Didn’t fence-sitters vote for Biden and all his shenanigans by not voting against it?

thats a crock of shit....if i dont vote for biden or trump then either one of them are getting my vote...
It's okay. A lot of people have reading dysfunction and can't do math. I blame 'woke' education.
Your impeccable logic cannot be denied. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

the communist left cheated nearly 30 million votes. The honorable decent side needs a 100 million landslide to overcome. Not a bunch of snobbish pantyliners sitting on a fence babbling about tweets or “did not cut enough GOVT”. Are you all insane? Do you think this current regime is going to do anything that improves things in the US Long term? The answer is NO when the goal is to destroy the system. Then rebuild it a North Korea or Cuba.
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the communist left cheated nearly 30 million votes. The honorable decent side needs a 100 million landslide to overcome. Not a bunch of snobbish pantyliners sitting on a fence babbling about tweets or “did not cut enough GOVT”. Are you all insane? Do you think this current regime is going to do anything that improves things in the US Long term? The answer is when the goal is to destroy the system. Then rebuild it a North Korea or Cuba.


You're a hoot!
No you didn't.

If you don't vote for something then you just raised the votes for it up by 1.

If 100 people vote on something bad and 50 vote for it, and 1 person out of the other 50 decides to not vote for it by not voting then they have 49 votes and the bad thing is then passed.

and you’ve incrementally turned the United States into a $3T over spending, no borders, criminal Police state where voting your way out of it is nearly impossibe. Enjoy your death spiral. As US goes…..Panama will go too.
no reading dysfunction....if i dont vote for trump or biden i aint helping or hurting either one....
The point is that Biden voters will vote because they don't CARE what damage he is doing or how destructive his game plan is. They either close their eyes to it and pretend it isn't happening or they hate America as much as his handlers do.

So your non vote gives their vote much more power. If enough good people hate Trump more than they love what America is intended to be and stay home or vote for somebody else, they are pushing Biden right back into the White House.

It’s from a GOVT report. Your beloved deep state govt report. Nice knee-jerk typical LibStained denial. You’re a fast one.

You can post any lie or bullshit you want on Twitter. None of it is true.

I don't care what these people CLAIM things are, why aren't they in EVIDENCE ANYWHERE???????
Us wagon pullers are tired of dragging your dead useless weight around. Enjoy your rapid decline. We “told ya so” in advance//

Wagon pullers?????? You lazy shits are always saying how you can get jobs because you're white men????

You're all unemployed because immigrants took your jobs.

You can't be on this forum night and day and then claim you're hard done by.
You can post any lie or bullshit you want on Twitter. None of it is true.

I don't care what these people CLAIM things are, why aren't they in EVIDENCE ANYWHERE???????

Documents ahe attached and highlighted throut the article on GP. So sorry you would need more? WE knew it all along. Rumblings of such activities were leaked often.
Wagon pullers?????? You lazy shits are always saying how you can get jobs because you're white men????

You're all unemployed because immigrants took your jobs.

You can't be on this forum night and day and then claim you're hard done by.

Now you move from Trump is an evil criminal to a poster is a lazy lying forker? I may be on a day off? Retired? Weekends I post a lot at times. But you outpost me 5:2 in less years. I don’t see need to justify? I also have computer at work. Go in early, post during breakfast, working lunch posts. I agree its too many. But with what the criminal left has done to America? Well its my duty to fight back.

poverty? The only way out is to work hard, be honest and save up. Maybe 20 years later you have your first $10K. Then $100K. Pass it in to your kids.

You can’t get there waiting on Leftist GOVT checks. They take all the extra.//
Now you move from Trump is an evil criminal to a poster is a lazy lying forker? I may be on a day off? Retired? Weekends I post a lot at times. But you outpost me 5:2 in less years. I don’t see need to justify? I also have computer at work. Go in early, post during breakfast, working lunch posts. I agree its too many. But with what the criminal left has done to America? Well its my duty to fight back.

poverty? The only way out is to work hard, be honest and save up. Maybe 20 years later you have your first $10K. Then $100K. Pass it in to your kids.

You can’t get there waiting on Leftist GOVT checks. They take all the extra.//

I've been retired for 9 years.

I got a paper route when I was 11, and was waitressing after school, at the local high school hangout, when I was 15. Until 2009, I was never unemployed except for reasons of health or caring for family. I retired at 66 in a nice little lakeside town, near Niagara Falls, with a full pension for 40 years+ full time employment.

I have nothing but time on my hands. My kids don't need my money. They're doing fine.
You sound exactly like BrokeLoser. You guys are being manipulated like marionettes.. doing EXACTLY what the corrupt powers behind the Duopoly want you to do.

They know full well that fear causes people to do things they ordinarily wouldn't do. You're falling for it.

Vote your conscience! If you truly, sincerely agree with the D candidate that you're voting for (especially on important issues) and if you truly believe he would make a good president, then go ahead and vote for that person.

But being manipulated into voting for a shitty candidate just out of fear that the slightly shittier candidate might win is why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. People are allowing themselves to be manipulated. Also, too many people still don't grok that we have a one-party system masquerading as two.
I agree with everything but your last sentence. It is the view of the "lesser of two evils" crowd. But the difference between the two parties is like day and night. I know you don't believe that, but I find NO ONE in the D party worthy of a vote.
The point is that Biden voters will vote because they don't CARE what damage he is doing or how destructive his game plan is. They either close their eyes to it and pretend it isn't happening or they hate America as much as his handlers do.

So your non vote gives their vote much more power. If enough good people hate Trump more than they love what America is intended to be and stay home or vote for somebody else, they are pushing Biden right back into the White House.
no my vote effects both of them equally.....neither got it....
Didn’t they vote for 10 million new illegals?
Didn’t they vote for hiring V.P.’s and Supreme Court Justices for their skin color and vaginas?
Didn’t they vote for ‘waiving‘ college tuitions?
Didn’t they vote for higher crime and lawlessness?
Didn’t they vote for higher taxes and a more invasive IRS?
Didn’t they vote for a weaponized DOJ and FBI?
Didn’t they vote for war around the world?
Didn’t they vote for $5-$6 fuel?
Didn’t they vote for 18% inflation?
Didn’t they vote for 7.75% interest rates?

When fence-sitters say…”You lesser of two evils voters are destroying America.” Can we really take them seriously….they could have easily voted against the aforementioned but they didn’t…isn’t it them who are destroying America FASTER?
You should have installed Nikki Haley as your candidate while you still had the chance.

All the kvetching and bitching in the world isn't going to save you from losing on November 5, 2024.

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