Dinesh D’Souza, Creator of ‘2000 Mules,’ Must Defend Film’s Election Denial Claims in Court

Every time you post an article it is the same crap. they say it is not true but never prove it. There was just too much wrong with the 2020 election to consider it valid in anyway shape or form. Just admit it was stolen instead of defending traitors.

You demanded an investigation. They did an investigation. They found no fraud.

Just because you don't like the results of the very investigations you call for don't make them invalid. Worse, you demonstrate why your demands for investigations are so pointless.

As the only outcome you will accept is what ever affirms what you already believe. And you what you believe......is blithering idiocy, backed by nothing. And if the investigations show no fraud.....you'll just ignore them.

Worse, you lie to support that idiocy. Remember the 'mules' you keep referencing but can't back up? Remember all that 'fraud' in Georgia that you insist has been 'proven', but can't actually show us?

I do.
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Yeah, they were within about 300 votes of each other. And would not have changed the outcome of the election.

Which you'd know....if you'd actually read the outcome of the very investigation you called for. But you ignore this investigation just like you do anything, from any source, anyone, using any method....

....if they don't ape your delusional conspiracy.

Um....how's that working out? Maybe you need some new lies? Because your old one's have failed spectacularly.
Conspiracy theorist and former Christian leader Dinesh D’Souza has failed to halt a defamation lawsuit brought against him and others behind the popular election denial film 2000 Mules and defend his widely debunked movie’s supposed evidence in a courtroom.

U.S. District Judge Steven D. Grimberg said last month he will allow the lawsuit against D’Souza and True the Vote to move forward.

The film, which aired on Christian TV networks and was shown in hundreds of churches, argues that human “mules” harvested 400,000 fake ballots to steal the 2020 election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump.

But one of the 2,000 alleged mules says he wasn’t stuffing ballot boxes all over Black areas of Atlanta, but merely depositing votes from his wife and children in a drop box, which is perfectly legal.

D’Souza and others also used video and photos of Allen in promotional appearances on Christian and conservative media outlets, including Tucker Carlson’s former show on Fox News, which earlier this year paid its own whopping defamation fine.

Andrews claims he and his family have suffered threats and many other harms. He sued D’Souza along with Salem Media Group, which helped finance the film, Regnery Publishing, and Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of the group True the Vote, which promotes election conspiracies, and is facing a separate lawsuit.

Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for these liars. Let's see if he pays up or like Giuliani, he claims bankruptcy.

Obviously "drop boxes" should be illegal.
There is no point in allowing anonymous casting of ballots.
We have all seen videos of people dumping hundreds of ballots into these drop boxes.
They should not exist.
There is no good point to them since they are near where there are poll workers who could just as easily have checked ID.
Obviously "drop boxes" should be illegal.
There is no point in allowing anonymous casting of ballots.
We have all seen videos of people dumping hundreds of ballots into these drop boxes.
They should not exist.
There is no good point to them since they are near where there are poll workers who could just as easily have checked ID.

Can you show us these videos of 'people dumping hundreds of ballots into these drop boxes'?

2000 Mules tried and failed. Maybe you'll do better.

Obviously, I won't hold my breath.
Defamation has been the law for a long time.

The Trumpsters just want to be lied to by people like this.

The law on defamation requires that you know you are lying about the one you are harming.
There is no possible defamation on voting fraud since the probability is true, since there is always SOME voter fraud.
And in 2000 there likely was LOTS of voter fraud.
Can you show us these videos of 'people dumping hundreds of ballots into these drop boxes'?

2000 Mules tried and failed. Maybe you'll do better.

Obviously, I won't hold my breath.

I watched dozens of these videos, so know they existed.
But now they appear to all have been removed.
However you MUST know they exist, because all group facilities, like for the disabled, elderly, etc., all do collective absentee voting where bags full of ballots are deposited in drop boxes.
And the point is that should change.
Instead of being dumped in anonymous drop boxes, those bags should be checked in with poll workers who can do an ID check.
Yeah, they were within about 300 votes of each other. And would not have changed the outcome of the election.

Which you'd know....if you'd actually read the outcome of the very investigation you called for. But you ignore this investigation just like you do anything, from any source, anyone, using any method....

