Difference Between What the Left and Right See As Threats

Oh crap! Edison could be a sleaze. Have you heard of his concrete houses that could not be remodeled without a jack-hammer and cutting torch? An early version of 3D manufacture.
It would be a very bad idea to threaten every life on this planet with atomic annihilation, that is what Reagan's toying with the balance of terror was all about, how soon we all have forgotten the stakes in that reckless game of chicken. Just because it all turned out OK that time does not mean that threatening the world with nuclear warfare is ever a sound strategy.
have you read any of the open source intelligence reports of that era or even Hedrick Smith's best sellers?

Not really but I am assuming you are talking about all the times we ALL nearly died from paranoia and foolhardy bluffs.
I don't discuss never weres.
Oh crap! Edison could be a sleaze. Have you heard of his concrete houses that could not be remodeled without a jack-hammer and cutting torch? An early version of 3D manufacture.

Edison embodied everything bad about capitalism. Total greedy sleazebag.
As a conservative I see the following as real threats to our nation (USA):

1) The current administration's frontal attack on the Constitution.
2) The porous southern border and the burden that illegal immigration places on the American taxpayer.
3) Activist federal judges dictating state law even when the people of any particular state have voted on some particular issue (the "gay" marriage issue is a good example).
4) The huge burdens being placed on business (small and large) that either forces them to shut their doors or move their operations overseas.
5) The dismantling of our military forces by an anti-America President and administration.
6) The irresponsible printing of paper money and the foolish raising of the debt ceiling by an idiotic President and foolhardy Congress.
7) The deliberate dumbing down of America's children in the Public Fool System.
That is the big threat that haunts the left, another conservative rattling the saber and doing their best Reagan impression and succeeding where he failed to start WWIII.

The U.S. was not involved in any major wars when Reagan was President there was no Cuban missile crisis type incidents either yet he was still able to restore Americas image on the world stage to one of strength and confidence given the state of Americas current image around the world following the Reagan model might not be a bad idea.
Stop and think about Reagan for a moment. When Iran over ran the American embassy Tehran it was an act of war against the US. Carter could not take action because of the fact that Iran held 70 - 80 Americans hostage who would have been immediately executed had America struck back. Carter tried to negotiate with Iran but they refused to negotiate. Now think about this, at the exact moment Reagan was taking the oath of office the hostages, who were sitting in planes on the runways of Tehran, were released. This does not pass the smell test. Reagan had NOT negotiated with Iran yet the hostages were released under strange circumstances. Why then? Why were they released while reagan was taking the oath of office? Once the hostages were clear of Iran Reagan could have taken action against Iran for their act of war. What did Reagan do? He took no action whatsoever. Nothing! Nada! This also does not pass the smell test.
Ooops, me bad. Reagan did take action. He secretly sold arms to a country, IRAN, that had committed an act of war against the US to fund an illegal war in Nicaragia. In fact, the US even had an arms embargo against Iran at the time Reagan behaved in a criminal manner by selling Iran those arms. THIS REALLY DOES NOT PASS THE SMELL TEST.
Do you really approve of presidents who allow other countries to attack the US and who then sell arms to those countries so the president can take America into secret wars? Is that really the kind of president you want?
GOD help the US if Reagan is the kind of president you want? The truth of the matter is that Reagan makes Benedict Arnold like an American hero.
Arms for hostages is bad, but selling arms to both sides of a war (Iran-Iraq) is a crime against humanity.
As a conservative I see the following as real threats to our nation (USA):

1) The current administration's frontal attack on the Constitution.
2) The porous southern border and the burden that illegal immigration places on the American taxpayer.
3) Activist federal judges dictating state law even when the people of any particular state have voted on some particular issue (the "gay" marriage issue is a good example).
4) The huge burdens being placed on business (small and large) that either forces them to shut their doors or move their operations overseas.
5) The dismantling of our military forces by an anti-America President and administration.
6) The irresponsible printing of paper money and the foolish raising of the debt ceiling by an idiotic President and foolhardy Congress.
7) The deliberate dumbing down of America's children in the Public Fool System.
Hey Dumb Dumb, think about this.
IF Obama really were trying to "attack the Constitution" as you stupidly post, the House of Representatives would be filing impeachment proceedings at this very minute. THEY HAVE NOT FILED ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT FOR THE VERY SIMPLE REASON THAT THEY KNOW THAT EVERYTHING OBAMA HAS DONE IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION. Any attempt to file Articles would make the republican members of the House look dumber than they are and they know it.

