Dinesh D’Souza, Creator of ‘2000 Mules,’ Must Defend Film’s Election Denial Claims in Court

Utter bullshit. If there was actual evidence of widespread fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election, there would not have been civil war had Trump rightfully been given the presidency.

Where there could have been civil war is if he was given the presidency with no evidence of such fraud; which is what he wanted.
You are really stupid! Had they reversed the cheat there would have been civil war
Look at the post above yours. That is who says so. And I told you they gave their evidence. All that has to be done is investigate to corroborate it. They can get the names that go with those cell phone numbers and they will not. Stop the bullshit.

Says you, citing you.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with actual vote tally, thank you....rather than your imaginary nonsense.
Says you, citing you.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with actual vote tally, thank you....rather than your imaginary nonsense.
Actual votes were not tallied. Fraudulent votes were tallied. And the technology used in "Mules"is used by the FBI. Is it imaginary nonsense when they get convictions using it?
Actual votes were not tallied.
Not tallied....says you. Citing you.

And you're nobody.

Again, I'll go with the actual vote tallies conducted by the actual states, submitted by actual certificates of assertainment, affirmed by actual counts, actual recounts and the electoral vote.

Your imagination, I leave to you.

Fraudulent votes were tallied. And the technology used in "Mules"is used by the FBI. Is it imaginary nonsense when they get convictions using it?

What 'mules'? Again, you've got literally nothing to back that claim up.

Smiling.....but then, neither did TTV.
Not tallied....says you. Citing you.

And you're nobody.

Again, I'll go with the actual vote tallies conducted by the actual states, submitted by actual certificates of assertainment, affirmed by actual counts, actual recounts and the electoral vote.

Your imagination, I leave to you.

What 'mules'? Again, you've got literally nothing to back that claim up.

Smiling.....but then, neither did TTV.
The Fulton county election was riddled with mistakes and errors. A guy named Rossi pointed it out to the SOS before the election was certified. The SOS certified anyway. Those are the facts. The fraud was covered up and 0 was investigated. Those are facts that prove there was 0 integrity. Kind of like you.
The Fulton county election was riddled with mistakes and errors. A guy named Rossi pointed it out to the SOS before the election was certified. The SOS certified anyway. Those are the facts. The fraud was covered up and 0 was investigated. Those are facts that prove there was 0 integrity. Kind of like you.

So jackshit on your 'mules'.

You're so basic. Do you know how many Truthers, Flat Earthers, and Moon Landing hoaxers do what you do? Make an accusation, then flee from it the moment its challenged and try another conspiracy.

TTV admitted, in court, that they couldn't back up their ballot stuffing claims in Georgia. They have released no 'evidence' publicly. None of the 'mules' shown in the movie were actually 'mules'. And you have nothing to back the claim.

And yet, here you are. Clinging to that bullshit while babbling about 'some guy name Rossi'.

Ya basic.
So jackshit on your 'mules'.

You're so basic. Do you know how many Truthers, Flat Earthers, and Moon Landing hoaxers do what you do? Make an accusation, then flee from it the moment its challenged and try another conspiracy.

TTV admitted, in court, that they couldn't back up their ballot stuffing claims in Georgia. They have released no 'evidence' publicly. None of the 'mules' shown in the movie were actually 'mules'. And you have nothing to back the claim.

And yet, here you are. Clinging to that bullshit while babbling about 'some guy name Rossi'.

Ya basic.
Rossi works, or worked, for the SOS in the capacity of an observer. What he observed in Fulton county was reported and it was bad. He did his job and the SOS ignored his findings. All fact fuckface.
Rossi works, or worked, for the SOS in the capacity of an observer. What he observed in Fulton county was reported and it was bad. He did his job and the SOS ignored his findings. All fact fuckface.

And what did 'some guy name Rossi' have to do with the 'mules'? You know, the last accusation you haplessly aped before fleeing from it and treating it like meaningless garbage?
And what did 'some guy name Rossi' have to do with the 'mules'? You know, the last accusation you haplessly aped before fleeing from it and treating it like meaningless garbage?
Rossi was sent by the SOS to monitor the election in Fulton county. He found all kinds of errors and laws being broken. He reported them and the SOS did nothing. As far as the mules it is just more fraud.
Rossi was sent by the SOS to monitor the election in Fulton county. He found all kinds of errors and laws being broken. He reported them and the SOS did nothing. As far as the mules it is just more fraud.

Says who?

Remember, you insisted there was no investigation. But I've already shown you that there was. And they found zero fraud.

So at best you're clueless. At worst, you're lying. Either way, you citing you means nothing.https://hcca.hcbe.net/joseph-rossi

Show me. Don't tell me. Because Joe Rossi worked as a plant manager in Houston County. Not for the Secretary of State of Georgia. Says who? Says Houston County.

Oh, and so much for your bullshit about 'mules'.
Says who?

Remember, you insisted there was no investigation. But I've already shown you that there was. And they found zero fraud.

