Different Day, Same Stuff


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Seems there is a pattern in Democrat Run Precincts.

"43 fatal victims of the Detroit riot of 1967

Fifty years ago in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 23, a riot broke out in Detroit and over the next five days, 43 people were killed — 33 black, 10 white.

A Free Press report in Sept. 1967 said: "The conclusion reached ... is inescapable: A majority of the riot victims need not have died. Their deaths could have been -- and should have been -- prevented."

"The Chicago funeral shooting shows yet again how black lives don’t matter to politicians
Where are all the frantic press releases from every corporation in America amid the worst mass shooting of black people in Chicago’s recent memory? Where are the protests? The demands for more prison time? More cops? Or, if you only get your news from superficial corporate media sources, perhaps you don’t know what I’m talking about.

"PERFECT: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Joins Antifa-BLM Street Protests — Gets Cursed and Mobbed (VIDEO)"
Seems there is a pattern in Democrat Run Precincts.

"43 fatal victims of the Detroit riot of 1967

Fifty years ago in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 23, a riot broke out in Detroit and over the next five days, 43 people were killed — 33 black, 10 white.

A Free Press report in Sept. 1967 said: "The conclusion reached ... is inescapable: A majority of the riot victims need not have died. Their deaths could have been -- and should have been -- prevented."

"The Chicago funeral shooting shows yet again how black lives don’t matter to politicians
Where are all the frantic press releases from every corporation in America amid the worst mass shooting of black people in Chicago’s recent memory? Where are the protests? The demands for more prison time? More cops? Or, if you only get your news from superficial corporate media sources, perhaps you don’t know what I’m talking about.

"PERFECT: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Joins Antifa-BLM Street Protests — Gets Cursed and Mobbed (VIDEO)"
Reminds me of the 68' Democrat Convention.

But it was all the GOP's fault.

Democrats control the media.
Maybe it's time that control was against the law under RICO.
"So far this year, 2,150 people this year have been shot in the city of Chicago."

As 6:30 of the vid.

Seems there is a pattern in Democrat Run Precincts.

"43 fatal victims of the Detroit riot of 1967

Fifty years ago in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 23, a riot broke out in Detroit and over the next five days, 43 people were killed — 33 black, 10 white.

A Free Press report in Sept. 1967 said: "The conclusion reached ... is inescapable: A majority of the riot victims need not have died. Their deaths could have been -- and should have been -- prevented."

"The Chicago funeral shooting shows yet again how black lives don’t matter to politicians
Where are all the frantic press releases from every corporation in America amid the worst mass shooting of black people in Chicago’s recent memory? Where are the protests? The demands for more prison time? More cops? Or, if you only get your news from superficial corporate media sources, perhaps you don’t know what I’m talking about.

"PERFECT: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Joins Antifa-BLM Street Protests — Gets Cursed and Mobbed (VIDEO)"
Reminds me of the 68' Democrat Convention.

But it was all the GOP's fault.

Democrats control the media.
Maybe it's time that control was against the law under RICO.

  1. For perspective, consider the famous Weathermen ‘Days of Rage’ protests of the Chicago 7 trial in October 1969. Planned as war in the streets, even the Black Panthers decided that these folks were too psychotic even for them. Fred Hampton, deputy chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party(BPP), said “We oppose the anarchistic, adventuristic, chauvinistic, individualistic, masochistic, Custeristic Weathermen.” Susan Braudy, “Family Circle: The Boudins and the Aristocracy of the Left,: p. 188
    1. Too nuts for the Black Panthers, but they became respected advisors and co-authors to a Democratic President.
    2. At a 1969 “War Council” in Flint, Michigan, Bernardine Dohrn gave her most memorable and notorious speech to her followers. Holding her fingers in what became the Weatherman “fork salute,” she said of the bloody murders recently committed by the Manson Family in which the pregnant actress Sharon Tate and a Folgers Coffee heiress and several other inhabitants of a Benedict Canyon mansion were brutally stabbed to death: “Dig it! First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach! Wild!” Discover the Networks | Bernardine Dohrn
  2. At other rallies, Dohrn said, "Bring the revolution home, kill your parents -- that's where it's at."