Here is a hint for you, your posts will be more intelligent if you stop listening to rush and watching fox.

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As a conservative I see the following as real threats to our nation (USA):

1) The current administration's frontal attack on the Constitution.
2) The porous southern border and the burden that illegal immigration places on the American taxpayer.
3) Activist federal judges dictating state law even when the people of any particular state have voted on some particular issue (the "gay" marriage issue is a good example).
4) The huge burdens being placed on business (small and large) that either forces them to shut their doors or move their operations overseas.
5) The dismantling of our military forces by an anti-America President and administration.
6) The irresponsible printing of paper money and the foolish raising of the debt ceiling by an idiotic President and foolhardy Congress.
7) The deliberate dumbing down of America's children in the Public Fool System.
Hey Dumb Dumb, think about this.
IF Obama really were trying to "attack the Constitution" as you stupidly post, the House of Representatives would be filing impeachment proceedings at this very minute. THEY HAVE NOT FILED ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT FOR THE VERY SIMPLE REASON THAT THEY KNOW THAT EVERYTHING OBAMA HAS DONE IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION. Any attempt to file Articles would make the republican members of the House would make they look dumber than they are and they know it.

Here is a hint for you, your posts will be more intelligent if you stop listening to rush and watching fox.

Idiot. They haven't filed articles of impeachment because the Democrats control the Senate and would block it, regardless of the lawlessness of this POS POTUS.
Arms for hostages is bad, but selling arms to both sides of a war (Iran-Iraq) is a crime against humanity.

Are you some kind of Psycho or something to ask "why"? The way we handled Iran during that era and before leaves me with no doubt that they rightfully hate our guts and have no reason to trust us in any way. The entire religious-conservative government of Iran is a direct reaction to our meddling and assassination, if they are scared of us and Israel it is by design.
As a conservative I see the following as real threats to our nation (USA):

1) The current administration's frontal attack on the Constitution.
2) The porous southern border and the burden that illegal immigration places on the American taxpayer.
3) Activist federal judges dictating state law even when the people of any particular state have voted on some particular issue (the "gay" marriage issue is a good example).
4) The huge burdens being placed on business (small and large) that either forces them to shut their doors or move their operations overseas.
5) The dismantling of our military forces by an anti-America President and administration.
6) The irresponsible printing of paper money and the foolish raising of the debt ceiling by an idiotic President and foolhardy Congress.
7) The deliberate dumbing down of America's children in the Public Fool System.
Hey Dumb Dumb, think about this.
IF Obama really were trying to "attack the Constitution" as you stupidly post, the House of Representatives would be filing impeachment proceedings at this very minute. THEY HAVE NOT FILED ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT FOR THE VERY SIMPLE REASON THAT THEY KNOW THAT EVERYTHING OBAMA HAS DONE IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION.

Here is a hint for you, your posts will be more intelligent if you stop listening to rush and watching fox.

Wrong interfering with an opponent's self destruction is stupid. Obama is the RNC's dream opponent. Some polls have him at minus 20 in approval, if that holds through November, he will create a GOP landslide.
Arms for hostages is bad, but selling arms to both sides of a war (Iran-Iraq) is a crime against humanity.

Are you some kind of Psycho or something to ask "why"? The way we handled Iran during that era and before leaves me with no doubt that they rightfully hate our guts and have no reason to trust us in any way. The entire religious-conservative government of Iran is a direct reaction to our meddling and assassination, if they are scared of us and Israel it is by design.
For the past 3,000 years Iraq and Iran have only responded to terror.

Are you some kind of Psycho or something to ask "why"? The way we handled Iran during that era and before leaves me with no doubt that they rightfully hate our guts and have no reason to trust us in any way. The entire religious-conservative government of Iran is a direct reaction to our meddling and assassination, if they are scared of us and Israel it is by design.
For the past 3,000 years Iraq and Iran have only responded to terror.

Perhaps, therefore a balance of terror is at work here, why do so many want to upset that balance with silly threats simply to sate the appetites of warhark conservatives who miss the days of an American president recklessly issuing ultimatums like an idiot?
I think this was supposed to be a tad humorous, but it's spot on.

