about your kind is you reach and stretch to find something to use against Obama, crying like a bitch over small mistakes.
You completyely ignore the clusterfuck of failure known as the GOP. Bush and the GOP are the reason we went into Iraq, it was their stupid plan, and their idea.
Bush and the GOP fucked up the war. Smart people could have won that war, not Bush... Not Republicans...
Then your boy crashed the economy and turned a balanced budget and projected surplus into economic ruin through numerous policy mistakes.
Then your boy Trump fucked up covid something fierce and incited an insurrection based on lies...

So you pathetic failures have nothing to cry about. The GOP has been a complete and total failure for the entire 21st century.
How can you say ISIS, Syrian Crisis, Yemen, and a empowered Iran is a "small mistake?"

Bush left Obama a free and stable Iraq....and by the time Obama and XIden left office we had the worse refugee crisis the world has seen since WW2.
The Iraq War was a success...Bush left Obama with a free and stable Iraq..

Except for all those combat troops President Bush still had deployed when he left office!

.Obama and Xiden's foreign policy blunder was unable to extend our SOFA, and then announced when we'd be leaving

The withdrawal date was set by President Bush not President Obama. But fact of the matter is no president would leave out troops subject to the laws of Iraq.

It was a blunder, and not only launched a Civil War in Iraq, but also sparked a regional conflict that is realigning the balance of power in the region.
Of course they were there to make sure the Govt had a chance to take hold and grow...Obama and Xiden had a great opportunity and blew it, which created more chaos in the ME...and death.

The SOFA agreement date had an end...such..like every other one in the world we have...Obama and Xiden failed to extend it.

I agree with you about the consequences of the Obama/Xiden blunder....

Why was it that President Bush was unable to secure a long term agreement with the Iraqis? His team had over a year to get it done. Wasn't there a sticking point that the Iraqis wouldn't budge on?

The blunder was the invasion itself not removing our troops on Bushes time frame.
The same reason every other President hasn't with every other nation we have a military force. No country wants us there in perpetuity. They want dates to review the agreement.

Geez....get a clue. Obama failed to get it renewed...gave ISIS and other terrorist are move out date...and chaos unfolded...and Obama had to send our troops right back, in a much more deadly enviroment. Xiden of course, didn't learn from this and is about to do the same in Afgan.

So instead of getting a Review of the agreement date in the SOFA, President Bush opted for a Withdrawal date instead?

But in reality both Presidents faced the same opposition from the Iraqis on our troops and no president would have agreed to their terms.
the date was to withdraw, or renew...depending on the circumstances. Don't play dumb. Deflecting failure is the liberal way I get it, but the ball was dropped by Obama and Xiden...which had major consequences because it lead to the complete botch of the Arab Spring....the Syrian Civil War, ISIS, and a empowered Iran (the largest state sponsor of terror), and the Yemen crisis.

Thanks to the horrible blunders of Obama and Xiden

The Arab Spring in Syria began in 2005.. What are YOU talking about?

" The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي‎) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s "

From 2005 to 2011 when Assad arrested the schoolboys Syria had severe drought, abandoned farms, inflation, unemployment, civil strife and the collapse of agriculture and their tiny oil sector... plus overpopulation.

Neither Russia nor Iran lifted a finger to help them. The Alawites are above the law.. Drug smuggling and kidnapping for ransom were the norm.. Since 1950 Syria has been the country of assassinations .
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
The funniest thing about your kind is you reach and stretch to find something to use against Obama, crying like a bitch over small mistakes.
You completyely ignore the clusterfuck of failure known as the GOP. Bush and the GOP are the reason we went into Iraq, it was their stupid plan, and their idea.
Bush and the GOP fucked up the war. Smart people could have won that war, not Bush... Not Republicans...
Then your boy crashed the economy and turned a balanced budget and projected surplus into economic ruin through numerous policy mistakes.
Then your boy Trump fucked up covid something fierce and incited an insurrection based on lies...

So you pathetic failures have nothing to cry about. The GOP has been a complete and total failure for the entire 21st century.
How can you say ISIS, Syrian Crisis, Yemen, and a empowered Iran is a "small mistake?"

Bush left Obama a free and stable Iraq....and by the time Obama and XIden left office we had the worse refugee crisis the world has seen since WW2.
Yes it was all Obama's fault, Bush did nothing wrong and gave Obama a gem...

Any mistake any dem has ever made pales in comparison to the epic fuck ups of Bush and Trump.