    After a Chicago Democratic official, Richard Elrod, became paralyzed while fighting with a privileged looter during the Weathermen's "Days of Rage," Dohrn led the Weathermen in a song sung to the tune of Bob Dylan's "Lay Lady Lay":

    Lay, Elrod, lay,
    Lay in the street for a while
    Stay, Elrod, stay
    Stay in your bed for a while
    You thought you could stop the Weatherman
    But up-front people put you on your can,
    Stay, Elrod, stay
    Stay in your iron lung,
    Play, Elrod, play
    Play with your toes for a while.
Coulter, “Demonic,” p. 162-163.

It was in Bernardine Dohrn's living room that Barack Obama's political career began.
"So far this year, 2,150 people this year have been shot in the city of Chicago."

As 6:30 of the vid.

You never can get these Moon Bats to answer for the Black crime and failed Democrat leadership in these big city shitholes.

They ignore it.

The best you can get out of them is that they blame the tremendous crime on the Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms although all these cities have tough gun laws.
Where are all the frantic press releases from every corporation in America amid the worst mass shooting of black people in Chicago’s recent memory? Where are the protests? The demands for more prison time? More cops? Or, if you only get your news from superficial corporate media sources, perhaps you don’t know what I’m talking about.

Prisons and cops? That's what's gotten us into the mess, the thought you can bully poor people of color into thinking poverty and racism aren't really things. We lock up more people than any other country in the world. Prisons aren't the answer.

The main reason the people who did this aren't in prison yet is that most of the people who were shot aren't cooperating with the police. The police have lost the trust of the people in these neighborhoods. This is the dynamic we are dealing with. After dozens of cases of the cops brutalizing the community, the community won't talk to it.

"So far this year, 2,150 people this year have been shot in the city of Chicago."

Good point. Hey, remember when Chicago had strict gun laws? Then some idiots at the National Rampage Association said that gun laws were a violation of the Second Amendment, because apparently the Gangster Disciples and the Latin Kings are "Well Regulated Militias" or something.
Good point. Hey, remember when Chicago had strict gun laws? Then some idiots at the National Rampage Association said that gun laws were a violation of the Second Amendment, because apparently the Gangster Disciples and the Latin Kings are "Well Regulated Militias" or something.

So you think these thugs doing all these crime are lawful firearms owners?

You are missing the problem big time. Moon Bat confusion.

The problem is the Black crime culture and incompetent Democrat leadership.

This welfare state that was created by the filthy Democrats in order to get Black votes has destroyed famly values and created these big city shithole ghettos where there is no accountability.
Good point. Hey, remember when Chicago had strict gun laws? Then some idiots at the National Rampage Association said that gun laws were a violation of the Second Amendment, because apparently the Gangster Disciples and the Latin Kings are "Well Regulated Militias" or something.

So you think these thugs doing all these crime are lawful firearms owners?

You are missing the problem big time. Moon Bat confusion.

The problem is the Black crime culture and incompetent Democrat leadership.

This welfare state that was created by the filthy Democrats in order to get Black votes has destroyed famly values and created these big city shithole ghettos where there is no accountability.
Damn that Ben Carson for being in a single Mother household.
So you think these thugs doing all these crime are lawful firearms owners?

I think when you make guns easier to get, you have more gun crime. It's why the crime rate shot up after McDonald repealed all the gun laws in Chicago.


This welfare state that was created by the filthy Democrats in order to get Black votes has destroyed famly values and created these big city shithole ghettos where there is no accountability.

No, guy, what destroyed it was the 40 years war on the working class by Corporate America. Black Americans just got hit first and hardest.
As the current crop of Democrats has made clear, skin color is the only factor that counts in their selection of VP>

How has that basis worked out in Detroit?