....if they don't ape your delusional conspiracy.

Um....how's that working out? Maybe you need some new lies? Because your old one's have failed spectacularly.

Does not matter if the 2020 election was defrauded or not.
The 2000 election obviously was, and shows how easy it was and still is.
Should be drastically changed.
You demanded an investigation. They did an investigation. They found no fraud.

Just because you don't like the results of the very investigations you call for don't make them invalid. Worse, you demonstrate why your demands for investigations are so pointless.

As the only outcome you will accept is what ever affirms what you already believe. And you what you believe......is blithering idiocy, backed by nothing. And if the investigations show no fraud.....you'll just ignore them.

Worse, you lie to support that idiocy. Remember the 'mules' you keep referencing but can't back up? Remember all that 'fraud' in Georgia that you insist has been 'proven', but can't actually show us?

I do.

NO ONE has ever done any investigation of the 2020 election.
Every time someone tried to sue to force one, the courts say its too late.

And "audit" is NOT an investigation.
And audit is just where you compare signatures of a tiny sample.
The law on defamation requires that you know you are lying about the one you are harming.
There is no possible defamation on voting fraud since the probability is true, since there is always SOME voter fraud.
And in 2000 there likely was LOTS of voter fraud.

Except...it wsn't. Take, Mark Andrews. D'Souza used him as his poster child, showing Andrews dropping off a handful of ballots at a ballot box and insisting that '...this was a crime. What you're watching is a crime...' while trying to connect Mark to a broader conspiracy about 'mules' and a vast plot to commit election fraud.

But it wasn't. Mark was dropping off the ballots for himself, his wife and his 3 adult children that lived with him. Which is perfectly legal in Georgia.

And Mark can absolutely sue for defamation. Says who? Says the judge that allowed discovery for the suit to proceed.

With the actual complaint that is going to trial in the Northern District of Georgia here.

Remember, Rigby.....you don't know how the law works. You don't know how defamation works. You don't know how drop boxes work. You don't know how elections work. Which tends to hamper your argument.
NO ONE has ever done any investigation of the 2020 election.
Every time someone tried to sue to force one, the courts say its too late.

And "audit" is NOT an investigation.
And audit is just where you compare signatures of a tiny sample.

Says you, citing you. And you have no idea what you're talking about.

The specific claims made by Mr. Rossi were investigated. Here's an article on the topic.

Why would I ignore the State of Georgia on their own investigation and instead believe some poor soul on the internet that has no idea what he's talking about?
He s allowed to make wild conspiracy claims but when he points to specific people and accuses them of a crime……He had better have proof

That is not how law works.
If he has any actual belief in his claims being true, even if wild conspiracies, then is protected from slander or libel laws.
He has to know he is lying before he can be found guilty, by law.
If he has proof, then the people he is attacking should be convicted.
That is a much higher bar.
He does not need proof, just reasonable suspicion.
Does not matter if the 2020 election was defrauded or not
The 2000 election obviously was, and shows how easy it was and still is.
Should be drastically changed.

Obvious nonsense.

Every count, recount, machine count, hand recount, audit, foreinsic audit, official tally, law enforcement investigation, and electoral count show the same result:

A landslide victory for Biden.

Every single Big Lie case brought before the court was laughed out of it. The record of failure for your silly conspiracy, in court, is 100%.

I'm gonna go with the actual vote tallies over some dude on the internet that insists he knows better.
Except...it wsn't. Take, Mark Andrews. D'Souza used him as his poster child, showing Andrews dropping off a handful of ballots at a ballot box and insisting that '...this was a crime. What you're watching is a crime...' while trying to connect Mark to a broader conspiracy about 'mules' and a vast plot to commit election fraud.

But it wasn't. Mark was dropping off the ballots for himself, his wife and his 3 adult children that lived with him. Which is perfectly legal in Georgia.

And Mark can absolutely sue for defamation. Says who? Says the judge that allowed discovery for the suit to proceed.

With the actual complaint that is going to trial in the Northern District of Georgia here.

Remember, Rigby.....you don't know how the law works. You don't know how defamation works. You don't know how drop boxes work. You don't know how elections work. Which tends to hamper your argument.

