Twinkie factories to reopen - with non-union labor

This didn't take long...

Twinkies Are Back and Union Wants in on the Action | Wall St. Cheat Sheet

In a statement made Friday, BCTGM questioned the choice to employ non-union workers saying “Rather than hire professional, experienced bakers who have produced quality snack cakes in the company’s bakeries for decades, Hostess management has chosen instead to hire primarily workers with little or no experience in the demanding wholesale snack cake baking industry.”

the union workers, i am very sure would have been hired..... but as non union workers.

Good for them being a non union shop!!!
This is also why wages in this country are not only stagnant, but they are going down.

Unions artificially inflate the cost of labor with no real inherent increase in the quality of the labor force. Unions have one purpose these days... to line their own pockets.
Most important lesson to be learned here, is that when huge union demands are destroying your business, the way to get rid of them is to declare bankruptcy and shut down. Then you can reopen under new management... rid of the union thugs.

BTW, were you wondering why Obama etc. bailed out GM instead of letting it go bankrupt? They would have reopened a short time afterward, you know, under new management. And gone right back to making cars, with the same employees if they wanted the jobs.

But the unions would never have voted massively for Obama again.

And now you know... the rest of the story.


Net Revenues for the Last Three Years

•53 Weeks Ended June 2, 2012: $2.467 billion
•52 Weeks Ended May 28, 2011: $2.474 billion
•52 Weeks Ended May 29, 2010: $2.585 billion
Did Hostess Go Bankrupt In 2012 Because People No Longer Find Twinkies Appealing? - Forbes

Net revenue...That tells one small part of the story.
Nice try though.
When will you libs get it through your heads that the primary function of a business is to turn a profit for the owners and if applicable, any investors.
Now, is this done at 'all costs'? Certainly not. Companies that hire employees must take care to project a positive image lest the company struggle to hire employees.
Unions, however add another element. A middle man of sorts. Well, over the last 30 or 40 years, American business has been 'cutting out the middle man'..
Most important lesson to be learned here, is that when huge union demands are destroying your business, the way to get rid of them is to declare bankruptcy and shut down. Then you can reopen under new management... rid of the union thugs.

BTW, were you wondering why Obama etc. bailed out GM instead of letting it go bankrupt? They would have reopened a short time afterward, you know, under new management. And gone right back to making cars, with the same employees if they wanted the jobs.

But the unions would never have voted massively for Obama again.

And now you know... the rest of the story.


Unions Force Twinkies Out of Business, Twinkies Re-Opens With 1,500 New Hires? None Union - Liberty News

Unions Force Twinkies Out of Business, Twinkies Re-Opens With 1,500 New Hires… None Union

by Eric Odom
Published: April 27, 2013 | 90 Comments

Dear union thugs, let this be a lesson.

The company that bought the Twinkie, HoHo and Ding Dong brands out of bankruptcy is gearing up to reopen plants and hire workers, but it won’t be using union labor.

Hostess Brands — Metropoulos & Co. and Apollo Global Management’s APO -0.58% new incarnation of the baking company that liquidated in Chapter 11 — is reopening four bakeries in the next eight to 10 weeks, aiming to get Twinkie-deprived consumers the classic snack cake starting in July.

Chief Executive C. Dean Metropoulos said the company will pump $60 million in capital investments into the plants between now and September and aims to hire at least 1,500 workers. But they won’t be represented by unions, including the one whose nationwide strike sparked the 86-year-old company’s decision to shut down in November.

When you make unrealistic demands and force companies to shut down, don’t expect the company to re-open with arms wide open to your ilk.

The Unions didn't force anyone out business.

These guys pulled a "Romney". They larded the company with debt, took their money and left the table with workers holding the bag.

It, of course, broke the Union..

This is also why wages in this country are not only stagnant, but they are going down.

Oh please. What a bunch of pro union socialist garbage.
The workers held nothing. The workers have no skin in the game. Unless they were investors themselves owned stock. Doubtful though, typical union worker stays as detached from their employer as possible.
"Wages are going down"...Prove it...And don't post anything from one of these pro union websites or think progress
This didn't take long...

Twinkies Are Back and Union Wants in on the Action | Wall St. Cheat Sheet

In a statement made Friday, BCTGM questioned the choice to employ non-union workers saying “Rather than hire professional, experienced bakers who have produced quality snack cakes in the company’s bakeries for decades, Hostess management has chosen instead to hire primarily workers with little or no experience in the demanding wholesale snack cake baking industry.”

well, the company still has a choice, does it?

or choice is nowadays reserved for killing the innocent babies ONLY?

Just for that, you can haz no cheezburger.

At least give the dude a twinkie.
This is also why wages in this country are not only stagnant, but they are going down.

Unions artificially inflate the cost of labor with no real inherent increase in the quality of the labor force. Unions have one purpose these days... to line their own pockets.

And the last thing we need in this country is a well compensated work force.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Most important lesson to be learned here, is that when huge union demands are destroying your business, the way to get rid of them is to declare bankruptcy and shut down. Then you can reopen under new management... rid of the union thugs.

BTW, were you wondering why Obama etc. bailed out GM instead of letting it go bankrupt? They would have reopened a short time afterward, you know, under new management. And gone right back to making cars, with the same employees if they wanted the jobs.

But the unions would never have voted massively for Obama again.

And now you know... the rest of the story.


Unions Force Twinkies Out of Business, Twinkies Re-Opens With 1,500 New Hires? None Union - Liberty News

Unions Force Twinkies Out of Business, Twinkies Re-Opens With 1,500 New Hires… None Union

by Eric Odom
Published: April 27, 2013 | 90 Comments

Dear union thugs, let this be a lesson.

The company that bought the Twinkie, HoHo and Ding Dong brands out of bankruptcy is gearing up to reopen plants and hire workers, but it won’t be using union labor.

Hostess Brands — Metropoulos & Co. and Apollo Global Management’s APO -0.58% new incarnation of the baking company that liquidated in Chapter 11 — is reopening four bakeries in the next eight to 10 weeks, aiming to get Twinkie-deprived consumers the classic snack cake starting in July.

Chief Executive C. Dean Metropoulos said the company will pump $60 million in capital investments into the plants between now and September and aims to hire at least 1,500 workers. But they won’t be represented by unions, including the one whose nationwide strike sparked the 86-year-old company’s decision to shut down in November.

When you make unrealistic demands and force companies to shut down, don’t expect the company to re-open with arms wide open to your ilk.

"To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!” was supposedly said by Theodore Roosevelt who tried to settle the coal strike of 1902.

I say "To hell with the Unions when the people want Twinkies!!"
This is also why wages in this country are not only stagnant, but they are going down.

Unions artificially inflate the cost of labor with no real inherent increase in the quality of the labor force. Unions have one purpose these days... to line their own pockets.

And the last thing we need in this country is a well compensated work force.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Oh please....

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