dims Fomenting Violence Across The Country


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Yes, Virginia. It's true. dimocraps are purposely inciting violence across the Fruited Plain.

Just that simple.

Why? Because they can't win at the Ballot Box and because they can't win the battle for 'Hearts and Minds' they have turned to encouraging others to commit violence on their behalf...... Which I find amusing.

What are they going to do? Make more speeches? Get BLM to burn down their own nerighborhoods??

Attack the odd Trump Supporter from behind or gang up on him 5 to 1 and beat him up?

dimocraps are -- Well, you know what they are --

Articles: It’s Escalating: Defiance and Calls for Violence among Democrats

It’s Escalating: Defiance and Calls for Violence among Democrats
By J. Robert Smith
From New York to California, to a Screen Actors Guild ceremony, Democrats are stepping up their calls to defy President Trump’s executive actions to close the nation’s porous borders and make America safer from terrorists. Making America safer is exactly what they’re opposing, blubbery words about compassion and inclusion aside. Actor David Harbour has even called for assault. Will a call to arms be next? For Democrats and the left (one in the same), peace and love have gone the way of tie-dyed shirts and bellbottoms.

In the immediate wake of Trump’s inauguration, violence erupted. Leftists angered that Trump was president took to the streets, hurling rocks and employing David Harbour’s method of catharsis.

On the heels of the protest violence, came the Million Gals March. Intimations of violence were elevated as celebs -- Madonna and Ashley Judd, notably -- spewed vitriol to a national audience. Madonna’s dream about blowing up the White House (with the president in it, doubtless) was swept away by the MSM as hyperbole. Yet a worldly 58-year-old diva shouldn’t be lightly dismissed as a complete idiot. Madonna knows plenty about audiences and followings. Her words act as cues.

Then Ashley Judd, in a lewd and hate-filled rant that, one imagines, was supposed to be some sort of ode for the ages, proclaimed her “nastiness.” In sum, her vehemence and language are easily construed as incitements to violence.

Understand the escalation. It should trouble civilized Americans. Harbour, Madonna, and Judd aren’t anonymous lefty shlubs looking for a little street action to brighten their otherwise gray existences. They’re known widely, and however much Madonna’s and Judd’s stars have faded, they’re listened to seriously by impressionable and likewise hate-filled minds. Cold-cocking “Nazis” or blowing up something even marginally related to President Trump, might just scratch some lefties’ itches.

Dear dimocrap scum,

Bring it on, scumbags
Some of the democrats are true believers. Some are paid activists. The democrat voter on the other hand is neither. There will come a day when that ordinary voter just wants to get to work. The romance of the resistance has worn off. They no longer want to be harangued. The outrage is boring. Tomorrow there's a new outrage anyway. The worst enemy of democrats are those democrats who just want to live their lives.

Then the crazies will have run their course.
RaTz are a national security hazard and should be treated as such.
Now what is fascinating is.....Don Lemon is no dummy. He knows with 100% certainty that violent protests in the streets are a disaster politically. But he sells it to all the meatheads out there who embrace it hook, line and stinker. Lemon wants good ratings ( for CNN that is :funnyface: )....he couldn't give a flying fuck about his viewers being consensus reality zombies. That's why CNN is cant miss TV for me these days..........to watch this dynamic play out.....because you just know the audience heads are exploding and the talking heads are feeding it and backstage, laughing their collective balls off.:coffee:
Increasingly the face of democrat violence is black. You know this can't end well.

dimocrap FILTH see Blacks, particularly the BLM, as their own Party-ISIS that they can control and unleash on anyone at any time. dimocrap scum have ALWAYS had their own Terrorist Group. Today is no different.

And now, they're trying to recruit Muslims. Think it might something to do with their inherent proclivity to violence??

Problem with Blacks is, they just end up burning down their own rat-infested areas of whatever rat-infested, dimocrap scum-controlled Shithole they live in. Can't wait for them to take it to 'Whitey'. It might get interesting then.

Anyway, here's your favorite Nazi talking shit and telling lies --

Nancy Pelosi Caught On Hot Mic At An Anti-Trump Rally Telling Dem Rep. Andre Carson: “Tell Them You’re A Muslim”…


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