Ding Dong Unions killing off another great American institution

What everyone in America need to learn about is "Sustainable profits".
What are sustainable profits?
When a company makes enough money to pay for past, current and FUTURE expenses.
you're apparently contradicting yourself...
True, Generics are just store brands nowadays. They're usually made by the same company who just re-labels them and ships em for the dollar stores all over the nation in different packaging.

Same holds true for paper products like store brand toilet paper and paper towels.

CORRECTION: Generics, i.e., store brands, and other name brands have been on the market for years.
Yes, that's my point, but they have not been as popular as they are now thanks to the economic downturn AND the generics are often good enough to be indistinguishable or even BETTER than the name brand.
A US economy based on consumer spending cannot long last.
esp when combined with globalism.

exactly...we are experiencing over consumption blow back so to speak (in the labor market). American's can benefit for so long from a debt until its time to pay it back, and let me tell you paying back the debt is going to break our balls!

And at least 90% of that debt was incurred after we became a consumer spending based economy and a debtor nation in the 80's.
What everyone in America need to learn about is "Sustainable profits".
What are sustainable profits?
When a company makes enough money to pay for past, current and FUTURE expenses.

And that is pretty much impossible in a consumer spending economy when much of our consumables we buy is imported.

And we must stagnate at best our wages to compete with the global economy.
What everyone in America need to learn about is "Sustainable profits".
What are sustainable profits?
When a company makes enough money to pay for past, current and FUTURE expenses.

And that is pretty much impossible in a consumer spending economy when much of our consumables we buy is imported.

And we must stagnate at best our wages to compete with the global economy.
Of course, many point to Bretton Woods as a source of much of this problem.
What everyone in America need to learn about is "Sustainable profits".
What are sustainable profits?
When a company makes enough money to pay for past, current and FUTURE expenses.

And that is pretty much impossible in a consumer spending economy when much of our consumables we buy is imported.

And we must stagnate at best our wages to compete with the global economy.

And it is not going to change.
We are experiencing the beginning of a permanent negative adjustment to American standard of living. Thanks to the WalMart mentality of the clueless - comfortably numb American consumer - and total corruption of the financial sector and government.
We are basically screwed...and all we do is point fingers at each other.
It is not too late to stop the madness - but it's not going to happen...politicians have their respective constituents thoroughly engaged in the us and them war.:confused:
Yep we is screwed. And in reality we did ti to ourselves. We oculd have voted differently for congress and spent differently and not lived on credit, etc.
Yep we is screwed. And in reality we did ti to ourselves. We oculd have voted differently for congress and spent differently and not lived on credit, etc.

Hey at least I will be able to say I didn't take part in it.
My daughters long-term boyfriend who she will likely marry has 140 acres with a large house on it. I hope it never comes to it - but at least I will have a place to go if things truly go south.
Yep we is screwed. And in reality we did ti to ourselves. We oculd have voted differently for congress and spent differently and not lived on credit, etc.

Hey at least I will be able to say I didn't take part in it.
My daughters long-term boyfriend who she will likely marry has 140 acres with a large house on it. I hope it never comes to it - but at least I will have a place to go if things truly go south.

The computer you are typing on was not made in Asia?
and I too have a survivable situation here. Raise cows and grain and hay and garden vegetables. Have lots of food stashed away and if I could only get that darned oil/gas well drilled I would have free energy.
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From the article.

"Consumers have been buying other snacks, such as yogurt, and more wheat bread. White bread's popularity has plunged from being eaten in 54 percent of all U.S. homes in 2000 to 36 percent last year, according to consumer-marketing research firm NPD Group."

Unions caused that drop in sales.

This is a great point. A large part of the problem is that what Hostess makes has largely been in decline as a market. Instead of adapting, they just figured they could take it out on teh working guys on the line.

Drive the company under, way to stick it to the man!
From the article.

"Consumers have been buying other snacks, such as yogurt, and more wheat bread. White bread's popularity has plunged from being eaten in 54 percent of all U.S. homes in 2000 to 36 percent last year, according to consumer-marketing research firm NPD Group."

Unions caused that drop in sales.

This is a great point. A large part of the problem is that what Hostess makes has largely been in decline as a market. Instead of adapting, they just figured they could take it out on teh working guys on the line.

Drive the company under, way to stick it to the man!

Just who took part in driving the company under?
do a bit of research.
You might look less stupid.
Yep we is screwed. And in reality we did ti to ourselves. We oculd have voted differently for congress and spent differently and not lived on credit, etc.

Hey at least I will be able to say I didn't take part in it.
My daughters long-term boyfriend who she will likely marry has 140 acres with a large house on it. I hope it never comes to it - but at least I will have a place to go if things truly go south.

The computer you are typing on was not made in Asia?
and I too have a survivable situation here. Raise cows and grain and hay and garden vegetables. Have lots of food stashed away and if I could only get that darned oil/gas well drilled I would have free energy.

Nope - ZaReason Computers - CA.
Never thought I would see the day when a small group of us scoped out the grounds and discussed initial plans. Surreal...I am no conspiracy theorist or gun-ho-the-sky is falling survivalist...but it isn't difficult to see another 10 years down the road we will be in a very different situation.
Yep and void the contractual obligations they made. What good are corporations if they do not honor their contracts?

Right wingers think everything has a simple answer/cause. Not so. This is due to increased sugar costs due to increased production costs due to increased energy/oil prices.
Also America is eating a bit healthier. Their delivery costs also went up due to increased fuel costs.
And the unions have already made 2 rounds of concessions.

But in the RW mind it is all the unions fault.

it may just be time for that company to fail if they cannot uphold their contracts they made in good faith.

What good are contracts if the company goes under?
Increased sugar costs? Thanks to government interference.
This is a great point. A large part of the problem is that what Hostess makes has largely been in decline as a market. Instead of adapting, they just figured they could take it out on teh working guys on the line.

Drive the company under, way to stick it to the man!

Just who took part in driving the company under?
do a bit of research.
You might look less stupid.

Just who took part in driving the company under?

I'm sure there is plenty of blame to go around.
Complicated union contracts is one part.
DALLAS (AP) – The company that makes Twinkies, Wonder bread and Ding Dongs says it's making a final offer to workers to accept cost-cutting before it asks a bankruptcy court to impose the cuts.

The company said Saturday that if the unions reject the offer, it will push ahead with efforts in bankruptcy court to throw out the unions' collective bargaining agreements.

Workers represented by the Teamsters and the bakery and confectionary workers' unions voted in February to authorize a strike. Rayburn said that if workers walk off the job, the company will be forced to shut down and liquidate.

Twinkies maker Hostess gives unions 'final' offer
Twinkiws, Wonder bread and Ding Dongs. All more proof that murkins are fucking idiots. OMG! OMG ! No more Frosted Flakes:cuckoo::cuckoo:

For the union supporters;

Are you aware that Hostess will close it's doors forever if they can't cut costs?

It's not about sticking it to the worker, it's about saving the job so the worker can come to work.

damn you people are stuck on Shit St. and can't see the Highway to Heaven b/c of your blinders.
:lol::lol::lol: murkins[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOUilxJWm24]FRITO BANDITO COMMERCIAL - YouTube[/ame]
Here's another murkin gem. The name "Tonto" is Spanish for fool or idiot. I know. You didn't know.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLg5fOZ2S4I]Lone Ranger and Tonto - YouTube[/ame]

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