On his radio show, Curtis Sliwa launched into a rant about Coleman Young, former Detroit mayor, and indirectly touched on how his tenure relates to black-white issues, Trayvon Martin, and the direction of America.
Not long after the riots that shocked the nation, Detroit elected its first black mayor, Coleman Young, foul-mouthed, anti-white radical.....same characteristics of the current Democrats.

... under Young's tenure, whites fled Detroit for the suburbs....and Young's message was 'let 'em go...' and that blacks should get guns so that when whitey tried to come back and reclaim neighborhoods, the blacks would be ready for 'em.

“Afterward, the Motor City lost even more of its factories, stores and jobs as well as thousands of its middle-class residents, particularly whites who had been moving to the suburbs in great numbers since Detroit's 1967 race riots. Mr. Young, in his autobiography, ''Hard Stuff'' (Viking Penguin, 1994), noted that 1.6 million whites lived in Detroit at the end of World War II and that only 200,000 were left by 1990.”
Coleman A. Young, 79, Mayor of Detroit And Political Symbol for Blacks, Is Dead

Bad judgment seems to be generational for Democrats.
So you think these thugs doing all these crime are lawful firearms owners?

I think when you make guns easier to get, you have more gun crime. It's why the crime rate shot up after McDonald repealed all the gun laws in Chicago.


This welfare state that was created by the filthy Democrats in order to get Black votes has destroyed famly values and created these big city shithole ghettos where there is no accountability.

No, guy, what destroyed it was the 40 years war on the working class by Corporate America. Black Americans just got hit first and hardest.

You are confused Moon Bat.

There are tens of millions of gun owners in the US that don't go around shooting up the hood every night. You only see that massive gun crime in Black/Hispanic Democrat run big city shitholes. Black crime culture. We need to send them all back to Africa where they can chuck spears at one another instead of killing their children on the streets of America.

The filthy ass War on Poverty has done nothing but to create enormous debt and a dependent welfare slave class that have abandoned their responsibility and that is why you have that destructive Black crime culture. In addition the rate of poverty is the same now as when that dumbshit Democrat asshole LBJ started the stupid welfare state to get the Neggras to vote Democrat.

You are really confused about Corporations. They provide needed goods and services, provide tens of millions of jobs in this country and pay into that filthy $1 trillion a year in corporate tax in addition to about the same in state local taxes. You stupid uneducated low information American hating Moon Bats hate corporations but they are the ones that provide significant funding for your precious welfare state and keep tens of millions others off welfare.

The big problem in the country is the cost of government. I have explained that to you dozens of times but you are too damn stupid to understand. We have a combined cost of Federal, State and Local government that takes out almost 40% of the GDP and that is why we have have chronic poverty and most working families have to have two wage earners to pay the direct and indirect cost of this bloated corrupt government.

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass and then you won't embarrass yourself so much when you post your mindless Marxist bullshit.
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Good point. Hey, remember when Chicago had strict gun laws? Then some idiots at the National Rampage Association said that gun laws were a violation of the Second Amendment, because apparently the Gangster Disciples and the Latin Kings are "Well Regulated Militias" or something.

So you think these thugs doing all these crime are lawful firearms owners?

You are missing the problem big time. Moon Bat confusion.

The problem is the Black crime culture and incompetent Democrat leadership.

This welfare state that was created by the filthy Democrats in order to get Black votes has destroyed famly values and created these big city shithole ghettos where there is no accountability.
Damn that Ben Carson for being in a single Mother household.

Yes and he has been called an Uncle Tom and is disdained by the Democrat ghetto monkeys in this country.
On his radio show, Curtis Sliwa launched into a rant about Coleman Young, former Detroit mayor, and indirectly touched on how his tenure relates to black-white issues, Trayvon Martin, and the direction of America.

Again, you need to stop listening to Hate Radio, get out more and stop being a self-loathing minority.