I guess it is just easier for you to live a lie.
The Iraq War was a success...Bush left Obama with a free and stable Iraq..

Except for all those combat troops President Bush still had deployed when he left office!

.Obama and Xiden's foreign policy blunder was unable to extend our SOFA, and then announced when we'd be leaving

The withdrawal date was set by President Bush not President Obama. But fact of the matter is no president would leave out troops subject to the laws of Iraq.

It was a blunder, and not only launched a Civil War in Iraq, but also sparked a regional conflict that is realigning the balance of power in the region.
Of course they were there to make sure the Govt had a chance to take hold and grow...Obama and Xiden had a great opportunity and blew it, which created more chaos in the ME...and death.

The SOFA agreement date had an end...such..like every other one in the world we have...Obama and Xiden failed to extend it.

I agree with you about the consequences of the Obama/Xiden blunder....

Why was it that President Bush was unable to secure a long term agreement with the Iraqis? His team had over a year to get it done. Wasn't there a sticking point that the Iraqis wouldn't budge on?

The blunder was the invasion itself not removing our troops on Bushes time frame.
The same reason every other President hasn't with every other nation we have a military force. No country wants us there in perpetuity. They want dates to review the agreement.

Geez....get a clue. Obama failed to get it renewed...gave ISIS and other terrorist are move out date...and chaos unfolded...and Obama had to send our troops right back, in a much more deadly enviroment. Xiden of course, didn't learn from this and is about to do the same in Afgan.

So instead of getting a Review of the agreement date in the SOFA, President Bush opted for a Withdrawal date instead?

But in reality both Presidents faced the same opposition from the Iraqis on our troops and no president would have agreed to their terms.
the date was to withdraw, or renew...depending on the circumstances. Don't play dumb. Deflecting failure is the liberal way I get it, but the ball was dropped by Obama and Xiden...which had major consequences because it lead to the complete botch of the Arab Spring....the Syrian Civil War, ISIS, and a empowered Iran (the largest state sponsor of terror), and the Yemen crisis.

Thanks to the horrible blunders of Obama and Xiden

The Arab Spring in Syria began in 2005.. What are YOU talking about?

" The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي‎) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s "

From 2005 to 2011 when Assad arrested the schoolboys Syria had severe drought, abandoned farms, inflation, unemployment, civil strife and the collapse of agriculture and their tiny oil sector... plus overpopulation.

Neither Russia nor Iran lifted a finger to help them. The Alawites are above the law.. Drug smuggling and kidnapping for ransom were the norm.. Since 1950 Syria has been the country of assassinations .
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
The funniest thing about your kind is you reach and stretch to find something to use against Obama, crying like a bitch over small mistakes.
You completyely ignore the clusterfuck of failure known as the GOP. Bush and the GOP are the reason we went into Iraq, it was their stupid plan, and their idea.
Bush and the GOP fucked up the war. Smart people could have won that war, not Bush... Not Republicans...
Then your boy crashed the economy and turned a balanced budget and projected surplus into economic ruin through numerous policy mistakes.
Then your boy Trump fucked up covid something fierce and incited an insurrection based on lies...

So you pathetic failures have nothing to cry about. The GOP has been a complete and total failure for the entire 21st century.
How can you say ISIS, Syrian Crisis, Yemen, and a empowered Iran is a "small mistake?"

Bush left Obama a free and stable Iraq....and by the time Obama and XIden left office we had the worse refugee crisis the world has seen since WW2.
Yes it was all Obama's fault, Bush did nothing wrong and gave Obama a gem...

Any mistake any dem has ever made pales in comparison to the epic fuck ups of Bush and Trump.

I guess it is just easier for you to live a lie.
According to Obama...yes.

Sorry...that's not even close to being true. Double digit UE, the largest refugee crisis since WW2, ISIS, and now a humanitarian crisis on our own border....thank a Dem
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
Russia got involved when the territory under Assad's control began to shrink steadily and inevitably for the regime. The Assad regime was expected to last for weeks, not even months.

Nah, Russia was invited in, in 2013 after Obama red line mishap...

