Differences in porn from country to country


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
As a lifelong consumer of porn I've noticed some things define the materials from different countries and cultures. In the USA, when someone walks in on someone masturbating or having sex, they act all aghast, embarassed, surprised, or watch but feel guilty about it. In European porn, and South American (Brasil,) they join in. :) This 'lack of guilt' or 'sex is wonderful, may I join in?' subtext is why non-American made porn is infinitely superior to anything the US produces imo.

Japanese porn from what I've seen of it is the most annoying for how the women make that whiny artificial 'I'm being slammed SO hard, you make me lose control' thing I can't watch it unless I hit Mute. :) Since losing sound capability on my rig I've watched everything on Mute, but before I lost sound you could tell a lot about the quality by the sounds the participants make (hate calling them actors - act, and I'll call you an actor.) :)

Some of my favorite countries for porn, sometimes depending on the genre, are Brasil (for larger orgies, transsexuals, and anal sex (they truly enjoy it from sexological studies I've read heh, we're a 'tits' country the US, they're a 'butt' country.) Denmark for male-female 'casual sex' content (they're SO easy going about it it shows.) Germany and Japan for 'natural, hairy, and juicy and ok about it' type things. Thailand for Ladyboys. US for some gay genres (but anything else after about 1985 just plain sucks. And not in the good sense.) :)

It's more than what some country's do well as to the genres, and more about how they regard sex. That cultural pro/con attitude comes through in the porn. And you can tell a lot about a country and its culture from their porn. As with Middle Eastern porn. Despite their religion and the general impression they like sex just like everyone else. Definitely much more 'male-dom' though. Woman-on-top is probably their idea of kinky. :)

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