So at best you're clueless. At worst, you're lying. Either way, you citing you means nothing.https://hcca.hcbe.net/joseph-rossi

Show me. Don't tell me. Because Joe Rossi worked as a plant manager in Houston County. Not for the Secretary of State of Georgia. Says who? Says Houston County.

Oh, and so much for your bullshit about 'mules'.
Is it possible there is more than one Joe Rossi? This is not the Joe Rossi you found. What a dumb try.

In an under-reported but important revelation, Governor Kemp issued a letter last week acknowledging 2020 general election problems in Georgia. In fact, his office investigated a list of 36 specific problems which were raised by a concerned Georgia voter, Joseph Rossi, and validated every single one. Governor Kemp referred the findings to the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) for investigation. From his letter to the Board:

To determine whether it was appropriate to refer Mr. Rossi’s claims to you, my office tested the veracity of his work by independently repeating the research Mr. Rossi conducted on each of his 36 claims. My office analyzed each of Mr. Rossi’s 36 claims against the RLA Report data. This process was extensive, required a manual review of thousands of ballot images and audit data, and took weeks to complete.

We spoke with Mr. Rossi, who told us of how he found the issues and the arduous process which eventually led the Georgia governor to review his findings.

Mr. Rossi is a recently retired executive who worked for corporate America his entire career, mainly Frito Lay and Pepsi. In January, he began to look into the Georgia election results and soon focused on the Georgia hand-count “audit.” Mr. Rossi soon had questions and sought answers from Gabriel Sterling of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. Mr. Rossi’s emails to Mr. Sterling went unanswered, as did his questions, but he didn’t just give up. Instead, Mr. Rossi called Gabriel Sterling’s office every day for 21 days. Finally, he sent Sterling a certified email and received confirmation that it was received. In that email, Mr. Rossi wrote, “Now I know you’ve read this…” and something to the effect of “I’m not going away.” Mr. Rossi’s efforts, along with the help of Shaw Blackmon, a Georgia State legislator, were finally able to elicit an email response from Mr. Sterling.

Is it possible there is more than one Joe Rossi?

In an under-reported but important revelation, Governor Kemp issued a letter last week acknowledging 2020 general election problems in Georgia. In fact, his office investigated a list of 36 specific problems which were raised by a concerned Georgia voter, Joseph Rossi, and validated every single one. Governor Kemp referred the findings to the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) for investigation. From his letter to the Board:

To determine whether it was appropriate to refer Mr. Rossi’s claims to you, my office tested the veracity of his work by independently repeating the research Mr. Rossi conducted on each of his 36 claims. My office analyzed each of Mr. Rossi’s 36 claims against the RLA Report data. This process was extensive, required a manual review of thousands of ballot images and audit data, and took weeks to complete.

We spoke with Mr. Rossi, who told us of how he found the issues and the arduous process which eventually led the Georgia governor to review his findings.

Mr. Rossi is a recently retired executive who worked for corporate America his entire career, mainly Frito Lay and Pepsi. In January, he began to look into the Georgia election results and soon focused on the Georgia hand-count “audit.” Mr. Rossi soon had questions and sought answers from Gabriel Sterling of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. Mr. Rossi’s emails to Mr. Sterling went unanswered, as did his questions, but he didn’t just give up. Instead, Mr. Rossi called Gabriel Sterling’s office every day for 21 days. Finally, he sent Sterling a certified email and received confirmation that it was received. In that email, Mr. Rossi wrote, “Now I know you’ve read this…” and something to the effect of “I’m not going away.” Mr. Rossi’s efforts, along with the help of Shaw Blackmon, a Georgia State legislator, were finally able to elicit an email response from Mr. Sterling.

So....you lied. Rossi didn't work for the Secretary of State. He worked for Pepsi.

You claim that there was no investigation into his claims. But you lied. There was and investigation. And here's the result:

No fraud. And no error that would have come close to changing the outcome of the election.

So much for your 'mules'.
So....you lied. Rossi didn't work for the Secretary of State. He worked for Pepsi.

You claim that there was no investigation into his claims. But you lied. There was and investigation. And here's the result:

No fraud. And no error that would have come close to changing the outcome of the election.

So much for your 'mules'.
In the end, Mr. Rossi’s findings, which the Georgia Secretary of State’s office ignored, attempted to diminish and then summarily dismissed, were investigated and confirmed by the office of the Governor. This bears repeating. The same exact list of 36 allegations excused and rejected by the Secretary of State, were investigated and confirmed by the Georgia Governor’s office.