" The so-called “red line” episode in September 2013, when, in a last-minute decision, President Barack Obama called off U.S. air strikes in Syria,1 has continued to shape his legacy. Instead of striking the Syrian government in retaliation for a nerve gas attack near Damascus, Obama took Russian President Vladimir Putin up on an offer to peacefully dismantle the Syrian chemical weapons program and craft a United Nations resolution2 to make sure no gas attacks ever occurred in Syria again. "

" Within an hour, an hour and a half, I got a phone call from Sergei Lavrov of Russia suggesting that was a really good idea, why don’t we work on whether or not we could do that? And President Obama and President Putin had actually talked about it a few weeks earlier in St. Petersburg, and I’d already talked to Lavrov—I’d actually talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, who thought it was a good idea. And so all of a sudden, Lavrov and I were thrown together by our presidents in an effort to try to achieve that. And guess what? We did achieve it before Congress voted.20 " - John Kerry

Russian direct military involvement in Syria began in the second half of 2015.
Cool, but as I highlighted they were already involved in Syria years prior due to Obama's invite.
Yes, it seems we are talking about a bit different things. You were talking about 'diplomatical' involvement, while I was about military.
Yes, Assad asked for Putin to help him, after he was already working with Putin to "remove" those WMDs...after Obama's invite.

Odd, how they continued to use WMDs after that invite

Oh BS... Assad dropped 4-5,000 barrel bombs on civilians... or rather his brother Mehr did. He controls the military, the police and Bashar. Why do you think six million Syrians fled the country.
What's BS? Oh his brother acted unilaterally without the Dictator's permission? Really?

Wow...defending a murderous Dictator that gassed his own people...

If Bashar steps down Mehr will kill him. Don't you know anything about Syria?
We don’t know what would have been had we not gone into Iraq, but for argument sake let’s agree with premise that going to war with Iraq was a bad idea and you were right to be against it. It doesn’t mean you’re good at foreign policy, it just means you were right? granted high stakes right, but Hussein Obozo didn’t want to go to war with Iran and proved to be an idiot on foreign policy.
The Iraq War was a success...Bush left Obama with a free and stable Iraq..

Except for all those combat troops President Bush still had deployed when he left office!

.Obama and Xiden's foreign policy blunder was unable to extend our SOFA, and then announced when we'd be leaving

The withdrawal date was set by President Bush not President Obama. But fact of the matter is no president would leave out troops subject to the laws of Iraq.

It was a blunder, and not only launched a Civil War in Iraq, but also sparked a regional conflict that is realigning the balance of power in the region.
Of course they were there to make sure the Govt had a chance to take hold and grow...Obama and Xiden had a great opportunity and blew it, which created more chaos in the ME...and death.

The SOFA agreement date had an end...such..like every other one in the world we have...Obama and Xiden failed to extend it.

I agree with you about the consequences of the Obama/Xiden blunder....

Why was it that President Bush was unable to secure a long term agreement with the Iraqis? His team had over a year to get it done. Wasn't there a sticking point that the Iraqis wouldn't budge on?

The blunder was the invasion itself not removing our troops on Bushes time frame.
The same reason every other President hasn't with every other nation we have a military force. No country wants us there in perpetuity. They want dates to review the agreement.

Geez....get a clue. Obama failed to get it renewed...gave ISIS and other terrorist are move out date...and chaos unfolded...and Obama had to send our troops right back, in a much more deadly enviroment. Xiden of course, didn't learn from this and is about to do the same in Afgan.

So instead of getting a Review of the agreement date in the SOFA, President Bush opted for a Withdrawal date instead?

But in reality both Presidents faced the same opposition from the Iraqis on our troops and no president would have agreed to their terms.
the date was to withdraw, or renew...depending on the circumstances. Don't play dumb. Deflecting failure is the liberal way I get it, but the ball was dropped by Obama and Xiden...which had major consequences because it lead to the complete botch of the Arab Spring....the Syrian Civil War, ISIS, and a empowered Iran (the largest state sponsor of terror), and the Yemen crisis.

Thanks to the horrible blunders of Obama and Xiden

The Arab Spring in Syria began in 2005.. What are YOU talking about?

" The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي‎) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s "

From 2005 to 2011 when Assad arrested the schoolboys Syria had severe drought, abandoned farms, inflation, unemployment, civil strife and the collapse of agriculture and their tiny oil sector... plus overpopulation.

Neither Russia nor Iran lifted a finger to help them. The Alawites are above the law.. Drug smuggling and kidnapping for ransom were the norm.. Since 1950 Syria has been the country of assassinations .
Cool story...yeah Russia didn't get involved until after Obama and Xiden f-ed up the Arab Spring and Assad started using WMDs on his own people...then Obama and Xiden thought invited their pal Putin in....you know to take care of those WMDs...great job
The funniest thing about your kind is you reach and stretch to find something to use against Obama, crying like a bitch over small mistakes.
You completyely ignore the clusterfuck of failure known as the GOP. Bush and the GOP are the reason we went into Iraq, it was their stupid plan, and their idea.
Bush and the GOP fucked up the war. Smart people could have won that war, not Bush... Not Republicans...
Then your boy crashed the economy and turned a balanced budget and projected surplus into economic ruin through numerous policy mistakes.
Then your boy Trump fucked up covid something fierce and incited an insurrection based on lies...