The original intent of absentee ballots was to only service those with dire need.
It was not intended and is not legal to use to avoid ID checks.
Dropping off votes for others who could easily have come in and had an ID check, is highly and completely illegal according to the generic principles of how voting must be conducted.
What legislation says is irrelevant, since the legislation likely is also in violation of actual law.
That is not how law works.
If he has any actual belief in his claims being true, even if wild conspiracies, then is protected from slander or libel laws.
He has to know he is lying before he can be found guilty, by law.
If he has proof, then the people he is attacking should be convicted.
That is a much higher bar.
He does not need proof, just reasonable suspicion.

Nope. There's reckless disregard for whether the claims were true or not. Its the Sullivan standard.

Remember, you don't actually know anything about the law. The courts do. Which might explain why Northern District Court in Georgia fully permitted defamation lawsuits to proceed.

Your imagination and assurances of 'how the law works' vs. an actual judge on what constitutes defamation has the same winner every time.

Not you.
You demanded an investigation. They did an investigation. They found no fraud.

Just because you don't like the results of the very investigations you call for don't make them invalid. Worse, you demonstrate why your demands for investigations are so pointless.

As the only outcome you will accept is what ever affirms what you already believe. And you what you believe......is blithering idiocy, backed by nothing. And if the investigations show no fraud.....you'll just ignore them.

Worse, you lie to support that idiocy. Remember the 'mules' you keep referencing but can't back up? Remember all that 'fraud' in Georgia that you insist has been 'proven', but can't actually show us?

I do.
The investigation was a sham. You know that.
The original intent of absentee ballots was to only service those with dire need.
It was not intended and is not legal to use to avoid ID checks.

Who says that its not legal to use drop boxes to drop off your vote? Not the Secretary of State of Georgia. Not the State of Georgia in 2020. Not the federal judiciary. And certainly not the Georgia State judiciary.

Its just you, citing, insisting that you define what 'legal' is.

Alas, no one cares what you think is legal. And certainly not the vote counters in Georgia.
Except...it wsn't. Take, Mark Andrews. D'Souza used him as his poster child, showing Andrews dropping off a handful of ballots at a ballot box and insisting that '...this was a crime. What you're watching is a crime...' while trying to connect Mark to a broader conspiracy about 'mules' and a vast plot to commit election fraud.

But it wasn't. Mark was dropping off the ballots for himself, his wife and his 3 adult children that lived with him. Which is perfectly legal in Georgia.

And Mark can absolutely sue for defamation. Says who? Says the judge that allowed discovery for the suit to proceed.

With the actual complaint that is going to trial in the Northern District of Georgia here.

Remember, Rigby.....you don't know how the law works. You don't know how defamation works. You don't know how drop boxes work. You don't know how elections work. Which tends to hamper your argument.

Everyone knows how law works because that is a requirement of all laws.
If it were not true, then ignorance of the law would be a valid excuse to get off for violating laws.

I know exactly how defamation works.
Its judges and lawyers who obviously do not, like in the Jean Carroll case, where she illegally accused Trump of rape, and then she sued him when he just legally defended himself from her obvious lie.

And yes we all know how drop boxes work since we have all used them.
And yes we all know how elections work and fail, like the 2000 election failure.
Obvious nonsense.

Every count, recount, machine count, hand recount, audit, foreinsic audit, official tally, law enforcement investigation, and electoral count show the same result:

A landslide victory for Biden.

Every single Big Lie case brought before the court was laughed out of it. The record of failure for your silly conspiracy, in court, is 100%.

I'm gonna go with the actual vote tallies over some dude on the internet that insists he knows better.

That is any incredibly obvious lie.
Every single time they audit of recount, they get DIFFERENT results.
It has always been that way.
And your claim it was a "landslide" is clearly a lie as well, since the difference was only 3%.
That is not how law works.
If he has any actual belief in his claims being true, even if wild conspiracies, then is protected from slander or libel laws.
He has to know he is lying before he can be found guilty, by law.
If he has proof, then the people he is attacking should be convicted.
That is a much higher bar.
He does not need proof, just reasonable suspicion.
Most ridiculous definition of slander I have ever heard
Basically, unless you admit you are lying, you can’t be found liable

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