It's funny you think you can judge radio when you are a total hack.
Seems there is a pattern in Democrat Run Precincts.

"43 fatal victims of the Detroit riot of 1967

Fifty years ago in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 23, a riot broke out in Detroit and over the next five days, 43 people were killed — 33 black, 10 white.

A Free Press report in Sept. 1967 said: "The conclusion reached ... is inescapable: A majority of the riot victims need not have died. Their deaths could have been -- and should have been -- prevented."

I was home on leave before heading to the ROV that summer in Detroit. The cops busted a blind pig (after hours bar) and tried to arrest about 80 people on a hot July night. A crowd gathered and soon the Black Panthers got involved. By sunrise a bar my musician brother played in was burned to the ground along with a dozen other buildings. The Panthers hit pawn shops for guns and gas stations for Molotov cocktails. The riot turned into mayhem in the next couple days. We were downtown on the floor of an apartment because so many bullets were hitting the building....I wish I'd been armed but we got caught in closed streets and couldn't get out. When we finally got back out to Redford Township at my brother's house the entire Detroit skyline was glowing orange at midnight. Almost 2,000 buildings/houses on fire. Finally LBJ gave Gov. Romney the 82nd Airborne without having to declare an "insurrection" which would have canceled every insurance policy in the area, and it ended as fast as it started. Many of the boys had Vietnam in their eyes and had used their bayonets before...the rioters recognized that and went on home. As to the body-count, many eye witnesses saw Detroit cops tossing dead bodies into the Detroit River and claim the dead were a couple hundred above the official count. I'll never forget tanks on Woodward Ave and .50 caliber heavy machineguns on the backs of fire trucks. Little was rebuilt in the 12th and Clairemont area and it still looks like Beruit 50 years later I'm told.
Good point. Hey, remember when Chicago had strict gun laws? Then some idiots at the National Rampage Association said that gun laws were a violation of the Second Amendment, because apparently the Gangster Disciples and the Latin Kings are "Well Regulated Militias" or something.

So you think these thugs doing all these crime are lawful firearms owners?

You are missing the problem big time. Moon Bat confusion.

The problem is the Black crime culture and incompetent Democrat leadership.

This welfare state that was created by the filthy Democrats in order to get Black votes has destroyed famly values and created these big city shithole ghettos where there is no accountability.
Damn that Ben Carson for being in a single Mother household.
2 dimensional thinking
There are tens of millions of gun owners in the US that don't go around shooting up the hood every night. You only see that massive gun crime in Black/Hispanic Democrat run big city shitholes. Black crime culture. We need to send them all back to Africa where they can chuck spears at one another instead of killing their children on the streets of America.

Actually, we see just as many rednecks in the rural areas offing each other. So how about this. Let's just restrict gun ownership to the affluent. That would work.

The filthy ass War on Poverty has done nothing to create enormous debt and a dependent welfare slave class that have abandoned their responsibility and that is why you have that destructive Black crime culture. In addition the rate of poverty is the same now as when that dumbshit Democrat asshole LBJ started the stupid welfare state to get the Neggras to vote Democrat.

Actually, the War on Poverty isn't responsible for that much debt. That would be Wars on a Credit Card and tax cuts for rich people.

You are really confused about Corporations. They provide needed goods and services, provide tens of millions of jobs in this country and pay into that filthy $1 trillion a year in corporate tax in addition to about the same in state local taxes. You stupid uneducated low information American hating Moon Bats hate corporations but they are the ones that provide significant funding for your precious welfare state and keep tens of millions others off welfare.

You know, you have this weird obsession with the word "Filthy". I imagine someone must have scrubbed you very hard when you were little screaming "Filthy, Filthy, Boy!!!"

The big problem in the country is the cost of government. I have explained that to you dozens of times but you are too damn stupid to understand. We have a combined cost of Federal, State and Local government that takes out almost 40% of the GDP and that is why we have have chronic poverty and most working families have to have two wage earners to pay the direct and indirect cost of this bloated corrupt government.