So you pathetic failures have nothing to cry about. The GOP has been a complete and total failure for the entire 21st century.
How can you say ISIS, Syrian Crisis, Yemen, and a empowered Iran is a "small mistake?"

Bush left Obama a free and stable Iraq....and by the time Obama and XIden left office we had the worse refugee crisis the world has seen since WW2.
Yes it was all Obama's fault, Bush did nothing wrong and gave Obama a gem...

Any mistake any dem has ever made pales in comparison to the epic fuck ups of Bush and Trump.

I guess it is just easier for you to live a lie.
According to Obama...yes.

Sorry...that's not even close to being true. Double digit UE, the largest refugee crisis since WW2, ISIS, and now a humanitarian crisis on our own border....thank a Dem
Double digit UE??? you mean what Obama inherited from the Bush after he crashed the economy?? After Bush inherited balanced budgets?? Then Obama got UE down under 5%. How'd Trump end up... Oh yeah he lost millions of jobs because he mis-managed covid...

All the problems in the mid east stem from Bush and the GOP's fuck up.

The majority of America's problems are from GOP fuck ups from Bush and trump. two failed presidents.
We don’t know what would have been had we not gone into Iraq, but for argument sake let’s agree with premise that going to war with Iraq was a bad idea and you were right to be against it. It doesn’t mean you’re good at foreign policy, it just means you were right? granted high stakes right, but Hussein Obozo didn’t want to go to war with Iran and proved to be an idiot on foreign policy.

Obama knew more about foreign affairs than Trump or Bush... and neither Trump nor Bush listened to people with ME experience. They didn't listen to diplomats, historians, oilmen , the Arabs or the French who always have superior intelligence on the ME.. Always have.

They didn't listen to Americans who have 40-50 years experience in the region.
Bill Clinton ran on

HW didn't finish the job in Iraq

In 1992, because in 1992 the presidential election was between HW and Bill Clinton.


For many of the sub 20 IQ types here, there is a


Of HW and W, of desert storm andiraqi freedom...

Bill Clinton campaigned in 1992 that, as president, he would have the us invade and occupy Iraq.

He lied

That is why dick Morris switched parties, because the only country dick Morris ever cared about was Israel.
You are turning into being quite the liar.

No one on the right loved the war in Iraq. No one on the right loves war.

What they said then was that Iraq was a necessary war in order to get advantage in the war on terror.

The problem is, the war was WON, but no one wanted to leave after that.

We did NOT support nation-building. War means you go in, break everything, then go home.

So, stop your lies.
Bush and the neocons were openly all about nation building.

I told you Iraq was a big fat unforced error back in '02, and you know I did.
I told you back in 02 when we went in, that we should destroy their ability to make MWD, dispose of those the financed terror, break all the shit and leave.

If we had done that, we would have been fine.

I still stand by that, regardless of what lies are told.
That was never ever going to happen, and you knew it.....Bush, PNAC, and the rest of the neocon glee club went there to nation build.

Clinton, Kerry and Joe Dufus all supported the invasion of Iraq. You weren't one of these morons that voted for any of them, are you?
Nope.....Swore off republicans after they sold us all out in'95.

You know these Moon Bats love to bitch about Bush and Trump but give the Democrats a pass for doing the exact same thing.
This stupid fuck banker is such a Moron he lumps Non globalist trump in there with globalist Bush when anybody with a brain knows globalists Obama and Bidens policys are far more accurate to the warmonger ways of Bush than trump. :cuckoo: Yeah there are many repubs that are the same as biden and Obama like the Bush’s,Romney,graham,Abbot,and so many others that you being a Republican at one time,you got to understand that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that it’s a one party system designed to look like two so dumb sheep like banker kid thinks he has a choice in who gets elected.Bush,Graham,and Romney are not Rinos,trump is.the majority of the gop is corrupt same as the dems. The dems have been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the CIA.

