Diphtheria returns in Venezuela

Children are dying, so save the socialist - leftist - democrat dream jokes for another thread.

Long-eradicated diphtheria reappears in Venezuela; government blames the CIA

So far it has killed four children.

More than 20 cases have been reported in just one month, including those four fatalities in the southern state of Bolivar.

This week the sense of urgency went up a few notches when a possible case of diphtheria was reported in Caracas’ Military Hospital, considered the country’s best.

The reappearance of diphtheria, a disease not seen here in more than 20 years, is the worst symptom yet of the country’s broken health system.

Fearing government retaliation, doctors from Bolivar’s Hospital of Guaiparo Raul Leoni opted to do not reveal their identities when on Sept. 21 they reported they had four diphtheria cases, which soon turned into 23.

In the following days, two other states, Sucre and Nueva Esparta, reported a total of four cases to the Venezuelan Society of Infectious Diseases. All four patients have ties with people who had recently visited Bolivar.

When last week the Ministry of Health finally made the announcement acknowledging the resurgence of diphtheria, Diosdado Cabello, a prominent Chavista, said Venezuela is the target of a "germ warfare orchestrated by the CIA labs."

and plz no bs about how it will be magically better here.

lol.... No it's really simple. This is socialism. Socialism ruins everything. The more of it you have, the more problems will come about.

How? Well, it's like Bed Bugs. Bed bugs used to be almost a child's myth. "Turn out the lights, and don't let the bed bugs bite".

Many people forgot they were real. In the 1800s, 1 out of 3 people had seen a bed bug, and most had been bitten by them.

Then all of a sudden with the rise of wealth and technology, they vanished. By the 1950s, some labs had to order bed bugs from other countries to find ones alive. They were gone... with the advent of strong pesticides like DDT.

By the 1980s and 1990s, when I grew up, we thought bed bugs were like the tooth fairy. Just a children's rhythm.

But something happened.... the government over the past 30 years banned all those pesticides. Bed bugs came roaring back. Now they are everywhere.

Another example? Screwworm flies are back.
Flesh-eating screwworm infestation could spread north

Diseases once thought eradicated reappear in the U.S.
Measels is back.

Why are eradicated illnesses coming back? Well, when Polio was eradicated, the vaccines were sold by profit driven companies. Today most vaccines are price capped. Many of the standard flu vaccines, the companies producing them have dwindled to only 2 major suppliers. Meanwhile new vaccines not yet price capped, and highly profitable get tons of investment, such as treatment for Zika, while Measles, whooping cough, starts making it's way back into America.

In fact, there have been reports of a Polio like virus that has spread in certain parts of Florida. Which honestly, is terrifying.

But this is what socialism does. Everything that is socialized ends up in ruins. Everything. If we go down the same path as Venezuela, which is exactly what we seem to be doing with Bernie Sanders making such a great show this election.... We'll have Diphtheria here in the US. Along with screwworms eating our flesh, and bed bugs, and bot flies, and Polio..... it will all come back.

Doesn't have to. Just change course. Just go back to the Capitalism that made us the greatest country on Earth, and Venezuela the leading economy in south America. We can fix all of it.

But we head down the road to ruins, and join the Soviets, and we'll ruin everything.
Diatomaceous earth easily kills bed bugs and it is mined right here in the good ole' USA.
did a search on that

people selling product says it works
people not selling product says it's a mix or doesn't work.
Children are dying, so save the socialist - leftist - democrat dream jokes for another thread.

Long-eradicated diphtheria reappears in Venezuela; government blames the CIA

So far it has killed four children.

More than 20 cases have been reported in just one month, including those four fatalities in the southern state of Bolivar.

This week the sense of urgency went up a few notches when a possible case of diphtheria was reported in Caracas’ Military Hospital, considered the country’s best.

The reappearance of diphtheria, a disease not seen here in more than 20 years, is the worst symptom yet of the country’s broken health system.

Fearing government retaliation, doctors from Bolivar’s Hospital of Guaiparo Raul Leoni opted to do not reveal their identities when on Sept. 21 they reported they had four diphtheria cases, which soon turned into 23.

In the following days, two other states, Sucre and Nueva Esparta, reported a total of four cases to the Venezuelan Society of Infectious Diseases. All four patients have ties with people who had recently visited Bolivar.

When last week the Ministry of Health finally made the announcement acknowledging the resurgence of diphtheria, Diosdado Cabello, a prominent Chavista, said Venezuela is the target of a "germ warfare orchestrated by the CIA labs."

and plz no bs about how it will be magically better here.

lol.... No it's really simple. This is socialism. Socialism ruins everything. The more of it you have, the more problems will come about.

How? Well, it's like Bed Bugs. Bed bugs used to be almost a child's myth. "Turn out the lights, and don't let the bed bugs bite".

Many people forgot they were real. In the 1800s, 1 out of 3 people had seen a bed bug, and most had been bitten by them.

Then all of a sudden with the rise of wealth and technology, they vanished. By the 1950s, some labs had to order bed bugs from other countries to find ones alive. They were gone... with the advent of strong pesticides like DDT.

By the 1980s and 1990s, when I grew up, we thought bed bugs were like the tooth fairy. Just a children's rhythm.

But something happened.... the government over the past 30 years banned all those pesticides. Bed bugs came roaring back. Now they are everywhere.

Another example? Screwworm flies are back.
Flesh-eating screwworm infestation could spread north

Diseases once thought eradicated reappear in the U.S.
Measels is back.

Why are eradicated illnesses coming back? Well, when Polio was eradicated, the vaccines were sold by profit driven companies. Today most vaccines are price capped. Many of the standard flu vaccines, the companies producing them have dwindled to only 2 major suppliers. Meanwhile new vaccines not yet price capped, and highly profitable get tons of investment, such as treatment for Zika, while Measles, whooping cough, starts making it's way back into America.

In fact, there have been reports of a Polio like virus that has spread in certain parts of Florida. Which honestly, is terrifying.

But this is what socialism does. Everything that is socialized ends up in ruins. Everything. If we go down the same path as Venezuela, which is exactly what we seem to be doing with Bernie Sanders making such a great show this election.... We'll have Diphtheria here in the US. Along with screwworms eating our flesh, and bed bugs, and bot flies, and Polio..... it will all come back.

Doesn't have to. Just change course. Just go back to the Capitalism that made us the greatest country on Earth, and Venezuela the leading economy in south America. We can fix all of it.

But we head down the road to ruins, and join the Soviets, and we'll ruin everything.
Diatomaceous earth easily kills bed bugs and it is mined right here in the good ole' USA.
did a search on that

people selling product says it works
people not selling product says it's a mix or doesn't work.
I buy the 50 lb bags straight Diatomaceous earth to use here because of the dogs and cats. I tested it on chiggers, box elder bugs, fleas, ticks, spiders and everything else I could catch around here and it does work but it is not immediate like poison. It took from eleven up to twenty-six hours for some of them to die in the test.

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