Disappointed in God

Where, in the Bible, did God tell YOU to kill children? Where, in the Bible, did God say, "I AM will kill children? Look at the context. Look at the author. Look at the author's purpose and his original audience.
You mean learn to move the goalposts and often!
Your dismissive and simpleton responses that make you sound like you think that you know it all.
Wrong conclusion, because I know about 1 gram of what there is to know. I am focusing on a specific issue--seeking God, as I do have experience with that. I also try to be patient with those in this thread who stray off that topic onto something else. Those posts I give a brief response--and maybe that is what you are interpreting as 'simpleton'. By the way, seeking God is simple, but all of us our just as prone to stray from simple paths as the more complex ones.
To those who experienced trauma in their lives I must offer this: G-d does not always promise to answer "why". Trust me, I've been down that road many, many times in my life. But He does promise to see us THROUGH the difficulties if we trust Him and His plan for our lives. I think of the story of the footprints in the sand. Especially the part where the man questioned G-d as to why whenever the man went through difficulties in his life, there was only one set of footprints. In His response, G-d replied: "My child I would never, ever leave you. In those times you were going through trouble, the reason you only see one set of footprints, it was then I CARRIED you". Jesus promised never to leave us nor forsake us.
Wrong conclusion, because I know about 1 gram of what there is to know. I am focusing on a specific issue--seeking God, as I do have experience with that. I also try to be patient with those in this thread who stray off that topic onto something else. Those posts I give a brief response--and maybe that is what you are interpreting as 'simpleton'. By the way, seeking God is simple, but all of us our just as prone to stray from simple paths as the more complex ones.
I wasn't off topic, you simpleton.
How would you know where the authors placed the goalposts?

Right here, Buddy-Boy. G-d set the standards, we're the ones who want to change them to suit us, rather than abide by His.
To torment the creations he supposedly loves why else?.

If gods exist I don't expect anything from them therefore I can never be disappointed in them.
It's because of your expectation of what you believe God should do for the world that you don't believe God exists.

It's your perception of God that leads to your unreasonable expectations.
So why did god create Satan?
Satan was Lucifer, one of the highest Archangels and charged with covering the throne of G-d. Lucifer became so filled with pride that he thought he could overthrow G-d. So the LORD threw Satan and all of the angels that chose to follow him out of heaven. Satan is mankind's enemy. And Christ's death and resurrection sealed Satan's fate.
Satan was Lucifer, one of the highest Archangels and charged with covering the throne of G-d. Lucifer became so filled with pride that he thought he could overthrow G-d. So the LORD threw Satan and all of the angels that chose to follow him out of heaven. Satan is mankind's enemy. And Christ's death and resurrection sealed Satan's fate.
Funny how the god in the bible will kill humans with abandon if they displeased him but he decided not to destroy Lucifer but he instead unleashed Satan on us mere mortals
Per your perception of the texts of modern English via Western world lens.
Haha, no, that's not going to work. The content is what it is.

My Western lens is really just a modern lens and is really just code for far superior morality, ethics, and knowledge, in this case.

Yes, of course a primitive , stunted, poor attempt at morality seems terrible to a modern pperson. If it didn't, that would be very sad for humanity.

We have come a long way and do not need these childish toys any longer.
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