Disband the police force? Minneapolis wouldn't be the first to try it...Camden, NJ did...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Per CBC it's been done in the U.S before. I'm not saying it's an answer, certainly not for all places, but a new mindset needs to emerge. The Dirty Harry, Charles Bronson days are over. Anyone still clinging to that better find a new occupation. That's the reality in Canada where some jurisdictions are cutting help for the disabled and hungry kids to feed the police budgets.

There is a new generation that isn't the brightest, but they like to dismantle things far more than my generation did. Creative solutions aren't always bad, or good...


The entire force of cash-strapped Camden was disbanded a few years ago and reconstituted with a new mentality drilled into its officers: community service.

Out went the urban-warrior attitude. In came the guardians. The new departmental policy said officers would no longer be judged by their number of arrests and tickets.

Instead, they were told to patrol on foot, mingle with residents, and build a reservoir of trust to draw upon in a crisis.

A police reform experiment

Residents of Camden, located near Philadelphia, say it's been successful. Murders are down by two-thirds since the year before the police reform, and overall violent crime is down nearly half.
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Just talking to my daughter about this. They need to go further and require that those officers be residents of the community they police.
That's the reality in Canada where some jurisdictions are cutting help for the disabled and hungry kids to feed the police budgets.
But what need have you for police? I thought Canada was a model society, peaceful, no guns nor crime!

Instead, they were told to patrol on foot, mingle with residents, and build a reservoir of trust to draw upon in a crisis.
Can I get a good blowjob from a pretty female cop? Then they would REALLY have my trust! Bend down and kiss and shine my boots as well.

Residents of Camden, located near Philadelphia, say it's been successful. Murders are down by two-thirds since the year before the police reform, and overall violent crime is down nearly half.
No doubt because if you aren't out there looking for it or catching it, you sure as heck can't COUNT it. Stats look good, everyone is happy.

By that logic, if lowering police can reduce crime, then totally eliminating them can abolish crime!
Who woulda thunk? Police were the CAUSE of crime!
Now all we need to do is eliminate courts, judges, lawyers and prisons. No prisoners, no convicts, no crime.
That's the reality in Canada where some jurisdictions are cutting help for the disabled and hungry kids to feed the police budgets.
But what need have you for police? I thought Canada was a model society, peaceful, no guns nor crime!

Instead, they were told to patrol on foot, mingle with residents, and build a reservoir of trust to draw upon in a crisis.
Can I get a good blowjob from a pretty female cop? Then they would REALLY have my trust! Bend down and kiss and shine my boots as well.

Residents of Camden, located near Philadelphia, say it's been successful. Murders are down by two-thirds since the year before the police reform, and overall violent crime is down nearly half.
No doubt because if you aren't out there looking for it or catching it, you sure as heck can't COUNT it. Stats look good, everyone is happy.

By that logic, if lowering police can reduce crime, then totally eliminating can abolish crime!
Who woulda thunk? Police were the CAUSE of crime!
Now all we need to do is eliminate courts, judges, lawyers and prisons. No prisoners, no convicts, no crime.
"By that logic, if lowering police can reduce crime, then totally eliminating can abolish crime!"

Thats some retarded logic you miscreant.
Wait until it hits the fan, they'll demand protection. Who will give it?
Legalize crime. The crime rate is going to go down.

We did for some issues (like weed). The problem has always been the dishonesty of police in Canada, especially detectives and undercovers. More and more the cameras have caught them outright lying and being full of shyte. Thus few trust nor even support police as we once did, I think they re only NOW starting to sense the immense pushback and the powers that be are scrambling to keep the trough full. Covid-19 certainly helped when 500 just didn't show up for work one day.
The community members. No different than today.


Yeah. That's been working out really well in the big cities as they riot, loot, burn, and murder.



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