Thanks to trump they have not been able to infiltrate the tepublican party entirely.that would not be the case had trump not been elected though.Because of Trump we have some gop senators that are putting America first though instead of the corporations like Desantis!Noem,,and Kelly tshibata who looks like she has an excellent chance of replacing that evil corrupt Lisa what’s her name senator of Alaska.you understand all this,this banker kid is clueless though,he won’t accept reality Obama expanded what bush started or that Trump is not part of the corrupt two party system. :cuckoo:
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Meh, Dems repeated voted to fund the war so own it.
If there was no election fraud in FL, and an election steal by the conservative USSC, and if the real winner of the election- Al Gore were president, then there would not have been a war in Iraq.

The war in Iraq was a GOP plan. It was proposed by the GOP, it was pushed relentlessly by the GOP, and opposition to the war was called unpatriotic by the GOP.

Then the GOP failed and failed miserably in their war, and the GOP war in Iraq was one of the worst decision in US history.

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” -Donald Trump.
If it was all on the GOP, why didn't Bubba Clintoon end the sanctions and leave the area in the eight years available to him, and why did Senate democrats (i.e. Kerry & Clinton) demand a second war authorization vote in advance of the '02 elections?

Quit pretending that your team isn't soaked in Iraq blood, you disingenuous fraud.
The GOP war in Iraq was one of the biggest fuck ups in US history. The GOP dragged us into that war and then they fucked it up completely.

The GOP is the party of total failure and most of the countries problems are a result of GOP fuck ups.
Clinton had eight years to pull pull out and refused....Ditto Obama....

Fuck you, you dishonest, blood soaked, fucking hack.
The GOP war in Iraq was one of the biggest fuck ups in US history. The GOP dragged us into that war and then they fucked it up completely.

If you opposed the war you were labeled unpatriotic by you and Fox news, and Bill oriely, Hannity, all republicans.

You people try to act like you didn't do all the things you did and said in 2003...
Your team helped greatly to drag us there too...And you've kept the full funding of it rolling in ever since, you dishonest asshole.
You totally schooled him. :thup:
I don't remember any republican at all what so ever, standing with me against the War in Iraq. I remember these idiot Trumpers calling my a traitor and unpatriotic because I was against the war.
You have a bad memory, first off.
And using divisive language like this still
doesn't exactly fit the image of a banker. More like a bankers' spoiled, arrogant rich kid.:71:
He is just lying as he always does when losing an argument,this kid try’s to tell me that I was in support of the War.!he way he talks he indeed is obviously a kid,shills don’t put words in your mouth and try and tell you that you supported the war. :cuckoo:
I love how these conservatives Trumpist idiots are engaging in this historical revisionism. Anyone who was around then whose brain has not turned to mush will remember will remember the right-wing smear machine going after anyone who did not support the Iraqi war as supporting Saddam. The lead cheerleader of this smear machine was none other than Sean Hannity.

Scott Ritter, the UN , our allies, and all those that said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were ridiculed. In Bush/Cheney lingo, ”You were either against us, or for us.” No middle ground.

Nearly all Republicans fell in line. Some Democrats surrendered to the smear machine, most notably Hillary Clinton. She paid the price in 2008 and 2016 for her vote.

The votes in the Senate and House was as follows:

View attachment 481418

View attachment 481419

The Iraq War was a Republican initiative from the start.

What makes this laughable are all these Pubs saying they were against this war. Every single Pub on this board, if they were honest, would say they supported it.

I remember the heated debates I had with Pubs when I told them they were being led like sheep by Bush’s lies and misinformation

Like sheep

Just like today.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
It is absolutely laughable.

The GOP is a total joke.
We we're hand in hand in opposition to the war in Iraq with these Trumpers...

"You're Either With US, or Against US"
"We Will be Greeted as Liberators!"
"You have to support freedom"
"Mission Accomplished"

These Trumpers need to re-write history.
And a strong contingent of the warmongering ghouls you assholes support went right along with them....Phony fucks.
Your argument is that you blame the Dems for not stopping the idiot retard republicans??

It's all the dems fault because they should have done more to stop the republicans... It was all the GOP plan. This is what the GOP pushed for, war in Iraq.

To some how blame the Dems for not stopping the idiot GOP and their idiot plan to go to war in Iraq is laughable.

This is where the GOP is at, blame the Dems for not stopping the GOP failure machine, but don't blame the idiot retard republicans whose idea it was to go to war in Iraq, and who subsequently fucked up the war something fierce...
GOP logic right there... pathetic.
My argument is that you are every bit as retarded as the neocons....You morons are even carrying their water today.

You suck as badly as the Bushbots, because you are one of them.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The understatement of the year.

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