While the left jumps into action when it comes to things like pop tarts bitten into the shape of a gun, large sugary drinks and hurrying to pass amnesty for millions of criminals, the right tends to worry more about things like Iran having nuclear weapons, arming the Muslim Brotherhood and the lack of jobs in this crappy economy.

I think the biggest threat to America is far left liberals bent on destroying capitalism and bringing in the sure-to-fail socialism.

A Handy Comparison of Liberal and Conservative Views on Threats to National Security
"...and lack of..." WHAT?

If the right worried about jobs, then why did their representatives vote down all the jobs bills?

As far as the topic in the OP, the difference is this:
  • the left concerns itself with "real" threats
  • the right "makes up" their own
Are you some kind of Psycho or something to ask "why"? The way we handled Iran during that era and before leaves me with no doubt that they rightfully hate our guts and have no reason to trust us in any way. The entire religious-conservative government of Iran is a direct reaction to our meddling and assassination, if they are scared of us and Israel it is by design.
For the past 3,000 years Iraq and Iran have only responded to terror.

Perhaps, therefore a balance of terror is at work here, why do so many want to upset that balance with silly threats simply to sate the appetites of warhark conservatives who miss the days of an American president recklessly issuing ultimatums like an idiot?
Obama is the one who keeps issuing ultimatums. Of course, he does nothing to back any of it up when they cross the red line. Paper tiger.
That is the big threat that haunts the left, another conservative rattling the saber and doing their best Reagan impression and succeeding where he failed to start WWIII.

The U.S. was not involved in any major wars when Reagan was President there was no Cuban missile crisis type incidents either yet he was still able to restore Americas image on the world stage to one of strength and confidence given the state of Americas current image around the world following the Reagan model might not be a bad idea.

It would be a very bad idea to threaten every life on this planet with atomic annihilation, that is what Reagan's toying with the balance of terror was all about, how soon we all have forgotten the stakes in that reckless game of chicken. Just because it all turned out OK that time does not mean that threatening the world with nuclear warfare is ever a sound strategy.
The world was never threatened with nuclear war under Reagan the nearest we ever came to that was the afore mentioned Cuban Missile crisis stop trying to rewrite history.
That is the big threat that haunts the left, another conservative rattling the saber and doing their best Reagan impression and succeeding where he failed to start WWIII.

The U.S. was not involved in any major wars when Reagan was President there was no Cuban missile crisis type incidents either yet he was still able to restore Americas image on the world stage to one of strength and confidence given the state of Americas current image around the world following the Reagan model might not be a bad idea.
Stop and think about Reagan for a moment. When Iran over ran the American embassy Tehran it was an act of war against the US. Carter could not take action because of the fact that Iran held 70 - 80 Americans hostage who would have been immediately executed had America struck back. Carter tried to negotiate with Iran but they refused to negotiate. Now think about this, at the exact moment Reagan was taking the oath of office the hostages, who were sitting in planes on the runways of Tehran, were released. This does not pass the smell test. Reagan had NOT negotiated with Iran yet the hostages were released under strange circumstances. Why then? Why were they released while reagan was taking the oath of office? Once the hostages were clear of Iran Reagan could have taken action against Iran for their act of war. What did Reagan do? He took no action whatsoever. Nothing! Nada! This also does not pass the smell test.
Ooops, me bad. Reagan did take action. He secretly sold arms to a country, IRAN, that had committed an act of war against the US to fund an illegal war in Nicaragia. In fact, the US even had an arms embargo against Iran at the time Reagan behaved in a criminal manner by selling Iran those arms. THIS REALLY DOES NOT PASS THE SMELL TEST.
Do you really approve of presidents who allow other countries to attack the US and who then sell arms to those countries so the president can take America into secret wars? Is that really the kind of president you want?
GOD help the US if Reagan is the kind of president you want? The truth of the matter is that Reagan makes Benedict Arnold like an American hero.

That is some of the most rambling nonsense I have seen here in a very long time If you want to know why Iran released the hostages when and how they did I suggest you write someone in Iran and ask them I can't explain how the radical Muslim mind works. As for the the whole Iran/Contra deal there were detailed hearings over that and Reagan was never convicted of any wrong doings or even charged with anything your not liking the man does not change this. This country was in piss poor shape after four years of Carter and was in substantially better shape both domestically and on the world stage when Reagan left office and if we could find another Reagan type to repair the dame done by eight years of Carter part two aka known as Obama that would be God send.

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