The confirmation further discredits the Secretary of State’s office and renders the results of the hand count unreliable. Because the hand-count results have been used as the reason to dismiss all other challenges, those problems are now more relevant and important to resolve than ever before. Such as those raised by VoterGA, which include thousands of duplicate ballot images and the tens of thousands of missing ballot images. VoterGA is an election integrity organization led by Garland Favorito. In fact, some of the now-validated Rossi findings were separately and independently discovered by VoterGA, lending credence to those that have not yet been reviewed by the state.
In the end, Mr. Rossi’s findings, which the Georgia Secretary of State’s office ignored, attempted to diminish and then summarily dismissed, were investigated and confirmed by the office of the Governor. This bears repeating. The same exact list of 36 allegations excused and rejected by the Secretary of State, were investigated and confirmed by the Georgia Governor’s office.

The confirmation further discredits the Secretary of State’s office and renders the results of the hand count unreliable. Because the hand-count results have been used as the reason to dismiss all other challenges, those problems are now more relevant and important to resolve than ever before. Such as those raised by VoterGA, which include thousands of duplicate ballot images and the tens of thousands of missing ballot images. VoterGA is an election integrity organization led by Garland Favorito. In fact, some of the now-validated Rossi findings were separately and independently discovered by VoterGA, lending credence to those that have not yet been reviewed by the state.

Uh-huh. In 2021. And the investigation in 2022.....found no fraud.

"Investigation blames human error for issues in Fulton election audit
Hand recount results of 2020 election were similar to machine tallies"

So you lied about the fraud, you lied about Rossi working for the Secretary of State, you lied that Georgia refused to do an investigation.

All to cover for the fact that you've got jack shit to back your fantasy about 'mules'.

Not a great look, Last.
In a condescending tone, Mr. Sterling directed Mr. Rossi to the Secretary of State’s website for the publicly available batch tally sheets. With the help of an interested friend and local attorney, Mr. Rossi proceeded to print, evaluate and count the tally sheets for Fulton County. It wasn’t long before they found thousands to be missing, representing approximately 275,000 votes (half of the total).

Mr. Rossi sent Sterling an email describing the problem but was ignored. He restarted his daily campaign to call and email daily for a couple of weeks until finally getting a response. Sterling said his team had failed to scan the missing tally sheets and would have it completed by the end of the week. After they were uploaded, Mr. Rossi found that the original tally sheets had been deleted and replaced. What’s more, he found discrepancies between the batch tally sheets and the spreadsheet results published on the Secretary of State’s website. He emailed Sterling and described the discrepancies in detail, seeking an explanation and, like the many times before, was ignored. Mr. Rossi was undeterred and kept pushing until Sterling was forced to respond.
Uh-huh. In 2021. And the investigation in 2022.....found no fraud.

"Investigation blames human error for issues in Fulton election audit
Hand recount results of 2020 election were similar to machine tallies"

So you lied about the fraud, you lied about Rossi working for the Secretary of State, you lied that Georgia refused to do an investigation.

All to cover for the fact that you've got jack shit to back your fantasy about 'mules'.

Not a great look, Last.
Every time you post an article it is the same crap. they say it is not true but never prove it. There was just too much wrong with the 2020 election to consider it valid in anyway shape or form. Just admit it was stolen instead of defending traitors.
In a condescending tone, Mr. Sterling directed Mr. Rossi to the Secretary of State’s website for the publicly available batch tally sheets. With the help of an interested friend and local attorney, Mr. Rossi proceeded to print, evaluate and count the tally sheets for Fulton County. It wasn’t long before they found thousands to be missing, representing approximately 275,000 votes (half of the total).

Mr. Rossi sent Sterling an email describing the problem but was ignored. He restarted his daily campaign to call and email daily for a couple of weeks until finally getting a response. Sterling said his team had failed to scan the missing tally sheets and would have it completed by the end of the week. After they were uploaded, Mr. Rossi found that the original tally sheets had been deleted and replaced. What’s more, he found discrepancies between the batch tally sheets and the spreadsheet results published on the Secretary of State’s website. He emailed Sterling and described the discrepancies in detail, seeking an explanation and, like the many times before, was ignored. Mr. Rossi was undeterred and kept pushing until Sterling was forced to respond.

So when you said he 'worked for the Secretary of State', you meant that he went to the Secretary of State website.

Your fiction is so easy to refute, so obviously false, so incompetent. And benefits you not at all. You know we don't trust you because you lie constantly. You know we're going to find all your attempts to deceive and make you. look silly.

Laughing.....why lie?

And of course, why lie about the investigation and the fraud? Your imaginary 'mules'?

Investigation blames human error for issues in Fulton election audit​

Hand recount results of 2020 election were similar to machine tallies

So I ask again, what fraud are you referring to?
So when you said he 'worked for the Secretary of State', you meant that he went to the Secretary of State website.

Your fiction is so easy to refute, so obviously false, so incompetent. And benfits not at all. You know we don't trust you because you lie constantly. You know we're going to find all your attempts to deceive and make you. look silly.
Laughing.....why lie?

And of course, why lie about the investigation and the fraud? Your imaginary 'mules'?

Investigation blames human error for issues in Fulton election audit​

Hand recount results of 2020 election were similar to machine tallies

So I ask again, what fraud are you referring to?
Similar? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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