Disband the NSA!

We don't need them!

We need the NSA to intercept enemy communications, protect our's, and do special reconaissance no other intelligence agency is equipped to.
We don't need them!

If we do not need them, their actions are born from the wants of government. And thus, their projects will be shifted to other organizations within the government, because the government clearly wants to do these things regardless of need.

If we need them, their actions are born from necessity, and thus their projects will be shifted to other organizations within the government, because there is a need for these things to be done.

In either case, the best course of actions is to treat them like computer malware; confine their behavior to reduce the harm potential. Preferably by means of constitutional amendment to clarify individual freedoms, and legislative action to abolish avenues of abuse.
We need the NSA to intercept enemy communications, protect our's, and do special reconaissance no other intelligence agency is equipped to.

Those are legitimate missions. They don't belong in our personal lives.

To find bad guys, intrusion is inevitable. If innocent, it's a minor concern. Volunteer far more info than the government collects on Facebook and such sites. Concerns over government intrusion then are a red herring.
The people who just got their asses kicked out of office en masse, represent a pathetic gaggle of traitors who see in Edward Snowden, a hero. If we cut back monitoring of potential foreign threats, we need to redouble our domestic monitoring efforts of the far left, most of whom should be made to register with the FBI as traitors and potential terrorists, or terrorist collaborators.
We don't need them!

I joined your thread in hopes for insight................Seems like yet again you have the complex sentence "We don't need 'em"

Forgive the Americans that dismiss you, it's not their fault.

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