Actually, we are on the lower end of Government spending, even with our bloated Military Industrial Complex.

Seems there is a pattern in Democrat Run Precincts.

"43 fatal victims of the Detroit riot of 1967

Fifty years ago in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 23, a riot broke out in Detroit and over the next five days, 43 people were killed — 33 black, 10 white.

A Free Press report in Sept. 1967 said: "The conclusion reached ... is inescapable: A majority of the riot victims need not have died. Their deaths could have been -- and should have been -- prevented."

I was home on leave before heading to the ROV that summer in Detroit. The cops busted a blind pig (after hours bar) and tried to arrest about 80 people on a hot July night. A crowd gathered and soon the Black Panthers got involved. By sunrise a bar my musician brother played in was burned to the ground along with a dozen other buildings. The Panthers hit pawn shops for guns and gas stations for Molotov cocktails. The riot turned into mayhem in the next couple days. We were downtown on the floor of an apartment because so many bullets were hitting the building....I wish I'd been armed but we got caught in closed streets and couldn't get out. When we finally got back out to Redford Township at my brother's house the entire Detroit skyline was glowing orange at midnight. Almost 2,000 buildings/houses on fire. Finally LBJ gave Gov. Romney the 82nd Airborne without having to declare an "insurrection" which would have canceled every insurance policy in the area, and it ended as fast as it started. Many of the boys had Vietnam in their eyes and had used their bayonets before...the rioters recognized that and went on home. As to the body-count, many eye witnesses saw Detroit cops tossing dead bodies into the Detroit River and claim the dead were a couple hundred above the official count. I'll never forget tanks on Woodward Ave and .50 caliber heavy machineguns on the backs of fire trucks. Little was rebuilt in the 12th and Clairemont area and it still looks like Beruit 50 years later I'm told.

I don't want to see a repeat.

The Democrats/Leftists do.
Seems there is a pattern in Democrat Run Precincts.

"43 fatal victims of the Detroit riot of 1967

Fifty years ago in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 23, a riot broke out in Detroit and over the next five days, 43 people were killed — 33 black, 10 white.

A Free Press report in Sept. 1967 said: "The conclusion reached ... is inescapable: A majority of the riot victims need not have died. Their deaths could have been -- and should have been -- prevented."

"The Chicago funeral shooting shows yet again how black lives don’t matter to politicians
Where are all the frantic press releases from every corporation in America amid the worst mass shooting of black people in Chicago’s recent memory? Where are the protests? The demands for more prison time? More cops? Or, if you only get your news from superficial corporate media sources, perhaps you don’t know what I’m talking about.

"PERFECT: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Joins Antifa-BLM Street Protests — Gets Cursed and Mobbed (VIDEO)"

What moron put "funny" in a post about dead Americans?
Another word or two about the mistake of choosing a mayor, or any official, based on skin color.
Coleman Young, the first black mayor of Detroit after the riots.

" Young was the mayor of Detroit from 1974 – 1993, whose tenure can best be described as one long eulogy for the city.

In his autobiography Hard Stuff, Young describes himself as an MFIC (Mother F**ker in Charge), and peppers his sentences with the descriptive mother f**ker after seemingly every other word. It’s perhaps the most honest look into a Black politicians thinking that has ever been published.

Detroit is a ruined city now (the Visible Black Hand of Economics), where no grocery chain can stay open because the once might metropolitan, now blessed with an 84 percent Black population can’t sustain one:

Ninety-two percent of food options in the city come from party and liquor stores, forcing residents into making nutrition choices in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, according to a report released Thursday.

In 2008, the city's last two Farmer Jack stores closed, leaving Detroit without a major chain grocery store. Independent stores such as Mike's Fresh Market or Foodland are among the options some city residents use for groceries. Still, city residents spend nearly $200 million a year on groceries in stores outside the city, according to the report."


Any honest appraisal would find white Trump far better for black Americans than black Obama.

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found


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